This is your Final Boss, say something nice to her!
Ladies and Gentlemen-
I like her better than most of the characters the show apparently wants me to like, like Eclipsa and Globgor, and I hope she murders them all.
please save this show
please save this show
please save this show
please save this show
please save this show
How is she evil when she's right?
I want her to tonguepunch my fartbox.
That's disgusting.
>did nothing wrong
Solaria Butterfly was acting in SELF-DEFENSE.
Monsters instigated the War of Aggression.
Siding with monsters in any way, shape, or form diminishes the sacrifice and loss not just of Mewman soldiers, but innocents slaughtered by monsters.
Believing that Eclipsa Butterfly, Globgor "The Plucker of Limbs", Meteora Butterfly, or Star Butterfly are deserving of anything other than death is a treasonous thought and should be punishable by death.
Most importantly, Glossaryck is the enemy of all living things that have a desire to flourish. He is the epitome of Mewishness, and should be exterminated to secure a future for our husbands and children.
I was hoping for her to be the final boss of S3
I'm impressed how badly Nefcy managed to fuck up this show.
anyone who opposes Eclipsa, the titular character of Eclipsa vs. the Forces of Bigotry, is automatically "wrong"
And i thought nobody could be less competent than Rebecca
That's bullshit and you know it. Mina is right.
So, any link towards the episodes?
>*I'm impressed how badly Cotugnomanaged to fuck up this show.
Nefcy said in an interview her initial plan was to end it with Battle for Mewni and she was surprised it was extended. I blame Cotugno for coming up with everything after that since Nefcy's vision was already done at that point.
Domo arigatou.
I fucking hate you so much Nefcy. I hope you read this you bitch.
Daron still has story credit and she could probably veto any story idea if she wanted to, so most of the blame should be on her.
They would've painted Star in the wrong if she acted realistic by being angry with Eclipsa for just flat out lying to her face about why she wanted the book, and then violating her mind. Eclipsa has mind-controlled the writers she's just that good.
Why are so many Disney properties pro-authoritarian these days?
They're grooming kids for when they take over the government
"Pops" into the thread
You don't need to censor the nipples because Janna's a boy. A LADYBOY.
Janna is a girl with NO PENIS, I don't care what Sabrina has to say
How dare you assume HIS gender, user
well, when a man's right he's right
Janna is a boy with a penis between his legs because he was born as a boy. Dresses like a girl because he's mentally disturbed.
JANNA IS A GIRL WITH NO DICK AND NO BALLS except the ones she stole from Marco
Janna is a boy that wants to be a girl. Just like his Filipino ancestors.
Mina is like the only character left who I still find likable or sympathetic.
I dread her inevitable defeat, or worse yet, her being talked down and coming around to Eclipsa's side, but before that happens I'm just enjoying my tragic PTSD angel while I can.
Good. Hope she wins
God this show is so fucking awful right now.
Nefcy is going to find some creative way to do Mina dirty that will make me want to hate the character, she's been doing it to so many characters this season it's insane she's very talented indeed.
I liked those two episodes. Those were nice.
good for you
I do think Eclipsa and Globgor are a cute couple, but they simply got away with everything
we all know Eclipsa is a filthy liar and Globgor a mewman eater
Please stop roleplaying as a character from the show.
>implyng the final boss isn't the HMC
That would've semi-salvaged Cornonation, if they were all in on the plan and didn't back down so easily, but they established pretty hard that Omnitraxis and Hekapoo had nothing to do with and Hekapoo is still Marco's bro.
FUCK Rhombulus though, I guess we're supposed to think
I like to think that Eclipsa mind controlled the whole thing to set Rhombulus up. Besides that what ever happened to that curse thing Eclipsa gave Moon? I fee like who ever wrote Eclipsa in season 3 got fired or something.
>Mina is like the only character left who I still find likable or sympathetic.
You're completely fucking wrong and you're a complete fucking idiot for having that opinion. Fuck off.
why don't you fuck off instead? he's right you know
>LOL I'm evil now
What did Hekapoo mean by this?
I don't give a shit! FUCK OFF! Mina is fucking garbage!
And she will let you down in the finale JUST THE SAME as the rest of the show did. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING WILL CHANGE!
BUT YOU MOTHERFUCKS ARE STILL HERE DESPITE IT ALL! Fuck you. Stick your dicks in a fucking a shredder and bleed out, cunts.
She's literally one of the main elements of svtfoe's inner jew councils.
contain your autism
>Star complains about an external force manipulating her so she agree to kill a curse
>Eclipsa lying and manipulating? meh that's 'kay
What a shitty animation with a shitty plot.
You again, i wonder why anons didn't gave you a name already
hey user JARCO
I will if you do too.
You're incredibly stupid if you thought I had any problems with jarco.
I'm missing something here, why the emotional reaction towards a recycled sailor moon reference? Why does Mina in particular elicit this ?
A Boy and His DC-700XE
>Seems like there's some more timeline fuckery going on if the dragoncycle group has an "annual" thing. I don't think Marco even met Talon until after he'd turned 15, and yet they haven't mentioned him being 16 now either. I don't know why I even care
>Was that 4-eyed guy ever in another episode? I legit don't remember
>I actually didn't mind Tom here. It seems like the actual show's finally acknowledging he's got no personality or interesting traits to speak of outside of his relationship with Star, even if lately he's been coming off as kinda likable just through being a generic nice guy. Though maybe they could've just not written him like that in prior episodes too
>Also the show finally kind of acknowledging that Marco's done enough to come off as cool. Not that that's something I care much about, but anons comment a lot along the lines of "how could he still be seen as a loser"
>I think they kind of went a little far with Tom not knowing what he was doing but ALSO thinking no one else knew? Yeah it's a cartoon but the tone felt off or something
>It's mildly interesting how they imply Marco's really interested in and in tune with the dragoncycle etc. but you can't care much when it barely ever gets shown
>And yeah Kelly and Marco broke up offscreen. I thought the show was past this offscreen bullshit, but I'm not surprised. I'm not even disappointed. It's all so nothing
>I guess most of the end sequence with the jump held my interest. I'm at the point of praising the show for not boring me now
>Also, actual fart joke with Marco. People criticize S1 humor all the time, but I feel like back then a joke like that with Marco would've been beneath the show, mainly for the fact that back then the character didn't come off as such a constant loser and joke
This was pretty watchable despite my dumb complaints and used Tom okay. Even with the offscreen breakup, it does the least wrong compared to the Eclipsa masturbation session that followed.
>Why does Mina in particular elicit
Because you're holding unto a character that you THINK won't disappoint you. You're holding unto something, ANYTHING that you THINK that MIGHT change your overall opinion on the show.
But it won't. It fucking won't. Do not fucking believe even for a GODDAMN SECOND that they WON'T find something to completely RUIN Mina for you. That's why you're fucking retarded for holding unto whatever fucking make-believe bullshit you think is going to happen. Because it won't. It'll all be fucking garbage. From top to bottom.
And you know this. You just don't want to face the facts.
Thank you, even though I barely feel like watching any of these. But I started this ride, so I should see it through to the end.
at this point I'd be content with just a few more good Mina scenes
dear lord I have zero hope for whatever the hell her endgame will be though
The Monster and the Queen
>I had bitched about how this ep wouldn't have Star at all. I was wrong. I was glad to be wrong because I think they used her well, despite how little it mattered in the end
>It's weird that Star initially doesn't get who could've been in her closet, after conspicuously checking the spellbook piece episodes ago. Like, didn't we just do this? If they hadn't foreshadowed it in the first place, maybe that could've felt more natural/surprising
>I was also wrong about the Eclipsa/Globgor sequence being a flashback, BUT Butterfly Castle being undamaged in the background made it clear too early that it wasn't real
>Also of course Eclipsa has a new outfit just for this. And of course she gets to play her shitty guitar and sing. Can't go a single ep without being reminded just how much the writers love Eclipsa
>They initially seemed to be setting up that Globgor still wants to vore those sexy delicious Mewmans and has potentially dangerous urges that make Eclipsa nervous... and just go nowhere with that
>Also yeah fuck Globgor. Fuck his voice, outfit, role, motivations, everything about him, especially his part in creating Meteora. I'm not sure I even have to say that, but I want to
>Also we STILL don't know exactly what transpired for both of them to be crystallized, but Meteora somehow being taken before that happened and Globgor then voring Shastacan. We may never know
>About the one good thing I can say about Globgor is that today's episodes made okay use of his size-changing abilities, and that the "shoulder" bit was like the one time all season Eclipsa was kinda cute
>The song started out okay, those first lines before Globgor joined in, but quickly became weak forgettable Eclipsa song drivel. Can you believe we're at the point where you can make a whole list of "Eclipsa songs?"
>That shot of Eclipsa crying in the trance was kinda done well. I wish they'd portray her as sad more regularly if that's what they're going for
>Oh well, time to get the fuck out of here
T.Mina Loveberry
>Both the Star and Eclipsa stuff and Eclipsa deciding not to free Globgor felt like a retread of Swim Suit. I mean it's good they're addressing it, but we also just did this and he gets freed the next episode anyway
>Star calling out Eclipsa about worrying about the kingdom seems like it should be a major moment showing how she more capable for the position, and that also just never happens. It's really a shame. I do like serious Star
>Eclipsa comes off like a haughty bitch making excuses for her shit leadership as she asks for a coronation, and Star is pretty obviously calling her bluff as she says she'll give her one. Then the next episode is nothing like that at all. I know they had different boarders but they might as well have been from two different shows or two completely different interpretations of the Eclipsa/Star dynamic
>I'm not sure Star mentioning doing crazy things for someone you love even feels true. I guess she's talking about Marco, but she has a funny way of showing it
On its own, this sort of felt good and promising. But then all the stuff like Globgor's homicidal urges, Star not trusting Eclipsa, Eclipsa not really being capable, the coronation meant more to kick her ass into gear than anything, etc., don't even come to anything by the next episode. If they don't come into play in the 7 (!) episodes left, then yeah actually this was pretty shit.
