What is Family Guys obsession with Bob?
What is Family Guys obsession with Bob?
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Pure spite.
They won an emmy and FG never did.
Even worse, Bob never even tried to win an emmy, while FG has a cobstsnt stream of ill-fitting award bait episodes
They have strange hangups about a lot other things , too.
Aerosmith for instance.
That's fucking funny. No wonder Bob lives in Seth's head.
>Even worse, Bob never even tried to win an emmy, while FG has a cobstsnt stream of ill-fitting award bait episodes
I wonder if there is a connection here.
I have self-respect so I don't watch Family Guy. What are the natures of the references to Bobs?
Seth is just salty that Bob's Burgers is doing better then current Family Guy is.
Petty vitriolic spite with all the subtly of an oil refinery explosion
Just random unprovoked jabs
It’s envy, Bobs burgers is what family guys wants to be. It’s a show that most younger people like and its praised for its raunchy comedy and is awarded for it. While Family guy’s becoming modern Simpsons.
To use a Yea Forums meme, "SEETHING".
BB has Tina. FG doesn't.
That's understandable though because Aerosmith, like a lot of boomer rock, sucks.
Seth still has the comedic mindset of a middle schooler. It must be upsetting to see a fairly wholesome comedy beating his edgelord simpsons.
Just shitty jabs towards it. Its even more pathetic when you consider that the Bob's burgers writers don't even acknowledge or do jabs back like the simpsons did.
Better beer
Better show
Naturally The Simpsons would. They have nothing to lose if they do.
Family Guy
>Fuck Bob's Burgers is lame right?
>At least we don't have a shit mustache
>At least our family is funny and we can punch eachother
>Lol violence. Lol divorce. Lol spite
>Fucking Bob's burgers is boring amirite?
>Hehehehehehhehe hey loooiiisss... at least we don't have a failing burger business
Bob's Burgers
>Dad, that fat guy is pointing at us again
>Oh my god. Ignore him.
I need a drawfriend making this now
inferiority complex
Family Guy has proven to be enormously spiteful over the years. I'm starting to believe that the writing hasn't become edgy for ratings, but that the writers are actually jaded bitter fucks. It's even more telling that Bob's Burgers hasn't ever launched an attack on Family Guy, but Family Guy keeps pulling attacks on Bob's Burgers with basically no provocation. They're mad that a show that has a more functional family dynamic and isn't even trying to wow people is becoming far more acclaimed than Family Guy ever has been.
>I'm starting to believe that the writing hasn't become edgy for ratings, but that the writers are actually jaded bitter fucks.
You just getting that now, hoss?
Does Seth even work directly on Family Guy anymore? I thought he moved on to American Dad full time. Or is he full blast on doing The Orvelle?
Even Satan hates Seth
And devilled eggs for some reason, they make three jokes per season about it
>bob's burgers
Maybe in like season 1 or 2.
>Fox producers made FG because they hated nu-simpsons and thought it was going to die after the 2000's
>Make something even worse
>Emmy awards have shitty standarts, Simpsons win almost every year because mexicans and IMDB drones still watch it
>FG producers that have no grasp on writing or formula, so they bitch every year about how a shows they rip-off everything from get a fake award and them not
>The thing being that even Nu-Simpsons know how to make award bait to appeal to normies with emotinal bullshit and "cutting" political parody, Family Guy just farts and makes references with no punchline, barely holding their audience of stoned teens that fuel comedy only channels
>If Nu-Simpsons is Adam Sandler, FG is Jeff Dunham
>South Park gets a Emmy, Rick & Morty gets a Emmy
>Bob Burguers starts, FG and even the Cleveland Show makes fun of how low the ratings are and how it will die in a few seasons
>Bob Burguers surpasses Family Guy, gets the Cleveland Show spot and wins a emmy
>FG writers feel salty forever
I've always gotten the impression that Family Guy writers are picked from the most spiteful, smug and downright awful people they can find. I mean Bob's Burgers is so inoffensive and yet the writers can't help but try to tear them down.
He's admitted to not stepping in the writers room of any of his cartoons in years.
Fuck off, dick breath
weren't all the writers blacklisted from the rest of industry because they caused disagreements during the TV writers guild strike of 2005? Something about asking for more than the other writers and almost fucking everything up
Huh. Guess it's mainly The Orvelle now then?
Go eat a dick, zoomer.
The only zoomers here are yourselves going through your "dad rock is the only real rock" phases. Eventually you'll learn that bands like Aerosmith and U2 are the absolute dirt worst.
Bob's Burgers >>>>>>> Family Gore
Bob burgers became beloved like king of the hill. Something family guy will never have.
Friendly reminder even zombie Simpsons has more fans than family guy.
What is 4channel's obsession with Family Guy's obsession with Bob?
How many times do we need to have this thread?
Yeah, that's why he survived 9/11
Controlled opposition. If a toxic dump of a show hates something, that something must be doing something right. Oldest trick in the book.
go have sex with your my chemical romance cd
This. Bob’s is the most inoffensive show out there, it doesn’t do anything to stir up shit or shock it’s audience. It’s like King of the Hill but less political. People love it because of that, and it gets an Emmy. Family guy is the equivalent of a jealous child screaming and throwing shit around for attention and getting mad for people liking Bob’s better because it’s not annoying like FG.
I'd say it is more like SETHING in this particular case.
