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This movie was not that bad.

So what was with the gay wedding at the end?

Hey I remember this movie. Didn't the chick villain get horrifically transformed into a rabbit-bird abomination at the end?

Yes, and then he and the rest of the chicks are forced into pretty much slave labor.

Yeah, seeing James Marsden act like a retard alongside a CGI rabbit voiced by Russell Brand was super fun, guiiiise

Great movie, very cute (especially those Pink Berets). EB pretending to be a stuffed doll and running his paw thru her hair. lol

This movie was an 2011 time capsule.

feels like yesterday

Feels like today (Rascal Flatt)

>Illumination trying to make a yearly viewing Easter movie like all the Christmas/Thanksgiving specials that are played every year
And naturally it made like double it's budget even though it's total trash.


Like any Illumination film. Hop is their least profitable film but it still made around double it's budget back. Then you have shit like the Minions movie which was made for like 74 million then made like 1.150 billion back. It's insane.


I still can't believe Russel Brand fucking died

They kinda succeeded by tapping into an honestly untapped market. I blame Hollywood for not whoring out the Easter Bunny as much as Jesus during this month, that was free money on the table and they never took it until Illumination swooped in.

>I blame Hollywood for not whoring out the Easter Bunny as much as Jesus during this month, that was free money on the table and they never took it until Illumination swooped in.
Its funny because this sort of describes the events of happy! Season 2

But you know happy endings and stuff

Rapidly became a very dull way to title a movie.

It was still considered a failure by Illumination which is why they haven't tried making another live action film since.

That's the thing though, Illumination fucked up by trying to market this movie to all when it's so blatantly obvious it's a kids movie through and through. Would adults really be interested in a movie with a cartoon rabbit and a bunch of candy? No, this is the most obvious kid bait since forever and they tried to squeeze a bit too much wide appeal out of it. If they had aimed at a more precise audience it would ironically have made more money.

What gay wedding?

I'm glad these type of movies are dead. Man those were dark days. At least I don't have to see anything like Smurfs again