The Amazing Spider-Man General

Let's talk about all things Spider-Man. Peter, The Sinister Six, best/worst stories, spider-adjacent characters, movies, games, stories/ideas you'd like to see, whatever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He is currently inside Kamala Khan's body.

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Peter accidentally eating pork when?

Now that he is off the title how would you rate Giuseppe Camuncoli as a Spider-Man artist?

Todd McFarlane sucked

Which issue of ASM or SSM before One More Day encapsulates the peak of Peter's life, taking into account
>Work/ academic career
>NYC opinion of Spider-Man
>Superhero community opinion of Spider-Man
>Relationship success
>Number of alive relatives
>Number of friends who are sane, alive and not villains
>Number of former love interests who are happy, sane and not villains
>Overall content with his own existence

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remember that time Peter killed Mary Jane with his radioactive spider semen?

Not just that, but from kissing, her also washing bloodied cloths and costumes when he’d take a beating, or just simply bathing and sleeping beside him. MJ loving Peter is what killed her in Reign. That comic actually had a number of things that I really liked, but also made me super depressed while reading. It’s a shame that the only thing people remember from it was radioactive spider-semen.

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My favorite villain is the Hobgoblin (Kingsley)

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This idea was posted in another thread, but I'm curious as to what you anons think.
>616 Gwen Stacy comes back to life
>Isn't entirely sane when revived, and has an obsessive hatred towards Norman Osborn.
>Like Hobgoblin, finds some of Norman's old Goblin gear, notably his original "broomstick" glider.
>Dons a witch-like persona to try and kill Norman
>Peter is reminded of one of his biggest failures, and to his disgust, forced to protect Norman
A tad Red Hood I know, but I'd read it. Anyone have a better name than "Gwe-Goblin"

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I’m at a point with comics where I just want the dead to stay dead. The death of Gwen Stacy has already been brought up time and this point it’s been sullied beyond recognition.

True. However I'd prefer the idea simply because it's better than Ghost Spider replacing 616 Gwen from the public consciousness

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Why isn't he in more stuff??

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Because he's not a physical challenge for Peter, and writers lack the imagination to write stories involving Chameleon posing as people. For comparison, Clayface in Batman at least can shapeshift his body into various weapons

He had a pretty cool arc in SM/DP

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>PS4 game name dropped him
How could they incorporate him into a boss fight?

With the PS4 module I’d imagine it would be a search and chase kind of set up, maybe something happens where the police are against Spidey and he imitates one of the numbers in a massive mob of enemies.

You’re also missing a few key concepts:
1. Norman is one of the deadliest foes of is an inexperienced young woman using a few of his personally designed tools going to pose a threat in any way? Heck most power-enhanced adult males struggle against Norman.

2. Norman (and Kingsley) posses superhuman strength, reflexes and durability due to the goblin formula, so if Gwen doesn’t find the formula and then somehow synthesize it she’s going to last maybe 30 seconds against Norman or Peter.

3. You can’t have a comic in 2019 where the male hero punches a female, even an evil female.’re going to be extremely limited in how you resolve each encounter. Otto got to hit Felicia a few years back because he was still technically a villain and Peter got a pass back in the 90’s and earlier because, well, different times.

Ghost Spider is just whatever, I don’t read anything she’s in so I don’t care.

Eh it's just an idea really. You could easily write around that by having Gwen being given a variant of the Goblin formula. What if Norman brought her back just to kill her repeatedly just for kicks, and it ultimately backfired? Furthermore, I don't really see Peter EVER punching Gwen, even in that state. He's likely just restrain her with web and try to talk to her.

Just throwing it out there.

I’m not shitting on your idea, just giving you things to think about and address going forward.

Why does everyone refuse to answer this?

Arguably, the answer with Spider-Man isn't a single issue. It's an arc or era. Some might disagree, and I wouldn't mind hearing an answer from them

Oh I know, I'm merely just pitching fun ideas. Anyone is more than welcome to elaborate/shit on the concept or perhaps draw it
Because most of Yea Forums doesn't read comics. Don't act surprised

I need to know when to stop reading ASM and SSM to seamlessly move on to Spider-Girl. So far the only (good) run that didn't end mid in the middle of a story was Conway.

I love PS4-man and can't wait for the sequel and how they deal with You knew?
but hoo boy Hammerhead's Extreme Makeover was so goofy I hard time taking the latter half of the DLC seriously.

How do you point to a single issue as the peak?

