/pol/ immigrant here, do you like general eiling?

Attached: 345457-197168-the-general.jpg (400x225, 31K)

You need to go back

Uh, yeah, he was interesting I guess, forget if he stayed a giant monster or not though,

A little too strawman. Exists solely to make Cadmus look bad even though they were technically right. They were just too extreme in their methods.

Then again, this shit never would have happened if the JL didn't have a fucking orbital laser. Who the fuck agreed to that? Because I know Batman and Superman never would have.

>/pol/ immigrant
Ah, the irony.

they never addressed it in the show. it happened late in the last season anyway.
i loved his morally grey ethno centric ultra patriotic high ground he took. you will never see that kindof character writing anywhere in today's media

Hi /pol/, now fuck off.



Go back to /pol/, nazi. Your kind are not welcome

compliments will get you nowhere

A little too far on the crazy side to go against the justice league. The League grounded their base on earth to make peace with the nations of earth but that wasn't enough for him. I'm forgetting if there was something else but he felt a little to focused on crushing the league even when they did what the US wanted

I think Agent Liberty from the Supergirl tv show is an interesting depiction of the alt right.

The show's writing is a mess so the anti-immigrant villain comes off more coherent and persuasive than Supergirl.

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Yeah i really like that they made this Gen Thunderbolt Ross character a hulk way before Red Hulk showed up. I also really like the episode where he is just fighting the non power superheroes.

None of it would've happened if Luthor didn't specifically put them at each other so that he could make his immortal robot body. He was the one who triggered the cannon. But I love how everything before that factored into the finale, even showing the need for the laser when it was taking down the Dark Heart. So you legitimately see both sides and understand their point of view. And then you have Luthor.

It's also an adaptation of the Shaggy Man character which was an unstoppable robot that could only be defeated by another Shaggy Man. The first one had Eiling's mind uploaded into it because he had a brain tumor. As usual JLU updated an old story and made it better.


What’s it like being retarded?

Not really, it's not illegal to crossboard

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Niggas grow the hell up. People will hold different beliefs. Just cause we're on Yea Forums dosen't mean that we are all faggots who unironically like garbage & shill our sjwspiderman twitter accounts

Go back to resetera

>People will hold different beliefs
>/pol/tard talking about tolerance and understanding of others that are different
Oh man the irony just keeps on coming.

>S-Stop making fun of my beliefs!

Once you stop shitting on Mudslimes for theirs, faggot

I ain't OP Rtard

in the comics he moved his brain into the shaggy man and the JL left him on an asteroid. he came back pissed as hell and they left him a pocket dimension with nothing in it
in the show he just fucked off somewhere to never be heard from again

>Once you stop shitting on Mudslimes for theirs, faggot
Nice false-flagging, you failed at your first attempt. Leftists don't call Muslims that.

Then stop posting and don't mass reply.

Make him

Holy shit literal /pol/ came to Yea Forums and!.....
Didn't post anything political...
Wants an honest conversation....
And the only ones making a big deal are Yea Forums regulars....
Hmm it's like the people who shit post about political nonsense was just Yea Forums all along.... No it can't be.... Is Yea Forums just an awful board?

Not ironic if he didn't cross boards illegally

>Nobody's arguing deportation beyond illegals
Nice strawman

Notice how they all wanted to kick pol but claim to be inclusive really cool Yea Forumsmblr. Also them taking obvious bait is obviously dumb

>understanding of others
There's no "understanding" illegal activity and backwards, violent cultures

>Literally announces where they are from
user that's the bait

I think in the comics he has aids ir a tumor or something & that is why he becomes Blockbuster I like JLU version more though

The thing is that /pol/ basically rejects all forms of western entertainment on the basis of being degenerate (especially comics, considering that most superheroes were created by Jews) so any actual /pol/tard coming here to discuss the board topic likely has severe cognitive dissonance.

Didn't like him. Thought his character was written poorly.
I believe he was making the joke about the average /pol/ user hating immigrants, and then saying their a /pol/ immigrant. I myself don't give a shit about crossboard pollination so long as you keep the vast majority of your shit on your board and we do the same. It's just the polite thing to do.

op here
I do reject degenerate media, just not dogmatically like the way you're projecting onto me, I objectively cherry pick and as long as it's not degenerate i don't really care if it was made by a jew.

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fuck off back to your shithole

>we are all different and support tolerance
>also we hate you for being different than us
woah can you guys stop hurting my feelings?you're being kindof bigoted right now

Attached: 1536334173087.png (971x546, 55K)

Shut the fuck up, nazi. We don't tolerate intolerance. If that hurts your feelings, go back to your safe space and cry to the other fascists, you dumb fuck

>muh tolerance
>from a board with litreal nazis and racists

Maximum fucking kek

>>from a board with litreal nazis and racists
And communists, anarchists, leftshits, libertarians etc

Point is, y'all betraying your principles, we are not betraying our own


Memes and shit talking aside, he was an okay character. Forgot if he stayed a monster but he was a decent character.

>/pol/ is one ideology

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/pol/ is actually very diverse, ideologically speaking. There's nazis, communists, Corbynite socialists, islamists, zionist jews, christian conservatives of all denominations, nationalists, etc. On a good day, discourse is also much more civil than itt. Yea Forums as a board seems quick to call someone a nazi without any evidence and sling obscenities without further content.
>any actual /pol/tard coming here to discuss the board topic likely has severe cognitive dissonance
/pol/lack here, but not the earlier guy or the OP. Politics isn't everything, I can hold a set of beliefs and still enjoy Yea Forumsntent about superheroes and fantasy. Very few people are that obsessed, though I dislike some Marvel stuff. I like Wilson Ms Marvel though, it has heart

Please return to /pol/ we don't want you here

>Point is, y'all betraying your principles, we are not betraying our own

Tolerating /pol/ when it shits over any other board because a bunch of cucks want to rage against percieved culture war was never a fucking principle fuck off

Ugly monster design, could have looked better. Kind of a straw man fighting the d-list supers, but whatever. Was surprised he fucked off after realizing the meme he became.

I never claimed to be a “leftist” you stupid brat. Real life isn’t a high school with cliques.

I'd fap to porn of him, I guess.

If you move into a new place and don't change and adapt to the native culture you're a bad though, right?

>backwards, violent cultures
So /pol/?

needs more antisemitism but this is about right

Well, I guess being a bit rude is violence by the broader definitions of the word..

who's the woman on the right? uncultured swine here

Ayn Rand.

I think it's supposed to be Ayn Rand but I could be just as uncultured

thanks anons

>collectivism isn't a thing in real life
you should stop drinking tap water

>/pol/tard who hasnt passed the mental age of 14 telling others to grow up

Attached: poltards.jpg (960x720, 125K)

I felt that the other reasons for Cadmus existing kind of got brushed to one side, the thanagarian invasion and the justice lords invasion. They made it all about this orbital laser.