I know Star Vs. has kind of always had a habit of doing things differently from what the show seems to be implying, but usually that's across a whole season/arc, not consecutive fucking episodes.
>7 (!) episodes left
What the fuck, I assumed next week was the finale
I met her, Not!/sveg/. I dreamt that I was floating through space and got swept through a portal and I was greeted by her presence.
I was flabbergasted, and immediately ran to embrace her. I held on tight while I felt her skinny arms wrap around me. I had never felt so happy, so comfortable and whole. My mind was a jumbled mess, spewing spaghetti as I began asking her about her job. I questioned about enchantment, if the original mind is intact, or does it deliberately wash into dormancy, awakening at certain intervals.
She grinned, and spoke to me with a voice so soft, yet firm. Reassuring and stern, but friendly and sincere. She said, "you would have to find out, if you wanted to. Or, you can stay here for eternity, with your mind and soul at rest."
My body was throbbing at the exciting news I didn't bother to process. To stay with Star forever? I can't imagine anyone passing up on that offer. I told her that I wanted to stay, with her. Again, I embraced her. She muttered under breath, "but, you can't." Suddenly, I felt my collective weight surge into my chest, and abruptly dropped to my feet.
I spoke in disappointment, "it's because you're not real, isn't it? You're only a concept of joy, personified as a perky teenage girl to help alleviate the fear of the unknown, when we change. I'm no better than a waifu-wishing moron."
I felt her smile warmly into my chest, and break the embrace for a moment so she could speak, "No. Because it isn't your time, yet." She placed her soft pale hand on my cheek with a reassuring stroke, then pinched it like any grandma would. "Look for a girl who looks like me when you wake up, in the meantime before we meet again. You'll find her."
Her words revitalized my doubts and felt complete again. Then she slowly faded away into darkness and I woke up.
It was so bittersweet, and I feel weightless.
Finale is May 19th
Nobody fucking cares. Fuck off.
>What makes this so much worse is that it started out REALLY good. Like even as someone who bitches all the time about the show I was enjoying the first half a lot
>The invitation sequence was done really well. Janna silently reacting to the different locations, the quick jokes, the fact that it was designed to all flow together instead of drawing any one scene out forever
>Why couldn't the Assassin's Guild have shown up instead?
>The concept of the citizens still obviously hating Eclipsa and Moon denying it seemed interesting but probably won't go anywhere. Also that woman who said she wouldn't go if they paid her is an unsung hero
>The stuff about Star having grown up is done well, but the stuff with her saying like she doesn't feel like a teenager anymore, presumably because she's constantly covering for Eclipsa's bullshit, doesn't ring true, because this whole season we haven't seen enough of her, or her working for/with Eclipsa (mainly because, what with her being so often presented as perfect, Eclipsa came off as TOO capable and Star felt like her cheerleader/bitch). I guess it's meant to make her ultimately staying on Earth seem acceptable in the end, but it's not going to be. I wanted to see more of Star acting as a queen
>Eclipsa's obligatory new outfit is actually pretty cool. I really don't like how Star's distrust of her is replaced by immediate dicksucking that more or less lasts the rest of the ep
>Also Meteora is repulsive. I forgot to mention it for the last segment, but who ever thought when we saw Miss Heinous that we'd learn about her vomiting while crawling on the ceiling? God, Heinous of S1/2 got screwed unlike any other character
>And Star loves Meteora, of course. It's weird how there's no cognitive dissonance from her about how this was once an adult woman who had some fucking horrible shit happen to her to bring her to this state and okay I've bitched enough about this. This show is making me loathe babies
Just realized they never explained why he took up the businessman persona.
>The Shitty Guitar returns once again, because of fucking course Eclipsa needs another song! Yeah, I get she has (more like HAD) rhyming spells, but somehow I didn't see music as being her thing. Just another way she's soooo relatable I guess
>The scene at the temple was pretty tense. I was still stupidly expecting shit to go down and for a bit they had me going there. I guess it was decent attention to detail showing the bird's beak still tied, since I did initially think that was weird and was like "what, did she retie it?", but the twist that hinted at was NOT worth it
>God, even the scene with Eclipsa saying Globgor escaped and the MHC forcibly taking over was intense. I wasn't expecting a bloodbath, but I really thought things were on track to get darker than they did
>The show really does prioritize Eclipsa's Freak Monster Family over all else and it's getting especially blatant
>River saying he wishes Star wasn't born or whatever seemed a bit far, and I wonder if that wasn't some of the crew's apparent resentment that Star's name is in the title instead of Eclipsa's slipping out. Maybe it was supposed to set up how he really does care for her when Globgor shows up, but it was bizarrely dark and not even funny
>Star in Butterfly form didn't last nearly long enough
>Tension reeeaaally started draining away from the ep with the Good Guy Globgor shit. Just made it way too clear you're supposed to completely sympathize with him and Eclipsa, despite the last ep casting doubt on them both
>Even the fight sort of went okay for a bit. I thought maybe Moon holding Star back could've led to something but once again it didn't
>The Meteora bit was when any remaining tension instantly defused and any quality went out the window. Aww, she loves her father. Oh, look at her dip down, so talented! Oh no, she's caught in the flames even though she can dip down, what will she do? God, it's all terrible. Imagine writing this. Imagine liking this
FUCK OFF you stupid cunt nobody gives a shit about 'deep' and 'insightful' big fucknig serious analysis. Fuck off.
Everything you have typed out here you might as well just scream at a fucknig wall, because of the avarage level of intelligence of posters in svtfoe threads, that's basically all you're doing.
Hi Daron
fuck off I like to read it
>And all the Mewmans are instantly won over by the Plucker of Limbs who's vored countless Mewmans and torched villages to the ground being shown to care about his hideously ugly offspring. I wish even one char hated babies as much as it's made me hate them with this plot. Even Shastacan was too kind
>And the manchild Rhombulus who comes off as sympathetic is meant to be scum, it seems. I guess in retrospect Eclipsa was meant to be completely reasonable in Swim Suit all along
>This might have been more acceptable if the entire MHC was in on it, but then maybe there'd be no one to arrest them. I understand letting Hekapoo off the hook since she's a fan favorite, but maybe Omnitraxis could've pushed him into doing it so it's not just one guy. Not like Omni has much personality going for him to ruin anyway
>It's the same issue with Yada Yada Berries, where everyone's accepting of change in the end except ONE BAD PERSON (despite everyone else being shown to feel the same way)
>The chars get really preachy about change and forgetting the past or whatever, and it's shit. Also hints of a democracy that Star won't be involved with because FUCK STAR
>Eclipsa sings a shitty song I can't even remember and it all feels like some sappy godawful series finale, so the real finale can only be worse. Everyone hugs and it's awful
>Also I find it really hard to believe ALL the other queens also sing this song at their coronation. Just imagine Moon having to do that after Comet got killed
>I want Mina to slaughter everyone, but she won't. That one hint of her isn't enough
Yeah this was shit that completely failed to capitalize on the tension the previous episode just set up. It doesn't even leave much room for wondering where things will go, since Eclipsa and her family are happy and, as we know, that's all that matters.
Who would've thought Star would be so irrelevant and Eclipsa so loved? S4 definitely has the worst plot, even if the eps are easier to sit through than S3
I don't expect or want literally everyone to read it. I do it partly for me and partly for anyone to comment on if they want to agree or disagree with any of my points.
Also I'm not trying to be "insightful" at all. Like half of my points are practically me shitposting
I care, screw you.
>S4 definitely has the worst plot, even if the eps are easier to sit through than S3
This basically sums up my thoughts on the matter. I even liked Eclipsa sometimes in S3
Plucker of Limbs shit is all propaganda you retard.
I hope Globgor will react to all the artwork about him somehow
He literally ate people, this isn’t disputed.
>Marco and Kelly broke up OFF SCREEN
The STATE of Kellcofags
You say that to make a scapegoat. But the truth is.
I am (You). I'm just your mirror from the past couple of months.
YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING *LIFE* IS A GODDAMN SHITPOST! Ruminate on that however you like, but also consider the fact, that you are watching and analyzing a show for literal braindead fucking teens made by jews.
How fucking desperate do you have to be to seek intellectual fulfilment from garbage like this? Fuck off nobody cares how fucking pathetic you are.
No you don't. Fuck off.
Meanwhile Tomstar is still going on
at this point i hope tom breaks up with star, she's too toxic for him and deserves better, and if anything, even though im a kellco fag marco did kelly a favor, she doesn't deserved to get thrown away way deep into a relationship like jackie was
Like I said, I'm not trying to analyze it or be deep or intellectual. If I was, I definitely wouldn't do it in a fucking greentext bullet-point format.
Most it is just me shitposting about how I think it sucks because I don't have anything else to do right now, and if I'm wasting time watching this shit in the first place then I'd rather at least possibly get a discussion out of it than just watch it and nothing else.
>Most it is just me shitposting about how I think it sucks because I don't have anything else to do right now, and if I'm wasting time watching this shit in the first place then I'd rather at least possibly get a discussion out of it than just watch it and nothing else.
So let me get this straight. It's completely okay to waste your fucking time with absolute fucking garbage shows like this, if you at least talk about it with other people.
But guess what! Those other people can only say THE EXACT FUCKING SAME THING AS YOU: that it fuckin BLOWS. And this is nothing new either! This shit has been going for fucking MONTHS.
And each of these shitheads come back, every single fucknig week, like they expect it'll be different somehow? Just how fucking DENSE do you have to fucking be, to believe in shit like this? What a load of fucknig horseshit.
He never denied his past.
Globgor was a king during war times and he had to do what was necessary for his people to survive.
That includes propaganda to encourage the soldiers and make his enemies fear him.
Solaria's propaganda was the same.
I mean, yeah, I think doing this is okay. It's the only absolute fucking garbage show I'm wasting my time with right now; it's not like I do this 20 times a week for 20 different shows.