I’d say the peak was somewhere during Roger Stern’s run, starting in Spectacular and going through Amazing. Harry was still good, drug free and trying to run an empire. MJ was around and cared for Peter but he was free to mingle with Felicia and others. JJ had kind of cooled down on Spidey because he was dealing with his own demons, the rest of the Bugle loved Spider-Man. Parker was long out of school and living a bachelor life in NYC, with no specific money woes or pressing concerns. He inspired children (literally in one issue), outsmarted the Juggernaut. Aunt May was alive and well, not even dating any super villains or nothing. He hadn’t yet been infected with the symbiote, buried alive or tricked into being a clone...and for once he didn’t really have Gwen on his mind.

He was free, successful and happy.

What are some classic spiderman must reads?

and he is still going

Side effect of the device was both short and long term memory loss so chances are he'll forget Peter's identity

>I need to know when to stop reading ASM and SSM to seamlessly move on to Spider-Girl. So far the only (good) run that didn't end mid in the middle of a story was Conway
Eh, I don't consider that too much of a problem with capeshit in general. New guy takes the reigns and shows what he can do with it.
> need to know when to stop reading ASM and SSM to seamlessly move on to Spider-Girl
Just read it whenever. Spider-Girl was pretty much a What-If of a certain scenario during the Clone wars in the 90s. So to get to the canon cut off point to the non-canonical spin-off, you'd need to keep going. Just enjoy the runs for what they are and either stick with it till post Clone Saga, or read the good stuff, skip Clone Saga and just read Spider-Girl

Not that user but he'll remember it. It'll be a version of Norman's memory loss and regain from the comics but with Otto instead, if anything. Screencap this.

Shit I just yesterday got past the Roger Stern / Bill Mantlo runs. It didn't conclude anything with the Black Cat or Mary Jane. It wouldn't make sense to jump to Spider-Girl from here.
Does Peter's life seriously only get worse from here? I got spoiled that Ned Leeds dies and Flash cheats with Betty before that.

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So just how powerful is Spider-Man?

>can run 200mph(literally faster than dash from incredibles)
>can lift 150x body weight(10 tons)
>can survive falling from a skyscraper
>people regularly brake their hands when they punch him

If a regular person were to stab him with a knife would it hurt him?

Also what’s your ideal Spider-Man power set?

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I want to see/imagine Peter's happily ever after before I move on to Spider-Girl and current Peter as divergent paths.

Spiderman is super gay.

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You’d have to read all the way up the clone saga I think, which is...not really worth it in my opinion. I stopped reading around the time of Maximum Carnage and I’m honestly sad I made it that far. Garbage issues all around, should have stopped after the second time Venom was defeated.

Well to put things in perspective he's fought The Rhino, Juggernaut, and Firelord before and won.

I heard May is miscarried before the Clone Saga ends?

It doesn’t conclude anything because Stern was fired from the title. DeFalco’s run isn’t bad, he drags out the Hobgoblin mystery for way too long and completely flubs the ending.

Stern came back like 10 years later and wrote a multi-part continuation which is great and you can get the trade for pretty cheap. The trade has the 3-part “Hobgoblin Lives” story and the 3-part follow up “Goblins at the Gate.” Great stuff.

There were still some great issues/stories but lots of bad decisions kept being made. Even before the over reliance on Venom/Carnage and a never-ending Clone story the writers finally married Peter...and then regretted it within minutes. They spent the next two decades trying to figure out if the marriage was good or not and the story of Peter’s life just stagnates.

Yes but that conclusion still has Ned die and Betty cheat with Flash so it's already impure.

I always heard Norman steals her but then the storyline was aborted. Was that also around the time an actress was made to look like Aunt May then died and was buried? Which was after Peter’s parents return from... somewhere only I guess they were clones or something?

user, I need some spoiler tags for this. Trust me on what I said, and don't necessarily unspoiler.
The Clone Saga doesn't have the happiest ending in itself. May(day) is miscarried, and it's pretty sad. DeFalco and others were pretty unhappy. That was part of the reason Spider-Girl was made. It's the What If? the baby hadn't been miscarried? comic. There's also a comic called The Real Clone Saga which isn't perfect, but it was meant as a more condensed retelling without the depressing stuff from the original.
Without spoilers my answers is
>Read Clone Saga
>Read The Real Clone Saga TPB(attempt to shorten and "fix" the comic and give Peter a happy ending)
>Read Spider-Girl

That’s the rub. Stern has the best run on Spidey since Ditko/Lee/Romita but Editorial gets into a disagreement with him and ends Stern mid-story.

DeFalco takes over and ties up some loose ends but the downward spiral starts. If you stop before Stern it’s far worse though, O’Neils’s run was mediocre at best.

Nah I'm okay with not reading the Clone Saga.
I guess I'll jump at Maximum Carnage but it's inevitable that Peter's life will have already become triple-ruined from Roger Stern's run despite him being married.
Fuck this is bullshit, MJ should've had her arc and married Peter by this point, but of course then people wouldn't read anymore.

