>Literally the best capeshit with the most SOUL in years
>Nobody is watching or talking about it
Fuck this world.
>Literally the best capeshit with the most SOUL in years
>Nobody is watching or talking about it
Fuck this world.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Literally the best capeshit with the most SOUL in years
Not even the best of the year so far.
Wow, the shilling of this crap isn't over yet?
Or are you one of the dummies that fell for it?
They are trying to recreate the concentrated autism that is the Alita General Thread on Yea Forums.
> Saying anything positive is shilling
It was a good movie
I watched it. It was fine. 3/5 like Wonder women. The main problem is that all the characters don't behave like real humans at all. They are all kinds of cliches and plot devices. So it is unreal people reacting to unreal people...
So, like the rest of MCU films right?
I saw it again.
I love it. Great movie.
I saw it and loved it.
It was the first DC film I bothered with since BvS and makes me feel some hope for the DCEU
How are you not fucking tired of superhero films yet
Marvel superhero universe is spectacular and epic, whereas their counterpart is sometimes okay and even awesome, and sometimes it's not.
Is Shazam a different character than Marvelman? If so, what are the best Shazam comics?
>Nobody is watching it
Ladderbro, just stop
The shotas were cute, no pedo.
Most of Yea Forums is filled with complaining, so if there's nothing to complain about there's less threads about it.
They see enough potential to practically build a universe based on it, so who cares if it's not a massive box office success.
It's a boring movie with extremely convenient plotpoints. I'll rather watch Man of Steel.
It's SJW SHIT. Two nigers, two females, a spic, a chink, a spic, a vegan and a disabled kid. DIVERSITY out of control
Don't forget that the spic is gay.
Shazam (aka Captain Marvel) was the 'inspiration' for Marvelman
By that I mean the UK publisher of Captain Marvel told Mick Anglo to make a knock-off when DC finally forced Fawcett to stop making new Captain Marvel comics.
Found the Snyder shiteater
It was great the theaters were packed when I saw it but I guess thats just my area
Power of Hope, Superman/Shazam: First Thunder
and Thunderworld Adventures got me into Captain Marvel there should be a recommended reading image around somewhere
You're a sad person.
>has product placement in it
Dunno. Should I? I mean, I've been reading comics for decades and I watched Dragon Ball for 25 years but I still want more.
And you're a cuck for eating this SJW shit up. Bet you loved captain fungus
They're both shit. It just helps that one is more tolerable.
>Bet you loved captain fungus
I fucking hate that shit, mostly that's what it is: shit. Shit writing, shit realisation and shit performances.
My brain isn't infested by politics.
And yet both movies are infested by politics and both are shit as a result. If anything Shazam is even more SJW then cap dyke
At its core, Shazam is a family movie with a superhero foundation. The scene with Billy’s mom was heart-breaking because all he wanted was to find her again.
And the same goes for Thaddeus. His own father and older brother treated him like shit for years so he never had a family. Just tormentors.
This wasn’t perfect but it hit all the right notes.
>If anything Shazam is even more SJW then cap dyke
fuck you
Either he's clinically braindead or baiting. Just let it go
>watch movie in theater
>have fun
>credits start fun
>Mr Mind scene
>left cinema with a big smile on my face
It made me feel like a kid at some point and I was in the good mood afterwards, this is priceless.
3 niggers in 5 mins of the movie starting, they blacked washed the wizard, a vegan, an asian, a gay spic, two obese dudes,a disabled kid and two females. And they all turn into superheros in the end. At least Carol is white and the two nigger sidekicka she has are powerless without her. Whereas in shazam, the whites are outnumbered. Not to mention thw normalising of non tradtional families structures by showing foster faimiles in a good light while shoving a shitty fake white trash family in my faces
A lot of that was because they heavily based on the New 52 version of Shazam rather than the classic version.
Doesn't discount the fact that you're acting like a butthurt incel, though.
Nu-DC is super super SJW so I don't know what point you're trying to make here
Why are you replying to an obvious troll?
