Was he a Hansy Boy Yea Forums?

Was he a Hansy Boy Yea Forums?

Attached: Literally Hitler.png (629x315, 93K)

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He was rather confusing.
But yes.

idk what is this

I want to impregnate Audrey


What is a Hansy boy OP?
Also the animation for this vid was surprisingly fluid.
I like Joe's stuff, I can never put my finger on the kind of content it is
It's really fun but also surreal
Like a saturday morning shitpost,
Dare I say, kino

Love Hitler's walk cycle when he was trying to get away.

Why is Hitler always so likable whenever he appears in a cartoon or show?

Because Hitler is immensely entertaining when his awful crimes aren't in focus. John K called him the "ultimate cartoon character" and it's true.

Attached: dem feet.jpg (1270x676, 115K)

I'm a Hansy Boy

I dont know what this cartoon is trying to tell me but I think its a feeling only Joe can make. If you browse Yea Forums joe, please don't die again. And tell Filmcow to hurry the fuck up

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Who would you rather, the mom or the daughter?


He is the hansiest of bois

I thought that was the president.

Mom, Audrey's cute, but I'm weak to MILFs.
Deluxe Oyakodon is the one true path

Attached: handsy.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

How dare you lewd the cute Jewish kids!

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She's cute as fuck.

Nigga he always looks hansy boy

This has been out all day and there's no art? I'm sad, Yea Forums.


>That kiss without a moment's hesitation
She'll be the hansy one.

you think anyone's fapped to it yet?

I'm waiting for lewd Audrey for fapping.

Go to the other thread.


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I didn't know Hitler was a footfag but then again, he could be one. he could of want to suck a jewish woman's toe and then force her to walk on hot coals and needles. and lick the blood off.

The beginning was uninteresting a bit, but it had me chuckling towards the end

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what is the focus of him that isn't his awful crimes?
I wonder when he will be reduced to purely a historical figure, and any portrayals of him will be comedic, like with vlad the impaler or something

Why did she kiss him on the mouth

he's a hansy boy

Does anybody else get a weird "incesty-vibe" from the twins?

No. It's literally just you.

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Not just on his mouth but on his open mouth

>Brother and sister in a cartoon
>"Anyone think they are fucking"
Every time Yea Forums.

>Hitler cartwheels as a swastika

Where did this art style come from? Looks like typical cal-arts. What happened to joe's old style?

>What happened to joe's old style?
how do you think he got youtube to play ball, baby?

You should see his gf's stuff. The background characters in one of the Great The Show bits looks like it came straight out of Steven Universe

The fuck

He's been immensely influenced by his girlfriend. He talks like her and draws like her too. This whole cartoon was basically just Danielle sockpuppeting him.

Look familiar?

Attached: danielle.jpg (256x256, 22K)

Yeah but they seem so happy together

I did, in my experience siblings generally aren't that touchy feely with each other

For someone who's had so many of his videos go viral throughout his YT career it's a wonder why Joe only has like 600k subs. This is at least like the 7th or 8th time it's happened.

Shadman better stay the fuck away from these kids.

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The pacing is all sorts of messed up. Otherwise it’s a pretty funny concept.

We all did user, you're in good company

No. Fuck that. He has to be miserable and make what I like. Otherwise she's a shill cuck who's wasting his time with a other roastie.

>Looks like typical cal-arts

... it just looks like the "cute" version of Joe's normal style. We've already seen Victor before anyway, and he looked the same.

eh, they're twins
they're generally weirdly close with each other


It felt like a series of shorts cut together.

Mel Brooks has been trying to do that for decades. But SJWs keep taking him seriously and unintentionally imply that Neo-Nazism itself should be taken seriously and not like the joke it actually is.

Shad stopped doing loli but hopefully we'll see Victor fucking his mom or Literally Hitler

>stopped doing loli

thank god. these memes need to stop.

>purely a historical figure
No such thing exists, we're still calling Cyrus and Alexander "the Great"

Why did Hitler move into a suburban neighborhood?

>in my experience
soo, no experience?

He got in one little fight and his mom got scared

Victor is a pure and honest Jewish boy!

I am aware of the irony.

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Mel Brookes said that the best way to take power away from people was through comedy and making somebody funny. basically turn them into a laughing stock. He was right, but fucking faggots dont get it and think hes just glorifying Nazis.


Attached: hitler FBI.jpg (2560x1600, 134K)

That clearly didnt work on 45.

I genuinely do love the siblings dynamic. They're really cute.

>make brother and sister that act like a couple

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I love how genuinely scared the kids act. Like, it almost feels like one of those "kids first horror movie" stuff like Coroline, Krampus or The Gate where they manage to be genuinely scary and fucked up films aimed for younger audience. But of course the added twist of Hitler makes it super funny.

I thought that was Chris chan

Not all the time

>Yea Forums

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An narcissistic autistic weirdo with anger issues and has a funny hair cut, mustache and accent.
Hitler really is just an all round silly guy and he would be considered a lolcow if people didn't buy into his cult of personality.

He wasn't like Stalin or Mao who were just really cold coniving people. He was plainly a madman and the only dictator that matches his autism today is Kim Jung Un.

Based, just as blessed Osiris himself commanded

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Im a very handsy boy for audrey

>You drew pictures of us doing WHAT!?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-22 Joe.png (893x472, 482K)

Kim just looks like a fat dweeb, but you can hardly call him a autistic madman.
I mean, if he's the first N.Korean leader in close to a century to even talk peace, how crazy can he be?

A couple times a week he hansies one out for Audrey.

