Toonami General #7

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Best girl

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Did they show it or get to THIS yet?

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So I was just unloading a massive shit, what did I miss in Boruto?

LMFAO BRUH just fucking kidding. Like I give a shit. Im tucking myself into bed because there ain’t a god damn thing after Black Clover worth watching, and even that was a wash tonight. Thanks for bundling all the crap together in an easy to skip segment Demarco, you dumb fuck

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They showed her but they didn't show her naked yet.

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Not yet

Best girl

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I want to lick the sweat under mimosas tits
then wonder why healing archtype is so rare in the BC world
then wondering why its rare all over
and i guess it is because it takes away from the whole threat factor
"hurt yourself? get healed"
"die? nah just dragonball him at the end of the arc"
then i forgot why i had a boner
and go back to my life

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Not yet.

Goodnight, quitter.

What is going on here?

We've had like 2 threads more than normal with this new schedule. I think getting rid of the Pokemon lead-in was a bad choice but I'm biased because I've been watching the anime ever since it debuted in 2004. Bobobo bobo bobo was a good replacement idea but I don't know why they never did it, I guess the plans for an english dub fell through.

Everyone remember to thank Lenny for the new schedule! What a wonderful 2020.

ok if any of you have some recent stories pls tell them. I'm pretty much done with the block but im bored and thay last user didn't finish his story when him mom got the gun out

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>So I was just unloading a massive shit,
>Like I give a shit.
you literally just did. It was probably like this.

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They both got fat.

the meeting of the foreveralone ninja virgins

I still would Mei

It's so depressing what happened to Anko. I think Kishimoto did this tell his fans how much he hated them.

I want to impregnate Pitou and take responsibility!

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Nigga, you from the future?

I think I figured out Toonami's theme tonight: it's boring night.

>men look fine
>the women all got fat and old
What gives?

fat whores

fucking typo's

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I love the idea that kunioichi have to learn to use chakra to control alcohol tolerance. Like you gotta use that for espionage missions and undercover shit.

Every moment is pain

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Thank You.

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>Nami after the next time skip.jpg

women are more likely to age like milk

>fat old bitches eating sweets
This is someone's fetish

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My sister shoved a cockr down my throat when I was 7 because she wanted to test my ovulation capabilities. My esophagus sphincter.

It's emulating real life.

I wanna give her a big smooch

There is a movie on right now called Snake outta Compton and I am very tempted to watch it.



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Remaster Dub soon.

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Do you have any regrets? You're all quite young, so it's rather impressive if you happen to have some.

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>>then wonder why healing archtype is so rare in the BC world
>then wondering why its rare all over
It's not that rare, it's just rare among the Magic Knights as they're mostly combat oriented. There's Jellyfish dude and a whole group of no-named healing faggots.

>Come and hang out user, we'll play cards.

And a good butt to you, friend.

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So the Leaf are interventionist faggots
In the land of Water, they have multiple water-based ninja villages that are struggling for supremacy/stability, and then these ninjas from the land of Fire come in and start picking sides in their potential water civil war

Was that Kirito just now?

I don't think sisters are supposed to have cockrs user...

Middle-age spread hits hard for kunoichi when they get desk jobs.

what channel

Wow Kagura's super salty.

we been over this
it would be bad and unsatisfying

But why?

Is it taking anyone else a bit longer than usual for a post to go through?

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Not after what the author did.

Shino was always pretty chill. Anko and the Mizukage led stressful lives.

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>Pedo Kenshin

More than a handful, and I'm not even 30 yet.

I thought you meant cockroach and was just joking. But the fact that your sister had a cockring makes me think she was actually your brother.

What happen?

He's guilty. I'm not sure why everyone thinks he did it when it wasn't confirmed he did it. Does guilty mean nothing?

investing in crappy old "vintage" Japanese guitars

Sasuke's life was pretty stressful.

Where it not for the glorious Will of Fire this era of peace would not exist and you water ningers would still be slaughtering eachother.

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Yeah, mine

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I'm shocked they haven't tried to bury this series in the west

after reaching a certain age, whether complacency or despair, they stop taking care of themselves

>Literally playing UNO: Ninja Edition.

>A youth's experiments on his snake causes it to grow until it's big enough to swallow cars and helicopters. A burgeoning rap group in a neighborhood full of wannabe rappers must take out the mutant snake as it slithers through their city.