Because it's the most prominent of the newer wave of adult animated series that's come out since FG, and its low key and sincere style is in direct opposition to FG's unrelentingly cynical and sensationalist brand of humour.
>it doesn’t do anything to stir up shit or shock it’s audience
>the episode where bob talks linda's parents into going to an elderly sex party
Sure user.
Seth's too detached with his own show. The only reason he keeps doing it is because he is contract bound.
He tried to save time by killing Brian, but the execs didn't let him due to an outcry and brought him back.
surprise, old people have sex
>he thinks hating AeroSmith is a Zoomer thing
No... people really like Bob's burgers? Shit is boring at least family guy has jokes.
Bob's Burgers does what Family Guy only managed to do in the first two seasons, and for some reason abandoned.
Make an odd family that actually loves each other.
If Seth could, he would've opted out of Family Guy like he did with the Cleveland Show because he came to hate his only character over there.
>family guy has jokes.
College and retirement communities are the two horniest places on Earth.
Think about it. Can't get pregnant, get an std? No big. Might as well fuck.
Waste of dubs. Go. Play outside kid and get off of Yea Forums
>Louise, please don't serve him.
He only does voices for his animated show he hasn't written for years and most likely has 0 creative influence.
Also Disney. Lots of jokes about how Walt hates Jews. Which is gonna be awkward now
This wasn't the main point of your post but Emmys having shitty standards is so true. Jurassic Bark lost to that episode where Homer moves in with some gay guys. Forget the name but I'll never not be mad.
Family Guy wants to be taken seriously yet won't go past fart jokes and pop culture references.
That's shocking to you? Consensual adults having sex? I'm amazed your Mormon compound even allows you to watch Bob's Burgers.
Those people have about a year or two left until death. Let them enjoy all the risky behavior they want to.
>Which is gonna be awkward now
Freeform (the "woke" channel) already skipped one episode with a "joke" about Mickey Mouse hating Jews.
Why are we calling this “dad rock” when the average age of zoomers here have parents who probably listened to nirvana or insert rapper? Aerosmith has been around since great grandpa days. Also holy shit your fucking shit taste in music.
>an outcry and brought him back.
It was a planned revival from the start. A cheap ratings gimmick.
Honestly I figure Disney is either going to quietly cancel Family Guy as soon as possible or sell it
It's all in good fun, they know Bob could use the exposure.
Hey Seth
So standard FG fair
>FG has a cobstsnt stream of ill-fitting award bait episodes
Screams in Silence INSTANTLY comes to mind.
The show got an Emmy and is getting a movie, they've already got all the exposure they need.
That's just sad...
>at least family guy has jokes.
That's the hardest I've laughed at anything FG related in years.
Based Disney, I hope they do the same with the Simpsons
I just can't imagine how, given FG's normal level of misogyny, racism and comedic violence, they could possibly think that it's even appropriate to attempt to do Emmy-bait?
The entire Simpsons run is being set up as one of the primary draws of Disney+
They try to do a few "Very special" episodes tackling various subjects (abuse, lost love, parental abandonment and so on) and try to do them in a semi serious tone.
Unfortunately, FG is about as subtle as a freight train with "I BELIEVE THIS" painted on the side, so it always comes across as fucking baffling.
Remember when Brian "died"? Same thing.
in what way did they "carry" Bob's Burgers that they didn't do for Clevland?
I'm just counting the days until FG makes a "despite making up just 13 percent" joke. I fucking know they want to
>*Chris dressed up as the Joker*
>"We live in a society"
I hate it already
Bobs VA is on family goy
kill yourself
Yeah, but he's terrible in The Orvelle. He just isn't a good actor, let alone leading man material. The only talent is has is singing.
If that were true they wouldn't have pulled all of the episodes off of Adult Swim and TBS by 2021.
They already did PeePee the Toad and used to rip off internet memes all of the time even in the good seasons
How can you possibly try and take that stuff seriously when the show constantly makes light of child abuse, pedophilia, rape, infidelity etc. etc. etc.
I don't like bob's burger that much because I hate all the main characters except bob
American Dad! is my favorite by far, I have all the physical copies that have been released, fuck them though for making volume 9 onward burned discs instead of pressed through Amazon's createspace bullshit, I want proper pressed discs.
I think Bob would be the great guy to hang around with
That Parody Law joke is funnier than the entire scene preceding it, but wouldn't work without the scene.
He's kind of boring but he's loyal. Absolute S-tier BFF material.
didn't south park win one?
>Family guy is the equivalent of a jealous child screaming and throwing shit around for attention and getting mad for people liking Bob’s better because it’s not annoying like FG
10/10 metaphor, user
Seth probably hates Bob's Burgers because it's the third most successful cartoon on Fox but without the Simpson's senority yet dosen't have to resort to Family Guy tier edginess. It's existence reminds Seth and co. that they're hacks
That would be my go-to maybe four years ago. Now, it's the hyper-meta "Emmy-Winning Episode" from 2017.
sir this is 4channel.org. If you're going to speak like this I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
I thought Seth only voicing now
Yeah. Seth is too busy jerking off over his star trek show to care about FG beyond voicing it.
Sounds like this user's got a pretty low attention span and requires at least 10 cutaways per episode. Bob's Burgers can be pretty damn funny, especially when Louise is involved.
Isn't it failed on par with Western parody movie?
