Yes I read your mind and stole your stuff got a problem with that little bitch?

yes I read your mind and stole your stuff got a problem with that little bitch?

Attached: ass.jpg (1920x1080, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:!e2gjCATS!FNEqBUbTNGfAIstwhNdajg


Attached: hurrr eclipsa let me suck your dick.png (277x297, 107K)

Of course not, that would be racist.

>people pretending the questionable morality of "dark" magic and it's implications haven't been a topic for the last two seasons in favor of memes,

Attached: 1500573724515.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

I mean, it's not really a "topic" if anything shady Eclipsa did is just immediately brushed off with "well, she must be innocent because Rhombulus did something WORSE."

Depose the tyrant. Mewni Republic now.

Eh, if people are willing to hand out all their knowledge and their thoughts to private companies who will hand that information over to the government whenever the government wants it, then I don't see any problem with a magical queen using mindcontrol and mindgazing powers to see into the minds of her citizens.

Cute girls are allowed to do whatever they want.

Representative government only creates a system of oligarchy with more elaborate and indirect means to control the easily placated masses.

Only immortal reptile people with superregenerative powers fear magick.
Do you fear magick? Because that would mean that you must be an immortal reptile person with superregenerative powers.

what rhombulous did was shitty, yeah, and no duh what eclipsa did isn't guiltless, but it comes down too the "dark" spells discussion just because star uses the eclipsa spy eye for good deeds doesn't make the spell any less possibly harmful.

she didn't even have to do it. why not ask Globgor before you decide to steal from your biggest supporter? he literally told you not to free him. could've let Star become comfortable with giving you it at her own pace.
and good thing for her the writers decided to not make this a big deal apparently. seriously fuck Eclipsa.

Why did they decide like halfway through this episode that Marco and Kelly had broken up and hate each other?

Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E13.A.Boy.and.His.DC-700XE.The.Monster.and.the.Queen.1080p.WEBRip.AAC. (1920x1080, 701K)

She didn't free him.

Because that's what teenagers do. They experiment, they rebound, they break up, they get angry, they sass and they diss on each another.

And then life goes on.

Because the writers are clumsy oafs.

This show is nothing but retard Sailor Moon fanfiction written by cretins. That's why.

I think you misread my post?

Because they realized at like the last second that there was no room for Marco and Kelly breaking it off in between such thrilling episodes as "Star Fellates Eclipsa" and "Marco Eats Tacos" that they just tossed a few throwaway lines into an episode that had both characters.

she was sure globgor wanted to get out and have some sexy time with her, bitch was thirsty

then what the hell even was the point of Kelly's World? did they want a Kelly episode but couldn't think of one that that didn't involve Marco shipping?

>it's bold! Realistic! Profound!
>definitely not sloppy incoherent trash!

I feel like they wanted to do Kelly's World or something similar in like S3, but just never got around to it until now.


>all is forgiven because right in this moment Rhombulus was the bigger asshole

Every single one of you need to end your fucking lives. Choke on niggerdicks and fucking die mongrels. Fuck off.

Attached: sensei.png (1280x720, 628K)

Lel this show does not nearly have that sort of intelligence to be a commentary on teenage social norms. Star acts like a modern left-wing college student when its time for the show's creators to virtue signal and then like a spaztastic toddler when its time to try and be "funny". But from the episode itself and its writing, they took a weird detour to explain Marco and Kelly's offscreen breakup at a random point in the episode that didn't really fit well with the rest of it... also, fart jokes? Really you horsetooth dyke bitch?

Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E13.A.Boy.and.His.DC-700XE.The.Monster.and.the.Queen.1080p.WEBRip.AAC. (1920x1080, 564K)

er are you ok?

Make me, faggot.


The topic was the criminal absence of fat demon ass on my face 24/7.

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You see, that's what I enjoy about your fanbase compared to say the horsefuckers. You at least admit through your insults and anger that we're right.
With those autistic smug amoral horseniggers they are incapable of even emoting basic functions.

They broke up. That's what teenies ultimately do.

>I hate Eclipsa!

Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E13.A.Boy.and.His.DC-700XE.The.Monster.and.the.Queen.1080p.WEBRip.AAC. (1920x1080, 497K)

If I was Eclipsa I would just kill the magic high commission after all they have done. To Star and Moon I would say: "Deal with it or get killed too."

We have seen Eclipsa fuck Rhombulus multiple times. Just put those fuckers in Black Velvet Inferno or use the darkest spell if necessary.

honestly if people are this pissed about obvious rushed plot and miss aligned episodes throwing in a concept already present with the constant moral grey it's been doing for a while now, people are going to be fucking nuclear if this show doesn't end with starco.

the MHC was already cured of their racism
except Rhombulus, you're a bad person if you like Rhombulus

Attached: Cornonation_trim2.webm (960x540, 1.26M)

>that fucking package

But it's all for fucking nothing if you don't FUCK OFF!

Shitting, complaining, praising and all of that aside.

What realistically can even happen in those 7 episodes? Way too little time tbqh

So far i just see that they will defeat Mina, Eclipsa and glob will control Mewni with an iron but fair fist and Star fucks off to Earth to live with Marco, it was unpredictable before but now ehh.


Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E14.Cornonation.1080p.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS.mkv_snapshot_04.02.jpg (1920x1080, 611K)

She's probably thinking about how much happier she'd be if Star fucking died, just like River

>I'm just going to throw this baby in an (ultimately useless) jail for no reason
First they took her curves then they assassinated her character. Hekapoo/b/ros must be seething even harder than the Kelldawgs.

Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E14.Cornonation.1080p.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS.mkv_snapshot_09.03.jpg (1920x1080, 917K)

Star and Moon were both drawn with ultra-thick eyebrows for this shot and it really bothered me

That monster is packing some heat.

Hekapoo never liked that shitty baby

>Okay uhh looks like Detective Star Batman cracked the case offscreen without even giving any real exposition or clues to how she did it... SEND THIS INNOCENT MORON TO JAIL!!

Hope Mina unironically kills this bitch and the other skeleton MHC guy too.

Attached: Star.vs.the.Forces.of.Evil.S04E14.Cornonation.1080p.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS.mkv_snapshot_18.56.jpg (1920x1080, 638K)

Hekapoo needed more moments like this, and be complicit with deposing Eclipsa
But instead she gasps at seeing Globgor holding his baby as a "OMG MONSTERS CAN LOVE?? This changes everything! #TeamEclipsa!" moment

Attached: S4E2_Picture_of_baby_Festivia_and_Hekapoo.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

The show has shit morals in general, that is why its best viewed as a cartoon instead of "how to" guide to life

They wanted to go "lets have them make bad choices, it makes them more human" but along the way dipped into the "everyone is garbage" pool.

In other words, teenagers.

The funny thing is we aren't even shitposting. Hekapoo is an absolutely terrible and borderline sociopathic character, yet she is portrayed as """""""""""""good""""""""""""" because she is a woman with 'tude.

Attached: Backstab.png (1036x802, 536K)

Rhombulus did nothing wrong.
Fuck Eclipsa.
Fuck Globgor.
Fuck Star.
Fuck monsters.
Fuck half-breeds.
Fuck Nefcy.

So brave! So original!

t. Nefcy.

no. I was a perfectly fine person in my teenage years and so where 80% of teens I knew. not everyone has a shitbag phase

You were always a shitty person, and you never stopped being one. Proof: You're here on 4channel with all of us.

Im not one of you self loathing types. Its the world thats wrong

I love tiny Globgor

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>If I was Eclipsa I would just kill the magic high commission after all they have done. To Star and Moon I would say: "Deal with it or get killed too."
Yeah, do exactly what the Magic High Commission expects you to do and prove them right.

That'll show 'em,

Stop posting, Trump.

sometimes proving people wrong is not worth the headache

Rent free.

Oh so I’m guessing Globgor isn’t a horrible monster? Didn’t he fucking kill innocents? What should we now sympathize Stalin for having such a shitty past?

Maybe not kill them, but they're another threat to the stability of Mewni. They're incompetent at the best of times, and traitorous at their worst. If she's barely even listening to them in an advisory capacity, there's no reason for their roles to exist anymore.

I say it : I feel bad for Tom, really. Dude got so much better since season 1 but I feel like he's going to get heartbroken by his girlfriend and his good friend and that's horrible.

>What should we now sympathize Stalin for having such a shitty past?
Stalin saved the world and did the best he could.

>lol let's just let the people in the audience decide if they're alright with Globgor even though they have no fucking idea what happened 300 years ago

I can't send criminals to jail! That's exactly what they expect me to do!

It's for the best, he can do better than Star now.

This cartoon is such a shit show. Shipfags only care about it because of Starco but that’s not going to happen kek.

So it's alright for Star to hide the book but not for Eclipsa to find it? I kept expecting Eclipsa to call her out on it. Between that and being completely unable to resolve the Globgor issue herself, she really is the cuck

eclipsa is a fucking liar that said Globgor is a vegetarian and that in the future she will only use spells that will benefit the kingdom

>This cartoon is such a shit show
season 4 went horribly.

