Waste of Godspeed

Waste of Godspeed
The "I am a god, the God of Speed" bit was fucking cringe

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It's the same comic origin?

Godspeed is cringe in the comics too

Nope, he's a nobody that uses Velocity 9 in the future

Was CW Flash ever anything but cringe? So much wasted potential.

Didn’t they already do his thing with Savitar instead

Godspeed is a trash character that is best left forgotten

It's a good name for a villain but Augustus is utter trash. Hell there are too many evil speedsters as it is. Just leave it at the respective hero's reverse and call it a day.

Counterpoint: no he's not.

Found the Red Hood obsessed fanboy

Nice try but I'm more or less ambivalent towards red hood.

How would you fix Godspeed?
My friends from my comic club told me it would be cool if he was a man that was made entirely of speedforce energy, what do you think user?

Is that Poison-Spidey?

>Was CW Flash ever anything but cringe?
This. What a terrible show. Why are you watching it?

August Heart is a great name too.

Not him but that's a terrible idea. We don't need more Speed Force nonsense. That has effectively stagnated Flash comics. I don't even think you can fix Godspeed unless he's like a hyper religious "warrior of god" who got magic powers of speed from accidentally touching an artifact Mercury once empowered

>That has effectively stagnated Flash comics.
The speed force storm was a long time I was interested in the flash tho.

Read more Flash

Bruh, he sucks.

Uh, What if it was a New Genesis artefact?

Reminds me of Rival (Edward Clariss) from the comics. I think he ran too fast into the speedforce and lost his physical body so to come back he had to inhabit a body.

As for Godspeed, I would've made him a villain a lot more slowly. No Oprah Speedforce for everyone but an accident like Barry's or Wally's. Maybe the guy's crazy religious and thinks it's some divine power given to him by God to use for good. Then as shit happens he starts gradually turning from a speedster guardian angel of the people to a force of vengeance.

Barry confronts him for going too far etc etc.

Heh, so instead of speedster Red Hood you have speedster Red Hood-Azrael... eh not much of an improvement.

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So the consensus on this thread is that Godspeed is a shit flash rogue, right?
But tell me anons, What would be a good new flash villain? (Let say they can be a permanent rogue or just a one-shot villain).

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I think a good concept for him was a non-speed force speedster tired of Flash shit. That being able to tap into some ambiguous semi-sentient shouldn't make you top dog.

The problem with Godspeed is that he's an anti-hero/antagonist focused solely on the speed force for one specific plotline (and now a pawn in some other bullshit). Honestly if he wasn't at full Flash strength he could be a good villain for another hero.

A good Flash villain would be one that makes all the blood rush to Barry's penis the faster he goes

Nah he's cool.

Flash rogues tend to be either very organized (Rogues with a capital R) or utterly psychotic (Professor Zoom, Inertia)

A villain with non-neutonian physics so a goop pile that gets stronger when hit with more force. Hit him hard enough and he just shatter into pieces that can reform or act independently. So, Clayman without the disguises but fucked up physics.

>A good Flash villain would be one that makes all the blood rush to Barry's penis the faster he goes
Or that.

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every speedforce villain is retarded

That's why we go with time-based villains who are even more ungodly fast.

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>A villain with non-neutonian physics so a goop pile that gets stronger when hit with more force. Hit him hard enough and he just shatter into pieces that can reform or act independently. So, Clayman without the disguises but fucked up physics.

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I came up with a Flash Rogue once, though it's probably bad fanfic. It was a woman who secreted inertia sapping slime and carried a huge storage tank to contain her excess goo, called her The Snail. Wanted her to be the getaway driver for Captain Cold and company, in a van labeled S-Cargo

Go ahead and laugh

Guess I walked into that one.

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>in a van labeled S-cargo
Why would I laugh at genius?

Tell me she drove so slowly that the Rogues got out and decided to just walk with the loot.

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Same real name, but different.

Aw, thanks.
Actually the joke is she's a pretty great driver. She's mainly a lookout, and has telescopic eye wear to invoke the snail eye stalk imagery. Like you know how you get that new intern who wants to prove themselves and you give them the shit job that they're surprisingly good at? That's her.

He looked pretty damn good, though.

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Something something Codpiece


I can definitely get behind that. Little periscope eyestalks.

How potent is her slime? Like if Flash had a mason jar's worth tossed at him would he slow to a crawl, be totally immobilized, or just lose a significant chunk of speed but still be faster than an average human?

Who's ready for Red Death next season?

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Boy I didn't think I'd be in a pitch meeting tonight but alright. So her suit and storage tank are mostly a containment suit for her mutated body, not really intended to be weaponized. The tank on her back obviously invokes the shell imagery, and her soft body invokes a sense of vulnerability. She can't really run a marathon with this thing on, but perhaps Golden Glider teaches her to skate/slide on the smile she shoots. I don't know. Anyway the idea was her slime either creates a completely friction-less surface, or perhaps sapping the inertia/speed force out of a speedster enough to reduce them to say a fast moving car. Kind of like how Cold's gun slows them down just enough to get a few shots in. Coating a substance with it could slow it to a crawl, like if The Rogues wanted to rob a fast moving train carrying something.

Well, he was voiced by B.D. Wong.

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They gonna introduce Batman just so people get the bat motif?

I haven't watched CW Flash much but it seems like a lot of the big name villains got horribly squandered or they turned literally whos into the big bads of the season.

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ITT: OCs who are better than the source villains.

Batwoman's already been introduced so that's not an issue, but goddamn they have a lot of work to do for the character. For one Red Death was fucking terrible, only beaten for worse EbilBat by Edgy Lantern, but also the whole premise of the character relies on the Dark Multiverse, which even if they incorporate into the main Multiverse seems like a clustefuck and just another excuse for Grant to play Emo Barry again.

I don't read flash comics or watch the show, but I am curious about how many villains he has who are just Fast Guys.

I liked the character design for Red Death but that's about it--the whole Metal series did very little for me. It seems like a lot of work for a single villain unless they work the Dark Multiverse into some giant crossover event.

>I don't read flash comics or watch the show, but I am curious about how many villains he has who are just Fast Guys.
I'm pretty sure 60% of Flash Villains are tied to the speed force in some way.

Going off the top of my head, bear in mind the villains may belong to a certain Flash.

Edward Clariss/Rival - Jay Garrick's Reverse Flash
Professor Zoom
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Red Death
Owen Mercer/Capt. Boomerang II (He could go fast for very brief moments but I don't really count him)

Yeah you have Rogues, then a few outliers, and then Fast guys.

Hue, forgot Black Flash aka Speedster Death
Needless to say, there's a lot.

Black Flash was kinda interesting.
>Speedsters are so fast they outran death.
Probably one of the few Speedster villains I like.

>They need their own Grim Reaper because he couldn't keep up.
Good times.

I know the Black Racer showed up at least once but he's more Fourth World than Flash related.

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Did they ever explain the connection between Racer and Flash?
Like did they Flash gets annihilated and Racer took up his post?

Like for the Darkseid War? Death needed a physical host to be controlled and Barry got forced to take up the mantle. He did manage to split away though.

Give her tank treads.

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Yo! Is this from the Dial H book?