If he's so smart, why doesn't he fix his face?

if he's so smart, why doesn't he fix his face?

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What even are Dr. Doom's powers?

What comics should I start reading from If I wanna know more about him?

Fix what?

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>What even are Dr. Doom's powers?
Hyper intelligent, hyper competent, hyper resourceful. Doom's basically Tony Stark + Stephen Strange + T'challa with copious amounts of plot armor. But to be fair, he actually needs it, his arch is Reed "Too intelligent for the multiverse" Richards.

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It takes a special guy to get personally judged by the multi-dimensional embodiment of justice...in the middle of a fight with Ant-Man.

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All of them but only second best

This reads like a 10 year old threw a fit "wahhhh they better not fix dooms face!" So he wrote in all kinds of "no way to get around this" clauses in. Comics are so fucking lame.

It is a metaphor, they didn't thought of autists like you when they created it.
So you'll never get it, too bad.

Why should Doom’s fix it? It’s Richards’ fault Doom’s face is so fucked up. Richards should be the one to fix it

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Thought it was Grimm

what exactly was doom's motivation again
save the world by making humanity his slaves or some shit?

Saving his mom from the devil, but that has been resolved for a while now.

Isn't Doom good now anyway? Seemed that way when he appeared in Gwenpool

Well, he theoretically can, either with science or magic. But he won't, either because emotionally he can't (failed attempt to save his mother made him feel guilty and like he deserves the fucked up face) or because he's scared of fucking it up more or because he won't admit to himself that his face has a problem, because that'd be admitting that he is not perfect.
So, he can fix his face, as far as his skills are concerned. The reasons he won't do it, are psychological.

Nah, Reed tried to show Doom that his formulas seemed wrong but Doom ignored him.

He's back to being evil again. He's trying to kill the F4 on live television while having Galactus held hostage and it's seemingly about to destroy Earth. And Sue made him naked on TV and showed everyone his fucked up body.

T-That's not how it works B-BAKA

I fucking hate the trend of trying to explain comic book tropes as having magical significance

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>He's back to being evil again.

Of course he is. I knew it wouldn't last, how often does a big name supervillain turn good and actually STAY good?

This the biggest piece of shit ever

It's as awful as when they try to explain supernatural stuff with "ALIENS.jpg lmao"

And they still gave that fat fuck the FF book???

>fat fuck
where do you think he FLOATED IN FROM

>Spider totems

John Romita junior was a mistake

I'm so glad the Spider-verse film ignored the idea of the totems/inheritors and did its own thing.

Thats sounds incredibly stupid

it is


Straczinsky, actually, I think.
Wouldn't doubt Quesada had a fat finger on it as well.

>another symbiote retcon
At least it’s not bendis’ “actually the symbiotes are a proud warrior race” crap

Romita draws he doesn't write

Jesus, this is stupid. I always forget this exists and then someone posts it and I experience the hatred all over again.

The new symbiote origin is way better than the Klyntar one

There was a run where either he did fix it, or nothing at all was wrong with his face in the first place, and he just wore the mask for...reasons. *shrug*

Romita scribbles, he doesn't draw.

it's still stupid

I'm sorry. Some people here are actually over the age of 18, so in order to properly suspend their disbelief, they need some kind of a plausible explanation instead of "DUDE IT JUST WORKS LMAO".

>in order to properly suspend their disbelief, they need "DUDE MAGIC LMAO" instead of "DUDE IT JUST WORKS LMAO".
This is why Us was worse than Get Out.

He actually did fix it after Molecule Man took the power of the Multiverse from Doom and gave it to Richards.

Frankly Doom trying to play superhero was actually interesting. Because you could see that he didn't actually become a good guy. He had the same fucked up personality, just now he was trying to play the role of a hero how others imagine it. He was doing everything by the book.

Why does he dress like Link

Brubaker's Books of Doom's pretty good place to learn more about him.

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>Von Doom

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>learning from brubaker
Doubt (X)

Reed pls, you get cucked by some fishguy

Based Ant-Man shitting all over Doom.


>Dr. Doom, FORMERLY the second smartest person in the world.

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She is so smart she has a subreddit

Well shit you got us, "Spider-Totems" is a better explanation than radioactive spider superpowers
Ancient evil god is clearly the obvious answer to alien symbiotes

Just a quick bit of info, this was written by Matt Fraction, not Slott, and as I recall his daughter had either just been born or was growing up and he read about how Cassie Lang was killed by Doom in the very confused and contrived Children's Crusade incident where it turns out Doom was responsible for Wanda's insanity somehow but not really.