It went shit since Toffee's death.

Such is life. It's not fair, it's cruel and it's agony. All you can do it accept it and move on. Tom will be fine.

>All you can do it accept it and move on

>wait , we can choose, we have a voice?
this was a very important momment, Eclipsa introduced to both mewmans and monsters the idea that they choose what they want for the kingdom.
before that everything was decided by the MHC or the queens.
this is the first step for a true independent mewni.

Attached: choose.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

When stars dad says sometimes he thinks they would have been better off if star had not been born.

However, Star lied to Eclipsa, that the book is destroyed. And that book by all rights belongs to Eclipsa and Glossaryk now.
So technically it's yet again Star who has fucked up again

Its cock.

marco and toms duet was the only good thing in the whole season

Eclipsa lied to her too and didn't use the book as she promised

So is Mewni going to become a republic democracy by the end?

Probably. This has become one huge virtue signal. Everyone gets a happy ending. Here I thought we were going to get a finale on par with the Sailor Moon R Death/Doom Phantom fight. Fuck me, right?

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I know right. even local drug dealers have kids.
I guess it will lead to more hatesex r34

no, they will chose queen moon or something. average person is too retarded and has to be taken care of like a dumb animal. She more or less started her own kingdom so it will end up being something like that or they will have a democracy but will fall into poverty,etc.

How much better would this season have been if at the moment of pic related Eclipsa betrays Star and begins a reign of terror with Meteora?

Attached: S3E38_Eclipsa_Butterfly_appears_before_Star.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

It's almost as if both of them are cunts.

>modern left-wing college student
yeah but at least she gets called out for it few times, like with spiderbites.

The chicken was tied down so it showed the spell had not been used and Rhombulus is the only other power in the universe that could have freed him.

I don’t know, but I do know Star is sure as hell ain’t gonna run it with Eclipsa and Globgor accepted as queen and king. These last couple of episodes have really been setting up Star and Marco to be on Earth

Do you not love how all of it amounted to nothing and glab got freed by something else?

Don't forget star is all like "you mad because people are accepting her" but only reason they are accepting her is because of a falseflag

Yep, to hell with anyone who paid attention or thought these characters had something more to offer than a one dimensional racism is bad message. To hell with character inconsistencies, dropped stories, plot holes and things happening off screen. This show is on the “right side of history” and if you don’t accept that you’re just an ignoramus.

it's fucking bullshit that came out of nowhere and seems like a last second decision, poor Rhombulus

The fish kid made me think of the "my 6yo just said" tweets

No. I also don’t love how nobody addresses that Globgor ate a former king and was at the forefront of a monster mewman war that lasted literally decades. How Manfred is suddenly free from petrification but doesn’t want to explain it. How River is having doubts about whether he and Moon should have had Star. How Star has literally nothing to do now. How Marco has literally nothing to do now. I can’t overstate how much of a train wreck this final season is turning out to be, all that’s missing is a blatant homosexual pairing out of nowhere.

>You think you've won? Only i know how this all turns out!
Villains before and after him turned to be all goody two-shoes that were oppressed and they all got a happy ending.

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Yeah, they keep using the demon baby and the frog kids to stupefy the audience into following an extremely short sighted, emotionally charged decision.

only time travel can fix this.

Would demon baby even work for anyone? am I one of the few who remembers that its a deaged old woman?
Eat dat corn, sho' is good!

>waah he banned me on stweam so I gotta throw fit
Lol get hit by a car faggot


Yeah, it’s funny that Miss Heinous is still in the intro with Gemini, isn’t it?

Link to stream?, you're 7 hours late though.

Not saying its a bad message, but it's just not interesting.

I’ll say it’s a bad message and a badly written show.


I just watch it for the memes and because i'd like to know how is this going to end

Who are you quoting?

Anybody got a mega link

I hope this show ends with the harem ending. IT's the only way to redeem everything.

Is "Cornonation" the series finale?!e2gjCATS!FNEqBUbTNGfAIstwhNdajg

Nah, that would've been the cliche storyline.


So everyone is ok with a known murderer because he has got a wife and child?

Do you know how much murder star has done


It might as well be, if we didn’t have Mina there’d be nothing left to address. Next week is:
Doop doop
>Star attempts to figure out what to do with her life after she is not responsible for Mewni any longer.
Britta’s Tacos
>Marco is determined to consume 50 tacos in order to win a special prize that is being offered at Britta's Tacos restaurant.
Beach Day
>Star gets ready to actually have the day at the beach with Marco.
And Gone Baby Gone
>Marco misplaces both Mariposa and Meteora somewhere in Hekapoo's dimension.

Honestly you could skip next week by the look of things.

it feels that way but can you name 2 shows that did that in the last 10 years?

Harem for Star or for Marco?

most mewni peasants in the audience didn't even know who he was or what he did

Starco has been treated like crap for so long just to delay it until the series finale that even the Starcofags are losing hope in the show

Yes. Yes they are.

Because everyone related to this GARBAGE FUCKING SHOW, is genuinely a horrible fucking person, and should kill themselves.

Including (You).

yes, they are stupid and it has been made clear multiple times.
>Marco misplaces both Mariposa and Meteora somewhere in Hekapoo's dimension.
would be funny if she spent a long time there and grew up butthurt only to be put into a younger body once she is back in her dimension

It will end like fucking SHIT.

Just your end your goddamn life now you worthless fucking cunt.

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Who is Mariposa?

>season 4
It was always shit. Always. You're just too fucking retarded to notice it. You literal fucking shit-for-brains.

Hmm. Do you think that maybe they got something right for once? And losing hope yourself would be the most logical course of action here? And subsequently FUCKING OFF AND NEVER BOTHERING AGAIN WITH THIS FUCKING SHITFEST?

Marco's nigger sister.

I just hope someone just leaks the remaining episodes so this ride can finally end.

don't you have something better to do? it's getting pathetic

>It was always shit.
It used to be funny.

Legitimate question: does anybody remember when criticizing this show was unwelcome here? What happened? Were you guys suddenly enlighted or something? I honestly feel like I stepped into opposite dimension.

The show was lame to begin with but at least it wasn't harmful so to say. When I tried to argue about its questionable quality I have gotten shit for it.

Don't you have something better to do? Don't you think this show is garbage? Don't you think there would be better things to do? Why don't you fuck off then? Why are you still hanging on? You know it will only disappoint you, no matter what happens. The best you could get is a short-lived laugh about how terrible it all is. But after that it'll be fucking nothing. Is this really worth it for that?

No it's fucking not. It was never funny. Remeber this bitch from S1? You probably don't. Here let me show you what """joke""" they wrote for her singular appearance in the entirety of the show:

>Brigid: Well, sounds like someone's hungry. I'm about to make some pancakes if you'd like to join.
>Star: I do like pancakes.
>Brigid: Well then, my house is right through hair.
>Star: Wait a second. Did you just say hair?
>Brigid: Of course not, my dear.

This is the level of """humor""" the show has had since the first fucking season. And these types of retarded jokes and conversations never stopped. You just fooled yourself into believeing the opposite, because the dialogue is forgettable that it basically just slipped out of your mind. Only thing you remember are split second screenshots. That's why you think the show was "funny".

Attached: Brigid_profile.png (1400x1080, 895K)

>When I tried to argue about its questionable quality I have gotten shit for it.
It gets really fucking boring after a while.

>The show was lame to begin with
Yet nobody bothered to just take it lightly and enjoy what they could. Everybody is just constantly bitching about something.

To think I was alone with this bitch being a terrible person.

A lot of people fell off the show after it’s writing and characters turned out to be terrible. The only people remaining want to know how it ends and want to see how much worse it will get, but the show as a whole has become indefensible.

That depends if Moon even wants to be queen.

For future prosperity.

Attached: Screenshot_20190421-101744_Chrome.jpg (1049x376, 121K)

Magic is inherently amoral

wait shouldn't Globgor have thought that Meteora is dead?

not at all. only a small percentage of teens are rampaging irresponsible entitled cunts.

Season 2, actually.

woah fren, take it easy is just a draw

Attached: fren.png (657x527, 13K)

oh his bitch is totally unprepared for the war coming. ludo gonna fuck up eclipsa

1. It did not give me what I want
2. magic went out by season 2, season 4 was a shit show.

Did she want to be community leader? she claimed to not want it but in the end she still did it.

Huh is that so? The coveted and often praised S2 of all? Was that also the one that had the infamous Pizza Thing episode? The one that pretty much sucked the most donkey dicks out of ALL episodes in the show's history?

Suck my dick, choke on it.

everything Globgor did was on war,
you should expect a soldier to kill people in any war.

>season 4 was a shit show.
The entire show was a fucknig shitshow.

You're lying to yourself if you think otherwise. In which case fuck you. Die slow you vapid fucking cunt. Fuck off.