Well sure, but that was a long time ago
Also, South Park's whole point was that it was vile, nobody was being bad for the sake of being bad. It was fun t osee that for once
fg came along after sp with a completely different tone, and then when it started drowning, they said, "well fuck it, South Park is still going strong and they popped up around the same era, let's try that"
Reminder that KotH was canceled to make way for The Cleveland Show
Is this...
Is the joke that Family Guy is petty cunts? The only ones coming out of this like the butt of the joke is Family Guys. Bob's family literally stands there and does nothing while Peter just digs his own grave.
Was that the joke? Family Guy is shit, go watch Bob's Burgers?
He writes the Orville too. Too bad his falling out in the relationship he had with the super strong girl from season 1 caused her to get replaced by a new super strong girl with less character.
>Like King of the Hill
>But less political
Wasn't part of King of the Hill's whole ideal that it actually avoided being too politically left or right? The creator went so out of his way to avoid real political things that he never stated his own political beliefs.
OH GOD, I just remembered the first season of American Dad
Wait, what's wrong with S1 American Dad? I don't recall anything about it.
Isn't both all of Family Guy and Bob's Burgers getting put on Disney+ along with The Simpsons?
It was basically a long string of jokes about George W Bush and the people who voted for him.
Homer's limited movement and the fact that the dinner scene is just one still shot really gives it away that "The Simpsons Guy" was written and directed by Family Guy guys.
>The entire Simpsons run
Even pic related?
Cause Jimmy is the director.
Family Guy is going to Freeform.
>I have self-respect so I don't watch Family Guy
At least be open to checking out the first three seasons. Back then, the show was actually pretty funny and could be genuinely comfy. Honestly, FG started going to shit sometime after Season 8.
Jesus Christ the replies to this tweet. I hate Family Guy as much as the next gamer but people are actually calling to censor more offensive jokes because they hurt feelings.
It makes ORANGE MAN BAD look tame. A lot of people seem to have forgotten the Bush years and now people actually LIKE Bush 44
When the FUCK are we getting new info on this? A teaser trailer? A teaser poster? Christ, just a blurry photo of the screenplay would be enough for me.
No, that's no longer part of the entire run anymore, so why would it be?
Somebody please tell James L. Brooks how much of a li'l bitch he's being
they don't want an emmy, FG is fully self aware that their humour is too low brow for it. they bring it up as a joke in the show, they do a fucked up joke like pedophilia and then say "wheres our emmy?".
those special episodes aren't award bait, they are just doing controversial subjects to get ratings. no animated show ever gets an emmy for doing a controversial subject like BLM, especially when the episode is about your main character shooting a black teen and then being forgiven for it.
this was fully self aware, did you miss the end where they spell it out for their brain dead audience that the show is too low brow for the emmies?
Oh alright. So Bob and Simpsons is going to Disney+ then.
>especially when the episode is about your main character shooting a black teen and then being forgiven for it.
>ends with Cleveland saying "you wanna make the (((media))) go away, just mention black on black crime!"
How the fuck did Seth get away with it?
>Louise: See you at the movies. Oh wait...
>Is the joke that Family Guy is petty cunts?
Yes, hence the
>"A roast is good-natured."
Family guy is the adult animated equivalent to shitposting.
There's a reason his two best customers are his neighbors.
No those kid are fuckin' annoying along with Linda.. She sounds like a bootleg peggy bundy.. Bobbbbyyyy waaa
Only The Simpsons so far will be available through Disney+. I don't know where Bob's Burgers will be but Simpsons and Family Guy fates have been confirmed.
>>not being turned on by Linda's voice
I don't give a fuck if it's a man doing it. That loving Jersey Wife accent gets me going!
I'm thinking it'll eventually be on Disney+. Bob's Burgers isn't really on a streaming platform besides buying episodes of it off like iTunes and such.
It’s on Hulu at the moment. So are other FOX series, ongoing or old. I was surprised to see King of the Hill, Futurama, and The Cleveland Show on there as well.
>What is Family Guys obsession with Bob?
Synergy. They're giving Bob's Burgers publicity. People barely heard of Bob's Burgers and it's been a decade on the air.
>To use a Yea Forums meme
please go back
Now Aerosmith, THAT was music
Playful inter-channel ribbing that FOX cartoons do all the time that Enterbots here get worked up about because they've long since been programmed to think FAMILY MAN BAD ever since that South Park episode.
>People barely heard of Bob's Burgers and it's been a decade on the air
Pretty much this. Despite what said, I’ve never felt that Bob’s Burgers ever got quite as mainstream or popular as The Simpsons or Family Guy did back in their respective heydays. It’s why the announcement of the movie shocked me since Bob’s never seemed like the type of show to get a full-on theatrical film adaptation.
Speaking of American dad, holy shit I had such a hard time finding torrents for it because nobody seems to know how many seasons are I don't know if the new season is the 14,15 or 16
other than some joke here and there I don't recall any bashing against bush. in fact if I recall even the episode when he comes for dinner is not that mean.
It wasn't even shocking
That Stewie at the therapist one from last year to
I'm fairly certain Lauren fucked Alec Sulkin's wife
He needs to stop referencing randomass celebrities
This is the Angry Trumpet man rant video of Yea Forums
I pretty sure everyone on FG is a Nihilist
Great jokes
When I look at They don't really seem to be intended. They are more like playful jab with no real intend to really insult.
