"Hey, you got any of the latest releases by Bread?"
"Over there, Oldies."
"But you've got all the great bands in here. Styx? I just heard them on the King Biscuit Flower Hour. Oooh, now here are some of your no-name bands. Son-ic Youth, Ni-ne Inch Nails, Hulapalooza."
"Lolapalooza is a music festival. The greatest music festival of all time?"
"There can only be one greatest music festival of all time and it's the Us Festival."
"The what festival?"
"You know, the Us Festival. It was sponsored by that guy from Apple Computers."
"What computers?"
"Hey, you got any of the latest releases by Bread?"
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that sarcasm?
The speaker is wired.
I don't think a lot of people realize that that was a topical 1996 joke about how Apple was going under at the time.
Stupid sliding time scale.
Yeah, nobody saw Apple's resurgence coming.
Dadrock sucks, Homer.
KFSL - Fossil 103. Classic hits from Abba to Zeppelin (comma Led).
>Steve Wozniak had long dreamed of throwing a rock festival of his own, and now that he was rich, he could afford to fulfill his vision. The Apple co-founder had not been to Woodstock and his knowledge of the legendary festival mostly came from reading a book about it, although Woz was a bit shocked at what he read as his vision was a bit more innocent than the real thing. Two US Festivals were held in 1982 and '83. Both lost money, but as Woz recalled "I've had more people thanking me for those two music festivals than for starting [Apple]."
Styx sure does anyway.
The US Festivals had some great stuff desu desu
I miss record shops
>That Green Day at the corner
I felt bad when I heard that they died from an overdose of make-up in the mid 2000s
^This. They should have ended with Warning.
Music is subjective. Kids like music that sounds different from what there parents like for social reasons, and once they become adults they like music that sounds like the music they grew up with. It's not like art where there's certain things you need to have for it to look good, music is purely abstract
>and once they become adults they like music that sounds like the music they grew up with
I was 14 in 2002. I have almost no love for that era of music and would prefer not to remember it.
You're the exception, not the rule. You likely grew up with music your parents listened to growing up, lacking the social urge to rebel against them
I'm not. Very few people would want to willingly relive Nickelback, Nelly, A7X, Five For Fighting. I actually wince even thinking about that stuff. The critics much overrated Norah Jones and White Stripes and flooded them with accolades simply because most mainstream music then was the abomination of desolation.
Go ask them on Yea Forums and you'll get the same opinion.
International and Shenanigans where the perfect goodbye
*Ahem ugh ugh.....SNEED
Sonic Youth were already borderline dadrock in 1996.
They literally should have broken up after Dookie. They'd have been remembered as LEGENDS instead of as a joke.
Sanders Natural Economic Exposition Disaster is a shit band.
Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam, and Bon Jovi apparently all refused offers to appear in the episode.
Ironic that Marvel, Disney, and Apple were all going during the 90s now look at them.
>lierarly became Old Man Yells At Cloud
Should have quit with Goo.
My entire perception of the 90s music scene is completely warped as I pretty much ignored it. It's compounded further by the fact that I thought for the longest time that Savage Garden was an 80s band
They sure had a lot of weird no-name bands in the 90s.
Sonic Youth
Nine Inch Nails
Emergency Broadcast Network
Dinosaur Jr.
Now the 70s, that had some great bands.
Uriah Heep
Sonic Youth had been releasing albums since 1983 and the band members were born in the 50s. They were very definitely dadrock/past their time when this episode was made.
Styx would be ok if they'd taken Dennis DeYoung behind a shed and shot him.
I always thought that the vocalist of Savage Garden formed Linkin Park, they sound the same.
Uh oh, there goes Peter Frampton's big finale. Man, he's gonna be pissed off...
Shut the fuck up, Boco
Yes sir...
How fucking deaf are you
Styx without DeYoung barely sounds like Styx at all.
Nigga, please
This, desu. The only decent music form the 2000s was some of the metal (but only when they aren't trying to sound like cookie monster) and some leftover stuff from the 90s like Cracker that kept doing what they were doing correctly because they didn't give a fuck. And the 2000s artists that are still active today, such as Pink, are generally terrible. I'll concede Kelly Clarkson is nice, just her first album sucked, everything else has been in between "this has no right to be this good" and "guilty pleasure material".
So, fuck it, most of the music I grew up with was bad. Most people can agree it was bad, even if they grew up with it.
I hated the rock from that time so much. The brickwalling was bad and so were the boring song structures with no solos.
The Simpsons writers have always been old men
He can yell about whatever, Mellon Collie is fantastic
Most of the writers in the classic seasons were in their late 20s-early 30s. Only John Swartzwelder was a bit older.
>Several of the jokes in this episode are based on his experiences: cameras were being seized and thrown in the garbage, there were numerous advertisements, several "sour faced teens", a real freak show (Jim Rose Circus), and at one point a stranger approached Forrester and asked "how's it going, narc?"
>this was a 29 year old writer
So he was just a sheltered square, got it.
The King Biscuit Flower Hour was a real radio show.
Swartzwelder is somewhere around the same age as Matt Groening, he would have been in his early 40s when Season 7 was produced.
Well yeah, they were betas although most aren't as open about it as Oakley and Weinstein.