
The insomniac Finn (might consider using that as a namefag in the future) delivers another episode of Moominvalley for the english speaking folk, even though this particular episode had its english dub leaked weeks before.
I did shamelessly crossreference *coughcopycough* the dub dialogue while translating the subs, so there may seem to have few oddities. Atleast compared to past episodes subs.

Yksin kotona. (Night of the Groke)

And yes, Snufkin does appear in this episode and there are some SnufkinxMoomin moments for you fujos. No Little My or Snorkmaiden at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wake up and eat your carrots.

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>Never owned any Moomin merch my entire life
>Last week this happened
You're bankrupting me. Been watching the English version on tv, compared it to your subs and it's almost identical so that's good.

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Oh and got this big guy too.

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I almost hate to do this, but I dare you to make a pilgrimage to Japan and visit the Moomin cafe, where you can request a moomin plushy to sit with you as part of their "anti-loneliness feature"

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Am already going to Japan this October so will have to hit it up. I see they have their own Moomin World park as well. I wish they'd build an actual theme park with rides and stuff though or license out and get a land in a Universal/Disney/Six Flags or something.

Had to be done.

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She's creepy as fuck

But will you stick your dick in it and provide her warmth that she so desperately seeks?

Certainly not. My dick is reserved for Snufkin's cute little ass.

where can I watch these episodes? my usual cartoon website only has two episodes

Your lack of enthusiasm disapoints Snufkin.

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Moomin is equally displeased

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Dude is that the like, three foot tall Moomin? I've been eying him up something fierce. Tell me, is he perfect?

15 inches I believe and yes he is, soft as fuck. Made by Aurora. Just wish his eyes were blue. He's seems to be based off the comic though where he did have black eyes so make sense. I've ordered this one from Japan too which is based on the anime.

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>Moomin is 15 inches

>One user causes another to go into bankruptcy via motherfucking Moomins
What a time to be alive.

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Not literally of course, got lots of money fortunately.

It is a travesty that Stinky is not making an appearance in this series.

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I want to fuck Snufkin

Little My isn't a female icon, she is a LGBT icon, and that's a very different thing.

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It's ok if that's the purpose. Yea Forums only represents male young adults, they aren't all the possible readerships. Maybe Moomin Valley doesn't need them. You can keep it just like it was if it is necessary, but Yea Forums has a different taste.

These characters are going to suffer of a Darth Vader paradox. They are exactly like their parents and a relationship between them is complicated (most part of internet people try to turn a blind eye to the matter if they need to but I'm not sure about more normal readers, I don't know), there is another solution to this problem but to be honest it's a little pointless if we take into account the readers of LGBT things.

I leave for now.

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Thanks, I've been looking for these for a while.


I agree.

Here I bought a load of Moomin merch because of these threads and the new show. It was an expensive all in one go purchase which was expensive but it was an exaggeration. My bank balance remains in the five digits of course.

>LGBT icon
How so? If anyones an LGBT icon, its Tooticky, who was inspired by the original authors lover.

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Little My is actually a full grown woman who is just small, so why is she beating up children? She’s older than Snufkin.

Don't lie to yourself. You just want to stick your dick inside a sassy lass without feeling bad for being a pedo.

Nah I want to fuck Snufkin, she can watch as I violate her brother though.

For what purpose?

None of your damn business you nosey fucker

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Moominvalley feels like a swamp compared to the old anime. Where's the valleys?

Snufkin isn't My's brother.

>Another cartoon gets a shitty 3D revival
Just fucking kill me

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Yes he is.

He's only her half brother, which means you're half wrong.

Forgot pic. They have the same mother, Mymble. Snufkin’s father is Joxter whereas Little My’s father is unknown. You clearly have not read the novels or comic books.

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They’re still related faggot.

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Just read this book. It’s CUTE. Never seen anything quite like it.

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That is great collection. I have only ever own the mugs really.

Thank you. I want a few more of the mugs but they’re too expensive. I can say I have one Arabia and one Muurla at least. They’re nice.

I got this one a month ago, he's also like 15in, perfect for hugging. I want the 32in one, but he's about $150, so I gotta save up a bit first.

I had to really curb myself cause I almost did this too. I'd swear you'd been collecting for years with how much you got at once.

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Oh dear, another one?
I am so sorry for ruining anons wallets.

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He's adorable, can't wait for him to arrive. Most people would just buy one book here or there until they had a complete set but I'm more impulsive and need complete sets of things all at once if possible, that way it's done rather than worrying that it may go out of print or out of stock or prices may jump. Fortunately I'm lucky in that prices have gone up since the show has started airing so I bought my stuff just at the right time so I'm very happy. I'd love to see other people's collections.

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Where’s your collection op? You must be a fan to translate it and all.

The only Moomin related thing I have is a cookie container that was part of a set and cost like 8 euros or something.
Here is quick google image search result of the red can I got. I have no access to a camera of any kind at the moment.

Started doing the subtitle translations because I figured it was piss easy and it actually was.
Maybe there is a hint of national pride as a Finn too.

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Nice. Is it true Moomin stuff can be found everywhere in Finland? Are the Arabia mugs just as expensive there as everywhere else? £20 or so each in the UK. Also how do you feel about Darude representing Finland at Eurovision this year?