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Why would anyone recommend the Clone Saga? It’s the absolute nadir of Spider-Man comics...or at least it was until Gwen Stacy had sex with Norman Osborn and Peter sold his marriage to the devil.

I know this doesn't narrow it down much, but start by looking at the period from after he marries MJ (ASM Annual #21, cover date September 1987) to the death of Harry Osborn (SSM #200, cover date May 1993).

>triple ruined from Roger Stern's run
Meaning as in if we hold Roger Stern's run is peak good life for Peter, it'll be shit from now on.
I sometimes wonder if I should've just stopped at Conway at this page.

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Oh shit did they fuck?

sorry to be a scrub but what issue is this page from? I love the dialogue here as a venom sympathiser and reverse image search had no results.

Maximum Carnage is probably the best cutoff point, there was still some fun stuff before it, like Kraven’s Last Hunt using the marriage in a smart way to build tension but MC was the end. It was bloated and vindictive, just issue after issue of the villains slaughtering people and the heroes looking like incompetent boobs. Even after it’s made explicit that Carnage alone has a body count in the triple digits, including women and children, Peter is still defending him from Venom. It breaks the reality of the whole situation, Peter wants to preserve life but when you make the villain that over-the-top irredeemably bloodthirsty it just falls apart.

Will Disney and Sony ever adapt One More Day and if not why not?

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70’s ASM was excellent!

>I need to know when to stop reading ASM and SSM to seamlessly move on to Spider-Girl.

Easier question. Read up to ASM #400 and make up your own ending to the clone saga.

from the story 'Reign'

No because they know everyone who isn't a marriage hating psychotic freak is against it. Not just fans, but actual normies are diusgusted by the idea of Peter selling his marriage to satan. They know this the only reason it sticks is because they're so fucking psychotic they hope they can just push the status quo and that people will still want to read spider-man enough to look past and ignore it. And It would seem that they've finally caved a little and are working towards addressing the damn elephant in the room under spencer.

BTW How's the current "fix" looking with Peter and MJ getting back together and being stalked by a demon. And how much of OMD do you think Spencer will actually be allowed to fix undo?

Uh...he wants to end on a positive note, not knee deep in melodrama and shit.

>BTW How's the current "fix" looking with Peter and MJ getting back together and being stalked by a demon. And how much of OMD do you think Spencer will actually be allowed to fix undo?

We’re all just holding our breath that they don’t ruin the story...again. The current arc is killing a metric fuck ton of d-list villains though, so that sucks.

I do. 400 is the issue fake Aunt May dies and I don't want to bother with clones.

I'm not so much recommending reading it as saying it gives context for DeFalco's real Clone Saga and sets up why Spider-Girl was compelling for people who were bummed by what happened in the main comics. That said, no, reading Clone Saga isn't compulsory

I think from what I've seen I'll find Spider-Girl compelling regardless. I just want to wait for Peter to get his life together to a point I can actually believe him having a daughter before I jump and the end of Roger Stern's is not it.

Yup, despite being revealed later as a fake we see her internal monologue leading up to her death and she’s clearly the real Aunt May. Ah...what a mess.

Does the clone stuff play a big part in Spider-Girl?

then do as user said and get to 400, the actual end would be around the 440s at the end of the gathering of the 5 arc but that in itself is lack luster and not worth the drudge through the clone saga

Kain is a minor character but no you don't have to read the clone saga to get any part of the story

I don't want to see Ben Reilly's face again, he's a faggot.

He beat the Hulk a few times, but he had a hard time doing so each time.

Why not 350? There was nothing remotely interesting or positive from 351 to 400, it was a complete slog at worst and utterly superfluous at best.

For further comparison, before Batman the Animated Series Clayface could NOT do that and appeared far less then other rogues despite having identical powers to the Chameleon.

Spider-Man Reign #4. It’s a quick short mini series that was supposed to be Marvel’s answer to TDKR, it wasn’t as good and was only remember for the spider-semen meme posting, which is a shame because it had a whole lot more to offer, like Sandman’s story in this. It’s a good enough read that I would recommend, but it is pretty depressing.

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>Norman (and Kingsley) posses superhuman strength, reflexes and durability due to the goblin formula,
I wonder how many people remember that this was a retcon made in the late 70’s when Harry first became Green Goblin?

Weren't there cute MJ panels of her satisfying Peter-chad? If it's the 90's at least the cheesecake should be good.

Can't be, Norman had super strength as of the Romita run... right?

Spider-Man RUNS are good, not issues. That’s actually true of about 90% of comics and also why it’s hard for new people to get into them.
That said, ASM #229-#230 (“Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut”) are legendary single-issues for a reason.