Is anything he said wrong retard?
>nobody is talking about a DC movie
I wonder why.
It had more soul that most superhero flicks but even as someone whose seen it twice already, it wasn't the best "in years"
So far, yes it was
I thought it worked better than most superhero movies because it was an actual kid being amazed at becoming a hero, not some jaded adult fighting bad guys. And the whole christmas and family motif worked great. I could see myself rewatching it on some future Christmas.
The only movie can you can see in theaters this weekend, whether we're talking art house or strip malls, that doesn't have product placement is the Disney Penguin movie - which is a long, expensive commercial and tax write-off for Disney itself.
BUT it has no actual product placement IN the film.
You understand that "rest of" implies this is part of the MCU you retard
Y'know Shazam got a 90, right?
Shills are getting lazy
I had more fun watching aquaman
it had a sense of adventure, this one was just mundane and most of the humor didn't land well, still pretty good
it was definitely one of the more competent capeshit movies but wasn't very exciting
Maybe because it isn't best capeshit?
Work on your shitpost Disney drone.
The entire childhood aspect was the only part that had genuine feminist agenda, and it was so hard-stuffed in that it was laughable. Also her pappy was right, give it 2-3 years and every boy she was playing with would be surpassing her in every activity in sports and she would be put on an all-girls team just to make sure she didn´t get hurt
Also, what person
>"who did not like authority or being told what her limits were"
Joins the military? Thats literally nothing but undisputable hierachy, pecking order and being told what you can or can not do
Jack was excellent.
Asher could have been better - there was a lot of inconsistent between the way Zach played him at the start, during the training montage with Freddie, than there was with Asher's portrayal from the cop scene to meeting the wizard.
All of these movies have convenient or even worse very contrived plot points. The scriptwriters, given that they are being paid quite a number of multiple of thousands of dollars are fucking lazy as shit, but this is true of Doctor Strange, Antman, BvS and any other movie, including stuff like Incredibles
I get amused at how sites like Tumblr and Instagram seem to have their own artistic awakening every time an relatively old IP gets revived attention from a retelling - especially if the retelling involvesteenage or kid characters (It, Be More Chill and now Shazam)...not that's a bad thing or whatever, I totally love stuff like this happening.
DC is dead. Accept it and move on.
>DC is dead. Accept it and move on.
I hope it's Worlds of DC now. I want the floating doors to be confirmation it's not the Snyderverse.
You should screencap it so we can laugh at that user when the next DC movie comes out and makes a billion.
Yeah, an IQ of 90!
Why would I be?
I really enjoyed Shazam! And it actually left me feeling good after leaving the Theater.
this movie had a ton of Heart that hasn’t really been in cape films since the Donner Superman films
>since the Donner Superman
Well that explains the box office
I liked that. A nice departure from “realistic” capeshit. All the characters were entertaining and had very defined personalities instead of being the actors playing themselves. Freddie Freeman is definitely the most memorable supporting character in forever.
You’re mentally ill
It was good and I’m excited for the sequel. Not as fun to talk about decent movies when I can shit on stuff I hate instead that’s Yea Forums
Different user it was equal to most mcu movies.doc strange or ant man level. Passable and fun movie
It really isn’t. White kid gets powers, is humorous, sometimes abit dark and saves Philly. Never talks about race or gender.
Cap marvel was about a 5/10White Woman who is gay but won’t admit it to get boomerbux, the movie is only funny when she’s not in camera. Huge male vs female overtones for at least an hr of the movie.
Same experience it was enjoyable it was good seeing a packed theatre and normies getting excited
Yeah, the only movies to get properly discussed past the first week are the polarizing or the MCU ones, due to how the release hype cycles to constantly keep the franchise at the forefront. Spider-Verse is a very rare anomaly in how it's getting consistent threads almost five months on.
Who the fuck talks about Logan, for example? And it didn't get much more attention on Yea Forums than Shazam got back when it was released either.
