Taking your kids to see a children's movie

>taking your kids to see a children's movie

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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I cant wait till the capeshit fad fucking dies

People who bitch too much about kids out in public are probably faggots.

>making a kid's movie about magic flying musclemen three fucking hours long
Why did they do that?

Why do people give these mediocre action flicks so much attention

It's a training trial, once the kid can stay for the full movie, he's ready for the cult.

The joke

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>making a kid's movie about magic flying musclemen three fucking hours long
Best post ive seen all day, laughed more then i should have at the wording

The jokes going over Marvel drones' heads

Do they only understand humor in the form of quips?

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I saw all the LoTR movies multiple times in theaters as a kid.
Just needed a couple bathroom breaks.

They are playing along the joke too, user.

Dumbo was only two hours tho.

I have the legit belief that many fans of the MCU are people who don't watch any movies beyond what's widely discussed and popular.

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>being triggered by 9/11 jokes
Peak normalfaggotry

At this point I'd agree with you.

>not buying a stadiumpal at the concession stand

Does Yea Forums seriously go to movie theaters?

Normally I'd disagree, but
> endgame
> children's movie
Shouldn't it have like a 12 or above rating? I mean capeshit in general.

Well, when the Fox deal was finalized that place was full of people unironically celebrating. Even Twitter had sceptical voices, but here they were, in universal agreement that what was happening was good and right.

>Well, when the Fox deal was finalized that place was full of people unironically celebrating. Even Twitter had sceptical voices, but here they were, in universal agreement that what was happening was good and right.
We need another mass plague...

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>Making Family Guy-tier jokes
>not good 9/11 related jokes
Peak edgelord.

I mean, it's telling that after Avengers, there was a boom in fangirls following everything Marvel, and always asking about Bucky and Loki. It's as if the end of the Harry Potter franchise just funneled them all in and they just sort of morphed the MCU.

Say what you will about Phase 1, but there was a tone there that vanished the longer the MCU kept going.

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user, those were ironical.

>It's as if the end of the Harry Potter franchise just funneled them all in and they just sort of morphed the MCU.
What is tumblrs fascination with harry potter? The series went to shit when it stopped being anout magic and became nothing but highschool drama

I hate it when children making noise disrupts my studio title clapping experience

/Mavelstudios/ is really bafflingly dumb. Things on there I seen:
>>The belief that the Infinity Stones will be relevant past IW
>>That Black Panther would be about T'Challa protecting Bucky from outside forces that want him and Killmonger goes evil because he discovered T'Challa was hiding Bucky as well.
>>That Yondu was in IW because he was wearing an IW hat.
>>Spider-Man should be able to fight off Thanos on his own and Captain America calls him "The greatest hero of all of us"

It's just mind numbing. They also can't grasp basic storytelling methods.

I love the Goblet of Fire because it had one of the best endings of all the books. Problem is that from that book onwards, the series took itself too seriously and all the joy was gone.

>Peggy Carter's funeral would have been more than 3 minutes long
>A big part of Bucky's backstory/flashbacks would have been told through Natasha's viewpoint
>Pepper Potts would have been in Civil War
>Wanda's gried over her brother... would be front-and-center for her character
Is... is she trying to convince us that women shouldn't write screenplays? Or does the really think these are good ideas?

>Not wanting screaming toddlers in a public space is a bad thing
They should have been more specific in the post tho

>What is tumblrs fascination with harry potter?
>it stopped being anout magic and became nothing but highschool drama
You answered your own question.

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It's really weird, because the MCU films are the only films where kids have been annoying at. In Thor the Dark World, a kid behind me started crying and said "EVERYONE IS DYING" (which granted, I understand). In Winter Soldier, these parents brought these little kids in the front row who were just screaming and crying the entire time. They obviously didn't want to be there. In AoU, some kid in back kept going "RAAARRR!" during the Vision introduction scene like he was a T-Rex or something. In Civil War, the girl behind me kept making all these squeeing and annoying noises whenever a character she liked was on screen.
Not MCU, but when I saw Watchmen, the theater was PACKED with kids! Like, they were running around, screaming, and just being noises. That was so surreal cause I don't know what their parents were thinking.

A woman took half the directing of Captain Marvel. This is how they think.

Of course they don't watch anything that is not popular with other normalfags. You think those guys could watch something like Godfather?

I don't really thin those are bad suggestion in and out themselves. Marvel movies tend to be a bit lacking in character development. the issue is how well those would be integrated to the movies.

Or how Black Panther was pushed to be best picture when Sorry to Bother You was much more relevant.

Why are they interested in the most boring parts then?

Endgame is for people who have swallowed enough hype over 22 films about this shit that they can be bothered to sit and watch a 3 hour film about it. I'm not sure what proportion of that group is actually children.

They care most about who is ready to fuck who.

Different people, different tastes. Interpersonal relationships are always going to be of more interest to a female audience than fictional worldbuilding. Why do you think the Episode IX panel last week was about shipping too?

>Interpersonal relationships are always going to be of more interest to a female audience than fictional worldbuilding. Why do you think the Episode IX panel last week was about shipping too?
>lets ignore snokes backstory or the foundation of the new republic to focus on rey and kylos fanfic romance
Cant wait till 9 bombs like solo did

Hey, since it's "end game" does that mean they're finally gonna stop making these shitty movies?

>3 hours long
It's a superhero movie

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Honest question. What films do justify three hours length?

You know what other movie is three hours long? Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai".

"Seven Samurai" has an intermission.
"Marvel's The Avengers: Endgame" does not.

Therefore, "Endgame" audiences are more attentive than "Seven Samurai" audiences.

