Has there ever been a more horrifying scene in a Disney movie?
Has there ever been a more horrifying scene in a Disney movie?
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I think you mean hot
Deleted? I have plenty.
>In an early script, the Dip was going to be called "The Final Solution".
Holy shit. (And no this isn't a Raimi joke, this is actually on the Disney Wiki.)
Who framed Roger Rabbit can easily be seen as an allegory to segregation. It's quite likely it was intentional.
Bet people would bitch about it nowadays and complain about how they put politic in media and "shove it down our throat".
it's a naturally occuring underlying theme rather then a JK Rolling: "by the way,harry was black .".
You have to admit that Rowling is an outlier and that most people are less hamfisted about it yet still are met with the same "criticism."
No it really isn't. there's a reason steven universe is nicknamed space lesbian rocks.
by the way, wizards shit their pants then magic it out of existence.
Explain what's so bad about how Steven Universe does things.
The issue then is the writing, not that there is politic in it. complaining about the politic is not the right criticism.
Steven Universe actually made its thematic naturally occur too.
Apparently, the one with the crows from Dumbo
That's literally the point. you said most people are less hamfisted about it and now you're saying yeah they're hamfisted about it but it's the writers fault.
you've just moved the goalposts to something else.
It was the subtlety that made it manageable. If it was made today they would have at minimum 4 scenes devoted to someone explaining how toons were being segregated and how that's a bad thing. Nowadays you need to let the audience know what they need to be mad at otherwise they obviously won't know what the point of the film is.
> the 45 articles stating the obvious on "journalist" sites clawing for cash that would be launched almost immidiately afterwards
>you said most people are less hamfisted about it and now you're saying yeah they're hamfisted about it
Not what I said. There was no goalpost moved. I said having politic message is not the issue and yet that's what people are complaining about.
They really don't need a new form to do that, they could easily dredge up the original film for any of the "DID WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT PREDICT THE 2016 ELECTION" style clickbait articles by people who found out about the film whole looking at their netflix suggestions.
flood and wildfire were my childhood nightmare.
that's not the issue though. the subtlety of it is. as in they're rarely subtle about it nowadays is. you're moving the goalposts by saying I said having political messages is the issue when I didn't.
>that's not the issue though. the subtlety of it is.
Yet, people don't complain about how the politic is featured, they complain that it is there in the first place.
From what I've seen it doesn't matter how it's handled and just matters if it is political at all
Or sometimes if they just think it is
Because it's often an either drastc change to the previous instance for dogwhistle points that lowers what people enjoyed about it in the previous instance due to a parasite worming their way into the team or an unpopular disliked ideology flag attempting to worm it's way into the mainstream and sticking out like a sore thumb.
Compared to the subtle undertones and comparisons that can be drawn from roger rabbit both seem almost corruptive or plague like and literal decades of it being infectious despite public sighs and disapproval still finds its way in, sometimes even killing the product if not lowering it's revenue which gives an un-natural vibe.
A character coming out gay might've been fresh 10 years ago but now it's almost predicted if not outright standard. it holds no actual narrative value unless it's important to the story itself beyond "oh yeah he's gay" and feels shoed in, not necessarily because it's gay but because of the sheer amount of media that is now doing it as standard. Normal people don't care for it. Sucking penis isn't a pleasant point to focus on and loses it's charm if it had any fast. Being told X character sucks penis for the 1049th time presents an eye roll and a further scrolling in the hopes something of actual value is pulled to the table.
Look at Legend of Korra, Adventure time and Steven universe. Three major popular series of this gen alone tries to pull the lesbian angle as a surprise and it got to the point most people easily saw it coming.
>Because it's often an either drastc change to the previous instance for dogwhistle points that lowers what people enjoyed about it in the previous instance due to a parasite worming their way into the team or an unpopular disliked ideology flag attempting to worm it's way into the mainstream and sticking out like a sore thumb.
Purely subjective. Once again, the issue is not the politic but the writing.
the only reason you say subtle is because you agree with the message in the first place.
>A character coming out gay might've been fresh 10 years ago
A character being gay now is just part of the norm. IF we are accepting gays, now then there is no issue having a gay character. This isn't some plot writing that should phase out of trend now that it i has been done.
>Look at Legend of Korra, Adventure time and Steven universe
Legend of Korra had just them walking out in the final holding hand. on its own, it was ubbtle enough and ambivalent, nothing forced and even up to interpretation. Yet people complained about it. and then they compleined when the wirters actually confirmed it, so it was not even about the show anymore.
As for AT and SU, they are actually well written and subtle. Nothing hamfisted in the writing at all. yet you have people complaining about the politic anyway.
Like seriously, unlike Korra, they actually spent time builing it in AT and make it come naturally, yet people keep saying buzzwords like "forced" because "muh politic in cartoon".
If gays and lesbians make up around 2-8% of the population why are such a whopping large amount of them in cartoons nowadays?
it's like they're included to follow a trend for brownie points and free press or something. Dunno who the indian in the thread who keeps saying politic instead of politics is but that's kinda funny too.
>why are such a whopping large amount of them in cartoons nowadays?
Because there is no reason not too and creators have the right to include them in their writing if this is what they want to do.
>If gays and lesbians make up around 2-8% of the population
Source ?
I disagree. There’s lots of subtle shit. It gets ignored in favor of cklickbait.
literally wikipedia bruh.
I see what you did, there, stat guy...
>why are such a whopping large amount of them in cartoons nowadays
Which cartoons are you thinking of?
actually I just grabbed a relatively higher stat from canada and the hovering lower stat average then slammed them together.
of course the leafs are high homos. gays probably flock there because of the freedoms in a repeat effect I imagine. either that or maple syrup turns you gay.
>Who framed Roger Rabbit can easily be seen as an allegory to segregation.
No that's "Cats don't Dance." Roger Rabbit was full on gas chamber.
I think even if you try to be subtle these days, the moment a single web journalist catches, the whole web gets flooded with articles tripping over each other pointing out what you wanted to be subtle about, achieving the same effect of in your face oversaturation and resultant whining
>Pixar told us: why not use stereotypes instead of collars?
That's actually was a super smart thing to do. Producers aren't always dumb.
Gay Marriage has been legal here since 2003 in parts and 2005 nation wide.
16 years later and no problems so far.
Whenever I see people in the US freaking out about it, I'm just like "Why?"
There are a thousand more important issues.
Let folks get married and don't have an aneurysm.
Cool thread guys. Can anything on this board not deteriorate into petty bickering about politics?
Anyway, here's my contribution: the scene where Clayton gets hanged
>SU is subtle
Come the fuck on mate. Fusing is essentially fucking
>Fusing is essentially fucking
No, it isn't. it represent relationships, of all natures. That including fucking, but not only.
Ironically I think the excess shoehorning of gays combined with the horror show that is gay parades have actually worked against gay acceptance. in more smoother introductions it's blended together pretty nicely unlike the misconception borne past.
>with the horror show that is gay parades
It's honestly at the same level than the Brazilian carnival. People make a way too big fuss about it.
Horrifying to you is probably pretty arousing to many people here.
When it comes to this user it made me pretty uncomfortable.
I think it's pretty obvious you just hate trashy liberal opinion columns and not depicting segregation in movies. It's okay, we're all exhausted by the fringe political straw clutchers too.
this but the bunny is female and its ralph's schlong
Yeah. Alot better than generic "oppression is bad" done countless times.