Anything questionable is quickly dissmissed. There's no moral question.

>The entire show was a fucknig shitshow.
Valid and I agree.

>You're lying to yourself if you think otherwise. In which case fuck you. Die slow you vapid fucking cunt. Fuck off.

Honestly this was unnecessary. It sounds more like you were somehow personally offended by that show, like it killed your mother. It's ok user, waifus come and go, it's all just silly time waster anyway.

Yep. I too have been disappointed of where the show's gone after S1. There's only been a handful of decent moments in a sea of mediocre episodes that aren't worth watching more than once.

God damn dude you sound like barneyfag

>somehow personally offended

I'm personally offended by YOU FUCKS bitching about the show TWENTY FOUR/FUCKING SEVEN, even though ALL of you KNOW that this shit will NEVER FUCKING CHANGE, but you're STILL HERE! BITCHING! DAY IN! DAY OUT! For fucking months!

Why don't you just FUCK OFF! And not waste any more time on something that (You) YOURSELF declared as not worth bothering with?

Attached: 1552604794559.jpg (642x700, 87K)

Yet you're still here, buddyboy.

I'm mostly angry with you lot. Here on 4chin. This palce doesn't make up the majority of the fandom though. And Barneyfag just hates absolutely everyone related to ponies.

In my defense, I really dropped the show before season 2 even ended and just now I dropped by so please don't put me in one bag with "them". I wanna be your friend dude.

Did they just forget about her?

Attached: StarfancutePJs.png (458x675, 413K)

no one is forcing you to be here.

Why not just have Seth be Toffee? Instead of introducing a new lizard who's never going to be relevant to the site, they could have tied the lore into the show in a neat little bow.

Mina will turn her super

Seems like it. They should have at least revealed her real name before unpersoning her.

It's fine for teenagers to be rampaging irresponsible entitled cunts who get burned out of it. That's what being growing up ultimately does.

well fuck you too

>really dropped the show before season 2
Oh no no no no. You're fooling noone you bastard. GOD I'm fucking tired. Can you even name a single scene from S1 that you liked without looking up the wiki. I thought fucking not.

Noone is forcing you to watch a show that you hate either you fucking mongrel.

What a cute.

>her real name
It's Daron Nefcy

Attached: 9b8.png (640x917, 185K)

This was so fucking out of left field. We have three whole episodes dedicated to Kelly and Marco, and then some fucking one off epsiode they mention that they broke up offscreen...

Fucking hell this is trash. Series end already and let me off this ride

>Noone is forcing you to watch a show that you hate either you fucking mongrel.
how can I know I don't like it if I don't see it?
she had her name legally changed

having fuckbuddies in a kids show was strange anyways.

>Can you even name a single scene from S1 that you liked without looking up the wiki. I thought fucking not.

ending of mewberty when Marco cried like little bitch but Star fell back from they sky and they hugged
ending of the very first episode when Star and Marco reunited (also comparind how the first episode set up everything I expected totally different cartoon)
Star and Marco having 20 hour long fun when the time was frozen
last episode where Star and Marco argued over a sandwich and then Star realized she was a jerk and even went on to apologise to Marco... that moment was super cool and Star's character really needed more moments like that to develop

it's from the top of my head. I would help myself with a wiki here since I watched it like two or three years ago but you didn't want me to so, here you go I guess.

Indeed, I think they realized they couldn't have that kind of relationship on a kids show. Assuming the meaning wasn't lost on some what 'post-breakup buddies' means to children.
Hopefully, Starco does happen and not in a contrived half-assed way like all these episodes have been going. God forbid this become another 'Last Minute Lesbian Ending' like most western cartoons love to do nowadays.

Holy fuck this season is a trainwreck. Why did we waste an episode on Kelly and Marco hooking up when they break up offscreen a few episodes later without this plot thread or either's character development going anywhere? It's like the writers are having a fucking shipping war within their own show.

>how can I know I don't like it if I don't see it?
Fuck you smartass.

Everything they experienced together were fucking fakes. All of them were the product of the Blood Moon Curse. They're fucking fake make-believe bullshit. Just fucknig trash.

And now, by S4. They're also irrelevant. Noone will be happy even if starco becomes canon. Nobody will be happy NO MATTER what the fuck the end will be. Just what THE FUCK is the point of following this shit?

Attached: hey buddy.jpg (564x428, 103K)

that was not even most time wastiest of eps

Why the fuck are you still watching then?

>Why did we waste

>wastiest of episodes
Oh wait let me guess.


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In the old days, royal families kill each other. Parents kill their children, the children kill their parents, siblings kill each other, etc. Star should be dead by now

>If you kill your enemies, they win

In some cases, that's literally what the enemy wants, so that they can become the martyr, hoping to perpetrate their ideals/ideology/beliefs. Thus, it's important to not immediately kill the enemy, but to arrest him, give him a trial, smear his reputation to the ground, make the majority believe that the enemy is wrong or never had a solution worth following, and then get rid of him until the enemy is forgotten and the ideals or ideology the enemy wants to spread falls into irrelevancy.
Then, depending on the situation, the enemy can be executed, or if the government can afford it, be further humiliated by having the enemy kept imprisoned, so that everyone can see what loser the enemy is.

In other situations, it is advisable to immediately kill the enemy to reduce further harm.

>Rhombulus gets shat on the entire season
>now he's the fucking villain instead of the monster that literally killed and ate people
>or the queen who used dark magic and lied to the Magic High Commission
>or even fucking Star, who's been doing illegal things since season fucking one
I'm fine with this ending, I really am. Globgor seems like a chill dude, but why the fuck did Rhombulus have to be the one that goes down for this shit? It's like they couldn't find someone in time and they just chose him because he's the only one that could. Fuck you Nefcy. And there's still the problem with monsters taking Mewman homes. They fucking live in the woods now while the monsters live in the castle. What did this solve. She's still a fucking bad queen.

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is not the frist time Rhumbulus fuck up, remenber when he frozen Star and Marco on season 2 over stupid paranoia??

i think they pushed a bit too far this time but still is not something rhumbulus would never do.

Rhombulus is incapable of letting go.
Quite frankly, what the magic high council needs is separation of power, instead of having its field agents/operatives being judge, jury and executioners at the same time like Judge Dredd.

>season about to be over
>still no starco
We're going to get starco in the last minute of the series, aren't we?

Rhombulus ought to have his partner Sekhmet back.

In those cases you should kill them and the fools who fall for it. humiliation or other discrediting campaign is more likely to backfire than death.

So what we got left? Mina going all Spehss Marine and exterminatusing the monsters?

This series got fucked and now it's wasted.
>Lingering racial resentment went away magically, despite Nefcy trying to make it gray, when everyone saw Globgor save the baby
>Star will never get her comeuppance for being the apologetic racist
>That whole relationship between Marco and Kelly got thrown into the trash off-screen, wasting the episodes spent on it
>With the remaining episodes left, the Tom/Star relationship will have to end in a very abrupt way to make Starco work
>IF starco is the endgame. If not then that wastes entire seasons and episodes and various forshadowings (such as Star and Marco pressing their capes together and it formed a heart)
>This shit with Rhombulus and the Magical High Commission is stupid as fuck
>Why did we have a Ludo episode again? he's irrelevent and it'd be like having an episode based on the kids back on earth

FUCK this whole show seriously. So many bad choices. It's gotten to the point where I think Steven Universe is better.

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there's 9 episode left, so a big finale and 8 episodes of filler shiping

>It's gotten to the point where I think Steven Universe is better.
Bullshit. There's nothing worse than Steven fucking Universe.

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at least Steven didn't become a side character in his own show

I don't know man. For all the bullshit Steven Universe has... The bad animation, the bad style, the wasted potential, the not-so-great songs, the weird morals, and the shite story...

Honestly if these next nine episodes are not good, or don't fix anything, then the ONLY thing Star VS. will have above Steven Universe is a fixed animation style.

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Are you referencing Adventure Time?

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starco will be the last second kiss, similar to avatar last airbender.

I mean Star in Star vs. the forces of evil

One of the upcoming episodes is literally Marco trying to eat 50 tacos.

Now that Rhombulus is imprisoned and there is a chicken wandering around with a spell to free people from Crystals I wonder if any of the other villains are gonna get freed.

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Do you mean the Eclipsa show?

Is this even the same writing staff? It feels like entirely different people are running the show and just trashing everything the last guy set up

Depends on the resources that are available to the opposing force, and how spread out the enemy's ideology already is. In some cases, it's okay to actually incorporate the enemy's idea, but in a controlled manner to lessen the effect and thus allow you to keep power while taking away influence from your enemy.
The question is how much you allow changes so that society is still peaceful.

don't forget blood moon being turned into a curse.