Das Boot?
Now that audiences will accept miniseries, I don't see why longform storytellers wouldn't prefer to that.

Ben Hurr
Lawrence of Arabia
The Sound of Music (almost)
Gone with the Wind

Normies actually exist that think there has been a story or actual plot in any of these movies to follow.

Just watch quips, exposition and boring villain for the first 90 minutes then the last 30 minutes is a cool action scene. Forget about the movie the next day.

This will be the same formula except maybe a extra hour of quips and action.

Das Boot wouldn't be so long if it didn't made all of those needless references.

Lawrence of Arabia is almost 4 hours and it's considered one of film's great masterpieces. There's also even longer stuff, like Satan's Tango, which is almost 8 hours.

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Apocalypse Now
Godfather 2
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

>Lawrence of Arabia
>Sound of Music
>Gone With the Wind
Epic, but ultimately overrated

>The Sound of Music
That movie was fucking awful

End game will be at least better than Sound of Music.

Because TiTies !

This desu. I like kids, I like well behaved kids. If your gremlins are gonna scream in the movie theatre it’s a reflection on your shit-ass parenting. This isn’t even a “capeshit fan” opinion, there was a screaming child in my screening for Pet Sematary last weekend- it’s fucking awful.

What the fuck is your problem with the sound of music?

But it's a classic.

>disney shit
Sorry but im not a faggot

>Sorry but im not a faggot
Says the user who's into capeshit

This is an unspoken rule. We don't need some faggot taking to twitter with Simpson's memes to remind us to be quiet in the theater.

Birth of a Nation

>all this Sound of Music bashing
Based, the only good part of that movie is the yodeling puppets.

Ive been shittalking capeshit the entire thread, fuck you

I sure hate ironic accounts like these.
This must have been the reason of a few tweets I saw days ago with people saying like "OH COURSE PEOPLE SHOULD BRING KIDS TO SEE ENDGAME, IT'S A KIDS' MOVIE", like duh it's not precisely adult entertainment, but that doesn't mean toddlers should be given free reign in the cinema simply because it's comic book characters.
Besides I am pretty sure these little kids didn't react well to Loki getting strangled in the first scene and Spider-Man getting dusted among others, I know because I saw them crying myself. In cases like these it's good to mind the rating, because as much as there's mature kids who can handle some violence and are well behaved, there's plenty of others who can't sit still and have to make noise throughout the whole thing.
Hell, if many adults can't be expected to stay quiet because they're fidgeting, why would anyone expect better from a kid?

Yeah I bet you were pal.

>people retarded enough to watch capeshit past their childhood have now spawned progeny
thank god I never leave my house

All movies are either Disney or capes- I get to judge others whilst holding this opinion.
>he doesn’t like musicals

This isn't very funny. I will try to help.

Try switching "every 5 minutes" to "from time to time" or even "periodically" if you're feeling it.

Next, you can remove the "like all true Marvel fans," which is unneeded. Know your audience. You're posting on Yea Forums, not Facebook. We're aware of the thrust of your ridicule.

Consider changing DO NOT SLEEP to "Please don't," since someone who just read the previous sentence will know what you're referring to.

Finally, remove either "everyone is awake" or "no one misses any important quips or explosions." We haven't forgotten the part about sleeping while we were reading the previous sentence, so removing "everyone is awake" is probably a better choice.

And all those movies had intermissions.

Relevant to what?

Going to see it monday at 11AM where only other degenerates with odd hours will see it.

In the end, intermissions are the decision of the movie theatre's owner, not the film maker. That the End Game's producer is saying there will be no intermission is rather pointless.

I would pay good money to trick a bunch of these fans into watching The Trial or One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and film their reactions. I think those movies would break their brains.

A lot of classics are shit. There's a good reason why most people only remember a few of the musical numbers and the general concept and not the other 160 minutes.

This one is a special case because it's had 10+ years and 21 movies building up to it. After Endgame is over, a lot of people are probably going to move on to other things.

When it's a good movie

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>There's a good reason why most people only remember a few of the musical numbers and the general concept and not the other 160 minutes.
You could take any film Yea Forums likes and say it's shit because a few scenes were most remembered and not every single minute of it.

Idk the scene where the man in cast is being pursued in the nunnery is inexplicably burnt into my mind.

>I think those movies would break their brains.
They'd start laughing and making noise like monkeys
Ever tried pitching good music to imbeciles? They laugh and make noise and say it's boring

>the only good part of that movie is the yodeling puppets
I haven't seen it, but this post made me laugh just imagining this shit.

>Endgame is over three hours long. You might be tempted to fall asleep. DO NOT SLEEP - it's an insult to the filmmakers. I, like all true Marvel fans, will be bringing an air horn to the theater. I will blast the air horn every five minutes to make sure everyone is awake and no one misses any important quips or explosions.


>Endgame is over three hours long. You might be tempted to fall asleep. Please don't - it's an insult to the filmmakers. I will be bringing an air horn to the theater. I will blast the air horn from time to time to make sure no one misses any important quips or explosions.

Ehh, I'm not seeing any improvements.

Imagine if Yea Forums shat up the board with talk about movies based on classic literature.
This thread is embarrassing.

>you can only remember every minute or no minutes
Unfortunate we haven't started culling autismos

Enjoy my goy.

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The MCU and, to a lesser extent, capeshit in general has killed cinema

>The MCU and, to a lesser extent, capeshit in general has killed cinema
Remakes, sequels, and reboots of older properties is killing cinema worse than capeshit. At least capeshit films attempt at a new story.

Okay, I am genuinely impressed by the technicality of it.

