Name a better villain

Name a better villain

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Dr. Sivana.

The Douche from Sausage Party.

Mad hatter..... :D

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Hee haw ho ho! Good one

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He's definitely the cutest villain

He's so adorable it hurts.

>they made him an ugly caterpillar in the movie
Fuck DC.

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He was fucking cute you whore

I don't like realistic Mr. Mind either .

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He looked pretty ugly for a good bit of the Monster Society of Evil story line.

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>not liking caterpillar Mind

Eat shit pleb fag

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That one's is fine.
this one isn't.

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He's no match for the king

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>it ain't gonna suck itself

Baby Face from Batman: The Brave and the Bold?

How would you suck Mr. Mind's dick?

Ayy, that's what I thought too!


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With my mouth

But that's not Mr. Mind you casual.

hard, not wasting even one drop of cum

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I don't get it.


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the yogurt from when the yogurt took over from love, death and robots.

I like his lovecraftian evolved form

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Best of both worlds is better in my book.

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Green Monarch caterpillars are pretty cute irl and look a lot like Mr. Mind.

Then again, you get the feeling he's eventually going to grow to be The Venture's greatest enemy.

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You really can R63 anything.

Hold right there

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He looks better when he's wearing his motorboard.

Literally who?

One of the most diabolical creatures in all the universe.

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I'm still waiting for my rule 34.

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my dick in your ass is the greatest villain of all
if you defeat me you will still need to struggle with your ass-pregnancy
we'll see if the courts won't prosecute you for aborting your butt-baby you dumb slut

Is there any porn of him? Asking for a friend haha

I will personally request some from Shadman

I accept your challenge

Yes, there's like five images on paheal.

>They made Dr. Sivana into Black Adam in the movie


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just embrace cel shading and make a cartoony CG caterpillar how hard is this shit

At least they didn't just make him a guy in a suit

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I bet it would be even more horrifying than live action Sonic

Doesn't anyone have a picture of what he looks like in the movie?

At least Mister Mind would have his millions of deaths from the audience killing themselves.

How do they even paint how evil Mr. Mind is in the sequel without actually killing millions. He really doesn't work unless his appearance and actual threat are miss matched

Show him working with history's greatest killers in a flashback.

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Make him do acts of Minor Evil with the Monster Society. I don't know, Rob banks, steal some magic books and shiet.
Then Contrast that with what he plans to do with the world during a meeting of every member of the MSoE.
Eh, he did this before. I'm not even surprised if he's the one that crawled into Charles Manson's head and told him to start a race war.


>no Trump
>no Putin


>yfw Mr. Mind gave them the Bogpill

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I think they struck the right balance


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"100 seasons, Matt. Oh, the fun we're going to have..."

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>It wasn’t Stan Lee devouring all those souls to stay alive, it was really Mister Mind

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>t. Literal Primitive Neanderthal

>Primitive Neanderthal.
>Literally shaped the course of human history.
>Half of the planet is literally related to him.

Mr. Mind vs Pink Panther when?

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Don't tell /pol/.

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>>Primitive Neanderthal
>>Literally shaped the course of human history.
>Herding a bunch of naked primates like cattle
>Tries ruling a single planet (Failed multiple times).
>Doesn't name the gods.
Hee hee haw!
>>Half of the planet is literally related to him.
>Rely on bothersome sexual reproduction because his internal organs will wither away.
>Can't Asexually reproduce.
>Dies when Organ fails.

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>Vandal Savage

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Does Mr. Mind want to kiss Billy?

>Lives since the beginning of mankind
>didn't become the god emperor

lame character

Mr. Virgin vs Dr. Chad

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Shut the fuck up.

No U.

>movie comes out
>suddently everyone was a fan of mr. mind all along!

Fucking boards of normies.

I want to cum on that worm

I got mindpilled user, lol.
I know who Mr.Mind is from 52 but I never read any stories other stories about him till the movie came out.
I think its fun to explore underrated rogues and hopefully, with the new run and movie, we'll be able to get more stories about them.

>no Obama
>no Clinton


I can't

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Poor Mr Mind...

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Calm your tits ya bitch, no they didn't.

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Hungry boi.

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So what does he look like in the movie?

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How would Mr.Mind react to Mr.Nobody?

Badly. The little worm's far too much of a sadistic fusspot to get along with Nobody's brand of good-natured mayhem and he's never really been able to hide his contempt of those he dislikes.

How about keeping him cartoonish? Like Roger Rabbit? That could be an interesting twist.

Can somebody explain me whats the deal with the Pink Panther movies? The pink panther is a diamond in those and has nothing to do with the cartoon.

Unrelated but Dr Virgin and Mr Chad sound like a parody movie I´m surprised nobody had done yet.

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Wasn’t the Pink Panther a cursed diamond and the Panther represent its curse?

Really? the pink panther is some kind of chaos spirit?

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Why are caterpillar villains so based

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The Pink Panther was originally just meant to be the name of a diamond, and the Panther cartoon character was just the film's mascot (lost of comedies used to have cartoon openings back then) who got his own spin-off.

However, the diamond is supposed to be cursed and The Panther is shown to interact with human characters now and then (He causes a car crash at the end of the first film and visits an insane Dreyfus at the end of Return of the Pink Panther, In the next film, Dreyfus becomes a supervillain and nearly destroys the world). It's a popular fan theory that he invisibly manipulates the events of the movies, aiding and foiling both sides. The novelization for the 1963 movie says that one of the royal family who owned the diamond died in the Great Chicago Fire on a visit to America, which makes that teaser image oddly fitting.

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Its the weird aspect of it.
It's a tiny bug that you could smush at any time yet it can somehow trump you and be an actual challenge to beat.

That would be great, but I have a feeling they went with the more menacing CGI design because they felt audiences would respond better.

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Doctor Doom of course.
