Daily reminder that fucking Aquaman of all people made more money than pretty much any other solo film in years. Not even Disney and their mega corporation marketing could get Captain Fungus to make as much.
Is Aquaman now going to get more attention in DCs comics and Cartoons?
Daily reminder that fucking Aquaman of all people made more money than pretty much any other solo film in years...
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish Shazam made more money instead
>that fucking Aquaman of all people made more money than pretty much any other solo film in years
So you're one of those dumb faggots who believed the "Aquaman is lame" meme? His current writer is fucking trash unfortunately. Johns can't get back on the book soon enough to finish his 7 Kingdoms story
look DKek who cares if Shazam bombed in the golden age of superhero movies and DC is box office poison at least you still... wait never mind
Shazam didnt bomb, so far its made 320k on a
I knew you DCfans were stupid but this is ridiculous
Not in today's Silver Age of capeflicks
Fuckin this shit right fucking here. I don't have a proper image to express my approval of your post, but know that it's there. I'm proud of you, son
>wasn't even able to reach Black Panther's grossing
More like AquaFLOP
Then I feel bad for Hellboy
>Shazam didn't bomb
you should dumbass
literally everyone calls that a bomb
>Not even Disney and their mega corporation marketing could get Captain Fungus to make as much.
Don't underestimate them. They WILL make Captain Marvel bigger than Aquaman, even if they have to sacrificie some millions to do it.
It already is bigger everywhere if you take out China, not that it reflects reality.
Everyone calls Shazam a bomb as well.
Hellboy after a week and a half is at ~$27m on a production budget (so not even factoring in markrting and advertising) of reportedly $50m.
Funny considering they were so adamant in not giving GDT the money to finish his trilogy.
You are dumb.
Ok, Dumbo.
>Yea Forums moron doesn't get that Endgame and the Easter Holiday brought up Captain Marvel's box office
I wish I could say I was surprised
No one did not even forbes.
because it is
Does it matter? It still made money.
>box offfice 3x it's budget
God Marvelfags are dumb.
>every other movie drops less due to the easter
>captain marvel magically makes MORE than the previous weekend, worldwide
Look at how fucking long it took him to deliver on that Shazam ongoing. Look at how some of the issues are already delayed. We'll all be long dead before he gets around to that story. And Doomsday Clock still won't be finished.
Why didn't it happen to Black Panther?
>Daily reminder that fucking Aquaman of all people made more money than pretty much any other solo film in years.
But that's wrong. Black Panther made like two hundred million more and Captain Marvel is tracking to surpass it when the final numbers come in.
Either way, Shazam deserves that money far more than any of these movies and it's a real shame that China has no taste whatsoever. Oh well.
Well duh, every black person in existence saw Black Panther. I guess Captain Marvel was a flop too then.
Chinks play PUBG. They don't have taste
So did Westerners en masse through 2017 to be fair. Remember how huge PUBG was in that period after Overwatcj had started to decline but before Fortnite appeared.
Nobody but people here with an axe to grind are calling Shazam a bomb. Everyone is calling Hellboy a bomb because, like Dredd, it's Box Office is barely going to match it's production
Now that was a flop. Looking like it wont even double production
If I was a DC fan, I wouldn't be happy that Shazam underperformed while Aquaman overperformed. I don't want a franchise dedicated to fellating the Chinese, that's how you get the Transformers franchise
>I don't want a franchise dedicated to fellating the Chinese
I'd be more concerned with Marvel then after the casting for Eternals and the Shang Chi movie
Casting Chinese people isn't fellating the Chinese. I'm talking about spectacle-based CGI fests. And even then, if I say "I don't want thing" you shouldn't then rebut with "then you should also not want other thing"
Then they should've released it around Christmas. So stupid that they released it 3 weeks before Endgame
I think he meant more stuff like that Iron Man 3 debacle and all the concessions made in Doctor Strange.