I've seen a lot of arguments recently about Eclipsa/Meteora being good characters, or the lack of Star being good, that I'm also trying to see if anyone wants to argue those points against mine. And I also really don't care if other people feel the same as me, because the point of these threads is discussing the episodes anyway.
I don't expect the show will be any different in the future. I'm just waiting for it to end, and while I do that I'm just responding to the episodes as they come out.
pretty fucking sure he's a family man now and doesn't want anything to do with his past anymore
I haven't watched this show past the second season. Anybody care to spoil it for me? You get an excuse to rant about things.
the new villain is monster racism, that's it, that's the show now
>that I'm also trying to see if anyone wants to argue those points against mine
Here let me give you the short version: EVERYONE thinks it's garbage. Done.
>discussing the episodes anyway.
You mean bitch endlessly about a show that EVERYONE knows will NEVER improve?
>. I'm just waiting for it to end, and while I do that I'm just responding to the episodes as they come out.
Let me give you a quick rundown: EVERY single remaining episode is a fucking burning garbage pile.
And I like seeing people talk about how it's garbage. I don't expect it to improve. I just find different anons' reactions interesting.
And I agree the show is going to be shit. I'm really not posting about it out of some delusion it's suddenly going to be good.
I'm still hoping we get Star as the final boss. The girl ate the essence of pure magic after Toffee tried to kill her and is essentially an eldritch monster far more powerful than any other mewman probably ever and everyone else is just lucky she's bright and happy go lucky instead of dark like Eclipsa.
I think everybody was pretty solid these last three episodes.
Globgor is a good father but understands his actions in the past might have consequences and accepts the punishment.
Eclipsa is selfish and must be reprimended by both Globgor and Star, yet she wants to be better and ultimately has done a hood job with the kingdom.
Star has grown a lot and even if she is a bit hypocrite, she is also responsible and willing to listen to others.
Meteora learning to dip down had a purpose which falls into baby-like category.
River is not a morron but a well-judged and open-minded fellow... even if he does silly stuff.
Moon is done with everyone's shit and that's cool.
Not counting Rhombulus, the MHC members weren't as retarded as usual, etc...
>I just find different anons' reactions interesting.
But it's all the fucking same! They all say the same fucking thing. That it's shit. How can you get anything out of it, if it's the same fucking post over and over and over and over and over again?
Who the fuck are you? Are you doing this to "spite" me? To be the big fucking righteous poster who stands out from all the rest and saves /sveg/ or some shit? Fuck off. Nobody fucking belives you, you fucking imposter. Your opinions are fucking fake just as your entire existence itself.
There's usually a lot of opinions. Like some people actually think it's good.
All your posts are actually the same by now I don't see how it's a huge deal if others' are.
user, calm down. They have their right to enjoy what you don't
How about a beach day to low the tension?
i am a bit angry because the plot is fucking over, i eman yeah we have Mina, but the huge main issue on Mewni, the entire racism thing is basic over, everyone got the happy ending.
what left for us from the plot? just waiting for Mina, a dumb idiot that only nows brute force.
if you guy hate fillers be ready, because until the finale we will get lots of fillers of people now living in peace, with no conflict.
Starco? meh this can be solved in any 11 minute episode.
She’s responsable for MK tier experiments and told every queen to keep the war going and only backpedal when she realize shit was going down
Of course the racism conflict it's over, that's the point of having a mid-season special, so we can focus properly on the main villain after that
>Like some people actually think it's good.
Who? This fucking cunt? He's obviously a fucking fake, only doing this because he saw my posts, and he probably thinks the exact same fucking thing as the rest of these degenarates.
>All your posts are actually the same by now
Are you fucking getting the 'mirror' analogy I gave earlier now? That I'm giving back all my experiences back to the fandom?
>it's a huge deal
It's not. It really would be just this: everyone fucks off. Nobody every talks about this shit. And we'll pretend it was just some weird ass fuckin fever dream. Done. But nope. You fucks still have to linger here for some reason.
>hey have their right to enjoy
But most of the people in the threads FUCKING DON'T. Maybe they NEVER did. I don't fucking get then, why they have to be around here. Why can't they just fuck off to the Loudhouse or whatever else shitshow there is out there.
I'm pretty sure that user isn't "fake" because I've seen similar opinions in multiple previous threads.
I haven't read every single one of your posts, only the replies you posted to me in this thread, so I didn't see that analogy. In that case, who gives a fuck if both sides are going to post repetitive shit.
I wouldn't post at all if there were no threads, like I wouldn't make an just for my opinions. But there are threads, so I'm posting here. Everybody fucking off isn't going to happen, even if that probably would be better than giving the show attention.
You're spelling Ludo wrong
why don't you fuck off instead?
He's not, she is literally delusional and is probably not even fully aware of the situation around her, she is a not sympathetic or complex villain Nefcy is too much of a hack to make something like that.
Ludo was the best character after Battle for Mewni, but his two episodes after that weren't really worth it.
Now he's just a loser in a polka-dot bathrobe who plays loser basketball with his even worse brother. Somehow I preferred the more open-ended "conclusion" of Star throwing him into the void again after he killed Toffee.
That's not to say he's a bad character or I dislike him; he did have the best development in the series and got a complete arc with the Toffee stuff. I'm just not really satisfied with where he ended up, like as an ending to The Ludo Story or whatever
This show is shit.
Hurr durr racism
Hurr durr can't we all just get along hurr durr
Janna is the actual villain.
She manipulated this crystal guy to free globgor
She made Toffee take over the magic.
She is in an unholy pact with Glossy
She is a demon princess queen
Trust me. He's a fucking fake. Everything is fucking fake. Fakey-fake make-belive bullshit. Noone in their right mind could have a positive opinion about this show. God I'm so fucking tired.
Suck my dick and choke on it cunt.
Basically Eclipsa does whatever the fuck she wants regardless of anyone else's thoughts or opinions. But if anyone else does not like it, then they are racist and wrong.
Contugo just wants to prove that every single character in the show is bi and would fuck anything.
Her whole narrative is that everyone on Earth is gay and just lies to themselves when they pretend they are not.
Series writer said Janna is a transgirl. So Janna is a transgirl. That's the end of it.
could you stop hating on that beautiful little girl?
She is adorable and misunderstood. I bet she is in mewnie because she would be all alone on earth. But at prom night she will be the pretiest girl in the whole school.
Star killed a man for talking the truth. But Tom or Eclipsa mind raping her is mildly annoying apparently .
Any screencaps of Eclipsa's cornonation dress?
Globgor is actually a sweetheart not a bad boy. Truely did not see that coming.
Oh, that's probably just rage user. He's been being boisterous and annoying for some time now. I'm sure the rest of the thread is filled with his drivel.
What a nice dream, user.
Which is kind of moronic because Mina and Meteora were featured in the last one, and Meteora fucking wiped the floor with Mina then. With ALL the powerhouses currently stacked on one side, Mina and a big Bird don't seem like much of a threat.
brainwashed retard
So Rhom is off the council for good?
They're working on that giant knight mecha thing right now
I mean shes a white female they only run from responsibilities for bad boys.
That shit was made with Magic. One blast of Eclipsa's anti-ligger spell, and shits neutralized
>Globgor is actually a sweetheart not a bad boy. Truely did not see that coming.
Wow, subversion of expectations sure is GREAT, isn't it?! That user sure hit the nail on the head! EVERYTHING is better when you don't follow CLICHÉ expectations. Why, I sure wish more shows would do this kind of thing
Perhaps the superarmor will have an enchantment that allows it to be impervious to spells that remove enchantments.
She seems to know about Solaria's spells and could create her own Solarian army.
That's pretty alarming taking into account Monster Town's wild card is a baby.
so i was not the only one.
Miners minors.... one can easily mix these two
Is this spell the real final boss?
Eclipsa's going to use it on Mina.
Reminder that modern cartoons are made for tumblr and tumblr fucking love Eclipsa vs the Forces of Bigotry so the staff actually believe the show is better than ever and every hater is an alt-righter that voted from Drumpf
Show should’ve ended with them realizing Magic creates suffering and seal off the magic realm, end it with them rebuilding a destroyed town from the effects of magic.
So magic then becomes an analogue for fossil fuel/nuclear power?
>the real forces of evil is the Nuclear Arsenel ready to destroy everything you know and love in a moment that is ever ready to be deployed against you.
Daron wasn't even a part of the generation that lived with the existential terror that was 'The Cold War'...
It certainly is far scarier than Mina.
After all the sugar these last episodes poured inside my system I'd like to feel the surprising threat I felt with A Spell with no Name again.
I like it a lot and that fact that you keep coming into these threads shitting on it shows how pathetic you are. Just don't watch it
All hail our onlyt true warriot queen!!!!
Make Mewni Great Again!!!
>Mewni has trains
The tech of this civilization gets even more confusing as they must have had an industrial revolution to have trains.
Based conservative generation Z
Ironically mewmens are interracial and mentally deficient while the Butterfly family are aryans and rule them as benevolent dictators. That sound like a /pol/ wet dream, literally white man burden
Mina is a weapon with a mind why are people surprised at her behavior?
Dude. They have magical cellphones and can interact with dimensions that have normal level of technology.
fuck at least I won't to see a "good" character dying
I hope Mina at least kills Globgor
Jews want to rule mixed people /pol/ doesnt.
So the (((council))) is the faccade of all (((god's people)))?
Glob is why you can do magic, the council are his spawn so they have the right to tell you what to do with magic its that simple.
Well this is the most fitting way to release the spell from the wand. Using it.
>I like it a lot
And that's an automatic fucking lie. How do I know?
You're posting in an svtfoe thread.
Based and redpilled
Eclipsa was an idiot who let the Death Chicken walk free
the ribbon will be pulled free and all hell will break loose
What about a white minority ruling over the vast brown masses? Except those brown masses need to be ruled by their white masters because they're savages and their skulls have the wrong shape. That sound like western colonialism.
There are more chances of Eclipsa dying and Star becoming acting queen until Meteora is a teenager.
