Are you guys hate me? HMMMMM

Are you guys hate me? HMMMMM....

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Other urls found in this thread:

>goes to party
>brings light beer
>spend all night hoping someone gets the joke

Honestly I used to really like the content! It was fun and you explored weird fringe comics nobody ever heard of. But then I realized that was the one trick you had.

Like no shit a comic written by a wrestler for his own hype is bad, this comic about raisins from the 60's a travesty? Tell me more! The Silent Hill comics are held up by the art and nothing else sure! If it wasn't utterly banal safe targets you spoke about shit people had dissected a thousand times over. You were the epitome of SAFE BIG 2 COMFY and that just made your videos shit.

The less said about storylines the better, I appreciate you let us skip them now thank Christ. Also really, legit, a character you like being playfully insulted is not grounds to stop a video for 10 minutes to list all of their achievements and lick their boots clean, it just grinds everything to a halt when you have to go cheerleader every two minutes.

That said when your competition to this day remains sycophants who say everything is great, guys crying that women have ruined comics while they carve the eyes out of people on the front covers, shameless grifters copying that guy but getting more insanely militant about's sad say but Linkara was probably the best at REVIEWING a comic in the end.

Your hat is shit tho.


You shouldn't talk like this to me.
Don't you know it's impolite and uneducated?

Who dis?

>tfw I used to get banned for posting Linkara in 2015
>now he's perfectly fine to have a thread about
This is why I phonepost

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People hate him by that? I thought he was hated Just because he was part of Channel awesome

No. I don't think he's all that great but I did used to watch him. I am largely indifferent towards what he does as youtuber or content creator and don't give a shit about his personal beliefs or know next to anything about whatever stupid drama he has been apart of.
What I don't understand is Yea Forums's never ending hateboner for him and others like him other than an autistic need to be contrarian and shit on anyone "popular" associated with comics and cartoons.


I dunno, for a while we seemed to have constant threads bitching about the guy, so I can't blame the mods if they wanted to prune them a bit

I was kinda sick of seeing TGWTG threads around the 2013-2015 era post-indie gogo and that autist eggkara everywhere. They were 24/7 generals of HMMMM, Brad is based!, the same bad "leaks", Melvin, WE'RE NOT DOING THE SUPER VILLAIN SHUFFLE.

>Also really, legit, a character you like being playfully insulted is not grounds to stop a video for 10 minutes to list all of their achievements and lick their boots clean, it just grinds everything to a halt when you have to go cheerleader every two minutes.
Did he really do that? Which character(s)?

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People like to rag on an easy target, it makes them feel good about themselves

Constantly. HE used to it in like every single video. Like if Supergirl ever got a knock or Terra ever got a knock he'd stop the video to talk about how great they were at LENGTH. Just really anytime a female character got playful ribbing he did it.

He was literally exposed as a fag who loves black cocks.

Why the fuck did you have to remind me of Melvin..

He also loved tranny dick

so? Fags can be entertaining

who, or what is Melvin?

Is this guy still fucking the world´s ugliest tranny?


But isn't that what he does sometimes, too?


no, I am not hate me

is it kino, Yea Forums?

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