They have been much worst with Robot Chicken and it's only because the voice actor of Chris is Seth Green
The context of OP's pic was Bob's Burger's art is worse than cal-arts. Chris drew it, got sent to the principal's office and Peter had to apologize for Chris making a horrible drawing.
Yeah, but it's a joke. It's not really meant
One time joke, maybe but they kept doing it so it makes people wonder about things.
To jabe on other shows is a running gag. They do it too with Robot Chicken.
Does anybody have that one clip where quagmire rapes marge and kills the entire simpsons family?
>FG is fully self aware that their humour is too low brow for it.
That just sounds like sour grapes.
seth doesn't write the show anymore, just voices characters
My favorite thing about bob's burgers is how in nearly ten years they've never done an episode where a celebrity was a main character, and in fact they've almost never referenced any celebrities or any of that crap that family guy does every episode.
BB got BTFO here, not gonna lie.
>Is the joke that Family Guy is petty cunts?
Not really
You could literally go on TV guide and see the synopsis of next weeks episode which said he is brought back to life
What’s that mean exactly I am a retard when it comes to that shit, I just order Blu-ray’s
>bob's burgers
>nearly ten years
As an afterthought.
Seth really wanted him gone, the execs didn't.
Shit posting is actually fun
>Projecting this hard
Nigga Aerosmith makes good songs, I never said any other band or even genre was bad
Well maybe that speaks to the quality of Family Guy, where a comparatively less popular show can get two emmys and a movie while existing for less than half as long.
Not that academy awards mean anything. But it is something to think about.
>Playful ribbing
>"boy I love it when characters are expressed through props"
Seth that is animated character design 101. You show the character through the design.
user, no, that was planned from the start. If you couldn't see it coming a mile away from the time travel shit around it you're just retarded like the rest of America
>ywn fuck Linda on a mountain of burgers
Honestly KotH had a good run
There was no need for it to go on any longer than it already did. Besides it was kinda starting to drop off in it's last season anyways so I'm glad it ended when it did
That being said, I'd still take Zombie-fied KotH over the Cleveland Show any day
Trump said on Family Guy that his favorite show is Bob's Burgers and because Trump said he liked something that automatically makes the thing he likes bad according to fg logic.
nah, just more syndicated episodes. keep making petty money then start roaming among channels owned by disney until it fades into obscurity
thats the jew way
As a massive BB fan, I think the jabs are funny.
Theyve made the same "Disney hates jews" jokes like 20 times through the run. Its just lazy.
I didn't ask for this, but now I want it
Are you fucking serious I thought it was a Tasha Yar reference like not-Geordi
Seth making the show his vanity project TNG fanfiction is the worst thing about it
Man, the Orville is such a pain in my cunt
On the one hand it's the only Star Trek-like show that still wants to be bright and optimistic and cerebral instead of DARKMURDERKILLWAR IN SPAAAAAAAACE
On the other its writing staff only took about 6 weeks to get up its own ass and they're too lowbrow to treat the few high-concept episodes with the intelligence they deserve.
They've brought up time travel in 3 episodes and fucked it up hard every time, and those episodes are still better than the ones that are literally just a sitcom in space with no actual sci-fi concept to explore.
The irony is that now Star Trek has gotten back on track by shooting the magic ship to the far flung future and teasing the Spock and Pike Enterprise show that people actually wanted
I mean, pile of buns maybe, but actual burgers? Grease and condiments everywhere; I know there's people who are into that, but it's not my cup of tea.
Dude looks like a faggot.
I stopped watching Bob Burger's in season 3, when they changed the latin american voice actors for Gene and Tina. Is it still good?
If you don't care about Bob or the restaurant and the show being reworked to make the kids the main characters, sure.
>FG is fully self aware that their humour is too low brow for it.
No, they are fully self aware how shitty and lazy they are and that's the worst thing to ever be
It was trying to be like Family Guy but politics. However, as the season went on, you can see the show slowly find its footing as a surreal and subversive comedy.
DESU I was shocked to see Bob's Burgers is less than 10 years. I keep on thinking it came out in 2009
The most political king of the hill got was Hank getting hesitant about voting for the president (I think it was Dubya) because he had a weak handshake.
>fucking on a pile of buns
You a bread perv?
King of the hill had a couple other political episodes but the thing I respect about the show is that it was actually funny most of the time even when it was pushing a message I don’t necessarily agree with
>I would still plow Lois without hesitation
Who’s Lauren?
Like Supermansion and BBWs
Big Beautiful Womens?
That Mickey part was funny
The episode about him made him look like a doofus that was one drink away from going on a bender, but it wasn't mean-spirited about it, no. At the end of the day, they tried to portray him as a nice guy.
Watch the season after then quit
>Eventually you'll learn that bands like Foreigner and REO Speedwagon are the absolute dirt worst.