But I'm not even looking for a GOOD issue, I just want Peter to have a happily ever after...

Not really no, this period of time was chock full of crossovers like Round Robin, Maximum Carnage, etc. Peter was never with MJ, and once his fake parents show up he forgets all about his wife. By this time most writers didn’t like the marriage and made no attempt to use it.

Had to be done, as Pete’s power/speed kept creeping up it began to make less and less sense that a middle aged scientist riding a glider could outmaneuver him and survive punch ups.

Happily ever after was just after getting married before the writers and editors started to chafe.

>Happily ever after was just after getting married before the writers and editors started to chafe.
But all those hot pics of MJ and Peter being kinky?!

You should read Renew Your Vows, be carful tho if you’re a Maydayfag or a Cykefag because that series will trigger you.

I read Conway's RYV. It was ok. Peter and MJ are bad parents.

I know you’re just meming but most of the cheesecake is from when the writers still liked MJ. By the time they got sick do the marriage they began to rob MJ of any appeal including her sexiness.

I'm not memeing, so far I have over 300 MJW panels saved and I want more.

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Dude its a solid reason to read McFarlane spider-man she has some wonderful cheese cake scenes with him

That predates the marriage malaise, they tired of MJ leading up to the clone saga. The original point of the clone saga was to write out MJ and Peter, replacing them both with a single Ben Reilly Spider-Man.

Why does it look like MJ has body writing above her belly button? And what should it say?

Well yeah but how many issues is it between the marriage and when the hot sexy scenes stop coming in?

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Check out JMS his MJ doesn't do to much cheese cake but he did like the marriage and spent years rebuilding the relationship


No. Stop this. Not every thread needs a general. That just attracts fags and shit posters. You want a Spidey thread just make a Spidey thread.

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Landing Zone.

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He is a really good artist. I can see him being talked about as one of the classic Spidey artists in a decade or so, Slott's run is popular for some reason and he's probably the artist people most associate with his run except for maybe Ramos, and no one will ever like Ramos

Because he should be black widow villain

Define classic.

Didn’t JMS try to kill MJ with a plane crash storyline? Or was that just before JMS?

Already told you, issue 350 is more than enough. Once you get to the Clone Saga... anti-cheese

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I like ramos I think he's gotten very samey over the last decade or so but if you get him a story with weird visuals he can pull something nice or very freaky out.

That was Byrne I think. JMS just had some great moments with the two. And I don't care what you say angry momma bear on the right there is hot


Always like when Spidey and Juggernaut clash. Seeing that Spidey has to be creative in how he takes down the Juggernaut and the surrounding area looks like a warzone happened.

That was before, under Byrne and it had been mandated by Harras. Byrne was against it. Byrne wanted to get rid of the marriage, but his first plan was to have the Shaper of Worlds fuck over Peter and rewrite reality so Peter and MJ were back to being teenagers in highschool and never married. After that was shot down because of what it would do to the Marvel universe, his second plan was probably an amicable divorce with Peter and MJ deciding they got married to quick and they should take a step back. Harras wanted her dead. Byrne actually took great care to work in a backdoor so they could bring MJ back.

>rewrite reality so Peter and MJ were back to being teenagers in highschool and never married.
This is the most Byrne thing I've ever read

You'd think if editorial was against it at the time they would've changed it with the heros reborn reboot. Though the amicable divorce sounds fine considering their reason stated there was solidly valid, especially after dealing with a miscarriage

Honestly...that’s better than a deal with the devil. At least in that scenario Peter and MJ are blameless.

It’s kind of scary when Byrne is the voice of reason!

Can Silk be saved and become as popular as Spider-Gwen?

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But JMS basically wanted to do it to except he wanted to rewind time to pic related, not high school.
It was at that point considered inevitable that some rewrite would happen, we just ended up getting OMD.

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She’s already a better character, she just needs another ongoing now

Why does Peter always talk about Parker luck ruining his life and love when almost everyone he's ever met has it worse?

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Well her movie might do her some good

yeah I think she has a chance it just depends on weather or not Marvel wants to pay royalties, I think for spider-gwen they only have to pay lees kids for the rights to her

What are you talking about?

Man it would be so nice if it was animated like Into the Spiderverse was

>But JMS basically wanted to do it to except he wanted to rewind time to pic related, not high school.
This is exactly what we got in Brand New Day except edgy


Christopher Priest was ruining ASM before Quesada or Harris even dreamt of it

You ever think it's weird that despite having next to nothing to do with Peter, and barely qualifying under the spider gimmick, Jess still appears in shit like Spider-Geddon? She arguably has more history in Carol's books than Spider-Man's. What do you even do with Jess anymore? She doesn't web swing, and Miles stole the Venom Blast thing

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Part of the reason OMD is so reviled has to do with the mechanism. Peter and MJ choose to sell their marriage to marvel universe's version of satan. His name is Mephisto, which is derived from Faust's Mephistopheles. Which is far different from Byrne's Shaper of Worlds stpory where Peter is just a victim of a reality warper stealing his life from him. Byrne's story has some other problems since it would have left Peter a 20-something year old man trapped in a teenager's body being forced to relive his life, But at least he doesn't leave Peter and MJ at fault for what happened.

