Yea Forums moments that hit you hard
Yea Forums moments that hit you hard
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In b4 >Yea Forums
I expected to see you post Chip or Thea Stilton.
We both know why you brought up Thea Stilton.
Damn It DC. You and your heart breaking writing.
Are there missing panels or something? That was so poorly done I can't believe what I'm looking at.
> “Ye got the makings of greatness in you! But you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day."
fuck you, Yea Forums, I'm not crying, you're crying.
>I know...I have to go away...
God that hit me hard
All those missed opportunities with my dad...
Buzz's decent in that movie is one of my favorite things in any pixar movie.
The end of Hitman and the Hitman/JLA special. First time I actually cried for a comic.
The Brave and the Bold was taken before its time. I'm sorry I ever tried to hate that show for being another fucking Batman cartoon.
Why does Hal look like he's gonna eviscerate that guy?
This one tears me up like you would not believe. I don't even know why.
Boy that comic really hits you in places you never knew existed. Makes Bat coming back all the more cathartic.
It's the senselessness of it. Some poor woman, minding her own business, worrying about her health and her son, is suddenly offed for no reason by crazed gangbangers. You can't help but pity her.
When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it.
The BTAS episode where Gordon gets shot.
As a kid the scene where Batman gets angry and starts trashing the batcave was just a tantrum. On rewatch you're seeing how he reacts to his worst fear - his insane planning not being able to save someone he cares about.
>Gordan gets shot
I have absolutely no recollection of this episode.
Are you sure you're not thinking of the time Barbara died?
Nvm this turns out I somehow skipped this episode.
Thanks Anonymous.
Without you I never would have known.
Perhaps trying to said that would post Thea Stilton heart break but it's rarely seen Thea Stilton would feel that. I mean both graphic novel and tv.
What's happening here
Batman/Bruce meeting his parents
He can still have his freedom.
Now I leave for now.
what movie?
F to the best character from the franchise
This hit you hard? Fuck off back to plebbit
That entire speech still destroys me whenever I go back and watch it. Hits way too close to home.
It certainly hit Dick hard.
Just the “I’m glad I’m not crying” part hits me right in the childhood. I relate to this scene too much
You know they often talk about how Gaston has the biggest fucking balls in Disney history showing absolutely zero fear in the face of danger
Barely anyone talks about how Clayton is such a fucking psychopath that when Tarzan picks up his rifle Clayton fucking laughs and says "Go ahead shoot a man."
realizing that she commits suicide by putting her head in the oven AND the fact that she does it to be finallly at peace fucking killed me as a teenager
Before reading this run I never could've imagined this could happen but it did. Spectre crying. And me crying with him.
>Goodbye may seem forever
>Farewell is like the end
>But in my heart's a memory
>And there you'll always be
To this day, it's the only scene in a Disney movie that can actually get me blinking away tears, if not full-on sobbing. Abandoning pets, even if it's for their own good, even if they don't realize what's happening (ESPECIALLY then, even), is a gut punch I never could take very well. Add in the song and it's just murder. Doesn't help that the Widow Tweed reminds me a lot of my mom.
The episode after that, she used her gun to save Hudson's life. Episodes after that, she kept her gun in a lockbox.
I wish we got more balanced gun PSA episodes like that.
>"I think you're pretty great."
Gets me every time.
After 4 seasons of concentrated misery, the old bastard finally gets ONE victory.
Hulk: The End is a masterpiece.
Little soldier boy comes marching home
It's okay user, this got me too
he donated blood because the jewbox told him to. what a hero.
In Logan when the cross falls into a X.
Zach Snyder really didn't get Jonathan Kent as a character. That was to me the biggest sin MoS ever did. That one fucking line.
>Yeah! Yeah, I'm me! I've always been me...
Joy absolutely sobbing and breaking down and Riley doing the same at the end hits me harder, but Bingbong fading out is a close third.
I watched a season or so of this a couple years back, I dropped off because it wasnt doing much for me. But this was gold.
Perfect way to teach a kid AND their parents about gun safety without having a G.I Joe character wink at the camera. Kids dont listen when you want them to.