Noo! NO! Fuck that noise that'd be terrible. Straight, Gay, Bi, Pedophilic, Zoophilic, Scatphilic
Don't matter what it is, last second romance kisses out of the fucking blue is like a self-inflicted gunshot to the chromedome

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its going to be worse. In the last minute tom will tell star he knows she loves marco and he will give his cuck blessing and say something like "its cool, I think me and Janna are going to hook up"

If they're both fine with that, then there's no problem.
Although quite frankly, I doubt that Tom will end with Janna. Nobody really likes Janna. And it's still not explained how and why she's on Mewni.

>"its cool, I think me and Janna are going to hook up"

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Please, like Cotugno would allow Janna to be in a straight relationship.

I'm not after this batch of eps.

That could be the next like, like he says it and then Janna chimes in with "actually, I think I like girls" fades to black


eclipsa STOLE from star's literal mind and star gives her a coronation ceremony?

is there something im not getting? mind control and shit?

What's wrong with it? Eclipsa is the absolute monarch of Mewni. She's allowed to do that. If people don't want a queen who can read their minds, then they're free to leave, or to convince the people that they should make some constitution that restricts the amount of power that the monarch is allowed to use.
But seeing as Mewni prefers being a monarchy and probably still prefers to be babysitted, they'll try to stay with an absolute monarchy.

In the first episode it seemed like Star didn't trust Eclipsa at all and was just going along with the coronation suggestion as a way to force Eclipsa to shape up, as Eclipsa had said something petulant questioning why she should care about her kingdom when they didn't even give her a coronation ceremony.

Then by the second episode they'd either forgotten that or the two groups of boarders just didn't look closely at each others' episodes, because as soon as Star sees Eclipsa's dress she's instantly on her side. She gets mad at her when she suspects she's freed Globgor but is on her side once again when it's made clear she didn't do it, like there'd been no conflict between them.

So the answer's bad writing, pretty much

Because it means that ultimately, Eclipsa didn't betray Star's trust when it turned out that she didn't free Globgor.

the only reason Eclipsa didn't free Globby was because he himself wasn't ready, otherwise that bitch would have done it

Yeah, but in the first episode it didn't seem to be JUST taking the spellbook, but also Star feeling Eclipsa wasn't doing her job. So the larger issue still wasn't really solved because that didn't show much of Eclipsa's motivations as queen one way or the other.

Eclipsa was ready, Globogor was the one who tought he and the mewmans werent ready

The MHC still hate Eclipsa they just were mad at Rhom for making them look bad.

Having immortal supercops like the mhc who never forget and never forgive and never retire and never want to learn or adapt really isn't a good idea at all.

Rhom did it because hes a moron and not because of his "Racism" it because hes literally an idiot.

They are essentially a nuclear power lobby that can control entire nations's nuclear arsenal aka magic. They have control over your weapons they can rule you its that simple. Thats why they hate magic they cant control like Meteora.

they killed Kellco fucking offscreen, they can do worse with tomstar

She's going to show up making out with a girl at the end of Cleaved and that's it, we'll have to accept she likes girls, without any build-up.
And Star goes "What? Oh Janna you!" and the rest say "Aww. We accept you for what you are, Janna" and they all dance. The end.

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Spoiler alert: a future episode is just gonna open with Tom's funeral and no explanation for what killed him

Rhombulus has been shown to be a fuckin moron paranoid bastard since his first appearance. Some of it is justified but most of it is just him being an idiot.
This can be said about the whole of the MHC. It’s ironic because they’re all monsters but they assume they’re above them because their daddy is God.

Tom and Star seen to be doing fine, the only problem its Tom kissing the floor that Marco walks, if that escalates then it will be a problem

I wonder if Globgors evil deeds were more to keep up appearances rather than out of any malicious intent. Obviously killing Shastacan was somewhat justified due to giving his daughter away.

They doubled down on Tomstar by having River and Moon say how much they like them together

So Mina is a stand-in for Drumpf and the "forces of evil" were really racism and bigotry all along? Anyone else feeling burned out on the shipping drama? I kind of don't care anymore. I mean, I still want to see how everything turns out but with no major plot developments this week it feels blase.

wasnt Rhombulus able to sense evil when the show started? he being a moron was always the case or is a retcon?

Nah, he's just a trigger-happy asshole

Globgor is the besy guy ever and you better deal with it

Mina is a talking weapon so the metaphor for Trump doesnt work.

He claims he can but so far he’s been kind of off. He’s too powerful for his own good honestly, I can see why Solaria made a spell to destroy his crystals.

also, I think Marco truly moved on

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kek. There will be hints that he walked in on star and marco and the shock killed him or there was a misunderstanding and he an heroed like a loser

the diaz's doctor is mighty bad at his job.
marco jr. is a girl.

to be fair if I came back to my original house after it was taken from me in a war and found a bunch of actual mental invalids faffing about inside I'd kick them out too

I know I do really like him and I fully expect the show to just brush off his past deeds.
He’s a hunk though so who cares.

most likely some of his evil is real evil and the rest is distorted history, like X faggots fucked his shit up so he killed them. think netflix castlevania.

wait, in heckapoo's dimension? marco's lifetime in this dimension is approaching its end....

eating mewmans is heavily implied to be a bad habit of his, not just a way of killing them
also I kinda hope we get another episode with Eclipsa and Globgor, they're not as badass as I think they would be but still more enjoyable characters than Star and Marco

i liked Tom bike episode.

at least here Tom admited that he is just a poser.
Marco can be a huge dork but he do hang out with the COOL kids and dragon.
While Tom is suppose to be the popular kid but is a nobody with no friends.

moon is a good, responsible queen. she doesnt like the stress associated and had some midly racist views but overall, she was great. polar opposite of eclipsa.

>You destroyed a relic of Mewni
>You actually lied about there being remaining pieces of it that could lead to it being repaired
>You lied about the book and you kept the book from the rightful ruler of Mewni. Someone you put in power was the first to claim her as the rightful ruler.

Star trying and failing to run a puppet state? For all her talk that "she's done with this" or "she just wants to quit" she does way more than necessary.

I've seen people mention something about a spell without a name, though I don't know what it is or how it's mportant.

That’s what I’m thinking too. His action starts were chaotic but it seems he only goes rage mode when it’s a last resort.

It's some kind of spell that can kill anything, even other spells, represented by some invisible ghostly skull with moth or butterfly wings. It was shown in the prior episodes.

The Book of Spells doesn't automatically belong to the crown. Star had every right to be uneasy and Eclipsa knows this, but she still read her mind without even checking with Glogbor first to see if it was even necessary.

The Butterfly family are just stupid. It’s something both generations have in common.

It belongs to who has the Wand, Eclipsa. Star has no right over that book.

Eclipsa shoud just do whatshe thinks is right. her being smack down by Star is just weird

Relationshipsgoing well are a red flag. Just look at what happened to Jackie and Kelly, one episode things are fine, the next episode it’s over.

she's pretty much the only thing keeping Eclipsa alive.

Eclipsa would be dead by now without Star around.

>Globgor is a saint
>Eclipsa can do no wrong
>mewmans are the real monsters all along
>moral ambiguity and consequences aren't a thing
>a soldier with PTSD who just wants to protect her people is the final villain
I'm tired of defending this show, they went the utter shit route.

I got the impression a big reason Star was uneasy was because Eclipsa was just blatantly lying to her face.
>I want to be able to cast spells like you!
Such horseshit. She could've at least told Star the truth, she deserved it for half-running the kingdom even after absconding from throne.

Whoever owns it owns it. The book was her possession, gifted by the MHC, she had every right to do with it as she pleased.

>Adventure Time went to shit
>Regular Show went to shit
>Steven Universe is already shit and season 6 is probably going to be even shittier
>Korra was shit
>Gravity Falls went to shit
>Samurai Jack came back and went to shit
>Voltron went to shit
>Star Vs went to shit and it's going to end like shit
This decade was a fucking shitshow

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Globgor isn't a saint. He did kill and eat mewmans. Never denied that. It's just that he's now a vegetarian and doesn't wanna kill mewmans anymore, and it's been three centuries since he did any mewman eating.
Eclipsa does some stuff wrong, but not enough to justify the hatred she gets.
The mewmans aren't monsters, but they're really stupid for blindly hating things without really thinking things through on why they should hate it or not.
People did pay for the consequences of their actions.
A soldier who refuses to accept the new peace and make everything bad because she'd rather live in wartimes again needs to be helped, but unfortunately, we're talking about some kind of supersoldier, so it's really difficult to stop her and give her the appropriate treatment.

Read the book of spells Mina is not a mewman anymore she is literally a talking biological weapon made by Solaria. On the otherhand Glob did admit to his crimes so uhhh?????

blame the people who thought they could end samurai jack in 10 episodes

The book is a Butterfly family relic, made by Butterflys for Butterflys family members throughout history, Star has no right with book.

Damaged veterans are the bad guys now, you just gotta deal with it

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Official promotional artwork

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thanks punisher

she may not be related to Eclipsa but a lot of her family is in it too, and doens the book belong to however has it? like that case with Ludo

Society is to blame for not providing help to its war veterans.