Because uncle POL is smart
Is actually much rather her kill Eclipsa, or both of them. Give Star a reason to rise once again as queen.
>but Meteora's still a baby
Yeah, and it seems Star and Marco do a better job of looking after her than her own mother, who is constantly losing her or whatnot
Isnt it only effective on Rhombulus crystals?
White people is majority in all west world...except Canada, but (((who))) cares about the skin color of all people?
>Sorry Tom you are so better than u i dont deserved you , i am trash i know but i cant be without Marco"
>"Trash like trash , i am really sorry Tom"
So this is your message Nercy? neat if so
Whites never once cared about controlling brown people they just wanted the lush natural resources in those continents. Romans allowed middle eastern people they conquer to still administrate their people for example. White supremacy was invented as a way to stop the money train aka the slave trade from ending by europeans who started feeling sorry for the african slaves so they would teach them that black africans are subhumans so the money train would never end. Before slavery whites didnt give a flying fuck about blacks.
That's true but we're discussing white man's burden and how unintentionally StarVs support it
Why was Globgor depicted without a tail until recently?
his HUGE PACKAGE was blocking the view
Janna turning out to be evil and having orchestrated everything in order to steal Marco for herself would redeem a good deal of the series
Why do the MHC not like monsters?
Weren't the magic high council created to serve and protect mewmans?
why is this allowed?
Post Ludo
Eclipsa said Meteora had her father's tail in Season 3.
Glob has a soi voice I expected something much deeper.
most mewmans seem to be brown except the Johansens and the royal family which are blonde with british accents
That would be too threatening, they want Glob to be liked.
What if Ludo really is the final boss?
Because it's all talking about stuff from the episodes and not my personal life, so not actually a blog? I don't think you could really find out anything about me from that shit other than I don't like Star Vs.
Ludo got over that whole thing. He only wanted the wand and rule over Mewni so that he could stick it to his own bossing father.
But now that Ludo and his siblings are all living on their own and building their own home, they're independent and aren't beholden to any expectations from old people anymore.
Especially since Ludo is actually now an old person himself.
>Mewni has trains
Not necessarily, minecarts existed several centuries before trains did
It's cuz he's a dindu. We can't have people thinking he's an actual threat now, can we?
>do some crimes
>get crystallized
>break out 300 years later so your crimes aren't a big deal anymore
>also monster racism is almost over
>ALSO your daughter is for some unknown reasons still a baby
crystallization sounds like a pretty great punishment
He did plenty of wrong. He got crystaljailed for it. He served his time. And now he's reformed and free, and the descendants of the people that he killed centuries ago don't give a crap anymore.
Not his problem if the MHC preferred crystaljailing him instead of executing him.
When Star showed up it was so fucking weird seeing her again, it felt like she hadn't shown up for the whole season. Holy shit I miss season 1 and 2 Star now.
Reminder the MHC crystallized a guy who destroyed a planet yet Globgor is seen as Satan for some reason.
They are weaving too many plot threads together that go absolutely nowhere
Well, it wasn't THEIR planet.
The (((Magic High Council))) was created to serve and protect herself against newmans
She's got a big tongue.
Looks like he was crystalized mid-rampage
I kinda find it fitting as he is supposed to be seductive enough to conquer a queen's heart.
I'm no queen but he's conquering it just fine.
I want her to tickle my pickle
I want her to spackle my tackle.
Please explain.
We Eclipsa vs the Forces of Evil now. Isn't that what you MILF apologists wanted? Are you not entertained?!
God, I hope this puts an end to Eclipsa and her whole goddamn family. They've gotten far too much screen time in the series as is.
Star restoring the rule of the legitimate ruler AND ending the racism between her people and the monsters is quite a commendable feat.
He is just overreating, the final villain is Mina because she can't move on.
Solaria's brainwash keeps her stuck in the past no matter if her era was the worst for Mewni.
As someone from a country which lived a civil war in this very century I understand the show's message and support it 100% now. You cannot imagine how fucking tiredsome is to deal with assholes who keep on bringing the topic and can't let it rest now that we are at peace (mostly politicians who seek to for conflict to rise in order to get easy votes)
Fuck Mina, she represents everything which is wrong in my country. I'm siding with Star on this.
Because he looks good in a suit
>Yea Forums seething about Eclipsa again
Keep the salt coming.
So Mina is the real good guy? I said I didn't watch past the second season, I have no idea who Mina even is.
She was totally into Globgor this chapter and took a picture of him for masturbatory purposes.
Don't blame her, he is so dreamy.
>took a picture of him for masturbatory purposes.
>Star went from a fun character to an over serious bitch who dates cucks
Cucks? WHERE?
>Globgor has a bean accent
Also, really glad that the MHC didn't just let Crystal sperg get a slap on the wrist for his bullshit
The real BAD guy
Mina is an inmortal warrior from Solaria's era who fell into insanity due to the human experimentation she was put through by the queen.
She can't live without conflict and neither can she accept change. She wants the solarian era back, even if every single character of the show who knows about it tells her it was Mewni's darkest hour... whose consequences lasted to this day.
Mina was the crazy homeless Sailor Moon from the second season; you should've seen her before.
S3 and S4 have tried to make her a villain bent on killing monsters and reestablishing Mewman supremacy etc.; though she jobbed offfscreen around the S3 climax she MAY do more this time around. She has the backstory of being the last survivor of a dangerous super-soldier program started by Eclipsa's mother Solaria the Monster-Carver and is like 350+ years old or something, and is now implied to be attempting to restart the program or something.
She's most definitely meant to be a villain in the show, but a lot of anons find her sympathetic due to her being delusional and her status as a living weapon. She's really devoted to her cause.
>I'm a more mature an wise person now
>I'll keep dating this guy even if our relationship has no passion and I love my best friend who reciprocate my feelings
Well irl women are this retarded but come on, this is a fantasy
He conquered Eclipsa's heart because she loves monster dick.
I cannot believe you're portraying her as a bad guy when she volunteered to do the unthinkable to protect Mewni being raided by monsters. The cognitive dissonance is so grating it's like I'm reading Trudeau's "If you kill your enemies, they win," tweet all over again.
Mina pls go
Mina did nothing wrong
This is what happened, for real:
>Takes picture of shirtless Globgor
>Stares at her mobile phone screen (the picture she just took) with lustful eyes
>"Nice job Eclipsa...I get it now"
>Hides the mobile phone and leaves.
It wasn't even subtle.
Still reads as misunderstood good. A victim who wants to be a hero for a cause.
Actually I'm and I love Mina. She's definitely better than Eclipsa and co. and it's a shame she won't win.
I was just putting out the facts as far as the show goes and how they're likely to continue portraying her.
>Y-you noticed?
If you care about something, don't frame it in a snide way that can be perceived as a truth. It's like /pol/ taking "WE WUZ KANGS" and using it as an argument to justify African-Americans being enslaved by Jewish-Americans as "retaliation" for what happened in Egypt, and encouraging African-Americans to commit violence on Jewish-Americans for forcing them on social programs and keeping them "down".
Season 1
The cool exboyfriend everygirl lusts after
all other seasons
the cuck.
What a way to go down.
I have always dig in the idea of Janna as the true main villian of the show, all just because she got tired of never been taken in account for Marca as an "potential girlfriend" or even as just a friend
Jews are not Americans.
I wish my country's military go beyond to protect our nation. First worlders don't appreciate the people willing to shove their hands into the shit so they can enjoy their onions lattes.
Since when is Janna trans
In this show's crew
>civil war
Now that Eclipsa is queen and monster racism is dead, Star can finally devote herself to being the girlfriend Tom always wanted.
Wasn't trying to be snide, honest
Globgor also fought to protect his people from Mewmans trying to enslave them, steal their properties and genocide their tribes... yet he wants all conflicts to end even if he must sacrifize himself in the process.
Mina needs war, she needs an enemy and can't understand there is no more reason for fighting.
She'll rather start another 400 years of war rather than accept there are other ways to solve things. Even Moon, who chose not to follow Comet's peaceful ways understands she is insane.
I guess you are some shitty spoiled kid who has only seen war in movies but my grandfather was fucking murdered in cold blood in front of his family during my country's dictatorship period... now we are a democracy and we live great, but according to Mina's logic I should buy a gun and start murdering in cold blood every single descendant of the enemy from my grandpa's times.
That's not how it works, you psycho.
Since that chin first allowed up on screen. Since it was first revealed she was a flip.
Being crystallized and let your fugly mutt daughter live was too humane for a man eating abomination and a war enemy.
At the end of the day, there is an "us", and there is a "them". This is the way societies grow and evolve. In a democracy, you have "us", voting for the most-rational, most-beneficial, most-intelligent things, and you have "them", voting for insane, destruction, ridiculous things. No matter which government you wish to establish, there is always an "us", and a "them".
I, personally, hate both Eclipsa and Globgor.
I, personally, hate the direction the show took with this juvenile attempt at integration.
I, personally, hate that fans are rewriting fictional history to make their argument seem sound in hating Solaria and Mina.
Strictly within the context of the show, because I hate subverted expectations, hamfisted politics, and destroying a show's lore, I support Mina. It's as simple as that.
You're assuming she's wrong about monsters.
You're assuming there isn't some third party at work driving this conflict.
You're forgetting who's magic was used to turn her into a monster and for what purpose she was remade.
At worst she's a victim.
Oh, and the "dats wacist" argument doesn't work.
>Globgor can change the size of his appendages
Honestly kind of behind this. The creators seriously pursued out and took the easy way out instead if embedding the kind of gray layers that were present during the earlier seasons.
But painting everything in this black-white, good-evil instead of dipping down for the chunks of the most interesting dynamics presented in the show was a horrible act of lazy writing. I'm honestly starting to think Daron suffered such a Hirsch burnout by the end of S3 that she gave carte blanche for the entirety of S4 to the crew.
>Globgor: "There is no need to fight. Crystalize me instead"
>Mina: "Hurr durr, war"
Sorry mate, but even the MHC agreed he was in the right (including Heekapoo who had a genocidal phase). Minus Rhombulus, whose now in prison for being as retarded as Mina.