>it's real
They're dancing and all, holy shit, the goats too...

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>Endgame is over three hours long. Just in case, I'll bring an air horn to the theater so noone misses any important quips.
This is how it should be done but people wouldn't get it.

Honestly, the best example.

You really believed that? Besides, this whole plot is basically the last 20 minutes of The Last Jedi with a dash of Cloud Atlas.

Okay, wait, yeah, JJ is totally lazy enough for such bullshit.

If the spoilers are true, the plot is going to be stupid anyway.

Rey and her friends travel around the galaxy collecting components for a secret project. Palpatine is a hologram who has been guiding Kylo Ren the whole time. At the end, it's revealed that Rey is building a huge transmitter to send the story of Luke Skywalker all over the galaxy so that people will be inspired by him. The movie ends with a montage of Luke talking about the Jedi while Rey is training a group of new Jedi at her own school.

They've basically spent two hours building a pirate TV station to broadcast Episode 4.

Yeah even the worst capeshit is better than 5+ remakes a year.

Ultimately what the current trend of blockbusters is doesn't really affect "cinema" as a whole. Trying to overwrite classics and pushing the idea that animation is inherently bad and assorted celebrity casts is infinitely more damaging.

No, it hasn't.

It's like saying every main trends for each decade has killed the cinema.

Not really, not in the least.Just because the MCU has taken over the mainstream it doesn't mean there aren't still great movies getting made with less reach. You just have to look beyond the Top 10 monthly.
>Yeah even the worst capeshit is better than 5+ remakes a year.
This. Many prominent studios are afraid of committing to new ideas so they just remake and remake because those are "tried and true" formulas. Even franchises like F&F end up with spinoffs, it's ridiculous.
>and pushing the idea that animation is inherently bad
This too, co-signing. Animation isn't treated as anything serious and always for kids nowadays, this lack of respect is what leads to Pixar and Dreamworks dominating the landscape.

>They've basically spent two hours building a pirate TV station to broadcast Episode 4.
I want isis to suicide bomb disney world now. Never have i had such an urge to kill myself and something living at the same time more then now.

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So, you're a shut in who probably lives in his mother's basement.
Alright then, keep on fapping to porn.

>having a kid with such a short attention span that they can't watch three hours of pretty lights and superheroes

If you can't glue your kid in front of something exciting while they get further engrossed into it, your kid isn't just completely borked, he's borked by the standards of the actual borked kids who have to be dragged away from Paw Patrol.

I'll give pixar credit for at least attempting to treat animation as art. Can't say the same thing about dreamworks.

Yeah, Pixar makes an effort at least. Dreamworks is too focused on chasing the next trend that they never bother to go beyond the same fantasy animation stuff.


It’s a well made movie with a boring plot, I can’t recommend the whole thing, but you should definitely take a gander at the soundtrack.

>Wanda's gried over her brother... would be front-and-center for her character
This is the only one I'm feeling. Its weird for her to never bring him up

She is repressing it by overfucking a giant-dildo so she keeps her mind away from it.

This is part of the reason I don't go to theaters anymore. That and most movies are complete shit now.

I just looked that up and what the fuck why are americans so disgusting?

>bad movies, long movies and crying children are all recent things

I love The MCU and One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

What now.

Oh fuck now the zoomer edgefags are having a civil war.

Odd, Guardians itself kinda saved cinema in some ways, atleast opened the doors for less recognized propertys to get adapted, and proving that people can care for fully cgi characters (the Apes flicks helped with that regard aswell)

>Guardians itself kinda saved cinema in some ways
I'm gonna go a step forward and claim GOTG nurtured in many an interest in comic books too. I know it did for me, without that movie I wouldn't be the Cosmic Marvel fan that I am with plenty of hardcovers and trades in my collection (which I didn't do before that movie).

I love how much shit this guy is getting for asking bad parents to not bring their bored ass kids to a 3 hour movie.

I always find it baffling that those guys think Fox and Sony are the devil for not handing over the film rights, despite the fact that Marvel wouldn't be here today were it not for them

>and proving that people can care for fully cgi characters
This honestly feels like history revision. Only the most pretentious film critics were making a big hassle out of CGI characters before (and after) GOTG. All you need is a decent writer to make people care.

It's from cynical, ironic weirdos who are jaded as fuck and think that just because they can't find these movies appealing and consider them beneath them, it means they're for children and thus they shouldn't be treated with any sort of respect because "only mentally stunted teens care about that". Same as the hot takes about "spoiler culture" that came out recently, in which many criticized that people cared about spoilers since, according to them, if a movie can be ruined by a spoiler, "it can't be good".

No, they are the devil for making incredibly shitty movies with those franchises.

Or have you already forgotten about the Fantastic 4 ?

Also absolutely based

No, it’s for kids who wanna see superheroes

We would have never seen something like Logan from Disney.

>Peggy Carter

3 minutes is a long time for a single scene that’s irrelevant to the plot. She died of old age, Steve had more important things to do.

>Tony Stark eulogy about Peggy Carter

Did he even know her? He barely knew his father before he was killed by WS. Why would he care about Peggy?

>Peggy’s niece

If I remember right, she put the moves on him.

>Black Widow movie

I agree, she should’ve gotten her own movie. Hawkeye as well.

>WS through Natasha’s viewpoint

That’s stupid, she was Soviet he was HYDRA. He also worked alone and for only a mission or two at a time before being frozen again. They did miss opportunity to tie Natasha with HYDRA & the Red Room.

>Pepper Potts in CW

Maybe they didn’t have budget for a minor character or maybe the actress had scheduling issues.

>QS’ death

Ultron was weak film.