Globgor was overhyped and is worst monster, Ludo and Toffee are so better

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Jasper has no PTSD because shes a combat unit unlike Pearl she just is triggered by Earth because it "killed" her diamond.

>that super stiff pose on Star
what a fucking embarassment

>Star has a moral obligation to do anything Eclipsa wants like a whipped dog, oh you want the book back to free the guy you have constantly been hiding truths about such as how he went around eating people and decorated your house in his warcrimes, of course! You want to read my mind? Go ahead!

The book was Stars, there's no rule that it automatically belongs to the acting crown. In fact the show has already went on and on about whoever owns the book owns it. Eclipsa should have respected Star's unease like a normal decent human being instead of lying to her face and then violating her mind likely while she slept. A better show would have made this a bigger deal but they just wanted to brush this subplot under the rug.

so Toffee owned the book, same thing

Eclipsa is a shit queen. I hate that it looks like she's going to get to keep the crown.

Mina can't be a metaphor for Trump because she actually served her nation in a war.

Jasper is way more damaged than Pearl, Earth has more deeper ties to her than that

Haven't we already determined the butterfly royal line is a frivolous title anyway? If Stars line was made the new butterflies by just being placed there by the true powers of mewni then she's as legitimate as eclipsa

So why would they erase all the non Butterflies in the book of spells?
Jasper never shows any sign of PTSD in the show retard she actually enjoys remembering the war besides Rose- I mean Pink Diamond "dying".

exactly, most of the terribleness came from the huge lack of time (episodes).

>I've been fighting from the second I broke free of the Earth's crust, because of what YOU did to my colony! Because of what YOU did to my planet! Because of what YOU did to my Diamond!

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Her, Globgor and Meteora have royally fucked up this entire show
Her death speech is ptsd in the purest form if you watched it, not everyone whimpers and cries like Lapis and Pearl, Sugar confirms it:

They had time, they just squandered it. Stop confusing bad pacing with having to little time

This is not how royal families work, Star cannot become a Butterfly or claim legitimacy. The only way is through conquest.

>So why would they erase all the non Butterflies in the book of spells?
what? who said that?

Jasper fucking hates earth and internalizes her bad experiences there as intense self loathing.

The book belongs to whoever has the wand or a part of it like Ludo/toffe.

That just her complaining about the job not PTSD, PTSD is suddenly freaking out from a trigger.

The MHC really went too far editing history for one shithole kingdom I mean I understand if this was like an empire but Mewni is just one fucking country on that giant island.

>That just her complaining about the job
er it wasn't a
>Ugh I can't believe I have to work overtime at KFC tonight! Fuck my boss!
and more of a

Jaspers are combat units in the Gempire they are literally meant to fight forever.

The writers realized having them get together out of nowhere in the first place was a really stupid idea?

Haha remember when she was the dame of spades and it was a fun dame of spades meme and we all thought she'd be fun and degenerate evil but instead it's all just a wet fart?
Hahahaha imagine thinking Dies Irae is a thing!

the gem war was unprecedented, the loss of a colony was unprecedented, the death of a diamond was unprecedented.

Jasper purposely triggers herself and becomes crazier and crazier. She decides to live in water where she was raped for a year. She sets up base in beta kindergarten, where she emerged fighting for her life. She keeps fusing even though all it ever brings her is pain.

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lol xD

Lapis is too hot for it to be rape.

does Globgor just not have any relatives?
did all the other size shifters die?

PTSD is essentially being unable to remove yourself from the high stress mental state of combat. So technically all quartzes are by design PTSD sufferers. It's just okay because they're not meant to exist outside a state of war.

Lapis is the least attractive gem


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>broke up with Jackie
>left Earth
>ended partnership with Heka
>Higgs dead
>Ended break up buddies with Kelly
Marco's kingdom has crumbled

he may be a size shifter but Eclipsa definitely took the giant dick

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>Marco Eats Tacos
This will be the best episode yet, mark my words you fucking fags

she just put globy in there entirely

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I expect a lot of good things to come out of this

So does this mean Globgor can pretend to be a shota using his size shifting and get /ss/ by Eclipsa?

Then why do it in the first place when we're a handful of episodes away from the very end? I could understand if it had been a season three hookup that they saw no further use for, but to introduce it in the final stretch only to cancel it out a few episodes later? It reeks of incompetent, inefficient planning.

The writers realized Kellco went nowhere and it didn't even deserve screen time to get it offed

yes, Im glad people are realizing size shifers are the fucking best

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Didn't Star make friends with Rhombulus that one time? They seem awfully antagonistic these recent episodes

I don't get it

Time to accept that the future is diverse M*wmans. Minna drumpfberry's time to get destroyed by progress is soon

fish tacos

Glob can change the size of parts of his body meaning he can have a blue whale sized cock confirmed.

Star gonna get dicked

the writers really hated S2, they're going out of their way to shit on everything established there.

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Eat a dick Sabrina, you STD ridden slag

of course, why else would she love him?

Just imagine Globgor climbing into Eclipsa;s pussy then slowly expanding him inside of her vagina making him the perfect living dildo.

Behold, the only pure ship left in this shit show, at least i hope it is, shit can get fucked so quickly

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That's their fault for becoming a bunch of useless sacks of meat living out of the Queen kindness who hold all the power and responsibility in the Kingdom, she can decide whatever she wants to do with kingdom and magic. Get Rekt Mewshits.

the show is better than its ever been in terms of enjoyability to watch and people hate it more than ever, its pretty fucking sad. half the retards ITT want this to be like the absolutely god awful season 1

i doubt the writers know that /pol/ npc meme, i don't see how robo jackie means the writers hate her

Fuck Death, War, Shipping and Mewni . We've got Eclipsa, Globgor, Size Shifting and Whale Dicking

reminder that they met as children but Eclipsa still dated every other monster race before becoming his gf

>cold souless machine without personality
yeah I dont see hate

Monarchy is already morally wrong. Democracy is also terrible but it isn't quite as terrible. Monarchy is straight up using force and violence to deprive others of property and freedom (or even prevent them from ever having any in the first place) without even pretending they have a say.

The message of this show is about telling mewmans (white people) to move on and accept their now racially diverse society filled with monsters (non-whites) ruled by some coal burner queen and eventually mixed or monster rulers. Its truly disgusting propaganda aimed at telling mewmans (whitey) they don't deserve to live and their own lands and that they somehow "stole it" from the innocent monsters (non-whites)

they did?, when did they show them meeting for the first time?

it's one of those books isn't it

so just like a normal person she dated other people before Globgor.

by his own hand

of course it's the book
if you watched the show you'd just think she ran away from her mewman husband

>Glob is actually beta cucks

Monarchy is about people "chosen by god" to rule. violency is not necessary, but every ruler controls the military, that is not not different in democracy. Monarchs can also be loved by their people dependint on their rule

Democracy doesnt exist the correct term is representative republic which is really cliques of sociopaths that tell you what to do not the other way around stupid brainwashed american monkey.

>muh democracy!
Its that why your media basically molds into cattle for whatever political party they shill for be that Republics or Democrats either way you still lose.

assuming Glob didnt dated othet people either. whats wrong with you anons?

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The main problem here is that the monarchy provides everything through magic and everyone live as leaches to the Queen power. You cannot make comparatives with RL monarchies because the distribution of powers is way different thanks to the magic.

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he means Mewni can grow a dick and impregnate others so theoretically everyone can be a father, in fact their biology forces them to father at least 1 kid

Beta bucks is the final man a woman marries because she now seeks stability not danger anymore(which is a lie she will continue to seek danger behind your back and deny you of sex this wasnt an issue in the old days as you could just rape the bitch)

I dont get that

Monarchy is perfectly fine transitional from of governance



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You niggers just have America on your minds 24/7, dontcha.

Giving mewmans Democracy is like giving a flamethrower to an arsonist. I feel like Mewni turning into a constitutional monarchy at the end of the show is a good enough solution

If they didn't they wouldn't have something to complain about to take their minds off their own suffering.

So does Star know that she loves Marco or not? The end of that episode seems like it.

Political parties are too divisive so keep it as a monarchy. Democracy is the only reason the right and left in America arent two seperate countries.

Yeah, The butterfly family should stay in power for a while. And Mewmans should begin a process of not being dependent on the Queen magic. Giving them Democracy right now is just plain stupid, is going to need to pass a bunch of generation for that to be feasible.

im pretty sure the whole MHC was in on it and rhombulus was just the fall guy

Actually the only reason America aren't two separate countries is because corporate brokers back the federal government regardless of party, so the military industrial complex always swings in their favor. That's why the Union won the Civil War.

I would clang Robojackie

I bet they didn't arrest him and they are with Mina in overthrowing Eclipsa.

fools, they were saying that Jackie was a Sex Machine

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I really wish this was the case, but no clearly not. Rhombulus was working solo. Hekapoo is on-board with Eclipsa's reign now and the show doesn't care about Omni to let him do anything of note.