Well I can't argue against those lucky trips. But fuck you.

>Papenbrook going retarded over Uno
This is hilarious

It won't be Toonami if she's not wearing a badly done airbrushed swimsuit.

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>whats that?
that is not a proper response

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He got busted with CP

I love little witches and bunnies.

it should also be noted that Shino was a kid when Anko and Mizukage were adults, so naturally now they are old ladies and he's in his 20s

Japan doesn't care about that only the west cares

whats the context

Why does that blonde leaf kid remind me of a chicken?

That would imply he knows what they want in the first place.
But then milk turns into cheese and it's good again, right?
Pretty sure she was naked last time they aired it.

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like legit children? Or underage cartoon girls?

it was the so-called Will of Fire that began the era of war in the first place!

got caught with CP
scorched earth via distributors/contracts/past shows/etc
in the end he gave an appology and paid a 5k usd fine. actual number not remembered because drunk and this was a long time ago

Yeah, and that's why no dub remaster.

>it doesn't matter what our ancestors did because we aren't them, and it has nothing to do with us
how can Boruto be so fucking right?

ah yes playing cards how exciting

I remember watching Dog Soldiers for the first time on SyFy, back when it used its proper spelling

They used to have some semblance of standards then

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It was a different time
I know I'm just fondly remembering the goofy fun of the water down Toonami from the late 90s/early 2000s where Ryoko would lounge around in a neon purple bikini and get drunk on her -hic- tea.

Sarada you can't just walk into a boys room. They could've been changing or something.

she's a robot being smuggled by pirates

Actual 3D children.

Why doesn't Sarada just fuck Boruto?

From what I vaguely remember
A bounty hunter hunts a bounty and finds a girl stuffed in a suitcase

Because their reproductive ability dries up much earlier than men's, so nature makes them age quickly so males won't waste time trying to mate with them. An evolutionary explanation.

I used to watch Gurren Lagann on there, back when they used to be Sci Fi. Those were better times.

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because how else are they going to keep sexual tension for 15-20 years?

You'd have to be crazy to hate either one.

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They're going to have a great relationship

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Does Sarada ever get her shit punched in?

they may not look like much, my ninja infocards
in fact, they appear blank, my ninja infocards...

Don't you have some school children to slaughter, you Mist Ninger

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Okay I have to watch this now
I want to say the time I spent in college, I wasn't happy whatsoever and it left me with my only friends being /tg/ for a long time. I guess if you butterfly effect it and remove that period where I was miserable I wouldn't have met my current gf.
I guess I regret not picking up an instrument years ago.
Real shit, my guess is he probably still had it leftover from before Jpana made CP illegal which really wasn't that long ago

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I feel like all villains do nothing but bad touch people.

That nigga dead

this blonde guy looks like that girl from boondocks

But the books are still on sale thou.

I liked their adaptation of Dune. While it's not perfect and suffers a bit because of the budget, it felt like they really tried to make it work.

Lemme touch you, user.

I like how those generic, nameless background characters get in the ED like they matter in any way

Filling in for chart-user. Rate this episode of Boruto.

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Was that Kisame?

Holy fuck TPN, SAO and the BC recap ep killed the thread tonight.

Was that the shark guy

Does Boruto never get his own fucking credits? Who were all those other fucks? Sorry Bort no matter how fast you run you can't escape "your" anime.

>hair down,
>taking glasses off
>removing jacket
God damnit this got me. This fucking got me.

shouldn't you be busy covering up the war crimes of the Uchiha Clan and Orochimaru?

I'm holding out that the new Dune movie will at least be decent. if it is, there's a chance the others will be made next. God Emperor will be a fucking show if it happens.

That's just stupid. Yes, he's a freak, but that's not reflected in his work at all.

They used to air Monster too, and Noein, that was great.
How did it all go so wrong?

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i prefer white reeses

Which one?
technically it would be 2D images of 3D children, but that doesn't make it that much better.
Now the freaky fish guy is back!
He just knocked over some ink, that's all.
Not quite.

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You probably would've jizzed your pants if you saw me come home from the store this morning.

they grow up so fast

Did that kid get his head cut off or was the sharkman just so turned on that he inked all over the floor?

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I'm 33 and I have lots of regrets, big and small.

>But then milk turns into cheese and it's good again, right?
Cheese isn't just old milk, it's milk that's had certain enzymes added and been kept in controlled conditions, away from various bad microbes etc.