PS: Meteora was cute this last episode. She loves Star a lot.
>PS: Meteora was cute this last episode. She loves Star a lot.
Good, better for her to accept her new mommy when Mina ends both of her parents.
Judging Dennis’ age and the other siblings, I think Ludo is in his late 20s, I don’t think he’s that old.
star should take off her socks more
>In a democracy, you have "us", voting for the most-rational, most-beneficial, most-intelligent things, and you have "them", voting for insane, destruction, ridiculous things.
Except Mewni has never been a democracy until today's episode, when Eclipsa let them choose what citizens wanted to do with Globgor.
And, democraticaly, they chose him as his king.
Mina is "them", the destructive force against democracy and peace. And, by the end of the show you'll see she is completely alone in this crusade.
Now if you seek for war so much, join the army or something, yet you'll soon find out NOBODY is the enemy forever. The world moves and alliances change... and those who can accept it, like Mina and you, are cursed to get rid of for the sake of progress and a better life style.
Just let the past go, you numbnut.
A better life like casting her own citizens out of their homes? Like following her own selfish causes to the point that Star butterfly, one of the most selfish characters in this show calls her out on it? A life where you can be spies on and mind read at any time because the queen doesn’t see anything wrong with it? If this show’s characters weren’t brain dead she’d have been deposed and executed a long time ago.
Never. Janna is a beautiful girl
Ludo seems to have lived another entire lifetime in another dimension to get the wand/bell, so he's probably twice as old as he biologically should be.
Kinda like Marco, who mentally has lived through 30 to 40 years already.
Would you let a criminal who eats people go because it was in the past? No society should have to suffer such a presence.
Mina's actions are pitch black in the good-evil scale based on the shows morals, but she's at least a sympathetic character. Her brain was literally fucked with—she's just physically incapable of thinking any other way. That's where the potential interest lies this season, they've already portrayed her in a sympathetic light without making her a good guy dindu.
So basically: MINA IS OUR SAVIOUR. With so much foreshadowing there's no way she won't incite some glorious conflict into the story. Whereas Rhombulus was just a wet fart of a character, the writers really fucked him over christ I hope he gets another episode to patch up whatever is left of his character.
When I was using democracy as an argument, I was talking about your statement that reads, "now we are a democracy and we live great." I was pointing out that it's not the social system that determines the prosperity of a nation, but who is in charge. Adolf Hitler was nominated Person of the Year by Time Magazine because his country went from impoverished to one of the wealthiest in the world, a huge achievement after losing a war, being put on the sour spot of war penalties, and the world's economy suffering from the Great Depression, like in the US at the time.
Within the context of the show, however, you have Crescenta, who used democracy as a tool to subvert monster nations to keep them under the Butterfly Kingdom's heel. Her chapter explains her campaign strategy of propaganda (her word) and funding while also slandering Seth and Septarsis so the Avarius family would win. This is in the Spellbook, as well as other things I've brought up, from monsters attacking first when Solaria was queen, and Mina volunteering to go through the Solarian Program first.
Eh, what's the problem for the government being able to read your mind at any time? We're all willing to tell private companies ALL our secrets for free benefit of some internet communication services, and the government can get that knowledge whenever it wants at any time under any justification, and everybody is fine with it.
She's an absolute monarch. They're allowed to do that. That's what the mewmans want. An allpowerful nanny goddess who knows what is best for them and tells them how to live their entire life.
>what's the problem for the government being able to read your mind at any time?
gee I wonder
general Internet usage =/= literally delving into someone's mind to get what you want
Eclipsa's mind-reading was portrayed as, wrong she won't be doing it again and seems like the show really is taking steps towards a more "democratic" Mewni where the Average Joe has more rights than before
If he doesn't eat people anymore and hasn't done so for long enough, then sure. After all, the ruling elites in their infinite (lack) of wisdom decided that he should only be imprisoned instead of executed.
If I'm stupid enough to trust that institution, then I deserve it. If I believe that it's not right, then I have the freedom to try to persuade enough people that the institution ought to be changed.
So if Eclipsa agrees that it's bad and that she shouldn't do it again, what's the problem?
That's their fault for living like leeches to the Queen's magic and good grace. If they don't like it they can fuck off.
i see you every new episode thread, its like im following your blog now
It's actually kinda hilarious how the inclusive and rapidly improving society is having a great coronation/cornonation at a temple that screams pure evil in a totally metal way in any other typical fantasy setting.
But eh, if you do have a queen named Eclipsa, then go for it.
Humans are naturally inclined to be less-tolerant towards potential threats, than they are to be accepting of potential rewards. A leader who promises to never use a nuclear bomb, for example, but still has a nuke in their arsenal, is still the same level of threat as someone threatening to end civilization with one.
I get that, but I only do it once a week, in one single new episode thread, don't repost that shit anywhere else, and don't use a trip/username or connect those posts to any other posts I make in any other Star threads. The posts are also just limited to the content of episodes and not my personal life or wacky internet identity or shit like that. It's 100% discussing the show.
>hasn't done so for long enough
he was cristalazed, does the time in the cristal count as jail time? (the time in the cristal really passed? or to him it was like 2 seconds?) depending on the answere the situation change
you cant let crimes of the past be without punishement just because he said he is not going to do it again, thats not how things works, you arent suppoust to get away whit being bad just because you say sorry
If the latest episode is to be believed, where he's unable to perceive physical reality, then being crystalized doesn't also cause the victim to still experience the perception of time. However, in Moon the Undaunted, Eclipsa was apparently aware enough of the Snookers bars in the vending machine in front of her prison, so pick your preference for your argument.
fuck the Blades
no but really it was kind of weird how he was joking about eating more Mewmans, and talks about how much he misses it.
Either way, he missed his daughter's birth while he was crystalized, so it wasn't a free ride for him.
You do get away with it once the powers in charge decide that your punishment time is over.
In an absolute monarchy, said power in charge is the monarch, obviously.
And even then, in Globgor's case, the people got to decide if they accept him or not. In the end, they decided that they don't care for his people eating past anymore.
The fact he ate Shastacan is proof that he was "alive" for his daughters birth.
Yeah, it's really not clear what time spent in the crystal is like and it majorly affects how severely we're meant to take it.
I've always kind of assumed that since their bodies are frozen in stasis then their minds are too, and so being crystallized for 300 years is pretty much nothing because it'll feel the same as like 3 seconds. The part where Rhombulus unfreezes Star and she continues screaming like she was before she was crystallized implies to me that the person imprisoned doesn't perceive the passage of time in the crystal. If that's the case, then, Eclipsa hasn't really suffered and Globgor shouldn't be literally getting away with murder.
If somehow their minds remain unfrozen, though, things could change. Eclipsa's punishment would actually be pretty hellish then, and Globgor could have had enough time to atone for what he did. It's fantasy logic that wouldn't hold up in reality, but the fact that Eclipsa was able to go into Globgor's mind and he could remember that after being freed could be taken as a point for that side. It's hard to tell, though, since Eclipsa was literally using magic.
I think Globgor's getting away with too much, unless he somehow accidentally ate Shastacan or some shit.
What crimes?
He was a warlord before Eclipsa tamed him, eating whatever Mewmans he came across. Doing things like burning the Spiderbite kingdom to the ground. Also devoured a king.
the only people that cared about Globgor eating Shastacan are the current Spiderbite family and they were present at the coronation and apparently didn't give a shit at all of a sudden that he's freed
That's war, you are implying that he broke laws, and I doubt Mewmi has laws of engagement. And even if he committed a crime, he can be pardoned by the Queen. If Mewmans don't like it, they can suck it.
Yes. The public made their decision, Glogbor is now an innocent man. Probably very few even know the full extent of his crimes since even Star was unaware he ate the king. Not that it matters because even if they knew they wouldn't care.
Or maybe he was just a monster...
To be fair Rhombulus was always retarded. He crystal'd people swiftly based on random hunches that were wrong most of the time
And he was fine with collateral damages anyway.
Globgor ate people? And that's okay because Eclipsa uses her magic to brain-rape a crowd into saying yes?
Fuck that. Eclipsa is confirmed evil.
Tumblr fucking loved the Coronation episode. Considering nobody is following Star Vs anymore, the fanbase is only Yea Forums and tumblr. Yea Forums hated the new episodes but tumblr love them and only tumblr has a voice
How long until the word "Monster" is abolished for being racist and everyone is called "Mewman"
why did he eat shasta anyway?
I thought it was because he was sure they killed Meteora but considering he asked Eclipsa how's she doing when they were in his mind means he always knew they just gave her away?
Glossaryck really shouldn't have made his minions eternal children in mind.
I prefer the term mewnster.
>If he doesn't eat people anymore and hasn't done so for long enough, then sure.
Are you willing to make the same argument for rape or pedophilia?
Why not? Globgor likes to eat mewmans and nobody likes cucks so it's not a big deal and the latest episode prove it
Thank you for agreeing with me. It's nice to be on the same page with another intelligent person.
I want an episode where Glossaryck tells to the MHC they were his biggest failure.
Why are stars eyes slightly yellow
For kidnapping her, even though it was probably the MHC who did it. The reason Shastacan was punished and not the MHC, or any other party that was involved, was because Shastacan was vulnerable. He couldn't personally defend himself from Glogbor.
Murder, at least, has no statute of limitations.
Star's dad already admit he wished Star never born so it's not farfetched
He could've defended himself if he just played the BUT I'M A DADDY TOO card like River did
If society unironically is fine with it, then so be it. I would of course then leave said society, as it clearly means that I couldn't be part of it if they do something that goes against my own moral compass.
He is basically going through a Ponydad phase after all the crazy horseshit that has transpired as of late
"Once you have kids you kind of just wish they weren't around..."
That's just some normal midlife crisis doubt that some old people go through when their way of life is being changed.