>Bob’s Burgers ever got quite as mainstream
Its humor isn't as mainstream
KotH had more than a few political moments early on. They had an episode where the villain was the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Yeah it's near entirely just character based humor and that's what makes it and American Dad stand out among Fox cartoons
You just know that when BB showrunners decide to end the show before it becomes unwatchable, FG is going to dedicate a whole season mocking it and gloating about how they lasted longer than them
It stays really good up to the begining of season 5 and then starts to teeter off once they found their formula:
>Bob is trapped in the situation as the straightman to an optimistic crazy person
>Bob wants something and has to give it up for his family
>Linda wants to get involved in some kind of community
>Louise schemes people for money/fun
>gene gets obsessed with random weird things and annoys the other characters about it
>Tina eps are Degrassi meets Napoleon Dynamite
oh baby
Seth has to fight an uphill battle for every risque joke on FG. BB's has become a smash hit with zoomers because it's so sterile and tapioca flavored that it bypasses every filter on video sharing services because it never offends anyone, automatically giving it more market share to kids with their phones buried in smartphones.
>Seth has to fight an uphill battle for every risque joke on FG
>Seth had to fight the executives to air the Stewie gets pregnant episode
And he wonders why his show won't get an emmy
Artist’s name?
>all the brainlets in this thread that actually FG is serious about its "oscar bait" episodes, and not just another shitty joke they do all the time
Yea Forums is a low IQ board
Family Guy should be censored because is offensive with people with taste
You can tell when the writing shifted by the shape of Peter's eyes
The show really find it way when Roger start creating his fake personas
I can't even recall bob burgers ever going even near meta
For a second there I honestly thought you were going to give a good example.
Or by the mere fact that we’re seeing a shot of Brian from the front
Probably has something to do with BB's having 14 primetime emmy's for Outstanding Animated Programs, while family guy only has 8 emmys for musical score and voice acting.
>programmed to think FAMILY MAN BAD ever since that South Park episode
Pretty sure you just need to watch family guy for that
Damn, Linda looks like THAT?
there is an episode of hank being accused of racism.
It’s a Tsundere thing
They also bash Tuscon on occasion. Don't know why.
Wait I thought that Family Guy won 8 Emmys.
>They do it too with Robot Chicken.
You can't just keep using Robot Chicken as your example because Robot Chicken was designed from the ground up as a straight mockery of other properties and nothing more. Family Guy, for all its cutaways and "remember the time"s, is it's own contained universe, so when it mentions another property frequently it inherently appears as though the writers have something against that property.
Not to mention that one time a FG writer's first reaction hearing about the Japan Earthquake was to talk about Pearl Harbor and how much they deserved it. Fuck me.
Guess he and Gilbert Gottfried have something to talk about.
It has won a few Emmys for Seth's voice work, but has never won the Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program.
Oh. That's gotta sting.
I mean, I guess you could argue it's just friendly non-jealousy banter, but considering a show like Bob's burgers will never answer back, it just feels odd. Almost like they are testing them or something
Reminder that we still don't have a teaser for the Sonic movie. These things take time, man. I'm sure we'll get something new by the time the Season 9 finale airs next month.
Don't mind me. Just droppin' some early development art for the original pilot
Looking at where the show's gone since then, this pilot is actually a little jarring what with how mildly dark and depressing it is.
I never left, faggot.
>Wasn't part of King of the Hill's whole ideal that it actually avoided being too politically left or right? The creator went so out of his way to avoid real political things that he never stated his own political beliefs.
The vast majority of antagonists in KOTH were straw liberals, but they were so far extreme that you're not going to have people defend hippies absolutely ruining state parks. Later seasons definitely showed more of conservative slant like misrepresenting trans fats bans as bans against anything remotely unhealthy or water-efficient toilets but by then the show had already gotten stale anyways so who cares.
my nigga
Dan Linda your Bobbie s
Has Lois always been slightly taller than Petah?
Lately, I've actually kinda felt that Bob's Burgers might end with the movie next summer. They'll have aired 10 seasons by then, and I've never thought of Bob's Burgers as the type of animated sitcom to wanna last forever (à la The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, etc.).
10 seasons would be a perfect run to end on. Plus, Loren's already making a new show for Apple TV+, and the Molyneux sisters are currently pitching a pilot for FOX. Multiple crew members moving off to their own projects seems like a major sign that a show may be coming to a close.
>mixed race couple
>it's always black male, white female
Is there a problem, sir?
No Mr. Goldstein, I love BMWF. Please don't have me commit suicide by 2 gunshots to the back of the head.
I don't like McFarlene but as far as I'm aware, he doesn't write any of Family Guy anymore.
I want Lin to be my wifey
Look at that little girl at the bottom and tell me that isn't just a mixed Louise
and Eugene
>make everyone asian and only 1 black
Based and truthpilled
user he came back in the same season and they're made a year before airing. No outcry brought him back. He was always coming back. It was a shit stunt for publicity and ratings.
This is noticeable, they even made a joke about it in The Simpsons Guy (crossover episode)
Its the exact same show holy shit.
Enthusiastic extravert wife with glasses.
Awkward teenageish kid.
Energetic younger kid.
Loud fat one that sings.
It's hot as fuck and the ancestral home of the White Legs
Doesn't Fox own the show tho? Can't the show just go on even if all the creators leave?
That's honestly a pretty good bit
>Poking fun at needless cutaway gags
>Reference to how cleveland show died
>reference to cleveland's "oh no no no no no"
>bobs burgers is there
The crossover ep doesn't seem that bad, but i mean
the simpsons is more pg-13 than family guy's 15+ rating, i feel like there's clash there
The thing is, Bob's has an extremely loyal fanvase that's grown since the premiere. Netflix was where it really took off.
