if he's so smart, why doesn't he fix his face?
If he's so smart, why doesn't he fix his face?
What even are Dr. Doom's powers?
What comics should I start reading from If I wanna know more about him?
Fix what?
>What even are Dr. Doom's powers?
Hyper intelligent, hyper competent, hyper resourceful. Doom's basically Tony Stark + Stephen Strange + T'challa with copious amounts of plot armor. But to be fair, he actually needs it, his arch is Reed "Too intelligent for the multiverse" Richards.
It takes a special guy to get personally judged by the multi-dimensional embodiment of justice...in the middle of a fight with Ant-Man.
All of them but only second best
This reads like a 10 year old threw a fit "wahhhh they better not fix dooms face!" So he wrote in all kinds of "no way to get around this" clauses in. Comics are so fucking lame.
It is a metaphor, they didn't thought of autists like you when they created it.
So you'll never get it, too bad.
Why should Doom’s fix it? It’s Richards’ fault Doom’s face is so fucked up. Richards should be the one to fix it
Thought it was Grimm