Was she the best BC? It feels like it
Black Cat thread
Do you think her solo series will be any good?
>Was she the best BC? It feels like it
Fuck yes muscle growth
Black Cat is a selfish whore.
I admit her muscle growth got me into fit women
Also this cat had great short hair
The only woman worse than Black Cat is Mary Jane.
>ripped sexy bad-girl superheroine
Yes and yes.
She was also one of the many things that got me into muscle growth as a kid.
The spiked collar is a bit much
The best part of her, or at least the thing I got off on, was that she changed voice actors when she became Black Cat and got a really cock-hungry voice.
Is there art of a Mary Jane/Black Cat fusion?
Closest I could find
Yes she was fantastic. Jennifer Hale voice too right?
Yep, and funny enough both her and Christopher Daniel Barnes would voice act in a Disney movie (forgot which) where they were both MCs and in love with each other.
Commander Felicia "Cat" Shepard
Barnes was Prince Eric, but I don't think Hale was in that, was she?
I think a lot of people who only knew the comics very vaguely didn't know Petere's schoolmate would become Black Cat. She was just a snooty rich kid for several seasons if I remember right.
This is what I was thinking of
Definitely the best version of Felicia. I've jerked it to her so many times.
I like how her gloves have claws on them
No, it was Jennifer Hale in both versions. She's just that good.
Yeah, and they weren't just for show. She used them to cut out of Spider-man's webs. I bet it's great during sex too.
From the thumbnail, I just thought that this was a slutty Firestar.
Yeah Firestar lost big time to Starfire, didn't she? Her fate is going to be obscurity if they don't tweak her somehow
How do they work? They give her cat hands
What do you mean? They're part of the gloves.
The claws where a common thing
That version of her suit is so silly
It was the best version and I miss it. I love how unapologetic the 90s where.
Literally gave me my first erection as a 7 year old.
Felicia and Sue shop at the same store, I see.
Stick it to the PTA and home owners association, Sue! Flaunt that milfy stuff.
Was never a fan of all this tacticool nonesense.
This art is so bad it's not even sexy
Beats the shit out of the webcomic tier crap we got these days
Her OG costume is still the best desu. I don't hate this one but I prefer her with the white fur collar
What if we added fur lining to the cleavage line
Not sure how that would look.
>cute cropped hair
With all the red, I thought she was fused with DD at first
And this isn't even mexican
stop this.
DD MJ would be both a crimefighting pal and a love interest for Peter. That'd get weird.
Now combine MJ + Firestar + Black Cat
Spidey: How are you able to sneak away while being on fire at night?
Blind crimefighting MJ? Yes please
>Now combine MJ + Firestar + Black Cat
That'd just be strange.
Absolutely. Lovely voice, great body.
Man Im glad all her character development came back
Good taste. I feel like most people only know her early history and that's it. BND and Slott probably added to that though.
Alright Yea Forums I rewatched the Raimi films and am still on a Spidey high. What are the essential readings?
Can't go wrong with this babe.
You cheeky bastard.
God I want to lick her abs
>Still no movie about her and Peter
>Still no alternate universe where Felicia and Peter end up happy together
Why must BC fans suffer, bros?
She should help Billy relax by fucking his hemipenis.
There is an alternate universe where they are married, but Peter married her so MJ didn't had to suffer over his Spider-Side. Look it up at Marvel Database
>Still no event where she gets fat.
why live?
You know Marvel's allergic to movies about Peter as an adult.
Besides, why would you want a movie anyway? They'd just stick Felicia in something really bland looking.
Spider-Man 2 Black Cat was my first boner. Good times.
It isn't that I don't like it (It's close to the goal) but the implications can change drastically, you guys need to choose first cause the purpose is the base too.
I leave now
It's a shame Pam Anderson is too old for the role now. And a terrible actress.
You know who'd make a great Black Cat? Amber Heard.
Web of Shadows had the peak vidya Black Cat.
I'd like to see her as MJ.
Sorry. You have coon MJ now.
man if that comic was more of this and less rape it'd have been one of the all time greats.
reminder that BLACKED Cat is a turboslut who doesn't care about Peter and only uses him to get away with stealing.
was there really that much edgy violence in that series?
Even just a little bit a tonal shift that just makes things come to a screeching halt
>believing a nigger bragging about his bodycount
gain IQ
>prime Pam in Black Cat's outfit
Imagine all the awkward boners boys would have in the cinema sitting next to their parents.
Felicia is so obviously the best girl it's not even funny.
All the more reason for dad to take their kids. You know like that one random slutty jungle chick in the power rangers movie.
The pink ranger was hotter.
I grew up on the 90s cartoon so for me Spider-man will always be a chad and BC will always be best girl. All my friends wondered why he went with boring ol' Mary-Jane in the cartoon and then Dunst in the Raimi movies didn't help either.
It's probably for the best that they don't put her in the Holland movies. Everyone in those is terrbily miscast. They'd probably make her an indian or something.
Only Peter could mold a bad girl into best girl after he's already married a good girl. Such is the Parker Luck.
I found it interesting and extremely hot that they really gave her a new body type when she became black cat. Much more defined muscles, bigger boobs, different hair... I think even her face is drawn differently. No idea why the super-soldier serum now gives you disguise abilities but hey.
Also this show had some huge boner for transformations between this, Lizard, Morbius, Kraven and Calypso
I remember in the old cartoon she got the super soldier serum and could transform between normal form and super buff super soldier form.