In the end, he still is proud of his daughter and loves and support her.
but he's not
I'm just gonna pretend she is pregs and beat off to this
Things will be way better if Star never born though. She was a bad seed from the start
did they really have to have him say that
i get what they were going for, how he appreciates Star by the end and defends his right as a dad or whatever making a connection with Glogbor
but no
you would never hear Moon say something like that, and it's not like River was ever a super involved dad so why again did Star's birth "ruin" him?
I can't like River as a character the show just won't let me
What did Eclipsa take from the vault when Moon was asleep?
Watch it, Rhombulus. Star kicked your butt several times already.
I thank the anons for posting spoiler pics from the show, you are doing me a great service from this shitshow we call star vs. I thank thee for saving me from the fart joke that was prone to happen since this show's comedy is truly abysmal. It truly saddens me being a season 1 fag how this show is gonna die in a whimper. I pray for all the other season 1 fags that are still watching this show.
Festivia, bitch. Adopted still counts
or he could've just lied. What's Globby gonna do, run a paternity test?
The page that allows her to destroy rhombulus crystals.
the script for the rest of the show
The Royal family is not blonde. Only Star is blonde because of River.
Daddy issues are part of burger culture. Parents throw their children right after they're 18, they only see each other in Christmas or special occasions and then the children throw their parents to a retirement home. No wonder why murrica has so many school shooters
Festivia wasn't his. She was literally just some random baby of pie folk
Also Shastacan strikes me as too posh and retarded to think of playing that card regardless. If anything he probably made his situation worse before Globgor ate him
because he isn't retarded unlike the other characters
People take you more seriously when you are wearing a suit
there's actually no proof that Festivia was already with Shastacan when he got killed, all the time we see baby Festivia Heckapoo is holding her
River, Toffee, Rhombulus, and even Dennis of all people. What character will be the next casualty of terrible writing?
better comedy, better ships, better writing, better characters, better waifus, better MC, better artstyle, better sjw pandering. Better in every aspect. now star vs will die in a whimper, truly pathetic, yet sad.
There was a brown queen, and one of the queens married a demon so Star and Moon aren't even fully Mewman, which less fully white.
Hes just being a medieval age man they only wanted sons as daughters were useless vermin.
i wanted to remind you of Crescenta but then realised that they both aren't blonde. their hair are yellow.
Probably our dear Mina, sad to say.
Eh, I don't see any problem with dads not trying to stick around too long with their kids. That has the benefit of people growing independent. Nowadays, people say that children live with their parents together far too long, which is unhealthy for both sides.
Steven Universe is still ongoing even after that disaster of a finale three months ago.
No, that's what she took from Star's room.
While Moon slept Eclipsa searched what happened to Globgor and where to find him.
It doesn’t really fit with the show though, he was the one who married into a matriarchy.
>That has the benefit of people growing independent.
All evidence shows the exact opposite.
>Nowadays, people say that children live with their parents together far too long, which is unhealthy for both sides.
Who are "people" and what do you mean by nowadays? For nearly the entire history of humanity people lived together in inter-generational households. Only the last few generations of western society had people moving out at the age of 18.
ew Star has a freakishly long upper arm
Mina freed Manfred. He's going to be important to Mina's attack.
Marco broke up with Kelly because he's still in love with Star.
Star told Eclipsa she knows what it's like to be away from someone you love. She's talking about Marco going back to earth. She is still in love with Marco.
Tom getting a dragon cycle was him trying to be more like Marco so Star will like him more. Tom is perfectly aware that Marco and Star are still in love.
Literally the only people who do not know that Star and Marco love each other are Star and Marco, each believing that the other was "cured" by the breaking of the Curse of the Blod Moon.
It's possible that the fight with Mina will be the catalyst for them admitting their feelings to each other. Just like all the confessing that happened when Meteora attacked.
That dumpster fire of a finale was better than the whole seasons of 3 and 4 of star vs.
>Tom is perfectly aware that Marco and Star are still in love.
Yeah I did not get that impression at all. He's going to be completely blindsided when Star and Marco fall back together.
I haven't enjoyed a single Steven Universe episode since the one Jasper tried to kidnap everybody.
Yet, Star vs. always finds a way to be interesting and allows me to theorize.
Based. I want a nanny goddess. This show has finally won me over.
I want Eclipsa to be my nanny
Just say you like your fanfic better.
I think only the neverzone had that weird "time passes by much faster" rule. Ludo just looks old because he is the runt of the litter.
He still had some adventure and shared history somehow with that otherdimensional version of Star Butterfly who had space stuff and was brownskinned.
Ultimately, it's magick, so you ain't gonna have to explain shit.
Steven Universe has a more interesting setting than Star though.
You forgotten about the mini BOSS!
Today's episode surpassed any romantic fanfiction.
It was beautiful
no one talking about Eclipsa taking giant dick
we've known about the size shifting thing for months now slowfag
yeah tu public decided, but that doesnt make it etic or morally good, its people just throwing everything under the rug and acting like the holocauste never happened
its just a bad message for a kid show, why not just probe that what he did wasnt just an act of angryness? why dont make it so that the cristalazation was his jail time and now he want to change? why is the show just making him the bad guy and then just leting him get away with it whitout repercusion, are the writters childrens?
I know that you retard, is exactly because he shape shift the Eclipsa was getting whale dicked
And after enjoying giant dicking you can take your monster husband everywhere with his pocket size option.
Buy yours now!
where is the ethic or morallity on that? why make them look like the good guys if at the end of the day they are just bad people getting away whit it because they have the power and are the strongher one, if thats the case what is stopping them from just doing it again
are you telling me the high commision were right? is that your point?
I want Nefcy to get fired so she can actually tell people what the fuck went wrong with this show.
It all seems to track back to the show being renewed for a 3rd and 4th season instead of ending it with the movie. But that doesn't explain what they were setting Jackie up for.
If the new generation ain't caring anymore, then so be it. Just like some people don't really care or wanna be defined by what their greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrampas did in the battle against the greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrampas of those blokes over there.
deep down and the butterfly form are like super saiyan, doesnt mean anything anymore and gets less impressive every time its shown
>"my turn!"
I wonder if his death will send Mina over the edge?
It's the morality of the queen knows best.
Why do you subject yourself to this inane thinking and talking and independence stuff? Honestly user, the facts of life are simple. If your mother never told you to fuck off you'd still be clinging to her tits in absolute bliss. That's the ultimate and final evolution of existence, a world where there is only one mother and we are all connected to her bosom. Join us, user. No more questions, no more discussion. Suck the boob of the fair godmother's milk!
then why did Eclipsa become queen, when the fake butterflys were treated as royals for 300 years already it shouldn't be such a big deal, but no then there's Star
ah, thats the message of this show, now i finally get it
dont think, just follow the girl and obey their orders, if she wants to cuck you so be it, you are not an individual, just a baby
thanks user, now im a cuck
and he also can fit in there entirely, some other user also said he can play shota for Eclipsa.
>Sweet baby boy
I think she would be into that
Globgor's reign of destruction was hundreds of years ago. The only people who were alive during it were Eclipsa, who's vouching for him, and the Magical High Commission, who have some very clear biases against him. If modern people are willing to pardon his crimes as long as he isn't causing any trouble in the present, then that's their choice. He didn't personally attack anyone who's still alive to protest against it (other than the magical high commission, who freed a being they believed was going to go on a murder rampage just to prove a point).
because Star made it a big deal and gave up the crown
>dedicated His whole life to protect others and put bad guys in jail
>Gets jailed for life
>Eats people, make songs and dances about how he tortured them, paints with blood of the victims and killed innocent
>Free because he cried and protected his baby abomination
This show is pure shit
>yfw janna played 4D chess all the time
>yfw she's getting marco's marco even if he didn't wanted in the beginning
the madlady did it she played us all.
Globgor is the cutest in every size.
The way he gentlely puts his wife back down on the floor is adorable.
>>dedicated His whole life to protect others and put bad guys in jail
>>Gets jailed for life
He kinda sucked at it.
Might, but she still needs more Rule34.
>dedicated His whole life to protect others and put bad guys in jail
In his first appearance, he imprisoned Star for something she didn't do, then turned around and imprisoned the Goat for pointing out that he shouldn't have done it. Dude's probably imprisoned hundreds of people for no real reason over the years.
so now that marco literally ended with all his harem members where does he goes now? tomstar is still strong and kellco is out of play unless they pull one of the biggest asspulls ever in animation, starco isn't happening.
Even if she had legitimate reasons to fight originally, the war is over, and Mewmen and monsters have buried the hatchet. Mina still wanting to carry out a war that's already over would be like if someone from World War II survived to this day and was still flipping out about Japanese and German people being in the country.
>Mina needs war, she needs an enemy and can't understand there is no more reason for fighting.
>She'll rather start another 400 years of war rather than accept there are other ways to solve things.
True. Even in her introductory episode, she wanted to conquer humans who were just minding their own business.
That's their problem for living as leeches to the Queen. If they want to continue the conflict they can do it outside the protection of the kingdom. Same with the monsters who are now going to accept the atrocities Solaria and other Queens did to them. If you want peace then accept the terms of the Queen.
>starco isn't happening
oh my sweet innocent child
prepare yourself
He could always loop back to hekapoo, they never actually started
According to today's episode she has officialy dated both monster dudes in her dragon back squad.
Only Marco and Tom remain.
>nefcy is trying to sell us this autist girl can be final boss material
OHNONONONO! the absolute state of stvfoe,
at least steven universe did deliver in the final boss even if it was shit.
Mina unironically has way more potential than White as of now, until Nefcy fucks her up
She doesn't have to be able to do it alone. She can do it with the help of enough dissatisfied other people who seek to return the status quo among the Moon community mewmans.
More likely she'll come back with an army and fight the evil Eclipsa only to be defeated but buying time for Star and company to flee into hiding.
Perhaps Ludo will be involved.
You're all going to be so embarrassed when Eclipsa was evil the entire time.
did she got tricked out of earth by some votes? and didnt she jobbed to Meteora? shes not treatening at all
White Diamond was trashier than any SVTFOE villain.