>BP’s bodyguards

They got their lines in BP & Infinity War. Before they were literally just extras.

You know you can just say you hopped on the bandwagon

All the good characters are gone so no, they'll milk it all to death.

Dude, that's like 1 movie out of 30. There's a handful of Fox or Sony films that can be called attrocious, Disney has the same ratio. What kind of zealot are you?
This. Disney is also bullshiting us about sticking to R-rated films anyway, why the hell else would they make a PG-13 Deadpool 2 cut? They were testing the waters.

The same kind of delusional fucks that hang out on Yea Forums then.

I think all of it; the capeshit, the reboots, the remakes, the sequels, the seaboots, all of it, can be understood as the studios reliance on building and maintaining a few mega-franchises as their main moneymakers, and that's the real problem with cinema today. Their constantly ballooning budgets take money away from smaller, more diverse projects, anything that isn't part of a franchise or could become a franchise itself is ignored, and writing has taken the backseat to spectacle as the need to appeal to non-english-speaking overseas markets has grown. All I can say is thank god for studios like Laika and Annapurna that are bankrolled by trust fund kids, they seem to be the only ones making the sorts of stand-alone, prestige movies that used to be the studios' main fare.

I am not a zealot, would have preferred if they just had sold back the right to Disney, or have a similar deal than they had with Sony for Spiderman, or just make good movies. I am just reminding you that People hated Fox and Sony for what they did with those franchise, not because they were holding on the rights.

It’s not just capeshit films, most audiences are awful, I went and saw Pet Semetery last week and these six fucking little preteens were running around, taking selfies and all kinds of obnoxious shit before the clerk finally kicked them out. My advice, wait to see the movie at a time when all of the kids will be in school so you don’t have your movie experience ruined. I just don’t get parents these days, back when I was a wee little chap and went to go and see Batman and Robin with my friends, if we got loud, one of the parents would tap us and tell us to be quiet, why is that so hard to do?

>flying musclemen
But the only MCU character who can actually fly unassisted is a borderline anorexic woman.

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You want reactions?
Like their SUPER OVER THE TOP REACTIONS to every small thing type videos?

I know, right? They could have divided it into TWO movies and doubled their money!

Now you're getting it.

And the problem with this is? Face it, the actual fans of these characters and stories were counted amount the double digit thousands, nowadays you have hundred thousands more and it's all thanks to these movies. There's no downside to this.

I'm really sad that you guys are so contrarian that you can't enjoy something without putting it down to make yourselves feel superior.

Who fucking cares, it's a superhero movie. We've had em since Reeves, and we'll have em til the end of time.

With love, Jesus.

>Endgame is long. I'll bring an air horn.

>Endgame has no intermission. Just skip it and watch Little or Hellboy or whatever.

>I'm really sad that you guys are so contrarian that you can't enjoy something without putting it down to make yourselves feel superior.
This. There's no shame nor virtue in enjoying these movies, and acting smug about them feels like overcompensating for something.

It's a "family film" which is also intended to appeal to adults, not Peppa Pig the Movie. Also even if a film is aimed at young toddlers only, you have the responsibility to supervise your child and if they're really disruptive, take them out for a break or home. Toddlers making some noise isn't worth sperging out to but if your 2 year old can't stop running around screaming, crying, fighting etc. you shouldn't take them to a 3 hour film in public. Most parents know this.

kids are fine for any movie as long as they are well behaved
if you're going to a movie theater with a baby that's crying, get a fucking sitter. it isn't even a capeshit thing, the little bastard won't even remember the movie

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>It's a "family film"
But it isn't, it's PG-13 for a good reason.

The issue in your situation is that the kids clearly didn't have a guardian. Which bugs me.

This. I'm a grown man and I don't like sitting for 3 hours, I know a fucking kid isn't going to enjoy themselves. Especially if they're fucking 4 or 5 years old. There is nothing that movie has to offer them.

Aren't capeshit movies a bit violent for kids according to Americans?

These are popular movies.

Why the fuck is the original trilogy considered legend in this universe

It was a massive galactic civil war whose leadership was entirely compromised of public figures save for Han

It's like if Benghazi happened and nobody knew what happened until Michael Bay made the movie about it

Stupid spoiler aside (which I doubt it's real and it doesn't account for the Beyond thing that has been spoiled a long time ago), it's important because it led to the fall of the Emperor and the reign of terror of the Sith, which, if you remember, unified the Senate where all races and planets were represented into a single rule. By the time of The Force Awakens, they've reinstated the Senate, with The First Order existing as a remnant force of the Empire trying to retain control of it.

Its probably just edgy teens who think they are woke and shit that writes that kind of zoomer shittery.

>having a problem with violence

Then again, people got their panties in a twist over the Sins in Shazam, so anything goes, I guess.

I could understand them not having a guardian with them at the time while seeing a horror movie, I mean that’s half of the fun seeing a horror movie as a younger kiddo, but when I went to go and see Shazam I had a small family sitting behind me, and every single time Shazam was on screen one of the kids would begin to yell. Now, this wouldn’t be that upsetting, kids get super excited for stuff, but what did upset me was that not once did I hear either parent kindly and quietly shush the child.

This should be mandatory for every movie. I rarely ever visit cinemas anymore because of all theobnoxious plebs.

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People know, of course. Just like everyone knew about the Clone Wars and the Jedi, except for a backwards hick like Luke. And Rey is even more fucked up, given that she grew up in literal garbage and had random drunks telling stories as her source of historical education.

The stuff in TLJ works more on a metaphorical level and as a personal humiliation of the new Supreme Leader of the First Order rather than reminding the galaxy that "whoa, Luke Skywalker is real".