I've been waiting for the MHC to fill in the antagonist role forever now. And this is what we got. Mhm. Yep. Mhm. Yep. Mhm. YEP. MHM YEPMGIONBJKF B:KFUGOFHRIN\adof

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Noted. Next time I see a woman I like I'll throw mud in her face and call her a filthy peasant, then unsheathe my katana and decapitate her to establish my status.

Omni fight with best guy Globgor was dope thou

>democracy is terrible, therefore monarchy is good

Democracy is a terrible form of government, except for all the others. If a monarch is a gibbering idiot or randomly homicidial psychopath destroying their nation with glee, in its pure form, the official line is there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it but suck it up and wait for death. This doesn't apply to monarchs who are answerable to a body like Parliament especially in its common modern form where a monarch is just ornamental and to draw tourism though.
Of course any dictatorship makes up bullshit about how they're entitled to whatever they want because they're descended from the gods, but that's shit, it depends on your people being idiots who believe whatever fairy tale you tell them. The only qualification for the job is get born, not be competent or even sane.
Does democracy still turn out this way a lot? Of course it does. But unless it's a democracy in name only, so not really a democracy, there will be a process or fixed term to end a terrible leader's rule eventually. When countries call themselves "democracies" but they actually have lifetime rule, inherited positions and dynasties, no legitimate elections etc. they're not even failed or flawed democracies they straight up just aren't democracies at all and that's just a lie.

So Heckapoo's a straight up villain now?

I just realized they might've been attempting to make up for him jobbing before the Ludo/Toffee fight even really began back in Starcrushed

Absolute monarchies are a meme they are really feudal aristocracies with the monarch as the fall guy for anything that fucks up said kingdom. You really think humans ever just listened to what one guy said?

Ya better watch the episode yourself instead of only trying to understand the episode by reading the thread.

That sounds like the most plausible conclusion. The episode reaked of the hamfisted shipping for Marco that was overabundant in Season 3. In the current season, it barely even makes sense in relation to the overall development of any of the characters.

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Actually the least worst form of government is the single party state. You retard.

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I won't be able to until Tuesday, that's why I asked instead of looking it up myself. Lot of bullshit in the thread to sort through.

The storyboard for the episode was pretty decent I'll give them that.

No, the show implied she's on Team Eclipsa and wasn't in on the plan to depose her. Rhombulus is evil though.

They spend a lot of time making Eclipsa's actions seem shady as fuck, but then they turn around and make her seem like a victim of undue bigotry. I really don't get what they're trying to do

>except for all the others
thats just a meme people under pseudo democracies tell themselves.
>the official line is
The official line is he slipped and fell on a knight 47 times, no one rules alone if he lives it means there are many other assholes who support him. you seem ill informed on various forms of government and how things worked in history or the ratio of times it worked out

If the 21st century will have China emerge as the leading global superpower and replacing the United States, dominating the century like the US did in the 20th century, then it might indeed be so.
Let the competition of governmental systems begin.
Personally, I hope pluralistic consensus democracy wins out, but we shall see if it really works.

lel subverting expectations
Also StarVs depend directly from its internet fanbase so the staff looks for speculation and fan-theories but they don't have neither the guts or the brains to compromise.

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China doesn't have to beat the U.S. They just have to collapse slower.

Rhombulus isn't evil, just stupid.

>muh western values
>let's get rid of the values exclusive from the west like individual rights and civilians having a voice

>superpowering into anything
They've been saying that for the past two decades and before then they were saying it about Japan. Insects can't project power anywhere but locally.

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Those arent western values those are jewish values designed to make you kill your nation without noticing it.

>Remove goy government
>Replace goy government with our puppets via democracy
>Slowly make the goyim idiots who vote more controllable with our prop like filthy retarded shiksa and the negro race
>What do you mean America is being destroyed goy? Dont you love (((democracy)))?

He's evil AND stupid

He's evil because he's stupid.

I think Louis XIV aka the Sun King would politely disagree with you. It's true that monarchs had to deal with subordinate aristocrats, but there's a reason why he forced said aristocrats to move to his giant royal palace at Versailles in the first place. That place was specifically built in order to keep tabs on the lower nobility at all times; there weren't any dark nooks and crannies for dissenters to plot their schemes. In doing so, he was able to dissuade potential foes to plan coups d'etat against him and catch anyone foolish enough to fuck him over. Granted, there were people who stayed the fuck out of Versailles, but that also meant they didn't have any access to the centre of power in the political arena and were basically disqualified from participating in the struggle for power. Robert Greene wrote a couple of pages about this Louis guy, it's really interesting stuff. You should check it if have the time for it. Sorry for the word cascade, I just get excited when history could be used to spice up a fictional setting.

How big is Globgor's monster cock?

is it too much to ask for a villain in this show? Even someone that is a generic but fun villain would be better than racism and conservatism being the villains.

pic related

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do you not watch the show?

If westerners remained super-religious, never came out with religious tolerance and never created the rationalism and the Ilustration, the west would still be a shithole. If those are jewish values, then the jews made the west great

White scientist made the west great without them we would still be the dark ages.

The church blocked those scientists because their investigations were heresy. Hell, back in the 16th century, disecting a corpse was a mortal sin and the doctors and artists either had to do it in secret or buy muslim books in the black market

You're going to get an unrepentant supersoldier who is incapable of moving on and accepting peace time as a villain that represents the forces of evil in form of racism, blind conservatism and warmongering.

After Mina is defeated, there will be other villains, just like in real life. But those villains will be dealt with by other heroes in another time.

>being white
They were all jews, and jews are all evil. The church said so, never bother the wisdom of our religious elite leaders ever again, you dumb peon. Also, stop being able to read, and listen to those who can interpret the scribbly lines in the sacred book that tells you how you will have a good life if you obey and pay your taxes.

She’s still tryna figure out if she loves Marco in a platonic or romantic way. We might get an answer next week

No, I stay away from the shipping bullshit that's been plaguing this show.

No they were west europeans not jews. Piss off jew.


Star is a bad character so I wouldn't mind if she was jailed too

How do you know that? Did you read it somewhere? Did you learn forbidden Jew Jitsu techniques, you heretic?

Yes this

Western monarchies circa the Middles Ages were often very very science and invention unfriendly, to the point some of those scientists would be or were put to death for doing science. Most of the inventions you're thinking of were in democracies or when monarchy was weakening. And yes many of those scientists were Jewish? I guess this is a b8 post but not one that makes any sense.

some vore fags gonna be really happy about this

Fuck off, nefcy

I mean like you just said your only option is to commit a crime you could be executed for along with everyone else involved and your family destroyed. People in democracies always have that "option," too. Tons of citizens could get together and overthrow the government. Or hey just assassinate the leader which happens. The difference is any an actual democracy, everyone could also just pay some fucking attention and spend an hour voting to get them out. In a monarchy, the major crime is your first line "option."

Once democracies stop being democracies and just become plutocracies, oligarchies or dictatorships, that itself is the problem. They're not really democracies anymore.

In Crystal Clear, he says he uses his "gut" to tell if someone is evil, but even in that episode it's shown that he makes bad judgements. On his chest he had two tiny people frozen just on the hunch that ONE of them was evil and he froze a pizza guy for being late.

In Page Turner, where the MHC as a whole were introduced, Rhombulous threw a tantrum when he got frustrated with Glossy and the other MHCs had to put him into time out like he was a little kid. So Rhombulous was always intended to be dumb and prone to irrational outbursts.

she flat

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At least the family's back together.
>Yes, I'm quite the sucker for the dramatic.

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she got breast reduction to be more like Star for more Marco D

All those things are what democracies really are in practice.
Whereas all monarchies operate by the consent of the social elite. In practice.
That's the truth and spinning it in circles with theoreticals won't change the facts.

They don't have to project power. They just need to wait for the west to cave in under their own.

can confirm

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Sucks to be a weak democracy if there ain't enough people fighting for it.

Louis XIV is a rare instance of the enlightened despot utilizing a sub-noble caste over the established nobility to achieve more central power. He's in the same category as Peter I or Gustavus Adolphus. Less competent people who try this, like Charles I (England) got his head chopped off in the process.

>I know the feeling of waking up in the freaking morning.

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It WAS incompetent planning. Probably they'd already made the episode where Marco and Kelly hook up, then realized a few months later while making the dragoncycle ep that it had been a really stupid idea so they just pulled the plug with a couple of throwaway lines.

Why is she a bro one episode and then a nazi bitch the next?

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I dont think you know what a nazi is

>Puts kids in cages like Drumpf
Nazi enough

You know at this rate the only way this show can truly be redeemed is if Star was actually just a very, very sick and delusional girl who let her imagination, sexual frustration and adolescent view of the establishment run away with her mind and it's just been a very long psychotic episode as she comes to grasp with the fact magic isn't real.
Of course if that's the ending Nefcy ships she'll probably never work in the industry again.

