Just saw this and hadn't seen any threads about it
Also is the American guy with no facial hair meant to be Hughie?
Just saw this and hadn't seen any threads about it
Also is the American guy with no facial hair meant to be Hughie?
>Also is the American guy with no facial hair meant to be Hughie?
Tone-deaf and definitely isnt faithful to the source material. Sausage party my ass. The boys kino never ever.
Why is Hughie not Scottish? This is bullshit
Probably because some executive said they can't have a protagonist with an accent.
looks good hollander is spot on
When will they stop putting negro music into shit? Trailer looks like ass anyway
looks like its going to be sexually tame and tryhard in humor department .
Seth Rogen made fun comedies, and produced good seasons of Preacher so it could work. Millar and Ennis shlock doesn't directly translate to live action so I think the TV team could work out the kinks
Hey its that Katana chick!
If “The boys are back in town” does not play at least once in the series, the whole thing will have been a gigantic waste of time.
so, how long till we get wildstorm adapted? And who would be Bendix?
Anyone else feel like they aren’t going to have A-Train be the reason why Hughie joins The Boys? Also, another great example of Hollywood making a ginger black.
John Malkovich as bendix
but they whitewashed the deep for some reason
Probably to make it more obvious that he’s supposed to be Aquaman and because they thought Deep’s costume was too ridiculous, which sucks because he had the coolest design beside Homelander
>only A+ guy who isn't completely fucked in the head
>actually a pretty decent super compared to the rest
>let's turn him white!
I've been so tempted to leave "That's plainly not The Deep" in every comment section I've come across regarding the trailer.
Also, what the fuck is up with Hughie's design? How hard is it to cut someone's hair and give them a goatee?
Starlight looks fairly spot-on though.
They white washed The Deep, and gave him a generic costume.