>And sidenote: Stop liking what I don't like.

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Why is it always with you faggots that if you don't like these movies then you are jaded. Why should i like these movies?

I'm bringing my kids, my 9 other sibling's kids, the neighbor kids and whoever else I can kidnap from the local ShartMart. Then I'll get them all high on sugar, take up three rows of seats in the theater, and then I'll ditch them there and head to the back row with my jumbo-sized CAN OF BEANS!

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Not one these people who watch these movies will not read the source material.

You shouldn't if you don't want to. But trying to make it as if they're a problem and that if others like it, you're somehow suffering is fucking retarded.
And besides a lot of the times you find people saying "I started watching them but I'm tired of them now, can't wait until they're over", which is who I'm talking about in first place. If you're tired of them, well that's your problem, not mine.
I got into comics BECAUSE of these movies. What now?

And i actually enjoy those old superman movies. I just can't into MCU, is it such bad thing?

But there is shame for not liking them?

What if I'm not tired of capeshit, but of the MCU brand of it and wish it wasn't held as a gold standard in blockbuster filmmaking?

>There's no shame nor virtue in enjoying these movies
It goes both ways. They're just movies.
Then I don't know, go watch the DCEU I guess? That's still you being jaded because that's what we have now. No one is obligated to like them, hell, I was big into Game of Thrones, even bought and read all the books, but I can't be arsed to watch the last season. I'm completely burned out, but I'm not going around telling people how much I want them gone because others are enjoying them, it's performative.

What is wrong with admitting that you lost interest in those movies? Not everyone of them is gonna stay for the finale.

People will bring their children, including their newborns. It's why you view movies at midnight when you want to watch them in theaters.

None of these lardos will do anything.

There's nothing wrong. I guess what I've been trying to say all along is that making a point on shitting on other people's enjoyment just to make a statement about how you personally don't find them appealing therefore no one should is a ridiculous notion, since for better or worse people still like them. Unless Marvel starts shitting the bed and makes awful movies no one wants to watch, people will keep going because they're invested.
And yes, this might be a jumping off point for many (or a few, that's still to be determined), but it's crazy how some demean other people's enthusiasm over stuff they like.

No shit, check that IGN Samuel L Kackson video where he's promoting Glass. He gets annoyed at the fact that he's getting a bunch of asinine MCU and Fury related shit instead of stuff that has to do with the movie he's promoting. He even says how those people need to watch stuff that's not Marvel movies.

>That was so surreal cause I don't know what their parents were thinking.
It came out a year after TDK and Iron Man and there was a renewed interested in capeshit films. Basically the "dumb parents bring their children to Deadpool" of the time.

Most of the spoilers have been coming from YouTube or Reddit and should be taken with a grain of salt.


Did a woman write Captain Marvel though? Because that shit was really bad

>hell, I was big into Game of Thrones, even bought and read all the books, but I can't be arsed to watch the last season. I'm completely burned out,

I feel the same way. I liked the first few seasons, but since they've gone past the books, it's started to feel really fan fictiony, and not in a good way.

It seemed like it was written by a committee.

Fangirls started going crazy for Loki after Thor and then the crazies switched to Bucky. It's so annoying, especially the ones who pirate the comics and want Steve to forcibly be in a relationship with Bucky, knowing well that Steve met Bucky when Bucky was 14.

Their theories are shit and they hold a lot of stupid opinions and will spin anything the MCU does as being good.

Marvel Studios can cast Danny DeVito as Moon Knight and they will defend it.

It's probably partly correct, because I remember reading rumors about the Force Tree in Last Jedi months before the movie came out

Figured. Those are just fanfiction, and you can tell because they use stuff specifically crafted by adding pieces together from the trailer. The stuff I mentioned about the Beyond partially has to do with things set up in advance since The Force Awakens like the Knights of Ren, the Mustafar and mystical paraphernalia Snoke owns, and the Journals of the Whills stuff that has been also referenced. That make more sense about Palpatine finally figuring out how to return from the dead in a similar way Jedi do (by stepping from the Beyond) which will force the Skywalkers of past and present to push him back.

>it's started to feel really fan fictiony, and not in a good way.
Yep, that's exactly my issue with it. And on top of that I read that GRRM said the ending of the novels won't be much different from the series, which means it's probably gonna be a shitshow.

>Force Tree
Which... Didn't really happen in TLJ, it was just a tree.

Honestly, as memey as this sounds, Danny DeVito in anything can at least be given a chance.

How about this instead: my kid will scream as loud as he wants, and if you don't like it, fight me.

That's because people saw the leaked photos of the tree on the set in Pinewood. Remember the bullshittery that spun off from that, though? Barely any of the TLJ rumors were right in the end. Except for the shit Reylo shippers wrote.

Why not just, you know, tap your kid, tell him he’s being rude and tell him to be quiet until the movie is over, like a good parent should. Don’t reward behavior like that dude just because you’re worried about the kid giving you the stinky face on the way home.

A lot of women and one man. But to be fair that movie was awful because the script script went through 8 people, all who had different ideas.

The draft writers were Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFavue (who eas involved in Inside Out). There's an interview were early on Perlman said they at first got caught up in the fact that they wanted to depict Carol as a strong woman that it became a priority, until Perlman realized that they should just focus on telling a good story and not try to do a female Superman.

Pretty sure all the people who came afterwards missed the memo then, especially Feige who referred to her as Marvel's Superman at one point.

>Why not just, you know, tap your kid
Fuck that, just double-tap that kid, in the dark no one will know who shot first.