It'll never be a juggernaut like The Simpsons, but it sells merchandise and gets consistent enough ratings that it's worth keeping around. And, unlike FG which takes nothing seriously, BB has a few dangling threads (Bob's mom) and genuine emotion to carry a longer narrative.
>ywn get to fuck Linda
I'm just happy to see FOX branching out to make more animated series without Seth's involvement. Hopefully, they won't be shit
>Bobs Burgers premiere
>Christ another animated Fox show
>Oh shit this one is good
>It's going to get cancelled isn't it
>It's still going and still pretty good
Never thought about how everything turned out alright for Bob.
prove this wrong
This. I don't think anybody expected it to last this long. I'm glad we were proven wrong.
>Bob's Burgers
>far right
So... you just never saw it, then.
You just did.
>Matt Stone & Trey Parker
lol, they're homos: youtu.be
Black Manta?
It bothered me so much just how worse homer looked even compared to nusimpsons animation
Really put things into perspective
That isn't fanart. It's from the end credits of that two-parter: youtube.com
>Hank getting hesitant about voting for the president (I think it was Dubya) because he had a weak handshake.
Eh, I think they did a pretty good job of mixing the two styles together
Drew Carey Show did it better.
I liked the IASIP Emmy episode better
Jesus, this takes me back
FG writers have always been spiteful of other animated adult shows.
Remember when The Simpsons took a jab at FG by calling Peter a plagiarist and FG responded by having a 5 minute joke about Quagmire raping Marge till she liked it then murdering the entire Simpsons clan.
The writers have always been bitter, spiteful, and arrogant since season 5. And as they fade more and more into irrelevancy they'll get even more bitter about why they aren't taken seriously.
It's kind of fascinating how, despite the aesthetics changing, TV shows were already full meta in the late 90s but people still act like meta humor is fresh over 20 years later. Kind of reminds me of how cynicism and irony started to become big in 1989 but 30 years later people still act like it's some kind of new thing.
Internet getting big and ironic memes have probably made people more aware of it
Plus meta stuff is easy to mess up or just overuse imo, I try to avoid it for the most part.
Reminds me of the robot chicken crossover.
Dubs of truth. Aerosmith suck ass.
He probably meant to say Loren Bouchard, the creator of Bob’s burgers
As an American, I don't get why there are still people butthurt about Pearl Harbor, a thing they would never have been alive to hear about in the first place AND something we already got back at them for. TWICE.
IT'S A JOKE. You are supposed to laugh, not analyze it you fucking undergrad
The only reason anyone watches Bob's Burgers is because it's on between the Simpsons and Family Guy
It had that Archer crossover
That was completely separate from the show itself. John Roberts and H. Jon Benjamin just happened to be open to voicing for it, but I doubt the regular Bob’s Burgers writers had any direct involvement. IIRC, the kids didn’t have any speaking lines.
haha, classic seth
At least they haven't made any jokes about Quagmire raping Linda and murdering Bob and his family
Why would they cancel anything? Edgy fox shit is a perfect compliment to Disney's kid friendly shit. It lets them cash in on an audience they wouldn't normally have access to
Jesus, how untalented does a writing team have to be that the only comeback they could come up with was "lol you guys are gay"
I never knew I wanted this, oh fuck
What's the Golden Raspberries of Emmys?
Cause this is the only award nuFG is worthy of winning.
I think the FG writers see BB as an "easy target," since the BB writers haven't and likely won't bother to fire back because they have no reason to. The Simpsons took a few jabs at FG, and the FG writers were ultimately pretty powerless to fight back; this was around the time FG tried to do a "gag" where one of the characters raped Marge Simpson and murdered the kids, then complained on Twitter when they were unsurprisingly censored. With Bob's Burgers, the stakes are much lower, because as I said, they know BB won't fire back, but also because Bob's Burgers isn't the pop culture powerhouse that The Simpsons was in its prime.
Family Guy premiered when I was like 12 or 13, and I thought it was shit back then too. And I was their target audience.
So sad
Looks like it could be cute
>Seth's too detached with his own show
all of his actual effort is going to be going into The Orville, that show is what he's wanted to do his entire career, so it makes sense he's phoning it into the animated shows.
>that show is what he's wanted to do his entire career
No kidding
Like I said, that's just what I think. I couldn't tell you if it's true. But it makes sense that someone being bullied by someone they can't fight back against would bully someone even more defenseless.
The Bob stuff is fucking hilarious.
Damn, Seth’s had that voice for that long?
Pandering to a superior show.
>not replacing the shoe with bojack's shoe
White Legs?
>Bob, Linda, and Teddy do something at the counter of the restaurant
>The kids do something at school and Mr Frond is the only person that works there
Why are so many episodes this season like this?
less voice actors means less paychecks to dole out.
With an ass like that, who WOULDN'T be obsessed with Bob?
>wearing another guy’s used speedo
Aerosmith fucking sucks. Same with AC/DC
Does Seth even do anything other than show up to do some voices?
>family guy has jokes.
The correct term is hot
That’s still not as bad as the wine tasting
there is nothing funny about being racist FaG
I guess they haven't taken lightly how the show become the butt of all the jokes in the internet
Jim Dauterive got King of the Hill to end and he's also producing Bob's Burgers
This is actually one of the best jokes Family Guy has ever aired.
was that the worst episode in the history of the show? I absolutely despised it.
