LCS in a tv show

>LCS in a tv show
>haha no women
>bad smell
Does this even happen in current year? If a place stinks it closes down in a month’s time, especially if you’re chasing off 30% of potential customers.

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Visited one of the Midtown Comics in New York city a few months ago. While at the checkout counter there was the physical definition of a female neet harassing the clerk. He eye begs me to step over as she wouldn't shut up about Captain Marvel. Comparing Brie to the comic book version and whatnot.

The clerks ask her to finally step aside for paying customers. I approach and discover that she has an aroma of unwashed pussy, bo, and something else that I can't and don't want to know about.

The sad thing Yea Forums is that if she took care of herself she would have been somewhat cute. She wasn't a hambeast and had an attractive face.

Tism doesn’t discriminate.

I get pretty normal people at my lcs. The most annoying people are the salespeople. One is a old man who will not stop talking your ear off about series while another is a tatted-up oranged hair waif who is very standoffish. I appreciate the waif for being quiet during check-out. Most of the people who come to buy are pretty normal and ive never noticed any smell at mine. I never encounter neck beards in the wild anymore

>aroma of unwashed pussy
The third worst smell on earth, easily the worst a human can produce, legitimately sulphur-like.

Seriously user, I stepped within a five foot range of her and the counter where the clerk was at. The smell of unwashed pussy, BO, and I don't know what was unbelievable. It lingered after she walked away as well.

As I previously said, she wasn't unattractive. Had a decent body with an attractive face with unwashed hair. Her clothes were just unkempt and baggy. Sadly, the -tism had a hold of her.

Imagine being the poor fags who had to sit in a movie theatre with her.

>local hobby shop
>in long island
>everyone smells pleasant even the fat nerds
>sometimes women
>only bad thing is everything is overpriced

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comic book stores are still male domains, the only females that go there are moms bringing their sons to distract them for a while

I said 30% instead of 50% for a reason, but there’s still plenty of women at most LCS.

Yeah, these days it’s mainly just /tg/ hangouts you don’t find women in. And even then there might be one or two.

Forbidden Planet in Manchester smells fucking terrible on Saturdays. All the comics are in the basement and the only ventilation they have is a small fan placed in the corner.

The LCS I work at will have those stereotypes at different times of the week.
But its really more due to the customer base than anytrhing else. You can have as diverse a staff as possible and clean the store at the end of every day, but if two dozen fat guys who reek of ass and cardboard flock to your store twice a week to play Yugioh, then ya, you could get the idea that LCS's smell bad and dont have women there.

I hate the fact that there isn't a single Comic Book Shop in my country. All we had are shitty photocopied monkey comics from the fucking 70s.
You guys are lucky being able to go to a LCS and get weekly pulls. We're stuck with Tin-tin and Donald Duck for 40 years.
I suffer every day not being able to get the latest GL book, you know?

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if it’s any comfort, some folks on Yea Forums would kill for that variety.


>monkey comics

>monkey comics
Third-world tier comics.
The only good comic books here is local legends and Hindu Mythology shiet. But its all black and white and from the 70s that has been terribly reprinted (Looks like post-war British comics ala Marvelman).
Modern comics are shit webcomics that are either written by closeted gays or girls that are into "Slice of Life" and "Romance".


This depends totally on the place and store. I've been to comic shops that are about half and half men and women. The little places though are more likely to be female or male nerds and neets. The bigger retooled ones that now sell other things have more seemingly normal people and families.
A lot of neets don't want to be attractive because they don't want relationships or even any sex. The angry ones who do are loud but some shut ins get that way because they have severe mental illnesses that make them hate interacting with other humans.


I'm not from South Asia. We've just adapted Indian stories to fit in with local legends. Things don't add up sometimes and if we compare our version of the Mahabharata or Ramayana there would be a lot of differences.

If it makes you feel any better a lot of those places are in trouble along with all physical retail locations in the face of Amazon. Some towns in the U.S. look like ghost towns with all the stores small or large shuttered and everything dead.

Please just post your nationality, we’re on the edge of our seats.


Tibet? A part of Micronesia?

It's super difficult to get a physical copy of a comic here (Cost an Arm and a leg sometimes with the money I have).
I really wanna help the Big 2 and even Image or Dark Horse but I HATE Digital copies and I HATE buying things online (Because I don't know how it works).
I just wanna hold one in my hands and actually read it. I had an American friend that sold me a bunch of comics (Like 90's GL books + Blackest Night) for cheap.
Best guy I knew but he had to go back to Burgerland and I lost touch.
Hint: India + Irrelevancy.

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Sometimes I'm glad to not have a sense of smell

I am that need stereotype.
Kind of.
I avoided comics because that was what nerds did and also I was poor.
Life's hard.
Very hard.
It's probably why a lot of comic nerds are into occultism and Bhuddism and stuff.

Desu if you spend a period of life without a certain sense getting it back just makes life hell.


He said he wasn’t from South Asia.

>It's probably why a lot of comic nerds are into occultism and Bhuddism and stuff.
Fucking what? Where? This is new to me.

>only bad thing is everything is overpriced
It’s mtg, isn’t it?

It does. There's a smelly dusty LCS in my town. Unfriendly douche staff that's comic book guy as fuck. Worth avoiding and going to the nicer store across town unless you're looking for something out of print.

How does it stay in business?

LCS make good cover for illegal activity. Especially meth.