No one here is shitting on those people enjoyment. It is just annoying when people think that if you don't like those movies you hipster or jaded old man.
You can't say anything bad about MCU movies without people getting defensive towards them.

i honestly think people who get screaming mad, online, about children existing in public, have autism or some other brain disease.

the professor frink thing, 'no you cant have this, you won't on appreciate it on as many levels as i do, literal child'

Existing in public is one thing, being totally ignored and allowed to do whatever they want by their parents is another.

If it's a midnight showing at movie theater and someone brings a tiny infant in a carseat, as soon as the first explosion or loud noise happens onscreen, that child is going to start screaming and ruining the enjoyment for the other people in the theater.

Yeah i have assberger and i don't like when i am in super market and kids start crying. Worst part is that when parents don't do anything to it.

Endgame is not a children's movie. It's specifically aimed at cynical adults, I doubt children can derive enjoyment from something so dull as the MCU.

oh for sure. it just frustrates me when someone's all weepy and angry because 'we were at a busy chain restaurant at 8pm and some brat wouldn't SHUT UP and my ears started ringing and i went over and told the shitty parents that their crotchgoblin needs parents who could teach it some manners! and everyone stood up and clapped'

It depends on the child. An older child or one who really likes superhero cartoons might get some enjoyment out of it.


Why do women have the shittest of taste? No one who has a brain cares about interpersonal relationships above interesting plot or characters.

My nigga.

Why are people so angry abour the fact that the movie is 3 hours?

Rodney Dangerfield ones

Yeah that's all lowest-common-denominator assumptions. Mark my words, Palpatine is Force-Ghosting his way through the sequels, and Rey is a "Skywalker" because she was an immaculate conception like Anakin.

I can't wait to bring my 6 month old baby to the 10pm showing at the nearest Alamo Drafthouse, those redditers better be ready because I also have lots of important calls and texts to make during the movie

>Defending people who get offended at family guy tier jokes
Peak elderly woman

>turning blue milk murder hobo into a hero
lol no

I'm seriously considering taking my autistic nephew and sitting right in the middle of the theater and giving him the loudest crinkliest food I can think of

>> endgame
>> children's movie
Yes, you faggot. It's got a guy dressed in an American flag throwing a death Frisbee at a big purple alien man.

Make me!

I live in a town where a lot of Shaniqua's refuse to get babysitters for their kids. You do not understand my pain.

>Thinking that capeshit is high culture that has to be watched uninterrupted

If it's a movie I care about seeing, I try to see it during a weekday or catch one of the very late or very early showings and that seems to cut down on the amount of noisy/rude people in the theater.

Oh yeah, because weird situations INSTANTLY make something a kids film. You pretentious goober.

Yeah, because I’m paying an upwards of 40 dollars for my family and I to sit in the theater with our drinks and snacks and watch the movie while the three year old two rows up sings his abc’s and twinkle twinkle at the top of his lungs.

We can go deeper

>Endgame? Long. Bringing air horn.

>Buying movie snacks and drinks
You're the brain damaged one here

I bet you're one of those faggots who wants an R rated Star Wars movie

>The chad 3 year old
>The virgin Dad

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I guess so, but the wife and I have a nice trick where we like to sit close near the bottom of the aisles so when one of the kids needs to go out to use the rest room we don’t have to bother anyone. We’ve already got it figured out who will take the two little ones to the bathroom when they need to go. Also, sorry I like supporting my local cinema.

You done fucked up.

>bringing a screaming child to any movie
Are you retarded?

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No child can keep their mouth open that long, that wide without it hurting them

Were it not made by Disney, that'd be pretty cool.

My kids 9 and I'm taking him Thursday. You shouldn't be taking kids any younger than 7 to these films anyway because they just wont care

women shouldn't write things according to this


I love my adult superhero movies aimed at adults like me.

I'm still pissed about Yea Forums's spoiler sticky. When did the mods become such pussies?

>Having kids
You dun fucked up.

Don't forget WandaVision


You can always ignore it you massive faggot? What are they going to do to you behind 500 skeletons?

Looking at half of the posters on this board I don't think I did

Blame the faggots causing trouble on other boards because "le epic shitposting".

I've been watching these movies since I was a child and have seniority

Fuck you. Spoiler rules have existed for years, if you want to be an ass about it you can go to Yea Forums where I'm sure they're having a blast with it as the dumbasses they are.

My brain doesn't comprehed getting married or having kids. Like, why would you want to live with someone for a long as time and not get tired of them? I can't even stay around my gf for a long time because I'll go into "leave me alone" mode. Am I autistic?

>virgin dad

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Nah, you're not. I understand getting married, but the having kids part I certainly don't. But it's probably for different reasons: bringing children in this fucked up world and increasing our carbon imprint just to have some sort of "legacy" is a ridiculous notion to me. There's no drive for me to reproduce and make others suffer the consequences of our collective mistakes.

Of course not. We pirate em and watch em in the comfort of home

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I openly laughed in the theater when the line
>"Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'."
was played, since I've seen/been memeing about it and Cap for a long time.
Turns out my GF loved Carter (for some reason??) and this was one of the reasons thrown at me when we broke up


>captain America
>British accent

People are mediocre

Lawrence of arabia

I would only get married to my monster waifu desu
normal women are boring
I do not understand having children, from my POV it's torture

Thank You. Next stop, shitty live-action netflix anime on the silver screen.

Why are so many fucking people offended by the OP pic? If your kid is prone to fucking screaming or talking too much and you constantly have to tell them to be quiet, don't take them to a fucking movie theater when people are trying to watch a movie
8-12 year olds who are quiet outside of laughing at a joke are fine

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I dunno, people on this site tend to take things on a very surface level. Like they don't even think before they post.