Yep, it was Make Love Not Warcraft, Matt and Trey literally made an episode about Randy taking massive shits just to make fun of the fact that they won an Emmy
>Matt and Trey literally made an episode about Randy taking massive shits just to make fun of the fact that they won an Emmy
so that's what that episode was about
They weren't subtle.
It's been a while since I watched South Park so I guess I forgot about this gag.
The kids may have, Mirman and Schaal have both done voices on Archer.
No surprise there BB actually has jokes, likeable characters.
The guy you're replying to is a faggot, but Louise is the worst character on the show.
Walk This Way off the nearest cliff, please.
Wine tasting?
Pic related was the moment I realized I was truly attracted to Linda
Louise is cute! CUTE!
Drank from the spit bucket in order to beat somebody at a wine-off.
It leaned slightly right but never so much that it would alienate a reasonable person even if their views are very different.
Someone whose views are very different.
Understandable. A man needs a good, firm handshake.
Goddammit I thought I was the only one, why boner
The salt constantly thrown at BB for being the superior show is fucking delicious.
>getting a movie before FG
>getting an emmy before FG
>didn't get cancelled after 3 seasons
>never stopped being what it was since the first episode and still successful
>FG constantly has to make viewer bait episodes with plots that go nowhere and kill off characters in order to stay interesting
Can someone please put these poor fellas on suicide watch?
Whaddafuck... Episode name?
The kids rob a train
better ratings
hi fellow Yea Forumsfriend
Pfft, it’s the exact opposite for me. I only tune into the occasional Family Guy episode because it happens to be after Bob’s Burgers. And I only watch The Simpsons whenever an episode synopsis sounds somewhat interesting or controversial.
If anything, Seth should be applauded for demonstrating time and time again that the Emmys are just more bullshit Hollywood circlejerking for inoffensive suck-ups playing soapbox keep-away.
AND she did absolutely nothing wrong.
>t. Louise
Oh yeah, that was the first episode with Regular-Sized Rudy, right?
The writers got too comfortable with this format
It's in the top 10 for how obnoxious it is but it's still better than the Bank Vault, Domestic Abuse, Stewie Pregnancy, any episode where Brian or Peter are incredibly scummy
>Stewie Pregnancy
Just forget I said anything and retain your innocence
>he doesn't know
Based divine intervention
Damn. It’s cool to see just how actively involved Loren was with the pilot. And I didn’t know Nora Smith worked on it, too.
Compared to a baby and a dog literally having several children together, multiple gruesome gore scenes, and rape every other episode old people having sex is not the least bit shocking.
My favorite parts of BB are the couch gags: the shop next door and the exterminator in the intro, and the creative burger names.
nobody tell him
BB's pulls its highest numbers from teenagers. Family Guy making fun of it is reverse psychology advertising meant to appeal to an adolescent desire to rebel against the millennial adults who were teenagers when Family Guy was the new hotness.
Don't forget the very many episodes wherein Lois nearly sleeps around with another dude and then blames peter for not giving her attention.
Nope, it's the one where he almost dies in the museum.
season 16, I just watch it on watchseries
This artist's work has committed so many fucking crimes on my dick.
Hit a nerve?
Why the hell do people like Tina, Linda and Gene?
Same shit has been done with PEETAH to
Im gay.
I find Tina’s blind confidence in everything she does endearing, and the Boy Crush episodes can be funny every now and then. Honestly, the only thing I don’t like about Tina is how she still keeps pining after Jimmy Jr. only for him to not return those same feelings. Dude’s more in love with Zeke than anybody else. But I guess I can respect that Jimmy Jr.’s lack of romantic feelings makes since considering he’s just a 13-year-old boy who just wants to wrestle and dance.
Linda can be annoying whenever she forces Bob to let her have her way (“Late Afternoon” is an infamous example), but she’s still funny and is a fresh interpretation of the family matriarch whereas most other animated sitcoms resort to making the mom a nagging buzzkill. Like Peggy Hill, Linda has her faults, but at least she’s not always in the right; that makes her dynamic with Bob a breath of fresh air from your typical Homer & Marge or Peter & Lois. Also, Linda’s hot.
Only Gene is awful since he's usually only used for fart jokes and one-liners that 11-year-olds shouldn't be saying. It's only the occasional Gene-focused episodes that make him less annoying and sometimes even downright likable and relatable. I wish the show would explore his more musical side a bit more, because his one-liners only make me laugh maybe 4x per season.
Wasn't expecting an actual response. Nice.
>remove episode from current streaming services
>Coincidentally, the FOX/Disney merger just happens to occur around the same timeframe
>Entire series to be streamed exclusively on Disney+
>end up putting the episode back in circulation
>inb4 the whole thing was a shameless ploy to get mainstream attention, knowing full well that they were going to remove the whole show from all their current streaming platforms anyway
>falsely accuse michael jackson of rape to get money
>proven wrong, completely discredited
>never give up the quest for his money
>get the dipshits at HBO to fund a """documentary""" where you smear a dead man
>it actually fucking works and now everyone is trying to unperson one of the greatest entertainers of all time for something he didn't even do
Fuck Hollywood
>at least family guy has jokes
>ywn lick ketchup off of Linda's naked body and suck pickle slices off of her sensitive nipples
>family guy has jokes.
The Jimdozer!