She admits that she dropped the ball by letting the childish gargoyle anywhere near the gun and the gargoyle is sorry for dicking around.
i hope someone gets this
And then those two most likely ended as part of Batman's army.
That's honestly one thing that I didn't like about DKR, that the mutants get off so easily, I'd expect Batman to at least try to screen out the kids that have commited serious crimes like that.
Luthor's death also gets me, seeing him being reduced to a pitiful vessel to Brainiac and begging Lana to kill him.
The one time Samurai Jack ever had any recourse for what he did.
Literally just watched this
Annie's fate in "Growing Pains".
>voiced by Brian Blessed
Fuck those gorillas were lucky to survive
Fucking heartbreaking.
Goddammit I wasn't expecting to actually cry on Yea Forums today. People who say Superman isn't relatable don't get the point of Superman at all.
yeah that got me too
listen user.
1) the feeling of alienation is beyond human
2) if alienation is the theme, superman shouldn't even be human
3) superman is looked up to as a hero on planet earth in the DC universe, he is not even alienated or an outsider
4) messiah complexes are overdone and commonplace
Was it a suicide reference? I mean if you like obliterate ninety percent of the context
If we can count deleted scenes then add stitch killing pudge.
Voiced by Adam West and Julie Newmarr.
No. Just seeing him come to terms with reality during that fall is moving. Just a toy.
The realisation that her family died during a rainstorm and the act of feeding Pudge, the fish who controls the weather, is a coping mechanism. Her way of trying to exert control on senselessness of death and stop others from dying like her parents.
This is an edit right? They wouldn't go for something as stupid as 'radioactive spider semen'?
Unfortunately it's not edited, unsuprisingly AU stories tend to have dumber stuff in them
>deleted scenes
No, it makes sense
It's like sex with a gay guy with AIDS
Get pumped with one load and your hair and teeth are falling out
what a cunt
fate worse than death
Amazing how this gave more character development to Reed than the rest of 30 years put together
Assassin's Creed Embers.
Every fucking time. This show is a masterclass is storytelling. I hate how the prominence of the MCU and capeshit has completely retarded people when it comes to character building; they think that a character NEEDS an entire origin movie and several sequels in order for you to truly care about them and sympathize with them. I want to fucking bitch-slap these tards and make them watch this episode of Samurai Jack, which introduces a completely new character, builds up an entire backstory for him, and then makes your heart bleed for him, all in 22 minutes.
This was so fucking unfair for the Hulk. And then the "heroes" pretty much got away scott free...
her dad got 44.
Same here, user. This scene absolutely crushes me every time.
of course, even with all the hype up for world war hulk (your all fucked when the hulk gets back) it was Obvious that status quo would shield assholes like stark and Richards from any blame.
and then it was conviently miek's fault
I know there's a webm of this, but I ain't got it. This is the kind of shit I love; stuff that completely didn't register when I watched it as a kid, but as an adult it fucking crushes me.
TBF the Kirby run *did* do most of the groundwork for the scene, even if it was in a single issue itself. But between Kirby and Waid, I don't think anyone ever did anything quite like it
as far as I remember, it has always been a batman tas moment, nothing else.
mr freeze episode I think
>that one Two-face episode where he's tricked by a rigged coin
>Bruce comes to visit him in Arkham
>"good old Bruce. You never give up on me, do you?"
what episode is that?
The Authority?
Half of Steven Universe's characters can be hit and miss, but Pearl is unironically one of my favorite characters in modern animation. Her story arc is like a Greek tragedy filtered through a sitcom.
that moment in the show was goddamn beautiful
I love that show. Anyone else?
Second Chance
It's one the later episodes where Robin was obligated to appear in each story
This whole episode was messed up.
I am a young man now, and I feel the same way. Not trying to be edgy or feely.
The final issue had me weeping. It was this bizarre mix of being really happy and proud of Corrigan and being sad to see him go.
>.........Hey! Aren't you that horse from Horsin' Around?
Is this a metaphor for transgenders and transitioning?
What struck me more about that episode is how Amazo is just on the team, treated as completely normal.
Was that when you devoted your life to having a mechanical arm?
This made me feel rage and want to kill weasels.
Jonah Hex is full of feels but this got me good.