You wish lol they had three good movies in a row and are just starting there universe. Tv shows and comics are good too. I like marvel but after 20 something movies and meh tv shows it overall isn’t as good as casuals think. I still enjoy it but the real crime is how unreadable marvel comics have become in the last decade
>they had three good movies in a row
no they didn't and if Aquaman is your starting point no they won't
Exactly Logan was good but there is no daily thread. I never would expect to see hellboy 2 or blade 2 threads even though they remain some of my favorites.
People would rather shit on cap fungus since normies loved it yet half of us believes it was average or even bad which leads to discussion.
>Tv shows and comics are good too
Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam were all liked by normies some casuals figured it was marvel and enjoyed. They fit right into the current superhero wave. You may disagree but the public enjoyed them. Just like how captain marvel made a billion even though it’s another 6-7/10 mcu flick. I like both companies but I’m more excited for dc lately after feige said he won’t be using ff or the X-men for years.
>Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam were all liked by normies
But they weren't "in a row" moron
Gotg meme nice the movie that has a dance scene as the climax instead of a cool fight. Probably the most Reddit mcu movie and literally had the worst source material. Would you like to explain how you though emh, Jessica Jones or some crap sjw legacy book like ms marvel is better than any Warner cartoon or even cw show
Wonder Woman
>$103 million
Justice League
>$93 million
>$67 million
>$53 million
Throwing in Justice League doesn't change much. If anything, it only proves that the general audience doesn't really care about what the foundation of this franchise was at this point and there is no Snyder taint dragging it down, if JL can bomb and people still go see Aquaman in droves a year later.
Her dad was right, I don't know why that was painted as some kind of oppressive moment for her
>Go out to ride go karts
>Eat shit and get into a potentially horrific accident because you're a stupid kid and went faster than you should have and couldn't make a turn
>Dad gets reasonably upset and tells you not to do that again
It's like if a kid almost drowns because they go into the deep end of the pool before they're ready, their parents chew them out and the takeaway is meant to be "Wow these parents suck"
Considering that's the only time we get any info on her upbringing, and that moment is supposed to represent her entire life before the explosion, it's all laughably obtuse
That is the fault of the writers/Levi not Angel.
WB killed all DCEU hype even after Aquaman by continuously doubling down on hating their own movies.
Everyone else hates them so why shouldn't WB?
>Literally the best capeshit with the most SOUL in years
Not sure about that. Fun movie, unfortunately still had some snyderisms (kinda like Bumblebee with Michael Bay shit), took from Nu52 and fucked up Sivana badly.
Still deserves to do better considering the audience, let's see how long it sticks around.
Because of the date of its release. Seriously, with all the high-profiled ones coming out around it, Shazam is simply overshadowed. I'm surprised it make as much as it does. Also Shazam is clearly a Christmas movie, I have no idea why they release it now.
>Tv shows and comics are good too.
Dude c'mon
Got your Captain Marvels wrong, dude.
Don't think Marvel's ever making a movie about theirs. :(
I thought the third act was kinda weak but I enjoyed it enough. It's the first capeshit movie I've seen in theaters in about 2 years.
because last Christmas was Aquaman and this Christmas is Star Wars and Jumanji
Unironic Nazi propaganda doesn’t count incel
Progressives don´t want parents to raise their child with a gender in mind. It´s a mindset with good intent, but just ends up as "don´t assert anything to your child"
Just look at Demons is Amazing. Began acting like a drag queen as a child, and the parents did nothing to moderate him
They're making another Jumanji?
I feel like I'm missing something, because even though I feel like it was great, it didn't really blow me away either. I liked Aquaman more. I do think my opinion might change on another watch though.
No. After the last one made a billion dollars Sony decided to abandon the franchise.
I took my 9 year old to see it.