Even them I think the publishing set up at the time was perfectly sustainable. You had the main continuity books where Peter an MJ were married, and then you had three AU choices for an unmarried teenage Spider-Man; Ultimate, Marvel Adventures, and Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. Following OMD all you had for a married Peter was the Newspaper strip (and they tried to get rid of the marriage there too).

Who gets paid for gwens use? We all know how stingy Marvel has been about royalties so I wonder if her continued push is a result of not having to deal with royalties. Hell even the two guys who ?created? her current look couldn't get anything since they aren't using any new characters. Where as silk was created by slott and Ramos who would get some money from her use. Though I did hate her in slotts ASM I liked her solo run so we'll see what they can do with her.

But mayday for life for me

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Mother fucker had such a good run as editor of the spider desk, whose the editor now? Or do they not have franchise specific editors anymore

real question is who is the best team up partner for spidey? I say Human Torch or Daredevil

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Curt Connors.

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I’ve seen debates over who was at fault, Shooter or Priest or DeFalco but I have never seen anyone compliment Priest’s very brief run as Spider-Editor...not even Priest! He has said himself that it was an awful 2 year period that nearly drove him from the industry and it ended with him being fired for firing DeFalco and alienating just about everyone from Fingeroth to Frenz to Peter David to etc.

He’s had a ton of success since then but his time with Spider-Man was a massive failure.

Every time they use Spider-Gwen a guy who showed his asshole on twitter gets money

Huh I never heard that, though you can see how controversial his tenure was being there for the death of jean dewolfe being around for the set up of the marriage and allowing the break up with black cat. Having to manage three books at once would be hard for anyone but that was his first stint as editor right? I don't think the man is perfect but I respect his work and like the cut of his jib

My bruddah the wolverine spider short story done by Zeb Wells is one of my favorite comics ever

My niggah, that time when they had to team up to take out Morbius was great and there were a handful of times that I would go as far as to call the Lizard cute (though his cuteness was cemented in secret war playing patty cake with Ben Grimm Klaw and Hawkeye his post shed days are certifiably uncute)

Are you sure? Unless he's the current writer he hasn't really created any new characters beyond that black captain america from his run

bring him back

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Oh yeah, poor guy was in way over his head. He was 22 years old and Shooter put him in charge of the Spider titles at a time when his direct boss was DeFalco, so he was editing his direct boss!

Here’s some of his thoughts about his time as editor:

Love how Logan basically says that Peter is a better person than all of the X-Men. It’s so good because it’s so true

Now post the panel where Peter flips out on The X-Men calling them assholes

Aren’t there a few examples of this happening? I’m pretty sure Otto called out the x-men for their bullshit once in the A+X series

I'm assuming he means the ultimate page where he goes off on them after jean swtiches his mind with logan. Though his stand against phoenix colossus and Magik was kino

Ultimate spider-man did it when Jean switched his mind with wolverine

Is friendly neighbourhood spider-man going to save spider-man?

I hope so I've been liking it so far, I was kinda annoyed when they canceled Spectacular but I realized they did it to get a spider title with a low number count since both pete and miles have counts into the hundreds

What was Yea Forums‘s favorite non-Amazing title? I like how comfortable Marvel Team-Up was and Spectacular was great when it had a bigger focus on Peter than the other titles. Web had a much shorter run but still interesting.

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probably spectacular, a decent amount of story was allowed to happen in it and 101 is probably my favorite comic cover

That and the current Amazing are saving spider-man

Web had some great covers too

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Yeah the 80s had some great covers, though I wonder why they switched from its unique title font to just coping amazings

>BTW How's the current "fix" looking with Peter and MJ getting back together and being stalked by a demon. And how much of OMD do you think Spencer will actually be allowed to fix undo?
It looks like it's going to undo everything.

Neighborhood and Spencer are doing a good job so far.

Dr Strange

All of them!

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Spectacular. Like Amazing it never had a bad run up until the Clone Saga. Mantlo and Conway's runs are two of the best Spider-Man runs ever on any title. And then you have PAD and DeMatteis in there too.

Tom Holland is the worst Spider-Man ever.

Favorite costumes post them

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The one time he did beat Hulk was back when he had Captain Universe powers and the Hulk happened to be Joe Fixit at the time.