Doesn't make it any less retarded
>willing to condemn his entire species to oblivion
>just because they didn't want to go along with his spacefaring adventuring
I feel for him but he's earned every bad thing that's happened to him
Read this for the first time last year. I felt pretty bad for Namor
Wrong episode, user. Amazo showed up during Pet Semetary-Grundy's rampage
>fucks off to space to figure out a way around nuGrundy's ability to absorb his power
>never seen again
>planned a scene during Darkseid's attack on Earth where Amazo is standing on a random asteroid in space wondering if it's safe to go back
Namor suffering could be a thread on its own.
Yeah, this one.
it's just the beginning of the oblivion
Speaking of which, are there any reprints of the 1968 run out there and available? The old Masterworks will be long OOP by now. Best hope might be an Epic Collection
Not that I'm aware of. His 90's run is getting collected so maybe if that sells well they'll reprint his silver age/bronze age stuff.
This fucking sucked and the random spike in animation quality was just jarring
Beast Wars could be brutal
it's just robutts.
Came here to post this. I remember in the original episode she was introduced I thought Ace was super cute, but now she's like, 1 of 4 characters that I couldn't lewd and don't want lewded.
>The one time in the entire series when we get to see Bruce unmasked is when he's going to murder Joe Chill for killing his parents and wants him to see his face before it happens.
This episode was all kinds of kino. The ending felt like a bit of a copout, but hey, what else could they do?
As shit as it is, it is realistic. Somebody you just land wrong and your shit is all sorts of fucked.
Baxter you glorious bastard.
Was he being genuine here, or was he just trying to use Owl?
I almost forgot how strong this movie was.
good old Chris Sanders
> 20 minutes
Ironically enough hand grenade attacks in the developed world are way up
Fuck guns. The only reason she has one is because she's an actual cop.
This one. Every goddamn time.
I wish they just had Amazo blow himself up or something. There's no point having an Omnipotent character just sitting around if you're afraid to use him.
Don’t be so phobic and fearful user.
Spider jizz
Spider jizz
Radioactive spider jizz
That's not ironic at all.
>I'm incapable of understanding character arcs and emotional development: The Post
What’s the word for seeing an imaginary unrealistic dystopian hell hole become real again?
That ending was fucking trash. White Diamond is so overbearingly powerful that Steven can't do anything against her, can't even talk to her but then Steven's Pink form is just randomly stronger and that's all she needs to become willing to listen. Atrocious writing.
You people have no idea just how good you have it. You think the slightest deviation from this idea of "freedom" is signs that we're all slaves to some all powerful dictatorship.
Literally not what's being discussed here and Steven is just as strong as his Pink form but he has actual empathy so he doesn't hulk out. Go sperg in another SU thread.
This doesn't even make me weep. Just gives me a sad, empty feeling.
>I wouldn't know anything about that...
Man, Hamill makes a great Spectre.
Well too bad, I'm changing the conversation
tfw "I don't want you."
>I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you had lost your way.
I did lose my way.
>But you found it again! And you did it by yourself! And I am so happy you found your way here!
It wasn't that hard uncle. You have a pretty strong scent.
Ah shit, I got some Sprite in my eye.
>That moment where Riley's sobs transition into a cathartic smile.
Every single time.
>some gang members throw hand grenades at each other's places because they're cheap to buy from balkan countries or wherever
Pretty sure hand grenade attacks still aren't anywhere near the collateral damage that drive bys had/have.
My dad died like a month before this came out.
>you'll be needing this more than me.
Because that's why people read superhero comics, the accurate realism.
It helps, sure. But the real problem with Superboy is other one, Justice League could get into problems and The Ground and the Sky are the same thing, a person begin to build in the ground to reach the sky. Trying to reach the sky without a correct ground is like using a gun and try to hit a feather while it's falling, it doesn't matter if they are silver bullets or normal bullets, they will not hit the target.
Justice League needs to think carefully and talk with each other about it and remember that Superboy isn't Superman One Million, he knows what people on Earth wants (but there are some unpredictable reactions, there's a limit), but he can't assure that the mission will be a sucess just because that... too many factors.
