Yea Forums-Comics and Cartoons Black Girls

What are the best black female characters in Yea Forums opinion? Storm? Starfire? Bumblebee? Ironheart? Shuri? Post 'em.

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Starfire isn’t black. Oh and Vixen, Storm and Bumblebee are the best.


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I'd hit it if you catch my drift

April O'Neil


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Kida from Atlantis:The Lost Empire

I got a two for one deal for you.

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Would you?

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>Straight white hair
>Blue eyes
It's like you don't know the first thing about niggers.
Kida is atlantean.

You are stupid
My gf is black and has blue eyes

Cause your girlfriend has white ancestors?
Is that what you're implying for Kida?

All native blacks (with ancestry around 200 years in the US) have European ancestry dumbass

Duh. That is literally my point.
Are you saying Kida is African-American?

all the ones that arent legacy or ripoff versions of other characters
moon girl (name is a ripoff but not anything else)
photon (was captain marvel in name only, not a ripoff)
pathway and goblyn
>Goblyn is one of a pair of fraternal twins. Before birth, it was revealed that Goblyn was a mutant and would be of monstrous appearance. Her parents decided that for her own good she would be aborted. Sensing the danger, her sister Laura (later known as Pathway) used her own mutant ability to send Goblyn to another dimension where she would be safe. Later Laura would return her to Earth,where they would both become involved with Alpha Flight

she's perfect

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She is now

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No not all. Oprah’s DNA test revealed she was a tiny few percentages Native American and no European.



I need a cute black gf

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What are some good BWWm couples Yea Forums?

I hate when they slap quotes from clockbait sites and super large logos on good cover art like that.

I like Storm, haven't read much about Shuri or Riri though.

Riri a cute

Alien royalty WASPy princess with a tan from space, not a nigger.
>Ironheart? Shuri? Post 'em.
literally who

I'm voting Domino as the best black character.

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Storm is kenyan you fucking retard

Are you retarded?

Susannah Dean

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Storm is still black though

>Susannah Dean
She is absolute garbage. I fucking hate that character. I dont care if it was a split personality, she was still a giant piece of shit.

Eh, not my all-time favourite Black Girl (I like Waller, Storm and Vixen more).
But my favourite Black Girl right now is probably Darla.
Definitely, one of the most fun characters in the movie + she made me care about Billy's Foster Family there and in the Comics.

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Agent 355.

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Fuck off with that shitty movie. Domino is literally white and doesn't have a dumb afro.

That is neither a comic or a cartoon OP.

Go here instead


It was rhetorical.

Kida is neither African, nor American.
She's atlantean. Or are you trolling?

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I actually like Riri ever since anyone not named Bendis started writing her.

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I'll take it!


I don't get her relationship with Iron Man. It's like a mentor who she hates?

Riri doesn't hate Iron Man.She used pieces of his discarded technology to build her suit.


>She used pieces of his discarded technology to build her suit.

I like this concept. But not the execution, Ri Ri did it too fast and perfect. Would have been cool if she was a junkyard rat who slowly reverse engineered the suit piece by piece. Have each piece of the suit be major importance to the story she runs away when she gets the rocket boots to work, ect.