God I love Busiek run, why is it so good?

>we will never get Spider-man Brave And The Bold with heavily inspired by John Romita

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>It doesn’t conclude anything because Stern was fired from the title.

He wasn't fired, sometimes writers voluntarily leave books without resolving everything.

It's probably a movie-rights thing. Every version of Spider-Woman is included with the Spider-Man movie rights, and Marvel has moved all of them to being part of the Spider-Man 'family' of books.

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You’re right, Stern left ASM because the new editor and he clashed. It was the Avengers that fired him.

Regardless, Stern was a great writer from ASM to Dr Strange to Avengers and he was driven out of the company by editors with axes to grind.

This might have been the first ever introduction of Anna-May Parker honestly if she was born in the 616 universe, but what that would mean to the RYV version?

It won't happen. Honestly this is just being desperate. OMD won't be undone and I highly doubt Peter & MJ will last. Because if it did get undone then everything else since BND would have been undone and it won't mean anything. They're still thinking about long-term. Which no one here seems to think about

How many Spider-Man threads you've been so far? Honestly, this is never going to stop bringing these guys in

I don’t necessarily want them to undo OMD, I just want Peter and MJ to be together. OMD is now firmly in the past and once things are in the past Marvel starts the process of forgetting about them.

We’ve had a decade of single Peter and it’s been depressing and just going in circles, why not try to rekindle an old romance?

I don't mind single Peter. I actually enjoyed him as one, but why MJ when Felicia is the more obvious option?

No one has really seen how that romance can work

I always wanted him to being able to jump buildings in a single bound (proportionally, some spiders can do that), thankfully, video games are making it possible.

I stopped reading ASM at the start of the clone saga, that shit sucked diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Name a cuter family

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I think Priest would still make pretty good writer for spiderman.

Peter and MJ made a fucking deal with the devil. They need to remember what they did, realize it was wrong, repent and reject their deal with him. The OMD hate isn't just a shipping issue its a morality one.

I doubt OMD is going to be fully undone and be retroactively reversed or that Peter and MJ are going to refile a marriage license with the mu's state of New York though. But at the very least Peter and MJ need to fucking explictely renounce Mepisto and his deal and I'd like them to have some kind of unofficial marriage where for all intents an purposes they're living like they're married except being filed with the government.

yeah canonically assumed by fans as the first time they hook up.

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Would be extra dope if she cited the Bugle as well as her father.

JMS Era all the way
The Gwen Stacy Clone Story does not exist

This is correct
This is a solid answer

You forget, MJ was the one that convinced Peter to take it knowing full well he won''t accept it. If anything it was MJ that's to blame for this whole thing

MJW is a filthy chauvenist SJW whore cunt tranny bitch who should be fucking destroyed and forgotten for how she corrupted the white male young of America into the wretched belief that a girl is supposed to be "damaged" or "interesting" or "not Stan Lee's wife" which is why Gerry Conway ended the Silver Age of Comics also known as the Golden Age of America when we a nation were at our best and men and their wives lived in happy marriages. Before the best wife of them all, Stan Lee's wife, was murdered in cold blood!

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You ok there buddy?

Honestly it really seems queseda was interested in destroying all of the significant women in peters life as a reaction to his own divorce

He is but you can never tell. He's that good.

>shh, no thwips, only dreams now

Go back to the 50's and die there you old fart

spec with black costume, ~ #85-100

He always had those powers. It's directly mentioned when they first explain the origins of the Green Goblin.

I don’t mind single Peter either and I always preferred Felicia to MJ (and Gwen) but Marvel is never going to pull that trigger. She’s been thirsty for Spider-Man, and eventually Peter, since the 70’s...but Marvel isn’t interested.

Also, post-OMD single Peter is NOT pre-marriage single Peter no matter how much Marvel wants you to think he is. There’s a difference between an early 20’s post-college single guy and a mid-30’s single guy. I know Marvel wants his age to fluctuate within their sliding time scale but...c’mon...guy was the CEO of a worldwide billion dollar company! He’s in his 30’s, he’s accomplished too much to keep pretending he’s just a 20-something.

Agreed, even the preamble to it was shit. Anyone recommending a new fan continue reading until the start of the clone saga is like recommending a swimmer to only go waist deep in sewage. Hey at least it’s not over your head right?

That too. I’d actually be fine with MJ and Pete only dating or even breaking it off as long as they acknowledge that OMD was a mistake. They won’t because that would mean Papa Quesada and others were wrong.

Quesada undoubtedly has issues with woman, or at least did at the time.