A house can't have a castle in the second floor, they should be one structure not two. And no one wants to live in a monster house.
what is this?
jesus, does everyone associate this movie with their dad? my dad is a 70 y/o boomer from the silver age and he gets a kick out these movies. he loves groot.
>So, this is what it feels like
This moment and speech is genuinely more heart felt than most modern cartoons.
He only can save her in the past. If it wasn't possible then... Spiderman needs to keep moving and don't burn himself because of this.
>another thread where Yea Forums pretends to have emotions other than boiling hatred for "the other"
The hypocrisy in this board never ceases to amaze me.
Golly, it's almost like Yea Forums isn't comprised of 1 person or something.
You forgot lust.
>Nobody shows up to the funeral
>Corrigan laments that he hasn’t made any friends
>One by one, everyone he helped through the run shows up
>Both the Spectre and the reader realize how much he’s changed since the beginning
I knew how the run would end before I began, but this got me ugly weeping.
came here to post this
That's what /aco/ is for.
Maybe not, but it IS a hivemind in denial of its pure evil. That's why these hypocrite "MUH FEELZ" threads keep popping up.
GOTG has the most heart of the MCU Movies
Rip Brian Murray
>In denial of its pure evil
pfft, Yea Forums is like a 5 on the evil-o-meter. Maybe a 6 on a particularly bad day. At least what happens on this site is mostly legal unlike other chans that you could find out there.
Well I wonder where it all came from, eh?
Are you actually dumb enough to believe that?
It's not Yea Forums but boy did it kill me the fuck inside
Then I went and read the book, like I wanted a second whipping or something.
Wow that's actually very accurate user. You are a smart guy user.
Someone must have made you feel super bad earlier.
Don't worry, whatever it was I'm sure you're just a bitch.
Yea Forums doesn't like when they are insulted. If you keep doing it they are going to destroy you.
He can just become a meme magician, those are always in demand.
>implying anyone in this hellmouth of a website ever felt anything resembling "love"
I do not have the actual scene, but whole interaction between Superman and Captain Marvel in Kingdom Come always moves me.
I mean I don't have the actual scene in good resolution.
It wasn't his fault, they asked him for the truth and he gave them the truth.
Sadly I can't take credit for Kurt Tucholsky's work.
Still, you have to be some sort of retard to think that people capable of intense emotions are only capable of a single type of intense emotion.
where is this from?
He can't decide, people are going to be affected, there could have bad consequences, they have to decide for themselves, lives aren't cheap things, only they can decide what's the safest bet.
I'm dreadfully sorry.
Courage had a fuck ton more upsetting/uplifting episodes than it did scary.
>where’s your hat?
>eustece is so miserable because he had a shitty childhood and nobody cared for him
Christ almighty did that show have severely depressing undertone
I worked in the art department on the show, its only going to get better, and season 2 is confirmed on the way.
His special adds so much to him. Like fuck yeah I feel for ya buddy but it's all your own fucking fault.
Its amazing how good the show was at showing moments of loneliness
>Dr Zalost and Rat
>courage and the hunchback
>courage’s parents entirely
Screw you, Minna.
Robots with personality.
There are so many moments from TDKR which I love
Looks like Shazam (2019).
Yea Forums is for exclusively anime. All the other Asian animation gets to be Yea Forums even if is not western, like Eastern European shit.
Not only is this a well told story in the span of 1 page, it is also laid-out in such a manner that you can appreciate the minimalistic/stylised art and read all of the text at the same time.
I hate how modern comics shove massive dumps of meaningless text into their pages, sometimes makes them such a chore to read. This goes at Tom King's run, where he splashes chunks of some stupid poem over the page instead of something interesting or creative.
>moms a prostitute
>dads a druggie
>hot potato’d through a broken family
I had just gotten married when I got around to watching this from beginning to end.
Im gonna do this thing right, Yea Forums
Ganbare, user. You'll do right.
I can't remember anything specific right now for some reason, it's been years since I've seen it, but I remember the raw emotion still.
I remember how happy I was when Aya came back in JLA. Did anything ever come from that or was it just a cameo?
All these, any time bizzaro is in pain, and pic related
"Here Father, I have something for you."