Bitch Sit down, be humble
Except Aquaman did quite well domestically, better than many MCU movies
Endgame moved up a week. Which in the long run probably favors both Disney and WB since Endgame and Detective Pikachu have more room to breath.
>Aquaman made more domestically than Spider-Man : ARGHH SAVE ME MR STARK!
Based Aquachad
How's it feel when Captain Fungus out-performed Mr. Toiletbowl domestically?
Going to be worldwide in a couple days
A shame. But at least Aqua is a better movie
like it's fraudulent
Captain Marvel is also going to sell more tickets than Civil War
Now, do you really believe that?
Fucking Minions made more than Civil War. The Box office has never been a good indication of quality
I'm not talking about quality, I'm talking about there being no way in hell that more people went to watch Captain Marvel than Civil War
Current All-time Domestic Ticket sales:
The all-time Kangz (til next weekend)
The high tier performers
"Good if you didn't go nuts with the budget"-tier.
Not an argument
Stupid retard OP, Captain Marvel is set on overtaking Aquaturd in just a few days
The Land of R-rated Capekinos and big budget failures.
But Captain Marvel's gross is 60% inflated due to Disney buying up tickets just to make it look like people are accepting their feminist agenda
"At least you made the effort, I hope China donated"-tier.
The female agenda?!!!!!
>Fungus is actually gonna do it
What a shitty timeline
Yes, all the phone pics of people sitting in empty theaters 2-3 hours before the movie convinced EVERYONE. Lowest effort trolling.
Hes been talking about 7 kingdoms since the start of the nu52. That shit aint coming any time soon
We near the abyss, everyone wave to Hellboy
Oh look, there he is again! Hi Hellboy!
I liked Aquaman more but Shazam did deserve to make more than it did even though it wasn't a bomb by any means and actually made a ton of money relative to its budget.
The bottom, where the Full Retard superhero movies live.
Oh, look, its the Bargaining Stage.
Should the killing joke even be on that list? I'm not seeing the Inhumans here and they were bot just limited showings
user, it made several times its production budget and a sequel is already confirmed. Even if you consider it a failure, WB and New Line Cinema clearly seem to be pleased with its performance.
Yeah, The Killing Joke had me scratching my head too. The Inhumans had a limited release at theaters? Because that's what it takes to make the list.
I wonder if Endgame will break the 80 million ticket mark?
Do you need a hug? It will be fine. Lower budget, but probably a sequel.
Yeah the Inhumans had IMAX showings
Imagine if Captain Marvel's worldwide was 3x its budget (that would be $456 worldwide).
Now imagine your reaction to that. That's right.
well, it needed 750 million to break even according to reliable media trades, so that would in fact be horrible
Yet Shazam needs only $300 million to be profitable? Yeah, that math seems off.
not really, the marketing was comparable to Infinity War
Neither of them would have flopped. Solo only lost Disney 50mil and that had a budget of 300mil
and they also had to pay off rotten tomatoes, youtube and wikipedia
>comparable to IW
LOL no
Call me when Captain Marvel gets put into Fortnite.
Fuck me do you guys think studios pay for their entire marketing? MoS made 170mil from partnerships before a single ticket ws sold. Infinity War had 40mil of it's marketing paid for by Coca Cola and God knows who contributed to the rest
call me when the Air Force employs jets to promote Endgame
Oh horseshit. And Shazam had a Superbowl ad as well.
It's commonly accepted that Marketing = Production Budget, with some recoup from product placement and the rest.
Shazam was $100m +$100m, which is on the low side for both budget and marketing.
Captain Marvel was $150m +$150m, which is about dead average for non-team films.
Aquaman is figured at $160m budget.
People need to stop inventing Special Math for stuff like Shazam and Alita.
this was pretty sick, ngl
I'm pretty sure they removed your vandalism for free.
It's pathetic how obvious the Carol Trolls were with this, Yea Forums used to be subtle and effective.
This board is identical to Yea Forums, muscled critters with wacky names and nerds evaluating them