MJ is just as much as fault as Peter. Peter was guilt tripping MJ subtly.Peter wanted to take the deal even though he knew it was wrong, and MJ was afraid of Peter blaming her for Aunt May dying if they didn't and their marriage would fall apart anyway. Peter should have stopped MJ from making the deal, MJ shouldn't have given mephisto the go ahead, and Peter should have did the right thing to begin with acknowledging that while it was attractive and he was tempted, it goes against what's right, so they can't accept it no matter what. As far as I'm concerned until they admit what they did was wrong and repent of what they did Peter and MJ are both damned and Spider-man remains morally tainted.

What’s even funnier is him working at horizons or at Parker industries is a perfect setting for him to have a family but they’ll never let him go that route

I'd like to see a What If? story where Peter becomes the Man-Spider and then gets the Venom symbiote.

The what if for the other was pretty much that

Skip clone saga,only read Byrne and Howard mackie if you want autism,just read the JMS and the Paul Jenkins run,then go read Spidergirl.


just finished superior. what should I read next?

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Why the hell did you read superior?

thought it was a neat idea. I enjoyed a lot of it. the ending was garbage

Well then read Kraven's Last Hunt. It's story Slott ripped off when writing Superior, and done far better.

thanks. I've got that on my list so I'll read that next

I miss the Daredevil team-ups. The last one was in 2016 wasn't it?

Yeah that omega button mini event was the last real team up

Do you mean like this?

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Shame her best arc involved evil Black Cat

There better be a lesbian carpet munching scene following this page!

I don't like what I am reading...

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Spider-Chum, Spider-Chum,
He's got radioactive cum!
When he skeets, sticky thread,
put some iodine in your bed.
Look out!
Here cums the Spider-Chum!

Why not user? Mind you, that’s not Eddie, Eddie died years prior to this in Reign, this is solely the symbiote speaking

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Peter and Johnny are always team up kino.

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I'm going through all TASM issues and I'm 430 or so right now.
Its crazy how the comic is pretty much at its best right after the clone saga, which was a total drag that almost killed my interest. The stories after reminded me why I even liked Spider-Man. Or maybe I only think its so good since everything from Maximum Carnage (and a lot of stuff before it) to the clone saga was garbage

You know, if you think about it, the Symbiote has been merged to Peter's entire body, so technically it has had his dick inside it canonically.

No wonder it always gets so angry at Peter.

>that episode of Spectacular Spider-Man where he was disguised as Norman Osborn one episode before his debut
>we never found out until the end of the series

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I don't necessarily think they're the best.
It's definitely because it's gotten some quality again after tons of garbage events, so it feels great.

ASM 500.

'70s/'80s Spidey is the best and I'm glad Spencer agrees with me.

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Somewhat and not a retarded teenage Gwen in sneakers and a waifubait design

This guy knows what’s up

Was able to nab an out of print ASM epic for cheap. Feel pumped.

There was that short arc in Daredevil where they teamed up but thats still way too long ago

For me, in my opinion, nothing will ever come close to original ASM run of Stan Lee and Steve Dikto (AF #15 ASM #1-38 ASM Annuals #1-3).42 issues of some greatest shit ever committed to print since Shakespeare last wiped his ass.

The most fascinating part of this run isn't just stories themselves but tense and strained relationship between two co creators.

It's said that reason why Steve Dikto left title so abruptly is because he only ever saw Spider-Man as limited run series and wanted it to end at issue number 50 with reveal that Spider Man powers were only ever temporary and were never meant to last (something that already been alluded to couple of times before such as in ASM first ever annual). The last page would of been Peter Parker walking away with his Spiderman costume in trash similar to something we actually saw half way thru ASM #50.

It's believed at last in house meeting at Marvel that Steve Dikto arranged with Stan Lee to talk about their last year on Spider-Man and what they were going to do to wrap things up (remember Dikto last issue was ASM #38, twelve months out from 50th issue) starting with Norman Osbourne being finally revealed as Green Goblin and Jonah Jameson Jr becoming Rhino after his spaceship crash land in middle of Bronx Zoo to avoid hitting General Grant Tomb.

It was during these discussions he was totd matter of factly by Stan Lee that in spite of what he was lead to believe they're not cancelling Spider Man and it would go on without him if he did decide to leave. Steve Dikto thinking that comic couldn't continue without him was incensed, stormed out but not before getting into some sort of punch up with Stan Lee over it. He allegedly threw his favorite typewriter out window but not before ripping out ribbons and throwing them at Stan Lee secretary giving her black eye. Ironically Steve Dikto the man who would later on make Marvel billions in dollars with his superhero creations was led out of building by police in handcuffs ...


Can someone post that Spidey cover where he's on some weird future vehicle? It looked really dumb and I remember seeing it a year or two ago but can't find it now.