>the size of those tits
This. It's just banter. Don't know where people are getting the "BOB'S BURGERS IS BEING PERSECUTED AND BULLIED AND CAN'T FIGHT BACK BOO HOO" aspect from when Family Guy has gone after every single show on Fox at once time or another.
>BB has a few dangling threads (Bob's mom)
I'm so excited to see how they tackle this in the movie, among other things
That was actually pretty good
I'd like to flip his patties, if you know what I mean
Welp, the Endgame shitposting has officially started.
It was nice knowing you, Yea Forums.
they have a habit of ribbing more popular shows
I agree, I watched all the seasons of Bob’s to see what the deal was. Not a single chuckle. Family Guy can at least once per season get a guilty chuckle from me when they reference something from my childhood.
Something like Clone High was way funnier than both
This. Despite its long run, Bob's Burgers hasn't made its mark in pop culture like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Rick and Morty have. Have the Belchers ever been used in a commercial before?
Wait. Why is half of this thread getting deleted?
If you honestly believe that you’ve got toys in the attic
My issue with BB is that reruns are unwatchable. Everyone but Bob’s voice is absolutely grating.
KotH reruns are actually watchable on the other hand.
I am impressed by the production value of the Family Guy add.
Bob’s Burgers doesn’t need the publicity. They’ve got two Emmys.
Hey, can someone please make sure the mods banned the dumbass who was actually spamming Endgame spoilers last night?
All I posted was this: desuarchive.org
The pic was just to let everybody know of the GIF version that was being spammed like crazy. If I’m gonna be banned for no reason, the real culprit might as well be, too.
Yeah, spamming unrelated thread doesn't really make you look good either.
Family Guy is terrible and no amount of screaming about enterbots will change it.
Fuck off faggot.
>Family guy is the equivalent of a jealous child screaming and throwing shit around for attention and getting mad for people liking Bob’s better because it’s not annoying like FG
10/10 metaphor, user
That would be my go-to maybe four years ago. Now, it's the hyper-meta "Emmy-Winning Episode" from 2017.
Sounds like this user's got a pretty low attention span and requires at least 10 cutaways per episode. Bob's Burgers can be pretty damn funny, especially when Louise is involved.
Main problem with the crossover was that you could tell only the FG writing staff worked on it.
Homer's limited movement and the fact that the dinner scene is just one still shot really gives it away that "The Simpsons Guy" was written and directed by Family Guy guys.
>The entire Simpsons run
Even pic related?
There was a pretty bad recent one where they took an episode in production and recorded fake commentary over it.
>I have self-respect so I don't watch Family Guy
At least be open to checking out the first three seasons. Back then, the show was actually pretty funny and could be genuinely comfy. Honestly, FG started going to shit sometime after Season 8.
>There was a pretty bad recent one where they took an episode in production
It wasn't in production. The entire episode itself was fake and the commentary was the actual episode.
When the FUCK are we getting new info on this? A teaser trailer? A teaser poster? Christ, just a blurry photo of the screenplay would be enough for me.
>The entire episode itself was fake
But did they make it for the episode or was it one they didn't think was good enough to stand up on its own and added the commentary to compensate?
Somebody please tell James L. Brooks how much of a li'l bitch he's being
>>not being turned on by Linda's voice
I don't give a fuck if it's a man doing it. That loving Jersey Wife accent gets me going!
>People barely heard of Bob's Burgers and it's been a decade on the air
Pretty much this. Despite what said, I’ve never felt that Bob’s Burgers ever got quite as mainstream or popular as The Simpsons or Family Guy did back in their respective heydays. It’s why the announcement of the movie shocked me since Bob’s never seemed like the type of show to get a full-on theatrical film adaptation.
Why does everyone want bob's burgers to be mainstream or they think the show wants to be mainstream. The show goes down the toilet the moment it's cool and popular.
Manvoices stopped being a turnoff for me years ago.
>I’ve never felt that Bob’s Burgers ever got quite as mainstream
Good. The second shit becomes "mainstream", it has to become generic cookie-cutter garbage with 0 identity of its own. As long as it stays somewhat niche, it won't have to change into an entirely different show to maintain popularity.
>Playful ribbing
Semen demon.
>ywn fuck Linda on a mountain of burgers
Not a very funny joke desu
What the hell? Am I going back in time? I could have sworn I saw these exact posts four days ago.
That King of the Hill Will Rogers Institute ad is amazing
Holy shit am I going insane too? Those posts were definitely there a lot earlier than today
Check the archives and you tell me
This is weird, I noticed the same thing, Anons.
>Complete King of the Hill WRI ad is up now
How is this the first time I've heard of this?
Seth's life is punishment enough that death would be a reward
>family guy has jokes.
wow ur slow
You don't have to swear the original replies are still there, at least for
Mods fucked up?
Go Eat the Rich you fucking pleb
Is Sulkin trying to destroy this thread with time magic
Did they really have to put the Orville in there. It's a decent show.
Ya, don't like the idea of American Dad exist in the Family Guy/Cleveland showverse either
> hey regular sized man
What is this supposed to be? A sliding scale of H. Jon Benjamin? Archer and Rick & Morty are far more similar on account of high-concept adventure and comedy stooped in fantastical situations. Archer even started to dabble in the hidden-black-comedy-drama stuff but then he went into a coma for three seasons.
something something mamakin something something kill yourself.
imagine this in the modern animation style, sickening
why did they hate Cleveland show so much as well?
i honestly thought it was better than FG