At least we know for sure Mina won't change her mind because of a blush.
>It's going to turn out that Eclipsa is pure evil along with Globgor and it was all a plot to take over the kingdom.
>It wasn't about species at all and the only way to save the kingdom from their brutal dominion is for the Mewmans and Monsters to work together.
Calling it.
you mean the retarded Mewmans?
so what the fuck is evil Eclipsa gonna do?
you sure? Mina is kinda dumb and she can always be magically redeemed
Yes. Those very same retards
her heart wasn't in conquering the Earth, showing how she was able to swayed like that was to demonstrate her crazed brain. I liked her introduction episode. she jobbed to Meteora because Meteora is the special super amazing awesome most powerful monster ever can oneshot anyone yadayada.
I just saying, with 3 queens (I counting Star), Globgor and maybe the MHC, and with Mina being kinda dumb I dont see her being a threat to anything
>gets jailed for life
we don't know how he's being punished, and rob has a history of being really impulsive. i know meme fags don't care about facts but come the fuck on.
she better be or Nefcy is dead to me
In the long term, she won't be. But depending on how Mina does it, she could become a rallying symbol for bigoted mewmans who want to be angry.
They're at least writing Mina slightly more seriously/dramatically this season compared to the last 2.
i want to lick and sniff her brapper
fuck off Shadman
That hypothetical society doesn't condone the sexual abuse of minors, just liberate someone who raped children 300 years ago but now swear he doesn't do that anymore and well, the children he raped died centuries ago, so...
the people os mewni is not ready for democracy, if they receive a democracy they will quick turn it into a mess, they would quick use the powers to kill each other like in the arab countries when the super powers tried to turn them into democracy.
Yeah she went to my High School. Was my Valley Victorian.
>which is unhealthy for both sides.
Says fucking who? American society is a fucking mess of sexually confused and depressed people
His name was Hiroo Onoda, and unlike Mewmans treating Mina, he was treated as a war hero and was offered compensation for all of his years of service, which he declined and instead set up an organization to help nationalize the youth growing up in Japan five decades after WWII's resolution.
Moon already said she is not going to fight Mina because she just wants to relax now.
Lunch room. Show her that and she might start acting weird or ask you where you got it.
until Star gets clobbered and Moon jumps in
And unlike Mina when his superiors told him that t he war was over, he accepted it and surrendered to the villagers he was killing and stealing from for decades.
she could at least tell them about it
I don't understand Moon
Thank you.
so, did Moon lost her powers? or...
>Steven Universe has a more interesting setting than Star though.
He didn't surrender until his ORIGINAL commander told him to surrender. If Mina had Solaria telling her it was time to stop, and Mina refused, then Mina would be justifiably evil. As it is now, she's doing her duty to her queen and her country.
Mina got her brain scrambled though, she literally can't not think the monsters are evil.
>No one has defended Mewni so selflessly for so long, but the Solarian project was a dark time in our history... And their soldiers paid a terrible price for what was done to them.
Why is that?
>Inker put the comic on hiatus until the requester says something
For fuck's sake
>This precious sailor moon waifu will be beaten and probably ruined as a character in the finale
I'm not ready anons
silly user, magic can fix anything
wow I own the same juggling balls
Shes no real queen. She didnt win shit in High School. She bows to our Prom Queen Cali.
It seems like the final villain of the whole show ought to be MORE threatening than the previous season's villain, not less.
It's most kids shows these days.
The writing is getting more sophisticated and bold in exploring old cliches like good vs evil and "monsters"...while still sticking to others like the fantasy monarchy because they're easier to write.
However by trying to shine a light on the species relations as a colonial allegory, in order to deconstruct it, they've inadvertently shone a light on autocracy whilst remaining uncritical of it.
Or they really are preparing for the day when these monopolies turn into feudalism and are planning on being on the winning side.
If she turns the retarded Mewmans into Solarian super-soldiers like herself and her pet crow, they could present some sort of threat. I guess. I mean Mina's just a retarded Mewman herself, the only reason she's dangerous is that Solaria magic-ed her into being strong.
>Mina's arc ends with them wiping away her negative emotions
no thanks
>when the super powers tried to turn them into democracy
Yeah in return for all those lovely oil and resources
>using spells by filthy pie folk descendants
What are you talking about? Saudi Arabia is still a Sheikh kingdom. When they want stability, America leaves a place be. It's when they deliberately want chaos to hurt their competitors that they bring out le democracy meme like in Afghanistan and Iran.
Pretty sure her plan involves experimenting with the mewmans in Moon's settlement.
she doesn't care anymore
does anyone feel like earlier in the show they had plans for other things and then had to change everything? as if the original plans for the story were different than what we are getting
>the initial portrayals of eclipsa
>meteora's mole
>the sea captain and the blood moon
>monster arm
Mina on her own won't be much of a huge threat unless she is somehow able to make a Legion of Solarians using Human and or random people uncontested.
Otherwise she will simply be the trigger to a more catastrophic event.
>starco isn't happening
So the only thing keeping Eclipsa from ultimate power is Moon?
Yes. I think you can basically track back to when they defaulted on their original plans to the moment Marco's cape was a meat cloth. I mean, thinking about it logically that decision was likely decided BEFORE the Jackie-Marco break up episode, as an underlying mental note to make him even more pathetic for wearing it and proclaiming himself a Mewnian knight.
Literally the cape being fake joke ruined the series.
the only thing keeping Eclipsa from ultimate power is being really fucking indecisive
And with the love of her life supporting her now?
I love your mouth.
and now we're forced to look at that fucking cape every intro
They could release Eclipsa's nameless spell by accident.
Or they could use Eclipsa's nameless spell to kill Mina and signify that intolerance has no place in a progressive society.
Never thought I'd see something after that sketch I did. Nice job, user.
Is Sabrina really trying to push a trans narrative onto the Filippino character? That's basically racial stereotyping.
Mina's problem isn't intolerance but fear from moving on.
Even Moon clarified it.
she's a woman though
they'll find some way to "save" her
more like civilian unrest, such a drastic change in how mewman's go about there lives with generations of being told what too think about monsters just wen't out the fucking window in a relative blink of an eye, it's doubtful that when meteora becomes queen this still won't be a problem, maybe a couple of generations later it won't be seen as such a big deal.
Is Mina really wrong though?
They'll toss her in the RoM for a week and give her the Moon treatment
Unrest? She can brain control them easily. She probably won't even need to.
>Globgor actually dindu nuffin and he isn't understandably pissed about what happened to his family
>everything ends in a happy song and everyone is a-ok with globgor
>romance bullshit is still delayed, but one of the pairings was thrown away offscreen, making it even more fucking useless.
What a mistake of a final season.
Sorta but its understandable. She's basically been a war machine for hundreds of years and lost all her friends, family, and most importantly (to her) her war comrades. She's alone in a time and society that couldn't begin to TRULY understand what she's been through and how she feels except a choice few.
That combined with the nature of the experimentation and all that other crazy shit, Mina is a bit fucked up
there will always be a portion of the mewman population that cling too the teachings of a bygone era, and just because she can doesn't mean she should.
It's okay, he's clearly plotting with Eclipsa to take over the kingdom.
arent they already cool with him? also I skipped the ending firts time I watched because I tought it would be gay, and now that I watched, it was indeed very gay
I'm glad that the whole High Commission isn't being written off as one-note villains, but I still feel bad that Rhombulus is being thrown under the bus as the only one who did anything wrong in the end. He was always a dumb hothead, but he was still Star's bro early on, and seemed the most remorseful over the whole Butterfly family conspiracy.
no there was still some resentment in the crowd and a large chunk of the population probably didn't even attend, such as moons colony. Globgor even admitted he's probably not ready himself, and when faced with the ultimatum he was willing to be imprisoned again if it mean't his family was free.
Are they really making her the last boss or are you memeing? I haven't watched this shit in over a year.
go ahead and finger your little pussy, you perverted flipsy cuck.
Does that really matter now? Star doesn't have a reason to care about Mewni now, she literally said she wants to move on. Moon doesn't care either. Tom just wants to be with Star. Marco is probably going back to earth. Kelly, Ponyhead and Janna can die in a fire. Hekapoo's got nice thighs. The show might as well end now. Why care about their fight with Mina?
y, they made shit up as they went. I understand they have gotten more seasons than they predicted but if I was in their place, I would have finished what I started and more importantly how I planned. Just then would be a perfect time to proceed with a second chapter which should just mean more of the same thing but better. If it wasn't for the pointless, boring fillers, by the end of season 2 Starco should be complete and the story could easily transition to new adventures just with Star and Marco being a couple. What's wrong with that? I mean honestly, what the fuck would be wrong with that? Judging by the state of affairs nobody can handle that shipping crap. Not to mention, it would create some room for actual character developement
actually forget it. I am judging stupid ass cartoon aimed towards children under 13. Just honk if you understand me.
Eclipsa got the crown, Mina's not happy about it. That's pretty much the plotline we're getting right now. She's already super soldiered a bird like what happened to herself, probably indicative of her game plan.
Everything was most likely orchestated by Mina. He is too stupid to set up a two steps plan.
because Mina will most likely start fucking with Earth to convert Solarian soldiers
Mina is going to make it their problem
>put a girl in charge
>economy is so run down in the ground, she can't even wash her fucking shirt
Time for some reforms, bitch
Why did they abruptly write Toffee out of the show a season ago?
Nice reading comprehension. I didn't mention Mina at all.
Dark souls boss bird and Mina are really the only thing the show has left.
two steps?
step 1: release Globgor and make everyone think he is evil
step 2: win?
Mina's going to make Marco a solarian soldier.
>inb4 she get's recruits from the moon colony and tries a revolt.
I cant read that shit in the top left corner
Someone spoonfeed me the sauce thanks
That was the original ending for the whole show, then they found out they had to shit out 2 more seasons
It's mangamaster and that's all of it.