I did, user.

This... wasnt good... at... all...
I don't get why Yea Forums worships mediocrity like this... it's pathetic...
I'd put audrey in a mating press in a heartbeat though

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>t. zoomer that doesnt remember Jong-il doing the same exact thing over two decades ago

That would explain why china is so weird about winnie. Not cause whats his name is a baby who can't take a joke but because it would destroy the goverments mind game over the citizens if shit turned into America, where making fun of the president and politicians is the norm.

>autistic weirdo

Attached: 1537712999001.webm (500x375, 2.12M)

This is Hitler tweaking out because he was proscribed a ton of shit like cocaine and meth by his doctors

I always loved how Stalin went from small time criminal to leader of one of the two Great powers of his time.
There is something both poetically beautiful and frightful about how the same methods he used as a thug made him achieve that much political power.

See also Trump and co. Railing on SNL

>What is a Hansy boy

SNL has been shit for a while though.

So he just remade Ben and Gwen?

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They're still allowed to do it though and 90% of msm besides fox constantly gives trump a hard time no matter what your political leanings are you can't act blind to this. Yet he's never threatened to shut the media down or arrest a single person and never will. China on the other hand...

Trump has revoked press passes to CNN before, hasn't he? Or did he just threaten to?

Pretty sure it was MSNBC.
That said, I sure hope you're not trying to compare revoking a press pass to literally torturing and murdering journalists who say things you don't like.
Because that would be peak white stupidity.

>I sure hope you're not trying to compare revoking a press pass to literally torturing and murdering journalists who say things you don't like.
No user, I'm not.

If certain jounalists are just going to go there and badger the president at the press conferences I think he should have the right to not allow them to come.

I've legitimately never seen SJWs go after Mel Brooks in any meaningful way for making fun of Hitler. Same goes for guys like Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Jews usually get a pass with making Nazi jokes, it's like with black people and the n word.

I think you and I might have different opinions on what constitutes badgering the president.

Where is everybody getting the incest vibes from? They just seem like a normal twin brother and sister to me.

Welcome to Yea Forums, where we can't have sweet moments like siblings being nice to each other without having everyone ship them (or worse)

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put more ... next time fag

Yeah, im thinkin we might

That's ok I still respect your right to an opinion user, even if I don't agree.

He's not really autistic though

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Two characters can't talk to one another, look at each other or exist in the same universe without some people wanting them to fuck each other silly.

And even then, America's leader bashing is still nothing compared to those in Europe, especially the Brits

Winnie is so absolutely hard about cracking down on the joke because he's a tyrant who stays in power based on the image of strength, that not only is he powerful enough to make the country strong but powerful enough to destroy you if you try to say otherwise. If he even began to entertain any jokes that make fun of him or mock him, that would basically be showing weakness and showing weakness is a good way to get yourself knocked off when you are a tyrant. If people stop fearing you, how long before they turn against you?

Have you missed all those calls bty Trump to have the people at SNL investigated by the FBI? It's not exactly an order, but I'm sure he'd love to have it seriously done. He's one of the few presidents who simply cannot allow himself to be seen as weak at all. Previous republican presidents have been lampooned by SNL but they didn't whine about it, they generally laughed it off. Some of them even became friends with the people who portrayed them.

I'm not saying that Trump and Alec Baldwin would ever become friends, but if Trump actually showed some humanity in that regard, he might not be ridiculed so much.

>Have you missed all those calls bty Trump to have the people at SNL investigated by the FBI?

Yeah I have missed that, investigate for what exactly and when did this happen? Also im not pro-trump but im definitly not as anti-trump as the left wing media is but trump will never call for the shutdown of any media that makes fun of him and even if he did he wouldnt have the power to do so. And we are having another term with him so he's not gonna get a break for a loong time

Did I ruin your fucking day user?

Jews really know how to make fun of their own tragedy.


shota x loli incest makes me erect

Yeah, that sounds pretty much like what they said hitler would do

Why is it okay for everyone else to talk about twincest but when I make a gravity falls thread it's instantly deleted? Please explain, I'm really confused. Am I not Tumblr enough for Yea Forums?

>older show
>taste specific art style
>thousands of rule34
Why would we want to talk about something new?

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I dunno, I never really saw anything in other cartoon siblings (Dipper and Mabel) but these two have a different vibe to them.

How dare you use cropped fetish porn as a reaction image!

Wait, it was fetish art the whole time?

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Well it's probably just you then. I personally don't get any incest vibes with Victor and Audrey. It may be since it's more grounded (in a video with footfag Hitler)

While Trump's ploy of calling anything as "Fake News" purely just self-interest he's not remotely wrong and the fact the news media refuse to acknowledge its own corruption is one of the reasons why Trump gets away with his own corruption.

Shit, I don't like him but I get a kick whenever he tells some fag journalist to fuck off.

Just a bit of BE it's actually kinda funny



You're just gonna say something like that and NOT supply the source, user?

my brother and I used to show each other our dicks all the time as kids. Kids are weird and grow out of things. Yea Forums is just full of weirdos that will jack off to incest.

Trump is a goof as well and doesn't take himself super seriously despite his hatred of people criticizing him.

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Is it hansy boy or handsy boy?

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Is it Handsome or Hansome?

He's a hansy boy! A cute, innocent, Jewish hansy boy!

Chris Handsome

I watch his show all the time

I felt like half of the short was just randomly trying to be funny, like that scene. It never seemed to amount to anything more than adding more time to the video. Still not bad for what it is but could benefit from having a tighter script.