Are you autistic? Obviously she didnt want to see him for the first time in several centuries empty handed and let him down by telling him she has no idea how to free him? Eitherway the book belongs to Eclipsa

This line made no sense.

>Obviously she didnt want to see him for the first time in several centuries empty handed
That's retarded.

>Eitherway the book belongs to Eclipsa
Speaking literally, no it was not. What she did to Star was portrayed as WRONG.

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Hekapoo looking hella cute thou

I really wish Marco and Kelly were actually just friends instead of this fuck buddy nonsense. Marco doesnt seem to have any normal friends anymore besides Tom

Broyo, Kelly's a girl. A warrior girl who can kick everyone's butt, but still nonetheless a girl. They always are more emotional about that stuff.

>I really don't get what they're trying to do
That's the series in a nutshell.

So what are the chances of Marco being a surprise villain at the end of this, if only temporarily? I can't get over how his wand looks like "the forces of evil" from the logo.

Oh come on, clearly you tranniefags aren't really just actual 13 year olds who can't comprehend a run of the mill teenage story for teenagers?

Jews Rock!


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maybe Monster Arm will come out for 10 seconds before being ripped away from the show, sorta like the Bon Bon joke
>I'm back! Just like my cand-AAAHHH!!

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>t. roastie

All democracies aren't equally bad though. Some just have shit elements that are partly the fault of the people. On the other side it's in name only.
I think it's also naive to ignore how often the transition was not exactly peaceful in monarchies if there ever was a problem or disagreement. We don't remember this Middle Ages as this amazingly nonviolent, war-free, peaceful oasis. In fact the earliest feudalism was just constant war, infighting, and backstabbing that eventually became more stable after centuries, but not war-free or free from disputes over how should rule that led to bloodshed. Nobles were more likely to kill each other to gain power than ensure a "good" ruler. They'd support the person who gave them the most personal power and if they were in a position to grab it for themselves by usurping often did. They didn't care about having "effective government" or shit like that even if some were smart enough to see that a completely off the rails ruler was just bad for everyone. But a ruler who starts unfairly executing or imprisoning other nobles but not you and your family, especially if they give you their shit as a reward for loyalty? They were great!
The difference is the goal of democracy where people have a say over their own lives makes sense even if doing it is hard or impossible, while the goal of monarchy was "my parents were the sun and moon gods, not really but I say so, so I and all my descendants are the most important things in the world because I say so" is stupid to begin with.


Depends if Mina solarizes him with Solaria's spell.

I'm alright with this. They have better chemistry than either of them do with the boys individually, despite only spending like 3 episodes together

No it didnt. Half the episodes were just wasting time, if anything 10 was too much. The season was how Genndy intended it to be. He was never rushed or felt he had to compromise. It's shit after episode 2 because Genndy's vision was inherently shit. Waifu Ashi was decided on almost 30 years ago.

How dumb do you have to be to think a democracy is necessary for either of those things? You do know that most modern European legislative and civic systems were founded by despots like Gustav Adolph and Napoleon?

The idea that citizens should have rights on their own because all people have civil liberties and not just at the behest (so the whim) of the ruler pretty much is a democracy idea though. Starting with the ancient world a lot of those societies were bad at it because "people" might just be a handful of the ruling class, but the idea that people have rights to begin with instead of a monarch having to give them any rights or freedoms, I mean.

It's going to turn out that Eclipsa is pure evil along with Globgor and it was all a plot to take over the kingdom.
It wasn't about species at all and the only way to save the kingdom from their brutal dominion is for the Mewmans and Monsters to work together.
Calling it.

This show is about promoting race-mixing after all.

>Skywynne mindwiping Mewmans to perform years of backbreaking labor is good
>Eclipsa mindwiping Mewmans to find out the truth is bad

I first read that as "sodomizes" but I guess that works too

>All democracies aren't equally bad though. Some just have shit elements that are partly the fault of the people.
No. The fundamental error here is that you've decided a priori that wrongs may at all be the fault of the public. No problems in a society can be at a fault of the public, because there does not and can not exist a system where the public is in power. It's a pure banality that you've convinced yourself of.

The question at hand is what is preferable, a plutocracy/oligarchy, a traditional monarchy controlled by a nobility, an enlightened dictator or a single-party state.

The least worst option is the single-party state for the simple reason that it provides the government the power to operate without having to expend anything on social devices to stay in power.
>The difference is the goal of democracy where people have a say over their own lives makes sense even if doing it is hard or impossible, while the goal of monarchy was "my parents were the sun and moon gods, not really but I say so, so I and all my descendants are the most important things in the world because I say so" is stupid to begin with.
Actually believing that government systems have "goals" is something you should be seriously ashamed of.

That's why the MHC exists, but who watches the watchmen


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>plutocracy/oligarchy, a traditional monarchy controlled by a nobility, an enlightened dictator or a single-party state.
Unironically, the current Chinese government is all that stuff at the same time.

>there are spells that can just grow body parts, regardless of whether they're attached to a person
Can Star really be considered to be gay if she hooks up with a girl and magics her a fully functional set of male genitalia?

>The idea that citizens should have rights on their own because all people have civil liberties and not just at the behest (so the whim) of the ruler pretty much is a democracy idea though.
I can't believe you're actually this ignorant. You don't know what a democracy is. You barely understand what a ruler is.

Let me spell it out for you. There's no country in the world where the executive power can't find some way to remove those rights. Barbaric societies do it all the time. Civil societies founded on robust legal principles do not do and stopped doing so LONG before there was such a thing as a democracy. The first legal systems such as the Justinian and Hammurabian codes accounted for property rights and the Magna Carta was one of the first examples of a constitution. These things have NOTHING to do with democracy and do not require nor necessitate the existence of a democracy to provide rights.

Civil rights are inherent to a civilization as a whole, and are not granted nor taken by rulers. If the rulers take people's rights away, it isn't because of the system of government not stopping them. It's because the civilization is already defunct.

>The fundamental error here is that you've decided a priori that wrongs may at all be the fault of the public. No problems in a society can be at a fault of the public, because there does not and can not exist a system where the public is in power.

Look dude I think that lots of democracies are fucked up, but saying nowhere has voting ever made any difference is bullshit. People have been able to vote on making or removing laws before in ways that made a difference in their lives. The fact that there are huge problems doesn't mean that nowhere has "the public" actually made a difference good or bad.
And people do have stated goals when they design or reorganize governments.

i havent masturbated to hekapoo in 2 years

Every instance of a legislative body passing a law by vote has been by the approval of the appropriate parties of interests backing those laws.
The public as a whole holds no power save the nominal.

Hammurabi supposedly granted some rights because the god Shamash told him to and since he and that society also saw himself as divine, he could give or take away. While something like the Declaration of Independence does mention "God" basically as giving everybody rights, Thomas Jefferson didn't claim to be the Son of God who was part of the pantheon that decided to give people rights or take them away whenever they wanted, so it's a little less fucked up.
Whenever the basis for your government is that you're a god and you and the other gods decide who should have rights, that's fucked up. Were the Founders much better in practice? Maybe not, but the base idea behind it is a better idea. And I think most people would rather not live in a dictatorship if they had a choice which obviously those in dictatorships don't have. Even Authoritarian governments like China that have advanced their country in some ways have huge downsides to living there.

Those weak representative democracies ought to implement more direct democratic instruments

>And people do have stated goals when they design or reorganize governments.
>implying governments are designed
>implying whoever is in charge doesn't just decide on what's most convenient
The only reason why America became a republic instead of a new-royal monarchy like Brazil is because Washington didn't feel like being a statesman his whole life.
Power is what ultimately matters. All government systems exist to exercise power in the most convenient way for the ruling class, not for any stated benefit of society beyond what that power may be used for.

>The first legal systems such as the Justinian and Hammurabian codes accounted for property rights and the Magna Carta was one of the first examples of a constitution.
The Justinian and Hammurabian codes were either inspired by a divinity (the emperor spoke in the name of god) or directly written by a divinity. The Magna Carta is an anomaly in history, product of England's precarious situation as a semi-barbarian state (Hadrian Wall) and one way or another being attached to France since the days of William the Conqueror. The crown needed to maintain the local warlords and peasants happy because their loyalty couldn't be taken as granted. This had a great influence on England's mindset, they killed their king 150 years before the French did and imposed the parlament against the absolute monarchy. Maybe that's why English philosophers tend to be more practical while continental philosophers are more metaphysical.

The thing is the importance of the French Revolution is creating a law system conceived and sustained by reason, in theory, rather than a divine authority. God wasn't the center anymore, man was the center now.

So your entire problem with monarchy is the theism?
Please. From a civic, legal and state point of view the invocation of God is completely academic past the point of separation of Church and State. Which, again, has NO requirement for a democracy. Your complete lack of knowledge of the European monarchs of the modern era is downright sickening.

