Abusive sibling

>abusive sibling
>too selfish to care about anyone but themselves
>in the “right” 100% of the time
>brings absolutely nothing to the plot

They are the same shit character but Yea Forums hates one while they love the other.

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That’s because one of them pretends they aren’t a bitch

Cause m-muh goth

because everyone is a shitter in Zim and its played for comedy. It's part of the world.
Mabel is just a cunt.

Both are terrible, we just have a invasion of Hot Topic posters thinking people in Invader Zim gets a excuse

Gaz is only "abusive" when Dib actively intrudes on her. Aside from then, the worst she does is make snarky comments. Mabel more often than not will go out of her way to belittle Dipper.

The difference is every other character is either an idiot or gets their comeuppance. Gaz is portrayed as the most competent character and nothing even slightly bad ever happens to her for all the horrible shit she does.

>gazfags in denial

She’s as shit as Mabel and you only defend her because you’re brainwashed by waifuism.

Mabel demands that the world love her. Gaz wants everyone to fuck off and leave her alone, and retaliates when they don't listen.

that's exactly what the difference is, yeah
Gravity Falls has mostly normal people. Having a character who can apparently do no wrong and never gets called out seems unfair, since it deals with issues like having to give up what you want to make your sister happy and plays it straight.
Zim deals with issues like a boy turning into bologna. If Gaz was in Gravity Falls she would also be an awful character. If Mabel were in Zim it'd be funny. It's all about the setting that they're located in.

I love mabel and gaz, your move bub

Gaz is rewarded because while she knows Zim is an alien, she still has enough sense to realize Zim is borderline retarded and is hardly a threat unlike Dib who sees him as a threat.

>Trying to reason with waifufags

What horrible shit? The worse thing she's done is screw up Dib's presentation to the Swollen Eyeball, and in that case she ended up getting screwed over too.

She uploaded Dib’s mentally into a video gme where he couldn’t do anything but was controlled by another person who made him injure himself and run into horrible situations repeatedly until he was practically numb.

The diference is that Gaz is never mean to be intended as "likeable" to begin with and the show never says otherwise.
We are suppose to like Mabel, that's the main diference.

(Also because Gaz is a "goth", and everyone's ideal gf here is a "big titti goth gf)

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That falls into my earlier qualifier of him intruding on her shit,. It may be an overblown reaction, but that's a different discussion.

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It’s because Yea Forums likes goth girls, that’s it,

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