I ship Courtney and Owen

I ship Courtney and Owen

Attached: courtney-and-owen-gallery.png (469x346, 155K)

Courtney is the camp bicycle.

Owen is supposed to be pure and obese.

I know right? Weirdly shipped them for the first ep too, figured it would happen. Either that or DJ/Courtney

Not the oddest ship I've heard. For example, I ship Ezekiel and Ella.

I ship Cody and Courtney.
However, I do like this user's idea.

Ezekiel x Lindsey
Eva x Justin
Noah x Izzy
Katie x DJ
Tyler x Bridgette
Cody x Gwen
Beth x Harold
Sadie x Geoff
Trent x Courtney
Owen x Leshaswna
Duncan x Heather

rate my ships

Seen it before
Seen it before
Seen it before
Pretty cute
Cute nerds
Always felt a little bad for them
Weirdly into it
Hatefucking, nice

well if we're posting Total Drama Ships here's one I did years ago, never got around to updating it for RR though

Attached: Total Drama Shipping Chart-My Version.jpg (2000x1800, 604K)

and I guess I hadn't filled it out for the Pahkitew Island contestants either, shows how old it is as that was before I watched PI


Attached: TDI-A-WT-Heather-and-Cody-tdi-a-wt-heather-and-cody-club-32254837-1024-768.png (1024x768, 823K)

For Ridonculous race, I shipped Ryan and Carrie because of their little interactions,

Attached: GwenCourtney.8k.jpg (8192x4608, 2.91M)


Interesting taste. My favourite weird OTP would be Izzykiel, personally.

Attached: Ezzy.png (940x956, 812K)

My Stupid Ass OTP: Scarlave

Great Tier: Cody/Any female that isn't considered conventionally attractive (Eva, Sadie and Beth) Samave, Ella/Little Gnome, Owizzy, Sadoka, Coderra, Davella, Skodney, Topher/Sierra's Mother, Sky/That Beatbox Guy, B/Dawn, Dawn/Homeschool, Cammy-Bear/Staci, Owen/Kitty, Owen/Emma, Devin/Any female RR contestant other than Carrie and Noah/Kitty

Fun tier: Tylsay, Leonugar, Ann Maria/Vito

Interesting tier: Codeather

Boring but cute tier: Jashawn (with or without Samey) Lesharold, Ennui/Crimson

Want to see canonized just to see the fandom rage tier: Tophamey, Macbrody, and any hetero pairing involving RR contestants

Who cares? tier: Gigette, Gwent, Duncey, Alheather, Zoke, Scoot/Jo, Devin/Carrie, Ryan/Stephanie and Jacsee

Prefer the above more tier: Scootney, Gwuncan, Gwameron, Skave, Noeva, Tophella, Nemma

ARE YOU NUTS!? tier: Scax (they interact better as platonic frenemies) and Jock

Look everyone, I'm projecting tier: Cody, Harold or Homeschool/any female contestant that is conventionally attractive (Bridgette, Izzy, Lindsay, Dawn) Nizzy, Noah/Katie, Gwody, Dott, Trent/Lindsay and Mal/Anybody

Indifference tier: All yuri and yaoi otps

He's too fat!

This is why the fandom was and still is trash.

My nigga. Still could happen considering the recent wave of bff turning lesbian.

Courtney and Scott was so based
Fuck that "i used u" bullshit

Honestly. Dude waa honesta about being a sub. Gotta respect that. All Stars was trash writing.

Damn this is nostalgic

I just want a new season bros ;_;

>next total drama spinoff
>parody of the bachelor
>they bring back one of the single guys from the series as the bachelor
Who would you guys pick for the cast?

i ship owen and my penis

Attached: tits-owen.jpg (640x360, 40K)

I ship Courtney and myself

I have no interest in the guys. Why not fill it with girls?


The bachelor is one guy picking from many girls
It's a dating show

Who the fuck watches and likes this trash?

How old are you? You're like the low T generation right?

Are you actually women?

This show was shit and should never have been green lit. Watching you discuss it is like watching you roll around in human feces.

A fucking cartoon about reality tv that kept airing even after reality tv fell off. Made by a woman who was clearly sucking some cock to get this trash produced.

Patrician taste

Just have a girl picking a girl. It will be fine.

never trust a cowboy

Attached: dj-and-geoff-gallery.png (470x351, 246K)

Courtney really liked bad boys huh.

Courtney liked not being so desperately alone.

After Pahkitew, I don't. They clearly don't give a fuck about the series anymore. I wasn't really impressed by RR either even though yes, it was much better.

Shut up

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we got a tough guy over here

>Cody x Gwen


A fellow man of taste

Tyler x Gwen

Chref is the best and purest ship.

Attached: 11233423545.png (960x540, 455K)

Cody x Courtney is honestly too good for this world

Attached: coco.png (670x492, 418K)

A shipping meme from the front page of DeviantArt.

I have no idea how autistic you'd have to be to put this together.

Attached: total_drama_deluxe_shipping_meme_by_empire_of_the_east_d9qfti3.png (6816x4200, 1.38M)

Friendly reminder that Lindsay is available.

Attached: 11234235234534.png (497x169, 17K)

I've thought up that kind of idea before;

Host: Blaineley

The Bachelor: Cody


Anne Maria

still thinking on elimination order(as well as more specific details about the concept in general), although I'm fairly sure on Lindsay and Eva both making it pretty far(possibly even finalists), and Staci and Courtney both being among the first to be eliminated

I tried doing something with that version of the chart, but it's too damn huge to do anything with, someone needs to do a version that trims out all the non-contestant and host characters that they needlessly bloated the chart with

Attached: cm_double_team_by_princesscallyie-d8tx5b3.png (1629x1033, 997K)

Why eva?
Also, consider trying writing this whole thing up

>Why eva?
she's incredibly underused, plus I ship her and Cody anyways, also there's a lot of humor potential in her having to do all the usual stuff girls in The Bachelor style shows do
>Also, consider trying writing this whole thing up
I'm much better as an ideas guy than as an actual writer

Attached: please_say_yes___cody_and_eva_by_evaheartsart_dc14ie2.png (1100x1500, 280K)

This series needs a dating sim or visual novel. The female cast is large and varied enough.