Didn't know the sequel did well
Slam dunk, user
so now inflation exists? when you losers were comparing it to X-Men First Class and the phase 1 MCU movies it was strangely absent
to me Nu-DC starts to create new minority and female or put existing one in more valuable roles (mr.terrific) characters and don't change old loved ones
like mavel look (thor woman, black girl iron man, capitan feminist, gey x mans and so on )
and the main issue in dc is still saving the world not that someone is gay or something
>Aquaman made 1.1 billion
>posts openings
You do realize that openings are just boosts, do you retard?
still more than average black guy
thats not racist that's a fact
don't believe me for word check for yourself
Other guy here, but did you miss Black Wally, replacement Power Girl, Jamie Blue Beetle, Duke or the Batgirl run wasting whole pages whining about "misgendering"?
Not even company wars, just pointing out. I'm personally more bothered about how edgy they keep trying to make everything.
Go work on word of mouth and dvd sales.
I like Shazam! a lot but yeah still think Aquaman was better overall. Shazam's villains weren't as good, for one.
>fucked up Sivana badly
he was overconfident because his 40 years quest for power succeeded and he felt like he is the strongest there is and he don't need anybody
the movie teach him a lesson and he is not dead we now have at least 2 villains with bigger picture perspective alive (ocean master and Sivana ) the once defeated and united baduys team movie would be great
we got 1 from aquaman villain pantheon
we got 1 from Shazam villain pantheon
all we need is 1 form superman 1 from batman man 1 form wonder woman 1 from Flash and i dont know if Cyborg got his villain pantheon
Hideo Kojima just praised it extensively on Twitter.
>so now inflation exists?
Yes, tickets in the 1970's and 1980's cost fucktons less, and pickup trucks weren't base priced at $40k.
And Superman: the Motion Picture was a hit that absolutely dwarfed Shazam.
He praises basically everything.
Except Carol's movie LMAO
I prefer comically evil, brilliant, frustrated, scrawny european scientist who just loves to be evil for shits and giggles, personally. Imagine a classic Sivana just chewing the scenery in the big screen.
>Nobody is watching or talking about it
no fucking way im watching it after seeing a clip of the mc flossing
>I'm supposed to believe Captain Marvel is almost as popular as Superman was
It was fun as fuck, i'm glad DC and Sony are still bringing decent capefilms
>Reddit: The Movie
So are the Shazam looks the future versions of the kids or a magic alternate thing?
Like the fat guy wants to be fit and buff but he's obese, does his Shazam implies he's gonna get his goal when grown up, or even when he gets older and stays fat he'll have a fit Shazam?
>Shazam's villains weren't as good, for one.
Eh, Sivana was more sympathetic and well-rounded and entertaining if not as much as Orm or Black Manta. Also they went with the nu52 version instead of classic Sivana, which was kind of a drag.
It also had some more flaws like the Seven Sins being kind of visually boring and generic-looking.
That said, I am kinda upset that they picked the absolute worst time to release it. It did alright, which is pretty good considering what it's sandwiched between, but if they moved the release window back or even forward by a decent amount, it probably would've gotten a solid $400-$500 BO. I'm really glad we're getting a sequel at least though.
>People saying it will bomb over and over again
>Yea Forums sticks its fingers in its ears saying how it'll outsell all these Marvel films
>bombs hard
Look, DC has those Arrowverse events, Doom Patrol, Young Justice, they should just stick to relatively low budget movies if they’re gonna do them,
it's already finished OP
literally leaving theaters to make room for actually profitable movies
I miss all the "Shazam dabs on CM/Weak should fear the strong" imageposts too.
DC movies are going to have an uphill battle with WB's poisoning of the brand.
user, Shazam did VERY good for an IP that the mainstream has never really heard of in the last 50 years, that was sandwiched between what was always going to be two of the biggest movies of the year. A sequel could be very lucrative from the goodwill and word of mouth gained from this movie, provided they don't make the same mistake again and release it at a more reasonable time, which ought not to be a problem because it won't have to deal with anything like Endgame by then.