If it makes money, it ain't stopping. 20 MORE YEARS OF CAPESHIT!

>dont take your child to a movie for children

endgame is for people who were kids when IM1 came out over 10 years ago. This means that despite it being a "kids movie" it's targeted at people in their early/mid 20s, who are essentially adult children (but not necessarily manchildren) at this point in their lives

You got it backwards, Americans love violence and hate sex, Europeans hate violence and love sex

Marvel movies are SERIOUS STUFF, MOM!!! GOD!!!!!

To release it in China and get more money.

go back to GBS

This is absolutely pathetic. Star Wars isn't good enough to justify the kind of apoplectic reactions people like you have. Its intentionally a fucking pastiche of cheesy space opera tropes and aesthetics from the 30's and 40's. Stop taking it so seriously, the movies never did.

People like you can't wait until whatever is the current big thing dies in order to complain later about whatever the next big thing is, it won't matter if it eventually dies out or not, you won't be happy cause you merely dislike what is popular at any given time.

Nah capeshit is just garbage but believe whatever schizo fairytale you want to believe

Because you are the epitome of what it means to be a Manchild.

Three hours? Surely there must be an intermission.
Children are dumbass little shits that will latch on to anything that's popular and will scream and kick until their dumbass parents cave in and go waste 3 goddamn hours on the next spiderman movie.

> Endgame, airhorn.

>paying 20 dollars to watch a movie surrounded by retards so addicted to talking they can't stfu for a whole 5 min.
No thanks

> Pixelated Cuckold

They say this like kids will be a big problem. The obnoxious fan boys screaming at every little thing will be way worse

But thats capeshit aswell


reminder that you are noticing that the capeshit are a thing only because it is something that relates to what you like
I have only recently discovered that they made more than 3 movies for Fast and Furious.

user what the fuck are you doing posting a reddit screenshot

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you have autism if you think those users are serious.

My God, this reminds me of that tragedy

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People who shouldn't be allowed in theaters:
>children 0 - 25
>black people

Why would you ban yourself, user?

Utterly oblivious to your own ineffectual mentality.

You'll never be happy.

>you have to watch capeshit to be happy

>Stop taking it so seriously, the movies never did.
This is what I kept telling these folks and they don't listen. They get so mad over it and treat Disney like "the devil" when the actual source material is corny as fuck, which in no way can be treated seriously.
This is also true though, judging by the retards thinking that not wanting to have kids screaming in the theater means you're a manchildren who treats comic book movies like adult stuff.

>which in no way can be treated seriously.
Meanwhile Disney employees would have us think otherwise. Remember when TLJ was supposed to be a huge achievement for women across the globe? Lucasfilm employees rode that train on twitter a lot. Same for Black Panther being a revolution for black leading movies with actors playing in on the black pride fad.

>its excusable to appropriate and then rape a franchise for feminist bullshit because i dont personally think it has value
Get prostate cancer

Dude. It's Star Wars. It's not even Lord of the Rings. The franchise was being raped as far as 1983 and Lucas came up with it as a pastiche of campy baby shit he watched as a kid. Whatever value there was in the series, it was something the audience projected on it, not what he himself wanted out of it. It's a fairy tale for 12 year olds, his words.

See, this is exactly WHY you shouldn't take it so seriously, but you won't listen. You're precisely the kind of seething retard I'm talking about, the ones that get so hung up about feminism that you end up seeing it everywhere. Fuck, this is sad at this point.
They'll do that for PR and I'm pretty sure if you can see beneath all that and the people who actually think movies help advance society, you can actually enjoy things for what they truly are. And I'm not even saying representation doesn't matter (because fuck making science fiction so homogenized), I'm saying stop listening to Woke Brands™ and making a big deal out of what they say, because they sure as hell want precisely for you to do that.

at least you englishfags don't have a god damn furry making a ruleset to watching Endgame

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>lol stop taking it so seriously
Yeah, i hope someone breaks your head in with a wrench, thats what absolute faggots like you deserve for being apologists slave labor to corporate propaganda nuts like kathleen.

>having children
A life sentence worse than prison...

I like musicals user :)

Anime isn't capeshit, not even the shonen genre. It's a different brand hollywood would pick up because adapting a storyboard from a manga would make a profit for them. Plus, it has international appeal.
Look at Alita: Battle Angel for example.

1) no this is a bad idea because the scene would have become a snooze fest.
2) maybe if Marvel T.V was considered canon to the MCU also the scene is about Steve's reaction to her death and the impact she had on his life and speeching so it Tony also being there would have detract from that. All things considered I'd veto that scene.
3) If that was perceived by the viewing audience then that's a problem as that's not representative of Steve Rogers' character, so a yes on that.
4) Yes.
5) Yes that could be an interesting way of presenting the character and would have added extra layers of mystery.
6) Yes it would have helped to further define Tony's considerations by presenting the viewpoints of the people he's close to namely Potts.
7) a) Yes b) No because Scarlet Witch is still very much being defined to the audience to focus too heavily on one aspect at the stage would be a mistake.
8) Yes/No if the character isn't important to the plot or doesn't heighten any sense of realism then it probably isn't worth it.

This should have been the first post.

Kids can be in public places but they need to behave. When I visited Paris there were kids everywhere, such as fancy restaurants, but they were behaving very nicely. In USA that would not be possible.

Whats the over under on there being an intermission?
This is the biggest movie in history, they'd be stupid not to allow for it.

Back when I was a kid I already hated other kids who were too loud in theatre. We should have a society like Japan where extreme individualism is bad when it causes bother to people around you. It should be shameful to be loud in public places.