But what about in the comics. Does she have any powers? I thought she had some kind of luck altering power and super agility?
That mutated guy that worked for Kingpin said he modified the formula to add the transformation ability. It was a good idea for the show and Jannifer Hale's cock-hungry voice made diamonds in the her BC form.
She has bad luck powers in the comics.
>It was a good idea for the show and Jannifer Hale's cock-hungry voice made diamonds in the her BC form.
I like how the superpowers were some kind of freudian release for cartoon Felicia. Before that she had just been the somewhat stuck-up, prissy rich girl character, essentially playing a Gwen Stacy with a rich mom. But when she became BC she really immediately adopted that fun-loving, dick hungry persona with accompanying voice change. It really made her sexier when she could swap back and forth.
Just some luck stuff. I forget if she's a mutant or something. Everything else is just her being fit as fuck.
Yes user, you have a TF fetish. We get it.
Something like this, but I'd imagine lower.
>Also this show had some huge boner for transformations between this, Lizard, Morbius, Kraven and Calypso
Don't forget Man-Spider and the Six Forgotten Warriors. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.
Yeah, that's logical. She was probably pretty restrained by her cunt mother, always having to act "proper" and shit.
i fucking love black cats my man
That costume sucks ass.
So do you user.
Damn it Felicia, put that fish back. It's been swimming in it's own waste for god's sake.
That looks weird
Hey I just read that issue.
Can't wait for it to bite her ass off, literally.
Why can't Selina ever be as hot as Felicia?
Sounds like he roofied and raped her.
>Cat-themed burglar that wants to fuck the protag
Has Marvel ever had an original idea?
The comparisons between the two characters is seemingly inevitable, but Catwoman and Black Cat are not identical copies of one another. Just as Peter Parker is not Bruce Wayne, Felicia Hardy is not Selina Kyle. Personally, I prefer the interactions on the Marvel side because they are more reciprocal, lighthearted, and amusing.
I'm interested in her new series coming out this summer. What are some essential Black Cat reads?
Felicia has a better costume and better hair.
>. I forget if she's a mutant or something
I hope not, I hate it when they try to make all heroes related to mutants, rather than humans at athletic peak
Since when did you guys start enjoying toxic relationships? I thought Felicia Hardy was referred as the "black sheep" of superheroes.
>Of all the fucking super heroes you could have picked and you chose fucking Black Cat. You had it going good with Captain America and Storm from X-men, but then you had to ruin everything with The Lizard and Black Cat.
I was under the impression Spencer would apply a soft reset to the character, including the removal of her 'bad luck' powers for the fourth time. However the latest issue (ASM #19) confirms Black Cat still possesses slight tychokinetic abilities. I wouldn't consider Felicia a mutant during any period despite her powers originally being explained as a latent genetic mutation activated by Kingpin's experiments.
Reggie Hudlin dick-waving and nothing more. He self-inserts as literally any black male character.
I assumed as much given how Black Cat hardly acknowledges Cage and the rest of the Defenders. If you consider Kevin Smith's contribution to Felicia Hardy's origin story (much of which I don't care for), Peter Parker was the first man she learned to love and trust whole-heartedly after she was sexually assaulted at university.
>Peter Parker
Peter... Par-ker? Ugh, who is that? The Black Cat has eyes only for Spider-man!
>rape backstory
Wow, I'd forgotten that
Fair correction. I suppose Spider-Man and then Peter Parker after a lot of maturation and heartache. At this point I find the whole distinction to be more a lazy regression of her character development.
Was Black Cat ever this muscular on any comic?
Freckles out!
Except if she made her debut before. (Then she can be defended)
No. The Black Cat from the 1990s animated cartoon may as well be an entirely different character from when transformations were popular.
I envy that wall
>posting a gif
>in the year of our lord two thousand and nineteen
Black Cat is the best woman for Spider-Man. Hell, she's the best woman, period.
>you've got nice moves......for a dork in tights
My teenage penis never stood a chance
Was it ever definitively proven if the pink ranger was in porn?
Probably because Felicia's still allowed to be a fun supporting character (Slott's attempted assassination notwithstanding), while writers keep piling on angst and issues in lame attempts to make Selina a more standalone character.
No. The most you'll ever get is a long shot from a shitty B-movie, but that's it.
I just remembered Silver and Black was a thing...
Black and Silver could never exist in this SJW ugly fat dikes complain about everything while cuck white knights write for kotaku about how you are terrible for liking it and how all men today are incels
Actually newfag, before Felicia and Frank Miller, Catwoman was just a cat-themed super-villainess. It was Felicia that was the original Cat-Burglar themed character.
>ywn become Black Cat
Y live?
>Hey lets have a good evil meter in a game based around a character who's established and defined as having a strong moral center.
Man, I hate this in regular use but in a Spidey game that's just bad. I play a Spider-man game to be Spider-man. And picking the bad routes? That ain't Spider-man.
Don't be a faggot. Spidey does his best but he's not a paragon, he acts impulsively and sometimes without respect for the law or the situation, and by his own admission acts like a jerk when his ego is on the line. You don't have to be Frank Castle to be wrong.
There's still a world of difference between flawed human being and edgy super cunt.
Yeah and Peter could often be the latter, especially when he was a teenager. Like when he crashed Johnny Storm's party for absolutely no reason other than to prove he's more macho.