Batman: TAS Season 1, Robin's Reckoning.
"Does the hurt ever go away?"
"I wish I could say yes...But it will get better in time for you. That I promise."
I like to think he was genuine. Rorschach was an unstable and isolated person, but the way he still gravitated back to Daniel to tell him what happened to the Comedian so long after they had already gone their separate ways makes me think that he still cared about the past they had working together.
"What is this" is the quote right after the line he replied to.
Vandal Savage and Superman in Hereafter
Thank you my friend
>I want to go home...
>that Joker face
The whole ending of Paranorman.
Posting Some videos
OP's BTAS scene
Batman v.s. Joe Chill
Mr.Freeze's Death in BB
Spectacular Spiderman Flashbacks
THe monsterdog redeemed itself by letting itself be killed. DEATH TO THOSE WHO ABUSE CATS!
Funny, I thought they weren't taking blood donated by huge homos back then.
I really enjoyed Our Worlds at War. It was weird watching Superman just lose touch as he fought to the point that he was pledging to never kill as he drilled through motherfuckers.
Also, it gave me one of my favorite lines as he was losing his identity after flying through the Sun for that first time and basically evolving. "Whoever's out there, please finish this."
Solid first act, weak second, powerful third. I don't think the movie gets nearly enough credit.
Whatever may have come afterward, I Remember You is still amazing. In fact I liked it even more rewatching it years later.
And then Ted comes back to be with Michael in his final moments later in the season.
I fucking love the Blue and Gold.
Came looking for this. Was such a good setup and execution, and there was no reason to retcon it later on.
For me there's no deeper Star Wars nadir than this moment. Between Ahsoka leaving and the personal implications tied to her departure, the dysfunction of the Jedi being laid bare, and the Republic's obvious trajectory towards becoming the Empire, I can't think of a Star Wars conclusion as bleak as what we got at the end of S5.
Just seeing Hal like that, how he looks back at what used to be a daily thing and how he reminds himself that kid along with everyone in Coast City died, he’s now a villain and (Pre-Johns) he can’t ever go back.
This shit was so heavy handed, even as a little kid i was cringing at this.
I dont get the point of Superman but its more I am literally autistic and have only been exposed to shitty OP moments he had. I kind of missed out on the comics.
The fact that this is the only time in the series where Batman is unmasked as regular old Bruce Wayne makes that Brave and the Bold scene all the more satisfying.
>Fuck guns
>36k people a year are killed by guns in america
1.25 million people get killed by cars every and I never hear anyone say fuck cars. It's always something to do with the drivers. However when it comes to guns its guns that are the problem and not the people who are using the irresponsibly.
Best part of the movie
This scene made me love the flash
Try and kill 50 or 100 people with a knife before getting stopped.
Yeah people kill people but guns make it way to easy.
Also my examiner said that I have to see my driving license the same as a gun license.
Deadiest mass shooting in history was 58 people in 2017 with the nevada shooting. You would have to have that happen 21,551 times in a single year to just match how many people are killed by auto accidents. That would be having the largest shooting in america happen every single day 59x for a full year, just to match automobile related death. I'm not saying that guns aren't dangerous, but it's people who are the issue. With cars we get that, all the blame goes onto the people. However with guns it's always the object that is blamed rather than the person.
Did that count as a suicide
A life form that Jonah could actually tolerate and some assfuck kills it. Fuck the world.
I fucking loved the visual look they gave freeze in BB.
I think this scene is the very first time I remember a scene sticking with me.
>why do people blame a tool made solely for killing people for people being killed by it?
>why do people blame other people for misusing an object that kills people only when misused?
As ever in these threads, it's even worse in context. Take my advice and don't read Goon: Chinatown on the bus.
>its a jerk character has a feel" episode
every time
Never reply to gun control fags. It will make them feel they got the last word, and hopefully fuck off somewhere else.
Tool made for killing people only kills thousands.
Tool made for transportation kills millions.
the life forms of cybertron are as much alive as you or I.
I was reading that trade in public and desperately trying to hide my tears. It's not fair, man.
>tfw my doggo passed away a week ago
context please?