Haven't looked at the mugs or their prices, since I already have serviceable bland mugs in use.
I think they ranged around 12-15 euros?
As for other things, there's loads of it.
Towels, eating utenils for kids, clothes, bedsheets, a fucking sauna skullcap for purpose of melting your brain inside your skull and of course the classic toy sets of the Moomin house and the moomin boat.

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Geez. Does the anime and movie still air on YLE? Does MoominWorld get a lot of advertisement despite not really having anything there?

The anime had to be re-dubbed (poorly) because YLE hate paying the old dub.

2 episodes on Saturday and 2 episodes on Sunday, but they are not on the YLE channel. They are on the commercial MTV3 channel and as mentioned, they got redubbed.

Oh, they also air 2 episodes each weekday morning on SUB channel.

Ah jealous. The UK DVDs only go up to episode 52 or something which is annoying. The rest are seemingly online though. The show hasn't aired here since the late 90s.

Fuck off amerikkalaiset kehitysmaalaiset paskakulttuurin edustajat vittuun vanhanaikaisine naiskäsityksineen RRREEEEEEEEEE

Watching this right now.. it's bizarre

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The weird gift sub story between Moomin and Snorkmaiden was awkward as shit but it follows the original moomin comics pretty closely otherwise I have no idea why they added the snorkmaiden/moomin thing

Really though it makes me wish people online didn't give a shit about Moomins because americans are going to push their retarded culture wars on it, not realizing that Finland has always been more progressive place compared to their developing country level values having shithole. Americans are the muslims of the west, leave Moomins alone and stop forcing your ass backwards shit on others.

>Americans are the muslims of the west
>Not the Puerto Ricans

You both invade everything and force your shitty backwards culture and values on everything, how am I wrong?

Walt Disney tried to buy the Moomins but Tove refused which is probably the best decision she made. Otherwise it would have become like Winnie the Pooh or Mary Poppins.. both classic British properties which people now think are American and Disney created, just like all the classic European fairy tales.

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Do Moomin and Snork Maiden ever stop fighting? What a completely incompatible pair.

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What's with this cross dressing gay dog relationship going on here? Interesting.

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You're still half wrong and I'm still half right.

They share a mother, they are tied by blood so brother and sister. If they were step brother and sister with no blood relation then you might have a point but no. You're an idiot.

Get over it, you were wrong.

They're half brother and sister. I am correct. They are related. Are you retarded or something? You were wrong by saying they weren't related at all. How embarrassing for you. Go and actually read the books, though the reading level would be too advanced for you it seems.

Which means you were half wrong.

Or half right with your retarded logic.

Only I'm allowed to be half right.

That plo is from the original comic read Tove's original work for fucks sake

Finished! It was.. okay.

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I already am. Novels are more important. If I direct you to my collection you will see the complete comic collection, sealed, on the right.

I kind of want one to hang out with my gondola. Comfy Finnish-based bros

>Novels are more important.
Lmao lot of the animation series's plots are based on the comics you fucking retard UUSHOMOT PAINUKAA VITTUUN MUUMEISTANI RRREEEEE

Moomins first appeared in novel form. Comic strips came later. Geez. You have issues.

And both the comic and novels give better idea what kind of writer Tove was and hints of what kind of person she was and you all wouldn't keep asking these idiot guestions about gay dogs you would realize that Moomins don't give a shit if you're a gay dog or whatever as long as you're a cool person

Why are you so angry? Over Moomins of all things.

Because you don't understand the true beauty of Moomins since you get scandalized over gay dogs. Pearls before swine

Are the subs already in the video file? I put both the video and the subs in a folder, and MPV already booted the video with subs included.

Just wondering, one it is a pointless sub plot which has nothing to do with anything and secondly it's odd to have in a kids movie, and thirdly the dog was lusting over a female cat but then he goes after a male dog? Was wondering whether it was originally a female dog which the dub fucked up or something.

No, when the files get put in the same file they automatically link together.

The fact that you keep obsessing over the details that if the dog "lusted after" a female cat or female dog or a male dog truly proves you're a brainlet. That's not the point. Point is, like Moominmamma says, what is most importnat that at least you like something, was it a cat or a dog. Fuck off.

Technology is wonderful.

You're the one obsessing

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And you're an autist who's unable to take stories in nothing else but face value. Too bad you're like this you will really miss out.

No wonder everyone avoids Moomin threads. Jesus Christ

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Just let it die already.


Remake is soulless.

It is (or at least it should be) well known that CGI normally looks like soulless ass, because it is SUPER tricky to make the models look good, and animate them well. Only the big studios can make it look good (with exceptions). Every non-big studio CG show will look bad. This is actually quite alright, with some charm of its own.

I have a project in mind, and it involves making the perfect version of the Moomins animu. I need the nipponese and finnish releases, to combine the finnish language track with the superior nipponese opening. I hope to do it next year, when my purchasing powers gets somewhere.

Presented without context.

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Or you could check out the googledrive link that has been mentioned few times in the past.

Maybe I should, consider the nipps want anywhere between 500 to 1,000 bux. Phuck that!

Also, the jap opening I mentioned: