Someone makes a show with dark humor or black humor

>Someone makes a show with dark humor or black humor
When will cartoon fags stop being mad in dark or edgy jokes ?

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no one is mad about it, trollhunterfag. we just know not everything has to be like that.

When they're actually good, like Heavy Metal was.

When you are talking about such extreme character... it will never stop of being considered like a bad joke, never.

When their meds kick in or get adjusted, or they grow up. It's a coin toss at which occurs first.


maybe when they do equal the amount of nudity as violence

what are you asking for exactly?

Do you know what was the big scandal is killing Catholic church?

The character, I'm a weak newfag who should be mocked

This libcuck is just upset that he has an angle.

What angle? He's as guilty as a cat in a goldfish bowl!

Captain Sternn, he had a small range of issues about him across various series and a 5-issue run which I'd recommend. It was storytimed pretty recently on Yea Forums so you could find it in the archive

Pedophillia. People don't want to play with pedophiles, it's a hot topic lately, but you can't take advantage of it as you can do with other ideas. People considers these kind of person as the worst type of person in the world and they don't want to see them as good guys, these kind of characters are often bad guys because people want to kill them so when you want to make somebody a good guy then our "good guy killing it in the most horrible way possible" however if the killer is another pedophile people will despise him anyway, there are certain things which can't be erased or ignored by the people.

An interesting thing is that darker content has a smaller fandom. I don't know how the American audience could react to these kind of characters in these times. (Probably even LGBT audience could be angry)

A R-rated superhero movie will lose an audience younger than 17 years old. And that's a big part of superhero usual audience. So it must to be carefully planned.

I think that... People will not like this kind of character as a main character in their stories even if it is a good character. Men will not like it, women will not like it, and LGBT might be offended. (I'm not exactly sure about them because they are very whimsical)

>When will cartoon fags stop being mad in dark or edgy jokes ?

This never happened.

but what if the show has an angle?

People don't care about his angle. That's the point. How can you justify it?

he has an angle

Rick & Morty is garbage, and not because of the dark humor.

When a man rape a kid. How can you justify it? How can you justify a rape?

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Humour like that is not good when you are an adult