Is Bryan Hitch A Good Artist?

Attached: Bryan-Hitch-Combo.jpg (800x475, 209K)

Considering he actually works in comics and you don't, I'd have to say "Yes".

Not OP but so do Greg Land and Rob Liefeld. Your argument sucks

He was back when he did The Authority and the first half of Ultimates Vol. 1.

Then he started doing weird ugly faces, awkward poses, and oil-stain shading.

I neve really liked his shit, even when he was 'good'.
It's just that he's probably the first guy who managed to do a digital comic that looks good (for other people)

great and the most important one of the 21st century

He's clearly skilled but its basically storyboarding and I don't feel the "narrative of comics between the borders" or whatever Scott McCloud-sounding ideas I generally enjoy when reading comics.

Bombastic and loud, fun books but not the sort of artist you read when looking for a title with any depth.

Yes, he is great at details, but it terrible at the drawing to a schedule.

I think he's (and also John Cassaday, Steve McNiven) to the 00's what the Image founders were to the 90's.

The way he draws balding men's heads always weird me out. Like they look like apples.

I like his art. It can be wonky at times especially these days but he's really good at scenery and characters. As one user put it he's not good at action that feels like it's moving. A lot of his action looks static and more like posing than actually moving.

For decades Hollywood considered captain America, thor, iron man, basically all of the avengers we see today on film impossible to market to the mainstream. Hytch changed that overnight with the ultimates. One of the most important artists ever in comics.

he's great at making manly dude's beat up each other
perfect for capeshit

I like the way he uses panels. That and the bombastic and loud aspect make it feel like I am reading a manga.

I feel like there's some truth in this where it's hard to draw the line between great art/artist and having associations to him and some of my favorite comics released during this time.

As in the Authority was a great ride. Did Hitch help make the Authority what it was or greater than the script? Not entirely sure, but he certainly didn't detract from it.

I think having Hitch, Quitely and Art Adams (even for a brief moment) helped to stablish the mood of the story a lot.


Right, I don't disagree and I'm happy they all contributed, but for the sake of exploring this topic I suppose I feel like Hitch could have been swapped with John Cassaday for a similar moody affect.

He's good at drawing but his art is pretty shit.

I like him. When it comes to action-figure house style type art, I find him very good.

He can be a decent artist and have some pretty good designs, but sometimes I think his designs are limited because they rely on realism.