They have nowhere to go but up after this.
don't worry the next 3 movies will fix everything... oh wait
>adapted the worst version of Shazam
fuck Johns
>Shazam did VERY good for an IP that the mainstream has never really heard of in the last 50 years
like Doctor Strange? Or Ant Man? Or Guardians of the Galaxy? Black Panther? Captain Marvel? Shang-Chi? The Eternals?
>It won the 100 meter in the Olympics! Well, the Special Olympics!
>They have nowhere to go but up after this.
Every DC sequel since Superman II has made less returns at WB. They are garbage at DC sequels. Heat Legend had to sudoku to break this decades long streak.
it's about $100 million less than Mark Millar's Kingsmen
> that was sandwiched between what was always going to be two of the biggest movies of the year
Now let's not get carried away.
None of those movies had to deal with shit like Captain Marvel or Endgame. Had the movie been released at a later time, it would've made a couple hundred million more, let's be honest.
>Now let's not get carried away.
Are Captain Marvel and Endgame not going to be two of the biggest movies of the year? CM already made a fucking billion as it is and I'd say that it wasn't anywhere near as good as Shazam. Endgame is going to be bigger. It's pretty much an objective fact that a LOT of people are saving money to buy a ticket for Endgame instead of Shazam.
let's be honest you are a sad little (probly Indian) boy
It's supposed to be their idealized selves or them at their fullest potential. So even if they grow up they might not look like that, so they can have away stuff like Mary's transformation and maybe also how Billy goes from blue eyes to brown.
Endgame yeah,but no one expected Disney to buy so many tickets to promote Carol's movie. Even comic readers don't pay her a lot of mind.
Fuck off.
People went to go see CM because advertising led people to believe that they needed to see that movie in order to fully understand Endgame. It was always going to be huge.
I'll admit some casuals are falling for that meme. Pal of mine was just yesterday saying he wanted to watch it to understand Endgame, even though I told him it's fucking nothing.
people in general don't like dark superman me included
i like superman who is beacon of hope and see good in people even bad people and in bad situations
What are people actually arguing about when they talk about capeshit? It feels like all these arguments are like a proxy war for political/social grievances. Like the amount of anger and smugness from both sides seems out of proportion for something as simple as a movie and the companies producing them. What's the *real* fight about?
We all want good content.
The big two for some reason seem reluctant to sell it for us, in different kinds of media.
That's about it.
captain marvel was advertised as must see before endgame and that is a some kind a revolutionary movie for womens and all the mankind the same as black panther (must see before infinity war and the revolutionary movie for black people and all the mankind)
Shazam only had (say the magic word or the flossing dance )
dc cinematic universe had a bad start but right now is on the right track and the hype train just started
MCU is heading was heading to end of the line , end of a saga
climax of the 20/22 films so is really not the same
>captain marvel was advertised as must see before endgame and that is a some kind a revolutionary movie for womens and all the mankind the same as black panther (must see before infinity war and the revolutionary movie for black people and all the mankind)
At least BP was actually really damn good. I didn't even hate CM but it was just okay.
>At least BP was actually really damn good. I didn't even hate CM but it was just okay.
Let's not go too far, I watched both, Black Panther was fine but nothing great.
As far as Shazam, I might catch when it comes out on Red Box. No one else wanted to watch it with me, and I get anxiety going to the movies by myself, that and the constant Yea Forums shitposting about this movie has kind of soured me a bit, so the bad taste in my mouth will be gone by that point.
This aged really bad :(
It didn't bomb though, Ladderfag
>Make the wizard black.
>Don't get Shaquille O' Neal to play him.
>Sivana was more sympathetic and well-rounded and entertaining
uwot? He was a whiny shit without any particularly compelling motivation. Orm is definitely better than him. Black Manta is probably about on the same level, though I prefer Manta just cause I find him more entertaining.
It didn't bomb, but it's definitely well below the box office of most superhero movies released in this decade. I think it's the fact that people are used to superhero movies breaking at least $500 million nowadays that a modest take of $300ish seems like it failed.
That said, aged very poorly.