Anyway like most rabid new parents afraid of losing their kid due to inability on their part, he projected himself into his writing, onto Scott in this instance, and went out his way to attack Doom during the FF run, and then have the supreme refree of the universe throw in his judgment just so it would be unquestioned and would stick since he probably couldn't get the clear to outright kill Victor.

Also the Living Tribunal said in Infinity Gauntlet he literally does not care what beings of power do or what becomes of them so long as it doesn't threaten the greater multiverse work. It's why he never bothered with Thanos even when Galactus was demanding he be spanked.

Ben fessed up to Franklin and Valeria that he messed with the machine to stick it to Doom but didn't expect it to literally blow up in his face.

jfc, Yea Forums hates even Brubaker now?

Which retard wrote this? It sucks and I hate it

Based Reed.

From what I've seen, it's controversial, fans are still louder.
But as a Cap and X-Men fan, a hater of retcons (specially the classic "new skeleton that's totally always been in the closet") and dragged on stories, I do. You can't tell someone to learn about a character from a writer who loves to retcon the shit out of stuff. Like, his Bucky is just an OC using the name.

Spider Totems was just a WHAT IF? thing to add ambiguity. The only issue is it came about at the worst time and was poorly treated due to EVENT after EVENT after EVENT after EVENT leading to OMD.

It also involved Peter turning into a spider thing with stings that ate a vampire's face or something.

Wasn't that way earlier and just an excuse to give him the organic webs from the Raimi films?

That was still from Civil War build-up stupidity. The only saving grace is it wasn't fucking Sins Past or OMD levels of bad.

I put the whole run into a huge bag of stupid, really.
In the Civil War tie-ins they even made Reed WORSE somehow by making him give a tone-deaf excuse.

If I recall, that one was earlier with some spider queen thing. Maybe it was brought back for The Other?

This hurt my eyes user...

This is necessary read for Doom. Not to mention its one of my favorite reads from marvel

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Massive errors there....

Matt Fraction didn't write Future Foundation. It was 100% ghost-written by Mike Allred. Fraction didn't want to have a Future Foundation book when he took over the Fantastic Four. He was stuck with it, because the book had sold well under Hickman when it launched/was kept going once the death of Human Torch story ended.

Also, Matt Fraction fucking HATED Scott Lang. Fraction is BFFs with Bendis. Bendis hated Scott and famously killed him off in Avengers Disassembeld, after his previous attempt to kill Scott off Alias was cockblocked by Geoff Johns (who was heavily featuring him in Avengers at the time).

Bendis never forgave Johns pulling rank AND cock-blocking Bendis publicly (Bendis was told he couldn't kill Scott off but did so anyway. When the issue with the death came out and editorial found out that Bendis had openly defied them, Bendis was told point blank he either had to rewrite the rest of the arc to undo Scott's death or Alias would be canceled and Johns would be allowed to declare Bendis' entire work non-canon ala Spider-Man Chapter One or Hulk Annual '99 in order to keep Scott Lang alive in Avengers.

When Allen Heinberg launched Young Avengers, he wanted Scott Lang and Vision back and wanted to undo the character assassination of Scarlet Witch. Bendis threw a temper tantrum, even after Heinberg sucked up to him, shilling Jessica Jones as a famous hero in the book. Bendis REFUSED to let anyone bring Scott back. Heinberg quit Young Avengers as a result (derailing the franchise as a result).

Case close, as far as Bendis winning right? Not so fast. This led to Robert Kirkman creating Eric O'Grady (who started out as a piece of shit, before being given Scott's costume and a bastard daughter to make him suface level resemble Scott) because Edgar Wright wanted to do an Ant Man movie but explicitly stated, he wanted the Scott Lang version because of the single father angle. And since Bendis won't let Scott Lang return, Marvel is forced to create an evil jerk replacement for Scott, but Wright doesn't want Eric, he wants Scott and the project is at a crossroads.

Finally Disney buys Marvel and while they proclaim they will be hands off, they have a couple of things they require Marvel to do in order to get their affairs in order the way the Mouse likes. One of which, is that they have to give Heinberg what he wanted back in 2004 and let him bring undo Avengers Disassembled. Because after being driven out of comics by Bendis, Heinberg went to work for Disney writing TV dramas for them and made them a TON of money. Also, they realize they still own the movie rights to Ant Man and since Edgar Wright is a big name director who's done several hits, they call Marvel out on costin them big money. So Children's Crusade is written, though as a compromise for Bendis, Heinberg is ordered to have the "out" for absolving Wanda of Avengers Disassembled/House of M be that Doctor Doom made her into a host for the Phoenix Force. And that the ending would have a teaser for the incoming Avengers Vs X-Men mini-series.