That’s...uh...yeah, that paints Ditko in an awful light. Not the fact that he wanted to end the series but that he threw a literal temper tantrum and injured a poor secretary in the process. Ditko would never equal the success he had with Marvel ever again despite being active in the industry for decades...and, honestly, after hearing that story it’s easy to see why. Destroying property and injuring a staff member because you didn’t get your way in a story? Pathetic.

I’ve always thought the initial Ditko/Lee run was a good “base” from which to grow but Peter was a pretty lackluster protagonist at first. He was an antisocial loner, angry with the world and cruel towards his growing group of “friends.” The Spider-Man stuff was great mind you, just couldn’t stand Peter Parker.

The Lee/Romita/Kane era saw the angry teen mature into the hero we love today. The stakes were raised with the Goblin finding out his identity and MJ entered the scene. The stories began to feature more of Peter’s social life, his improving relations with friends/Gwen/Bugle staff and it explored topical (at the time) issues like Vietnam and the landmark drug issue with Harry.

I can’t find it but I think you’re talking about an Alex Ross cover from slotts last volume on amazing it would’ve been within the first few issues

Do you mean the original Spider-Mobile or the new one?

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Oh whoops, I missed the “futuristic” part. Yeah, it would have been the Ross cover like said.

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It would've been one of thie issues within the first five issues of the run, I'd hunt a bit more for you but I gotsta get to work so take this instead

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Sadly as much as I can agree with Stan Lee detractors that Steve Dikto had more to do with creation of Spider-Man than Stan Lee ever did and was kind of dick to him for remainder of his life it is interesting to note that weird, anti social loner Peter Parker started out as you noted was all self projection and based on how Steve Dikto saw himself during high school growing up. So as much as Steve Dikto probably didn't deserved the way he was treated there no argument that really bought it on himself by his own actions and way he treated everyone around him. The guy was really a huge asshole let's not forget that before we use him to run down Stan Lee who again in my opinion still doesn't get enough praise from people for what he accomplished.

You know that story about how Stan Lee came up with idea of Fantastic Four after golfing with Guy Gardner at DC who was telling him all about this massive turn around success they were having with their latest team book called Justice League Of America ? Yeah what isn't often spoken about is reason behind why Stan Lee was golfing with him in the first place is because DC was looking to buy Marvel/Timely comics (who at time was on brink of bankruptcy) and was trying to get him to persuade his bosses to sell as they wanted to incorporate their characters starting with The Human Torch and Namor into DC Universe as brand new characters with new oorigin back stories kind of like what they did with Flash and Green Lantern.

Stan Lee could of right then of gone and convince his bosses to take offer just like a number of other small comic companies (Fawcett etc) but decided to fight back instead and create one last comic using those two characters (Human Torch and Namor) as ultimate fuck you to competiton. If they were going to fail they were going to fail and take down everything with them. It's that sort of attitude from Stan Lee is what gave us Marvel Comics we know and love today.

Why is it that every time that Stan Lee vs Steve Ditko comes up, Stan Lee fans immediately start deflecting with anecdotes about some completely irrelevant shit? Is it because they can't face up to the truth that A is A?

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Is there anywhere you can download Epic Collection: The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1?

It's the only one I don't have digitally and I can't find it anywhere.

It's only irrevelant if you want to continue believing the lie. The real fact of matter is everything we like to think we know about Marvel Comics especially in its early days is all bullshit and that there were no heroes back then. That why whole thing is so fascinating to me.

Just imagine if Stan Lee wasn't such a total cunt and let Spider-Man end with issue #50 like Steve Dikto co creator wanted to, what would of happened then ? Just like imagine if Steve Dikto wasn't such a total cunt and was able to handle not getting his own way on Spider-Man and decided to stay with Marvel Comics creating even more new and interesting characters. What would we be missing out on today ? Like I said whole thing is fascinating. Fuck everyone who doesn't agree.

>It's only irrevelant if you want to continue believing the lie.
It's irrelevant because the form of the discussion is obviously pushing the situation under the rug, pretending to be an examination. How can you seriously think you're being in any way honest when you lead with:
>Oh yes remember this story about how Stan Lee saved Marvel Comics after golfing with the evil DC bastards?
>And remember this other story about how Steve Ditko assaulted his boss and ruined his life and everything for everyone because he's so crazy lol!
Both are meaningless ANECDOTES but you push one as the good guy and the other as bad, then pretend you're somehow a neutral party. Fuck you. You'd let the corporations screw over any creator as long as you got your funny books and a cute behind-the-scenes story to be "fascinated" by.

And Ditko was always a hero.

Is The Gauntlet a good collection of stories?

Yes, Sandman and Rhino are the best from that arc, Electro was really good too, but fueled by the real world financial crisis that was going on at the time.

I enjoyed Superior. Continue on