>Look at Alita: Battle Angel for example.
The same that flopped and had questionable creative festival decisions that turned the movie into a bit of an uninteresting mess?
Zero. If people sat through Harry Potter and LOTR without one, no reason why they can't do the same here.

Andrei rublev
La dolce vita
Return of the king

>implying its his kid

Start going to the Sunday night late show.

>if you don't like it, fight me
Careful user, there's a lot of lunatics out there, especially on this site, they might take you up on that.

Godfather isn't a hard watch.

3 hours straight? not even a pee break? my kidneys aren't what they used to be...

Luckily I spoke to my urologist last Friday to get a catether, he told me I was good to go for the premiere. He advised me to take short sips anyway and to avoid refills, but he was confident I would make it through the movie without issues.

If the parents would parent then there would be nothing to complain about.

No, I take kids to a porno theater, so I can teach them how to jerk off properly.

Are you implying this isn’t a normie movie?

Watch out for Endgame 2

It's not unreasonable to ask kids to behave at the movie theater, regardless of what they're watching. Let's stop pretending like it is.


>won't someone PLEASE think of the cinema?

But will they manage to withstand the mental weight of an artistic masterpiece such as American Pie and American Pie 3: American Reunion?

Get the fuck outta here, RLM cultist.

>guy on a comics board
>shitting on casual movie goers for being like adult children
This board is fucking dense

Expecting some of them to have a semblance of self-awareness is fruitless. Same board with a 24/7 Raven thread, multiple children's animation threads, dumbass Captain Marvel threads and this.

How am I shitting on people for being adult children? I explicitly stated I wasn't calling people manchildren. If you're in your early 20s you're basically a kid still is all I'm saying.

Just pee under the seat in front of you, no one will see you in the dark.

or i could just get a seat on the side and sneak outside during a scene that looks predictable
you know, like a normal human being

I am so grateful that my younger brother doesn't give a single fuck about capeshit. Imagine literally and unironically brining your children to these shitfests. Fucking hell.

>this is the average marvelsoi
>m-muh deep children movie!
>n-no children can't watch it!

>normal human being
user, normal human beings don't post on Yea Forums.


This, contrarianism for the sake of it. Oh look at me, i hate popular thing, i'm more special that the entire userbase of Tumblr.

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"BTW, which loli you prefer more, the one with the mega milk shirt, or the one with the 'i love anal' shirt? notice they're already barefoot"

Fuck it, im going to play "Wario's Laughing" everytime a joke, just to piss off Marveldrones and pseudofans, Fuck you seriousfags, its a capeshit movie, i want to have my keks

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You'll get thrown out after the first try; I just hope someone records you and posts it online though.

Still disruptive though, I guess they dont have guards or personell in burgerland cinemas anymore

>all these Yea Forumsirgins thinking they are pseudo intellectuals by hating capeshit
Go back to your fucking /pol/ 2.0 board and leave Yea Forums alone you faggots

Then where are we supposed to indulge in her exhibitionism fetish if not in the movie theather?

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You just tried to counter his argument with the exact same argument he disproved in the firstplace

Paul Dano? is that you?

Maybe back in day but not anymore.



Tell me one good reason like these movies.

>MCUfag is anti-loli
Why i am not surprised?

didn't want to risk the backlash of making two 90-minute movies

Does anyone actually appreciate these shitty overlong blockbusters?

Whenever I see one of these big, dumb action films with a run time over 2 hours I know I'm never going to watch it. Even 2 hours is a push, I'd rather than kept it to 100 minutes max.

It's guys punching each other through walls. There's not enough substance to pad them to that length, they always end up being crushingly dull. I like action films, but pacing is incredibly important for a good one and it seems the current philosophy is just to cram as much shit in as possible with no consideration to how it will all fit together.

>mature(kids) film for such mature(manchildren) people like myself
lmao Yea Forumsmblr

When I went to see Spider-verse there was only two young boys and one father with a little boy. The little boy was constantly drinking soda and he went to the bathroom at least three times. It wasn't that long movie shit was weird.

I'm not actually anti-loli, but that shit doesn't belong in this board and fuck you for shitting up the place and pretending it belongs here more than comic book adaptations

So you're a pedophile. Don't try and dress up what you people are with japanese words.

Mate it is quite literally one of the most popular movies in history. Go to any department store in your area and there will be Star Wars, Scarface and Godfather posters for sale. It's one of the few truly "evergreen" movies.

The fuck?!

Hating on kids for being kids is a trend for your average new age cynical normie asshat who thinks the world is their story and they are the protagonist. Meanwhile, twats like this are celebrated and loved for acting like children in the fucking theater yapping and cheering every 3 seconds as the movie plays.


There is no reason to hate on this guy. If you can like Etika, so can you like that guy.

In my country we have screenings for girls/families and screenings for single males

I can only go to screenings with mature people because I have a penis, Shariah law doesn’t sound so bad now does it

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Get out of here, Yea Forums.

Who let a kid watch Pet Sematary?

It belongs to this board as much as Yea Forums.

So, not at all is what you mean?
>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: (...), or loli/shota pornography.

My mother is NOT a faggot!!!

>One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
This is not an intellectual movie. This is a pale, bland adaptation of the book. Most of the events that are important for the narrative are taken out or recontextualized, the rest are put in a completely random order. It also looks extremely cheap. The book had a couple of psychodelic segments, but they'd be arsed to even try to adapt them. If Nicholson wasn't in it, it would be completely unwatchable.

I don't like Etika. Who the fuck likes Etika. I don't even think Etika likes Etika, he just had another mental breakdown or some shit.