Why didn't lex luthor make a bunch of sophisticated deep fake porn of Lois Lane and other super-heroines in an attempt...

Why didn't lex luthor make a bunch of sophisticated deep fake porn of Lois Lane and other super-heroines in an attempt to discredit them?

Attached: 0026F0dj6e6uZ.png (882x742, 952K)

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He wants to win with honor, 'his way'

There is no masturbation in the DC universe and therefore porn doesn't exist either

cause that would be rude

I'll take the latina in the middle pls

he doesn't need to


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Better yet, he can clone them all and have fun

Because then Something Unlimited would be under 20 minutes long.

Is this why you won't be the hero Gotham needs and rape the joker?

Attached: 1555816432826.jpg (640x480, 45K)

Because then Something Unlimited would get finished.

Darkseid watches porn. This is cannon.


lol I mean, you're not wrong about every single fucking WEG in existence

>Oh no, women are having sex, what a scandal!
America was a mistake

there was actually an episode of Lois and Clark where someone takes a photo of Lois kissing Superman and tries to extort her, but they get Jimmy Olsen to photoshop an identical looking photo to prove its fake

>Implying it's all vanilla shit
>Implying Lex wouldn't make deepfakes of them doing the most deprived shit

There's too much porn floating around the internet for anyone to give a shit. That said, it is a mystery why he doesn't just enjoy his money and fuck hot women. Are chocolate cakes over 40 really that delicious?

This is what happens when everyone keeps trying to add new features before the base game is even done. It's like every time some new cartoon or meme waifu appears he halts any progress to make new content that won't get past the first steps

Because it’s illegal

You do have a point, OP.
Smartest guy my ass.

Why doesn't Lex accuse Superman of raping him?

What incentive does he have to finish it? He gets paid like 13 grand a month on patreon to keep putting out updates. It's in his best interest to draw it out as long as humanly possible.

Hey I blame his patrons just as much as I do him.

A Captain America story had the Slug begin producing pornos with LMDs made to look like heroines and villainesses.

Why do you think that specific story line never made it into superman comics?
You get one guess.

Yes thats the attitude for every country outside the west.

Hulk hogan

Superhero comics are for children. AMERICAN children. American parents have decided that violence is acceptable but sexuality isn't.

I don't blame him at all. If i could make 13 grand a month dragging my feet and putting out mediocre content once every 2 months you had better god damn believe I would.

Why dont Supervillians just rape superheros

why dont Supervillians just make super weird niche hardcore porn for money. Imagine how much cheetah or pandamania could make by pandering to the furry community or Ivy being big in Japan for Tentacles

Why dont supervillians just go around fucking with random people like mind controlling them into one massive orgy

Attached: spgCS03_03.png (760x1032, 807K)

Oh sorry, maybe I should've included Saudi Arabia and India with it

>Ivy being big in Japan for Tentacles
Plant fibers tend to be rather abrasive. Japanese plant sex would be the most audibly unwatchable genre of porn ever.

Fuck off Mark.

Attached: millar rape of wonder woman.png (738x528, 244K)


>Why dont supervillians just go around fucking with random people
they should be assumed to do a lot of small scale stuff "off screen". But anything big would get a hero involved, and therefore likely be depicted in cannon.

IIRC, Lex ruined some random waitress's marriage and dignity by offering her an "indecent proposal". He didn't actually want to bang her though, he just wanted to make some random working class woman feel like a whore.

Found another pic of OP's ladies on thebarchive.

Can you not? You fucking creep

Attached: cmsn___secretary_supes_by_tran4of3-d5l2il9.jpg (800x1119, 121K)

As far as I can tell they are all 18+. And regardless their pics aren't sexual or pornographic.

>Lex steals some of supes DNA/Sperm
>Makes a "daughter of superman" from it
>Makes her work as a whore/Fucks her every night

Work it into a storyline where lex tries to breed a army of half human half kryptonian supersoilders

Attached: galaInsp01_BG01.png (764x988, 626K)

All of those have been done, in some form or fashion.

just do it yourself old man.