>Star Vs. got 2 seasons it didn't need
>Wander Over Yonder was cancelled before the second season even started airing
Marco is Eclipsa's knight
Shall i explain to you my dear friend.
The reason why toffee likes to wear a suit is quite simple, Toffee is in fact a business man.
Toffee worked in wall street for 5-7 years after he lost the war, There he learned the true cruelty and how to use it in a battle.
Remember, he´d always talk to ludo as if he was a client.
Wall street changed Toffee for the worst, he learned the the real meaning of EVIL.
I didn't say willingly.
He didnt pick a post so
and boytoy
I read suit as skirt and started laughing.
He did, being Star's and Eclipsa's boytoy.
He did his time over multiple mewi life spans. Its time to forgive or kill.
I read started as farted and laughed.
shes not brown u dummy fuck, she was a gipsy.
>that stick saying Star and Marco should be together
>Nefcy saying that S3 was their best one
I'm with that user saying that after surpassing the mouse barrier, her crew started doing disgusting shit but because it's her crew she didn't see anything wrong with that they were writing.
Nefcy is better than this but she was getting manipulated by the forces of pc.
did you ever stumbled upon a video of a guy cumming on a doll? because that is what this is
>don't vore her, don't vore her...
She is the Queen, she owns the kingdom.
only men get vored on this show, user
A Queen.
She is THE Queen
He has to be Globgor's boy toy too
Literally coronation just happened
Does anyone have that gharial-styled Toffee fanart? Can't find it on any of the usual sites.
I can see an edit of Eclipsa kissing the tip of his dick comming out of this
Star and Moon tho.
Janna has Globgor covered. She is already masturbsting to his picture.
That filipino girl has great taste.
not royalty anymore, Moon even said it in the last episode
Both of them held no titles or real power. Eclipsa is the Queen.
>She is already masturbating to his picture.
so is the rest of mewni and this thread
I'm glad this show taught me that racism is a very simple matter that can be solved by sports and concerts. Also, have the white "princess" fight for my rights instead of the oppressed minority. White people really know how to right a racism plot line. Get out the way MLK and Rosa Parks, you should have left it to the whit people to solve all your problems dummy
>Janna has Globgor covered. He is already masturbsting to his picture.
>That filipino LADYBOY has great taste.
They arent from the original lineage
>Eclipse worshippers.
Calm down, she'll be deposed for being evil anyway. Which just leaves whoever is next in line.
>Star the Abdicated.
The next one in line is Meteora and Eclipsa is not going anywhere soon.
Guys I just had a chilling thought.
What if her fucking shithead boarders have blackmail on Nefcy? It would make sense. Something like a massive cuckolding scandal for a Disney showrunner could be disaster, they're ok with implications of degeneracy but if all the trash magazines that parents read start making buzzfeed articles about what a cuckqueen Nefcy is, Disney will lose their fucking shit and probably kill her and her husband.
Fucking Cortugno has Daron by her husband's balls and for once it is NOT sexual!
>she was only queen for a day
Why does every SvTFOE lately have this all lowercase spic faggot in them trying to sell us Steven Universe? Those that watched that shit were disappointed, and those like me that don't care don't want to see it, those hideous character designs, or that ugly goblina that created it.
Meteora, the infant queen.
Glossaryck approves.
Ah, the plot thickens.
Could Meteora be conspiring with Globgor? Globgor can't be good or accepted, not after eating people.
Meteora is a baby, user...
You could at least post a higher quality image.
How much better would the season have been if Star would have remained Queen and had to huge the responsibilities of her social policies with her executive pardons of Eclipsa and her progeny after destroying the kingdom, while also rebuilding....
She's like 400 years old.
it was 300 years ago, it doesn't matter anymore
Globgor is actually willing too admit the shit he did is fucked, genuinely feels like your coming at this with a lot of personal baggage. sins of the father sins of the child type shit.
Yeah, no. That doesn't work.
She got reverted to an infant so how old she used to be doesn't count
The old Meteora, baby Meteora its an infants and she is already in line for the throne and wand, she doesn't need to conspire for shit.
He jokes about it and comments how much he misses meat, he's only acting this way because of the power of boners. Where's the justice for the people that stewed away in his guts?
Where is the justice for the monsters killed by Solaria and other Queens?
>the mental case joke character turns out to be the final boss
You can't make this shit up.
They're dead.
did you not watch the episode?
When Globgor was freed, do you think he was still digesting the last person he ate? Like, when he burps, he tastes Mewman flesh.
Kinda like a hot dog that keeps coming back. I bet he still eats people too.
he still has problems he needs too work through but no progress is made literally being frozen in a crystal with no contact, he admitted he's probably not ready, meme assumption, in his sentence.
Wouldn't be as bad if Mina didn't job last season so hard. If she was the one who annihilated meteora then I could see her becoming the final villain, but this is just disjointed as fuck.
Same with the Mewmans from Globgor times. Both sides are making concessions in order to archive peace.
why is this children show pushing the "muh reparations" message so hard? its disgusting
I bet Shastacan's remains were still somewhere inside his intestines
Because the (((Disney executives))) overseeing the making of the show demand it
kinda weird too know so many people can't separate a fictional setting and there own political obsession.
>Same with the Mewmans from Globgor times
yeah because they became fat for his ass
Solaria and co. are gone, can't enact justice on the dead. Globgor isn't though. Mina will hand out justice bet on it.
I'm mostly joking, but it was surprising to hear how flippant he is about the whole eating Mewmans thing. I thought they were going to go the "he feels great shame about it" route.
And you think Mina didn't commit atrocities against monsters during her time as a soldier of Solaria?
Mina is an innocent Bucky-esque dindu
Globgor ate people because he liked it
there is no ambiguity to the idea that its pushing a message related to real life stupid. its transparent and the writers would outright admit it if asked i imagine
I want Globgor to vore me
Mina didn't have a Solarian army back then.
Also Meteora is a baby now, so she is safe.
What "reparations" message are you talking about?
this was my family home a 1000 years ago so we gonna take your house ones
monsters getting there ancestral family homes back i'd imagine.
>make your own citizens homeless
>nvm the monsters could have built their own homes in that time
>the citizens get angry over being robbed
>there is a dispossessed warrior called Mina who can rally them
>instant rebellion
Good Queen ya got there. Real smart too.
It was a few generations back at most, and yeah okupas should be kicked out and homes given back to their owners.
If only my country's government was as efficient with this issue. Okupas are a fucking plague.
I mean I guess the whole Mina offscreen jobbing thing was supposed to be an "oh shit Meteora's a real threat" moment. But they're gonna need to do a hell of a lot in the next 13 episodes to establish that Mina's become an even bigger threat than Meteora was.
Good thing all four of next week's eps are going to involve Star and Marco goofing off on Earth, and so are at least 2 of the eps the week after that. Wouldn't want to actually make use of the remaining time to build up the threat from the final boss.
i'm the one who posted pretty well expecting it my dude/
are you a fucking Indan? they lost a war, the people living now dont own them anything
Is this the justification for the Meteora baby-fuck porn?
that's some nice art desu.
Mina isn't the bad guy. Casting her as the underdog in the final fight is just fine.
b u l g e
Star and Moon are actually 0% Mewman, they're (((pie-folk))).
how could mewman ever compete??
I've had some time to think about it and although I found Mina annoying to begin with...
I'm gonna go ahead and say I side with her? She seems like the genuinely most sympathetic character in the entire cast. She's more or less 400 years old, she lived through this entire thing, survived not only the process that transformed her, but the ensuing wars that justified her existence, and in HER eyes everybody is just fucking off because they're either ignorant, they've simply given up, or a bit of both.
From Mina's perspective the Mewmans have BEEN society for as long as anyone can remember, but now that Eclispa has been just -arbitrarily- put onto the throne none of that means anything, so yeah.
I dunno, I don't think Mina is 'right', but she's the most justified so far.
Eyes just go straight to it.
Wonder if that's why he barely uses clothes, so the enemy gets easily distracted during battle.
Not that user, but you are claiming the right of conquest. But now they lost the favor of the Queen who granted those lands, they can fall in line or try to oppose someone who could steamroll them if she wasn't such a pushover.
Plus, Mina knew Eclipsa personally bad then. Solaria's beloved daughter would've been like a little sister to her. And then her "sister" betrayed her to join the monsters, right after the monsters murdered Solaria.
if you were Globgor's size you'd like eating people too desu
two words:
cock vore
I actually prefer Eclipsa as the mc than Star
Once word microdick no magic, pill, pump, or exercise will increase your dick's size, virgin.
Agreed. Eclipsa brings conflict out of Star's teenage shipping drama and acts goofy and selfishly for the sake of the story to work. Star is way too different from the one in Season 1 and completely unfunny... I simply hate her "mature" side.
I miss the wacky brainless adventures with magic, pure friendship and dimension traveling. Meteora's Lesson brought it back so I wonder if a show with Meteora and Mariposa could work better in that area.
dude vore lmao
why do you guys talk about vore so much
Onlooker here. Where the vore? Do you have any webm's?
starco is happening, but it's gonna be in the last 5 minutes of the finale
Starco fags, everyone.
Maybe it has something to do with how the newest major character is known for eating people
he is not wrong thou
high quality thought process for a shtiposter user.
Nice samefaggin, Starcuck.
no one actually ships "Starco"
but anyone with a brain knows it's going to happen, I will lick Nefcy's nuts if it doesn't
nice try, newfriend
fuck off back too Yea Forums shit goblin
Nice photoshop, Starcuck
is that hard to believe more than one person think you're retarded?
Only if its more than one Starcuck.
Well this season the show introduced a character who can grow to giant size and eats people. Though supposedly he stopped doing it.
>Though supposedly he stopped doing it.
That's what those monster apologists want you to think! He never stopped and we must exterminate all monsters!
I'm gonna laugh my ads off if that's true. All those poor Eclipsafags.
I kinda miss when she was Star idol, if she was still her idol maybe it would have been kino fight but dropped long time ago so eh.