She gets a happy ending, but Nurse Bendy breaking down when her teddy bear "cums" on her destroyed me.
fuck, that whole episode...
>Major villain is soft-spoken, stoic, and serves a cruel and insane master without question
>the second his spirit companion is killed he finally breaks down in tears and anger
that one and the one with Clay as a kid always get me.
Hatred of the other is a shadow cast by the light of empathy that shines for those we love. That light shines in a narrow beam, but it is all the brighter for it.
Vice and Virtue are the two sides of every trait.
That's actually some great, well-written dialogue though.
Someone post it.
The narration of a child's pure faith over the hero failing to live up to it.
>the film was planned for 2015
Well that reopens a nostalgic wound.
Im gonna need sauce here
My children called me daddy
My wife called me Milien
From this instant the world will learn to call me...
>Summer don't know me no more
Ok what the fuck?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
The fuck is this?
People talked a lot about how romantic this short was, but all I could think about was that poor guy that was crushed it wasn't meant for him.
Speaking of the show,
That hard cut to "I don't sing," Really fucking got me when I saw it for the first time.
Ninjai. A super old flash web-series. It's a bit hard to find ever since they took it down in favor of teasing a feature film adaptation, but it hasn't updated in ages, so it just kind of faded into obscurity.
Honestly hits way too close to home. So many people are pieces of worthless hypocritical shit.
Try not to judge it by the first few episodes if you're interested at all. They look and sound like shite compared to the last few.
shreds me like paper every time
More than anything in Hellboy, funnily enough.
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow
>We died once to save the world, we can do it again
Y:The Last Man
And to think, all of these people could've gone on to live as part of Zinco's paradise.
>another post where a resentful newfag finds an excuse to vent his quaint grievances as if he's just discovered some profound, cutting facts and isn't just regurgitating the same pedantic reaction everyone has the first time you enter a forum where popular notions of wrongthink aren't a crime anymore
The best part is that you're simultaneously bitching people out for acting inhumane, then criticizing them for their own nuanced humanity. What a hateful and embarrassing post.
>tool made solely for killing people
Why do idiots such a big deal out of this? It's like they feel that an insensate object has some sort of moral agency.
Besides, some people need killin'.
Breaks me every time.
You will grow child. One day you will hate as much as you love, feel joy as much as sorrow.
Don't bother, he's an idiot.
>This is as good as I can do, and I still failed.
And with his death- the franchise died with him.
The Clone Wars made Anakin's transition to the dark side not only believable, but reasonable.
The Jedi, as great and "good" as they were, were flawed, and arrogant.
It's a shame Anakin slipped to far past the center of balance and into the dark. A spin off of an alternate history would be cool. (Animated of course)
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine
you, don't have to be, the bad guy.
>like a Greek tragedy
I wish people that can hardly read would stop comparing garbage to classic literature
Pearl is a one-dimensional pawn nothing more
The best Talk no Jutsu I've ever seen
Came here to post this.
>It's not Yea Forums
Except it literally is?
This movie really caught me off guard, expected some marketing bullshit and instead got a love letter to what made legos so great and touching family moment I didn't see coming at all
Pearl is the best actual character in the show. She's leaps and bounds more interesting than everyone else on the cast.
That isn't saying much.
>Hey, where's Emmett, where's my best friend Emmett?
>If there are people that need help, you do what you always do. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.
BS. If the gem was actually Rose and Steven could finally feel what a mother's hug is, then it could be meaningful.
The entire point of Steven Universe is to show Steven's growth as a character and how everyone was made better through him existing as himself and not his mother.
Rose is gone. Her returning would make everything absolutely meaningless.
Cried a river
No one was made better through his existence.
Fuck that hurt.
I think absolutely everybody in my theater cried.
Fuck Germans and fuck Varus
i just went and rewatched that scene, it makes me cry ever fucking time.
Never read that, anygood?
Not that good.
I think it's just nostalgia, but all the old Gorillaz videos make me feel kind of melancholy.
This hurt me bad when it happened.
maybe not hard, but..
I'll give you five guesses as to why, but you need to face the middle east and kneel on this special rug as you guess.
Sometimes I still cry, not while watching but thinking about it afterwards