But then, Bendis being a shit, brings back OG Vision in Avengers for no other reason than to force rewrites onto Heinberg and ruin his ending for Chilren's Crusade by claiming that he had to kill off YA Vision. Which ruined the entire ending, as it was supposed to end with Iron Lad stealing Cassie's dead body and resurrecting her and YA Vision and the team finding her alive and well and Cassie/YA Vision ending the story as a couple. Brevoort ordered YA Vision killed off midway through Heinberg writing it and Heinberg told Brevoort to fuck off as he did what he was told, but then also rewrote the story to remove ALL of the Phoenix Force references Bendis demanded of him, fucking over Marvel's marketing plan to promote it as a lead-in to Avengers Vs X-Men.

Furthermore, Matt Fraction (ever the spineless cuck), decided to further suck up to Bendis by immediately killing Scott off after his resurrection. Fraction was set to write Defenders and his first arc had the murder of Scott Lang as the inciting incident. Heinberg got wind of this, and pretty much squeeled on Fraction to Disney. Disney basically told Fraction and Marvel that they couldn't do that PERIOD. So Brevoort was forced to reject Fraction's pitch and ordered him to redo it and Fraction half-assed a year's worth of story for his book before bailing, because he only wanted to write Defenders as a favor to Bendis and kill Scott off.

So cut to Fraction writing Fantastic Four and getting stuck writing Future Foundation, which for Disney, was now being turned into an Ant Man and friends book to give him a high profile in prep for his movie. Fraction HATES the book, so he basically lets Allred ghost write it and put his name on it. Allred comes up with his plot of Scott seeking revenge on Doom (and Doom being written 100% evil, since Allred is a silver age fanboy and hates "Good Guy Doom"). Allred's run basically does two things:

1. It leaves the door open for Cassie's return as an ion powered entity ala Wonder Man (which Nick Spencer ultimately ignores, when AXIS runs and he has Doom simply siphon Wanda's powers and use it to bring her back to life while under the influence of the AXIS spell)

2. Changes the nature of Doom's disfigurement so that the Living Tribunal fixes his face but curses Doom, so that every evil deed he does will permanently disfigure him going forward.

An interesting idea, but Allred's plan backfired HUGE because of Hickman, super Doom apologist who outright ignored Allred's FF series and how it left Doom in favor of having Doom save the universe in New Avengers/Secret Wars

Uh, I see. My mistake.

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So, Based Heinberg.
Is there a single source with the whole story?

Secret Wars was a fucking mistake, but people will act like it's the best shit in comics ever. When in reality all it did was give way for everything to be explained via, "DUDE MAGIC LMAO"

Thanks for that interesting look at how the sausage is made, user. But that cliquish sideshow of politics and rivalries is my biggest problem with long running cape series and spinoffs. Way too many cooks, each sabotaging the others and trying to create a vastly different dish. I haven't read many modern books but it's hard to imagine that so much bad faith collaboration is conducive to good fiction.

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Which one? Yea Forums only approved the tie-ins on Secret Wars IV.

There's been 4?

>it's hard to imagine that so much bad faith collaboration is conducive to good fiction
We have empirical evidence that it hurts the fiction, specially when they get a retard who can't boil water to run the kitchen.

The first one is where Spidey got the symbiote, second one had Beyonder running around Earth in Michael Jackson attire, third one was apparently a Fantastic Four arc, fourth one was Hickman's blank pages and charts self-wank.

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Was "Hail Hydra" a Secret Wars thing?

Nah, that was Secret Empire, after Secret Wars I think.

the entirety of secret wars is literally just a giant "LMAO SUPER HEROES" wank, it gave a bunch of heroes shit they didnt need and was one of the points where the heroes no longer had a human element, and everything was either explained via "MAGIC" or "LITERAL REPRESENTATIONS OF ETERNITY AND DEATH AND SHIT". It was the point where I kinda got tired of comics during it's run because it was all so tiresome. Yes I am that old

>Hate and try really hard to kill Scott Lang for good
>The character ends up with not one but two movies and is an important part of the biggest crossover event in the MCU.

The absolute state of benis and fraction

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Again, which one? The first? If I recall, that was supposedly made to sell action figures.
Not sure if it could be the last one, because Hickman's Avengers that led to it were already more than enough to make fans too tired of late Marvel.

Guess they got ANTS in their PANTS