You know why I love Jaime Reyes? Cause he’s a good kid. He comes from a loving, supportive family and community, and he wants nothing more than to do right by them. He accepts his powers with responsibility, and does what’s right with them, without hesitation. I mean, here’s a kid that goes back to high school after beating Brainiac in Injustice 2, and whose greatest dream is to become a dentist. That’s the sorta guy you want to have superpowers. Just a good guy, doing what’s right.
You know why I love Jaime Reyes? Cause he’s a good kid. He comes from a loving, supportive family and community...
Eclipso was trying to bring Jaime to the dark side, by promising to wish his heart’s desire which...
I like Jaime but I also want to know more about all the Blue Beetles.
Any recs?
Picked the fuck up.
Keith Giffen’s Justice League. Geoff Johns’ Booster Gold is also quite good and features Dan Garrett as well.
A spic legacy done right.
Jaime is one of my very favorite legacy characters.
>unique enough to stand out on his own
>cool design and powers
>works well with ted existing, because he never used the damn scarab in the first place
>isn't just another kid genius like all legacy characters are nowendays
>good lad
I really liked having Ted as his mentor in the Giffen series. They still kept his bad health, they kept his heart trouble, and had that be why he retired instead of committing suicide, and trying to blame it on Max Lord, which I thought was totally out of character for him. I mean, Max Lord? That goofy guy that bankrolled the JLA? Weird turn for Ted at the end.
As a Ted fan I should hate Jamie, but I think the "passing of the mantle" was done right with him.
He's also one of the few Mexican heroes that I really like a lot because he doesn't come off as stereotypical (except in Young Justice but I blame Weisman for that since he likes giving the characters gimmicks and of course Jaime got the ese shit and Chicano slang and accent even though he's from El Paso).
Make sure it's Jaime's first comic and not the other abominations take came after.
That's the thing after Ted died and Jaime was announced a lot of people were ready to hate Jaime. Scans_daily was even angry and one of the users called him bugfucker for the stupid reason that the bug was in his back and it "looked like it was fucking him".
>wants to pay off his parents' mortgage, and send Milagro to college
Jaime best boy.
Remember, we're talking about the 2006 series here. It starts off slow but by the time John Rogers takes over full-time duties it gets amazing.
The 2011 series is fucking garbage and best forgotten, and the 2016 series is average but directionless.
At least Giffen got the family and friends dynamics and kept them as a large part of the narrative, even when it had literally nothing to do with Blue Beetle adventures. It wasn't perfect, but the stuff with Ted, Brenda, Paco and his family was terrific.
True, I'm just remembering some user grumbling about the pace and the Five Years Later thing on a storytime a few years back.
The biggest problem with it is the same problem that Giffen’s had for a long time. Its pacing is TERRIBLE. And that was true of Doom Patrol and JL3K and so many of his other books, but those all had characters that you didn’t mind spending time with while Giffen was spinning his plates. With Blue Beetle, there just wasn’t nearly enough going on, aside from the A and B plots, to keep the reader engaged. As much as I love Jaime, and as much as Giffen got the character dynamics right, there just wasn’t enough in the comic to keep me reading it, which is a shame since he’s a legitimately great writer and he cannot seem to keep a series going.
Man I miss this series. Jaime should be on the Teen Titans. He'd bust Damian's britches non-stop.
>Paco likes RHCP
I miss Negotiator and Dawur.
This series had some of the best feels.
It's too bad the Kents are dead in current continuity. I'd love to see the Reyes family interact with them.
>Fire, Ice, Guy and Booster were interacting again
>We got hints of a new JLI series all through Brightest Day
>what we got was forgettable mildly edgy garbage
Man, FUCK the New 52.
What a sad world in which we live.
HEY. We got some good mileage out of the 'Max Lord isn't real' meme, and Gavril was a good boy.
>and Gavril was a good boy.
Yeah he was. Then they killed him off and put Fire, Ice and Vixen in comas and I dropped the series and never looked back.
>Mrs. Reyes brought Guy down to size in less time than Bats could
Can Mrs. Reyes be den mother at the Hall of Justice?
I dropped the book at the same time. We're all better off pretending nu52 JLI never existed, which is what DC seemed to do the second it was cancelled.
Yeah that was some grade-A nu52 bullshit.
Followed by the usual, ongoing torture of Booster Gold. I’ll never understand why DC keeps hurting him.
>the usual, ongoing torture of Booster Gold
A tradition currently playing out with Heroes in Crisis!
God damnit, I knew going in to HIC that it was going to be another shitshow but I didn't expect it to go whatever the fuck that is.
>come here to post that they make six figures
>its the first reply
just as it should be
The stick is love, the stick is life.
Have Fire and Ice woken up yet? I know Vixen has.
IIRC Ice woke up in that stupid annual with the multiple Booster Golds. I think someone mentioned seeing one of her in a crowd shot a while back.
Frankly I'm okay with them being forgotten for now. It's obvious Didio doesn't like or care about them so at best we'd just get I'M SAD bullshit in place of actual characterisation.
Pic unrelated.
Anything from nu52 JLI has been totally forgotten by now. Retconned by means of no one cares to follow up on any of that shit.
I'll finish storytiming this issue. While we don't get anymore Reyes moments, Jaime is a *great* straightman to Guy.
There's a pairing I'd like to see brought back. What's Guy doing while Hal's off having weird space adventures and Jessica is becoming a goddess?
I just know by the time this thread dies I'll be re-reading this whole run.
I'm surprisingly ok with that.
I think we saw his corpse in Heroes in Crisis? Picking a fight with Doc Manhattan in Doomsday Clock? Who even knows anymore man.
Alternatively, read Dungeons & Dragons (2010) by the same writer.
Thanks for the rec, I'll check that out.
Guaranteed /tg/ approved!
The end.
I actually love this page.
Fire and Ice ended up being in JL 3000/1, but that series had a big "fuck you for reading it" type of ending (which is happening a lot for Giffen).
Ice was a full winter god on a forgotten planet, and Fire was Etrigan's bitch queen for a bit.
The middle finger is pointed in the other direction, man. His frustrations with the snippy endings are that editorial aren't giving him the chance to even finish the story he's telling, and that they're cancelling him before he could give the series a satisfactory ending. Which, honestly, he has a valid point. I know no one read it, but Threshold was good as hell and did not deserve to be cancelled on issue #7!
At least he got to finish Larfleeze, though. That one got a pretty satisfactory ending, all things considered.