Applies to as well.
And the importance of the French Revolution is that it paved the way for Napoleon to take power and institute the Napoleonic Code. A legislative system used for the liberalization of Europe. Again, Emperor Napoleon I was not democratically elected in any capacity, and yet he provided more for the provision of western sensibilities than any democracy ever could.

>So your entire problem with monarchy is the theism?
That's not the only problem but when you either pretend to be or are delusional enough to claim to be "God," a god, or to speak for god who speaks directly to or through you yes I consider your bullshit government illegitimate because it's based on a ridiculous lie.

If you are ACTUALLY a god who is the head of your god pantheon, created the world, sees and controls everything (or that god regularly talks to you and tell you what to do all the time) and you're not lying that's a different story.

I bet you think the English parliament was somehow a democratic entity in the Stuart era.
It's not like they brought back Charles II the second they decided they didn't like Cromwell. Meanwhile, France was getting along just fine with Louis XIV as an absolute leader.

Then you admit you know and care nothing about the details of civics or politics. You just have a problem with the fact people believed in gods thousands of years ago.

It's just the vest. The main appeal of this outfit is in the jeans.
those are some perfectly squishy leg pillows

Attached: Blessed thighs.jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

The problem is that the shit you mention only works okay (and only for some people) if well the dictator just turns out to coincidentally be an amazing, smart, great person. If they become a dick over time or their kid is then you're all fucked. I mean if the representatives in your democracy just all happen to be great, smart, amazing people then it's the same. The difference is that you're at least supposed to only elect people who are already amazing leaders by design while in a monarchy that's sheer chance by design. The monarch by design isn't even supposed to be a good leader, just by divine right they are always leader no matter how shit.

why did they stop drawing porn of her?

Because she was ruined alongside everyone else

but monarchs and their children are taught politics and how to rule from their youth? it really seems you just hate God and religion and associate monarchies with them and hate them because of it.

Literally none of the villains of this show sucked. Ludo toffee meteora and mina were all great characters.

Your mistake is thinking that eclipsa is a villain in the first place when she's clearly not meant to be.

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Again with this election and "by design" nonsense.
It's like you're a child or something. Absolute monarchs historically had to rely on either the priests of their divine religion in ancient times or the efforts of the middle to higher tiers during the European enlightenment period. Traditional monarchies relied on feudalism and were only operated under the consent of nobility, with wars breaking out over the crown should the monarch become incapable or inadequate. Democracies work on corporate interests, lobbying, money and on occasion an equally self-preserving bureaucracy.
There is no such thing as design or "amazing leaders". There is such a thing as a power base and governments that understand the furthering of power requires qualified usage of the power they have.
Your myopic idea of "God-Kings" as these untouchable objects that could only hold power because they lied to the public, while the vaunted democracy you hold as your religion provides you with so called elections... nothing could be more ironic. You've bought that the public is your God and the powers that be operate by their consent. It's pathetic.

Ludo is the only one who didnt sucked, Toffee was good they fucked his arc in the end, Meteora was a lot of foreshadowing and comic relief until giant monster, and Mina was retard and never did anything until now

"Divine right" is a propaganda concept that kings adopted.

The reality is that it's not God or bloodlines that make a king. A king is whoever can make the populace BELIEVE they're the king and obey them. It doesn't matter WHY the populace will do that, whether it's because they actually believe God ordained it or because they just don't want the king's army to kill them.

Baby Killer

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Or, as history has repeatedly shown, a leader capable of defending the population from hostile nations. Peter I, Napoleon I, Gustavus Adolphus to name a few. These modern zoomers always underestimate the realpolitik factor.

>i havent masturbated to hekapoo in 2 years
What are you waiting for? Get to it man, the show's almost over!

ew, gross.

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They'll fuck it up. Giving the plebs a voice was a mistake


>big globgor buildup
>he's just nice guy XD
These writers really are shit, at least the fight was kinda cool.

But Rhombulus is hot. But so is Globgor so im torn


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no hekaporn on my new comp and i forgot where to get it after all this itme

You want a magic Zimbabue? because that's how you get a magic Zimbabue

>had no fucking time to question it
>and even if he did, "they probably crystallised my baby too"

paheal? svtfoe booru?

but now that he go accepted as a king things can slow down
you think Eclipsa would answer honsetly to what happened to Meteora?

Imagine how different the series would be if the Mewman peasents where allowed agency and weren't designated as buffoons.

well, if it isn't brought up in the next episodes, it'll be time to actually be angry. though it feels like that eclipsa is going to free even rhombulus, for freeing her husband and to show they aren't that bad.

She lied because Star literally had no reason to trust her. Even before she just got away with mind jacking Rhombulus in an attempt to free Globgor. Star KNEW the moment she got a hold of that piece she would free him, and she was right.

That would require effort. Making nobility, a citizenship that makes sense, an army? Too much worldbuilding for the show writers.

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Are you vastly overestimating the average intelligence of mewmans

Season three happened.

Shit, Nefcy came to Iceland? I fucking live there!

the only good season? Why?


This show has taught future generations that all women are liars and cheating whores.


I'm so proud..

Star vs is awful, even SU is better than it now

lets not get crazy

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Probably because good is a toxic masculinity male gaze concept of the misogynistic patriarchy.

>it really seems you just hate God

I don't "hate" something that doesn't exist (or rather there's absolutely no evidence of the supernatural existing). If evidence of the supernatural shows up I will completely change my mind, especially since I'd need to know which spirits, deities and shit are real exactly (Izanagi and Izanami? Tiamat? Bastet?). If Tiamet shows up and announces she has chosen the Kardashians and their kin to rule over all of humanity I'd take that into consideration though.


How about no

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absolutely euphoric, user. A tip of the fedora to you!

no to start cartoon wars but unlike svtfoe literally month away, su isn't dead yet...

I don't want to get into specific but the community and family I was raised in weren't Christian nor would it ever occur to anyone ever to be Christian so not being Christian isn't edgy at all for me. Randomly being Christian in a non-Christian community would be edgy. I think you're biased because of your very specific country, culture, and upbringing here. Not everyone is raised in a monotheistic society and community to begin with so it's just a weird idea to me and to them too.

Yes it is. Hell it was never alive to begin with.

And yet you "love" something that doesn't exist: public empowerment through the democratic process.
How far the sharp projectile of a rational mind flies when launched by a rotten bow.

no you just sound like the stereotypical 'reddit atheist' and so I made fun of you for it. It has nothing to do with my upbringing.

>trying to compare a shitshow to another shitshow
You're not winning here

These replies read and very autistic to me, like you're personally offended that I'm saying monarchy is a stupid idea. Are you a Disney Princess or something? I think democracies are very fucked up often and have said so, I said the idea "people have freedom" and "people decide themselves how they themselves live" are sensible ideas, not that people have actually successfully achieved that. Meanwhile fine, someone gets their friends and a bunch of guns, kills everybody, takes their shit, steals and loots and pillages, that makes sense for those people to do. They say "our gods told us to do it so you should all support us," what's stupid is others listening to them and saying, "here, steal all of our stuff, after all the gods told you too" is stupid of those other people who just give their shit away. They're gullible. It's very smart for the liars stealing shit and coming up with excuses for why it's okay though if it works.

The whole fedora thing is based on people who were raised in Christian countries coming to the "revelation" that their god isn't real and then being an edgy, different individual. There's nothing individualist, edgy, or revelatory about those of us not raised in monotheist countries not being monotheists, it's actually conformist, safe, and normal.

I'm pretty the "fedora thing" is based on laughing at retards on the internet, I don't think it goes that deep, user.

The whole fedora thing has to do with laughing at "enlightened" tight wads. Don't read into it too much.

On a sidenote, I genuinely hope Tom and Star just end up together.

So, since Marco's feelings were hijacked by the curse, any chance he'll try to go back to Jackie once he moves back to Earth?

maybe, but to only find out that Jackie has a girlfriend

I'm personally offended with having to share a board with a historical ignoramus.
And no, I'm not a Disney Princess. I'm a Machiavellian Prince.

Yep, I can see this

And flat.

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true, and I see what you're saying user, I get it.

but legs though.

Fuck Tiamat. You don't want any of that.

>kill villain
>villain becomes martyr
>kill everyone following his ideology
>people see your brutal methods and start going against them
>start killing them too
>and now it's flat out societal rebellion for a cause that's most likely forgotten at this point, solely because everyone hates you now and is gunning for your ass
Brilliant move, you'd be an excellent despot someday!

I want to be a despot.

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Gravity falls went to shit? How? I didn't notice much wrong with it.

Fuck you rage user. Even if the show isn't the perfect snowflake I desired. Even if the plotlines are grossly underutilized. Even if the secondary characters are getting way more limelight than they deserve. I'm still actually having fun and enjoying watching the series and seeing how everything unfolds. I honestly just want to see more of Star than Eclipsa, Globgor, or Meteora.

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Just an user venting. GF was by no means perfect, but I was satisfied with it.