Why were the main characters of Voltron so ‘shallow’? They had 7 entire seasons to give them character development and ‘depth’.
They all stayed exactly the same as they were in the beginning.
Why were the main characters of Voltron so ‘shallow’? They had 7 entire seasons to give them character development and ‘depth’.
They all stayed exactly the same as they were in the beginning.
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Because if they changed them you'd send more death threats as it could affect your precious romantic shipping of cartoon drawings
It was a cartoon to sell toys to 6 year old boys.
You're expecting too much from a Netflix cartoon (a DreamWorks one, in particular) with a fanbase willing to post leaks from an animation studio tour and use it as blackmail against the production staff. Or sending death threats to others because their ships weren't used in the show. Or cried over how Shiro became a gay and they killed off Adam even though they needed to give him a backstory and Adam was a means to an end.
That and what said.
It still amazes me that so many people lost their minds over that two minute plot device.
they had some things going for them, i've seen plenty long analyses of them
Writing was tied up by a need to promote specific characters over having a compelling narrative overall, and while they clearly wanted to use certain types of anime as inspiration, they had to keep things a little too light to go all in on that angle and make it work. To wit, Shiro should have died in the S2 finale, and things became a jumbled mess from there. Thus only a few characters had a consistent arc.
I never got attached to any of the characters in this show.
Shiro got all the character development, the best titties and a happily ever after. Everybody else got varying shades of ‘eh’.
>They all stayed exactly the same as they were in the beginning.
At least they didn't melt.
Not giving any meaningful struggle to Pidge is an atrocity. Second only to hooking Lance with Allura as a result of teaching him to not hook up with Allura.
Is this a reference to something?
Best boy deserves best everything.
Too bad his husband sucked
Probably a Lotor reference
Oh, did he melt? I think the entire Lotor arc got erased from my memory.
I didn't bother watching the last season, and from what I've seen I really didn't miss much.
You're better off.
Isn't Pidge pretty different? She starts out not trusting anybody and was pretty single-mindedly focused on her own issues and objectives. She definitely mellows out and learns to be more of a team-player.
Granted that all happened in the first season or so, and she doesn't change or grow after that, but it did happen.
Yes, she's the one who got basic initial, but she still wasn't truly challenged in meaningful way.
They had development for the first two or three seasons, but due to executive meddling, it turned into an incoherent shitshow.
I hate how Pidge and Liefsdottir barely interacted (Beside the shopping episode)
What do you hate the most?
No beach episode
No shiroy
They should have actually had Matt be dead.
the fakeout was lame
now, if he'd been a member of the fighter jet squad thing, it might have been worth keeping him alive
He should've been a robeast that Pidge would have to fight.
At the very least, if they had spaced out rescuing Matt with rescuing her dad, it would have had a bit more impact.
The pacing in S3 was poor, but S4 was when it became unsalvageable.
Him or Sam. It annoyed me that 'This is war and people die' only applied to Allura and Shiro's families.
And Colleen. It would be pretty interesting if Pidge found out Galra killed her mother while she was away.
I don't think she needed to lose everyone. It just bugged me that all the other paladins had their families completely alive and intact while the EPs kept talking up how devastating the Galra invasion supposedly was.
>Alfor blows up an entire planet under the pretense of saving the universe
>is hailed as a hero
>gets a statue
>Lotor kills a few hundred space elves under the pretense of saving the universe
>is proclaimed to be space hitler
>gets melted
Voltron was a mistake.
To be fair, Lotor was an abomination who should have been aborted.
They just couldn't decide who they were writing for. A lot of their ideas were too mature for the audience they were aiming at it you wrote them properly. They had to keep pulling the punch, which made the show feel like it was meandering.
It didn't even sell many toys anyway
I think they could've worked around it a bit with some creative implications. Just have the paladin family reunions minus a couple of the family members we'd seen earlier or something. Even just making the memorial scene at the end of S7 have more than five portraits would've sufficed.
Nothing sells toys these days. You have to make figures for adult collectors.
this voltron didn't really target kids at all tho it was more geared to older fans
>They all stayed exactly the same as they were in the beginning.
funny how people complained about how korra ruined the gaang by making them grow up and aren't like their teenage selves.
How do you explain the Playmates figures.
I liked Shieth. Good thing I never cared about the show much.
Strange takeaway to think that was the main criticism people had with Korra.
Yeah, but Dreamworks is a little stuck in the past for some reason and keeps trying to make to sell toys work.