Ahsoka would've been the greatest female villian in history.
Ahsoka would've been the greatest female villian in history
It could still happen. Maybe she started the First Order.
We would have to make Rebel 100% non canon First.
Rebels takes place before episode 4. The First order doesn't show up until after episode 6.
I remember whrn the episode that teased Asoka either turning or dying came out. My froends and I were so pumped, and the episode wasn't even good.
And THIS happens after.
So when Assoka is a mary sue, everybody loves her, but when Rey turns out to be one, it's suddenly wrong.
That makes zero difference.
You clearly don't know what the term means.
Nice deflection faggot. Butthurt that somebody completely trashed your pedo bait?
user Ahsoka has fucked up 100s of times and has had help and training from jedi, clones, and even villains like Ventress. And was raised in the Jedi Temple. She is far from a Mary Sue you retard.
>can defeat darth fucking vader
>not mary sue
Didn't you get bored posting this on Yea Forums?
>I don't actually watch the show
She didnt beat him you retard. All she did was cut his mask. Vader litterally kills her and is saved after Timetravel from Ezra.
She'll never be as great a character as ventress and you know that
>maybe the alien started the anti-alien faction
... Do you actually listen to the retarded thoughts that spew out of your head?
Speaking of humans though, I think one or the reasons Ahsoka became so popular is because she's one of the precious few Star Wars protagonists who is an alien. This franchise, despite being host to an absurd number of different sapient species, almost always defaults to human protags. It's annoying as fuck, frankly.
You must be super fun to be around. That was sarcasm. You don't seem to be able to discern humor at even the most subtle level.
>"I was just pretending to be retarded!"
Not buying it for a second, mate. You can hide behind 'sarcasm' all you like, you fucked up and said some stupid shit.
>can defeat darth fucking vader
>not mary sue
Did you not see where she got nothing but BTFO by Vader and only time travel could save her from him?
>can defeat darth fucking vader
When did this happen? Vader fucking wrecked her.
"Sarcasm" refers to the notion that you would be fun to be around. Notice how the statement immediately precedes the mention of sarcasm, with no other sentences between them? Does your family even want to be around you with the way you are?
Yep, just keep on blathering in you desperate attempt to dodge your mistake.
>Hurr hurr, an alien founded a faction that explicitly hates aliens!"
Fuck off, retard.
Although, is Snoke really supposed to be human? I get that he's supposed to be super fucking old, but he still doesn't look human at all.
What's wrong with you? Is this how you think people behave towards one another?
What's wrong with you? Just admit you fucked up and said something stupid. Is this a pride thing? For fuck sake.
If he was supposed to not be human they probably would've made a weirder design. Or increased his size at least. Plus, the Empire, and by extension the First Order, is ruled by and for humans, with no alien in command, Thrawn being the most famoud exception. Something to do with racism and implicitely making the rebels the good guys since they had women and aliens.
I just want to know why you entered the thread with such a tantrum the whole way. You seem to be going out of your way to be upset and angry. You willfully try to find alternate meanings to anything said to you so that you can keep being so triggered. It would be good to find out why you are that way.
Well, they are basically space nazis, so why not.
Also, I love how Thrawn had one of the better ideas.
>"Hey, maybe instead of blowing all our resources on dumb superweapons, let's just improve our basic fighter craft."
What's with your no fun allowed?
>unironically insinuating that they have anything in common.
Ashoka has fucked up an astronomical amount of times and actually worked her way up to the position that she's in. Rey is the exact opposite and has done fuck all to earn any of the shit she can do.
Her story isn't over yet. Give her time.
>can defeat darth fucking vader
literally never fucking happened, retard
>Well, they are basically space nazis, so why not.
that was only in "legends"
Well, pardon me if I happen to take umbrage with people saying stupid shit, and then trying to backpedal with limpwristed and transparently false excuses. Surely I should beg forgiveness for having a distaste for bullshit.
See, THAT was sarcasm. Learn how it works, jackass. And also try to avoid blurting out your retarded fan theories. Goddamn.
You're still trying to pretend you don't get it I see. I feel sorry for you. It must be hard for you being so triggered all the time by idle talk that you didn't understand.
Just admit your mistake, coward.
Star Wars female characters are never consistently written well at all in their initial appearance. It takes sequels and outside material to make those characters actually liked
>Mouthy damsel in distress in ANH, actually gets good characterization in Empire, somewhat useful in RotJ
>Non character that had no real chemistry with Anakin in the Prequels. Clone Wars kind of made up stuff to make her less of a non character
>A whiney pest in the Clone Wars cartoon. She was meh in the first two seasons of Clone Wars cartoon. Got better over time from season 3 onwards.
>one of the weakest characters in TFA. Made her okay in TLJ because the one believable thing about her character is that her parents were nobodies and she was abandoned, thus she has no heritage and her place is as part of Ben Solo's storyline. He is the Legend of the Sequel Trilogy.
The only consistently good Star Wars female character from their initial appearance till the end of her trilogy storyline was Mara Jade.
Mara Jade is the exception, NOT the rule.
Does anyone have a link to the Ashoka book and audiobook?
I'd like to train an algorithm to speak in her voice.
>Filoni invented force time travel to save his waifu from what would have been a perfect end to her character AND her relationship to Anakin.
Honestly almost as bullshit as the hyperspace ramming in TLJ.