Boruto's dad.

So is Bort gonna take a dump on his dad's bridge ?

whats the difference between sy and sci

user it's America, people flipped out when they dug up that old interview with John Wayne where he said he supports white supremacy.

Anime Team:Who?


I dont know but Kirito not having friends made me sad and reminded me too much of myself

Sharks don't ink dumbass you're thinking of squids, octopusses, and cats

Didn't that get cancelled ages ago?

god i feel so old. instead of feeling like, ohh man i gotta fap, i feel like, aww those kids.

I truly feel like it could've been both.

Time for Nardo and Friends...

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Is this the episode where Naruto's hot mom shows up?

Humans don't have gills, either, jackass

yes i fucked up a bunch in school, but in a beta shit way and not beating anyone up

Is this Naruto?

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Would Date A Live bring in views?

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The only nine tails fox I know of is Ran from touhou and between all the porn where she is nice and loving to all her soft and fluffy fanart..

these recent Boruto episodes have been weird to me. Is a Nine Tail Fox thing a popular thing in japanese culture? if so i want some other examples

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wait how did naruto get with hinata but in boruto shes narutos mom

>Mr. T pitying Naruto for being a fool

Girls last tour needs to be on Toonami so we can have comfy threads

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>ya fool
Ok he says this so much, what Japanese phrase is it a stand in for?

Oh my god, how is there still 30 minutes left of this?

As soon as they announced the name change to "broaden appeal", it was all over. Abandoning your core audience is always a death knell.

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Holy shit naruto is Sans


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Oh hey, Naruto you might wanna get your eye checked out.

I want to FUCK Naruto's mom

Star Trek, Tek Wars, the 70s Incredible Hulk series, and assorted 90s mecha anime

oh shit its mommy

im gay y'know believe it

I'll make you ink user

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This bitch kinda looks like Karin

welp, should prolly just start postin waifus

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Did Naruto just turn into a one eyed ghoul?!?!

MILF alert

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I'm 26 and am still a kissless virgin but its not like I could've done anything about it

Literally the entire Naruto-Hinata ship amounts to Hinata's confession in the fight with Pain, her and Naruto holding hands to fight together in the shit against the Ten Tails battles, and then an entire movie dedicated to cementing the ship and marriage between the two.

Wait, the Kyuubi ate Kushina's soul?

>You're the nine tails true form
Nine tails is pretty cute

Not everyone in America is that stupid.

>what if the Nine tails was just a cute girl

>ya know

wait is this Hong Meiling?

Oh is that Mama

Did mama burst a bloodcell in Naruto's eye


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way ahead of you

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>nardo believing the nine tails true form is a hot woman
Man, that idea used to be SO common in fanfiction back in the day

>weird quirks
Surely he didn’t wind up with 7 because the writing isn’t that bad

Funny that you say that...

I’m so tired friends

Good night /TG/, I love you!!

Have a wonderful Easter, you’ve earned it!

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Who stopped?

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same clan

"I used to say believe it...but y'know..."

The Coolest Guy.


MUDA was genetic between Dio and Giorno.

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Why does it look like Naruto x Kushina incest lemons are extremely popular

My biggest regret is participating in the orgy with the band geeks back in high school

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Mother's day is next month anons.

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Oh, was this why they had to drop believe it?

>Nine tails being chained up like that

ADHD could be though

*glasses frames user

count the tails

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>the chains are a Uzumaki quirk
>Naruto NEVER uses it
Man, Naruto is thirsty as fuck for his mom

I think this was Kishimoto making fun of that.

>"You said y'know! We must be related!"

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Are we incest now

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There MUST be doujins of this moment.

You just said "what the fuck". I say that too! MY BROTHER!

>hey mom wanna see my sexy jutsu?

>Naruto with Red hair

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Goodnight, quitter. Happy Easter!

If this was Bleach it really would have been Karin

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Only thing keeping me going

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Oh boy, story time

did he show you his eager face?

>nobody ever liked her hair except for Minato & Naruto
What the fuck

Naruto is the Hokage's son, his mom comes from a clan of HUGE chakra deposits and has a giant fox demon pumping his body with red hot firey chakra.
He may as fucking well have 7 quirks.

The center one is just the fox's kickass pompadour, user.

as retarded as this is, its kinda heart warming, ya know.

Naruto compliment on his mom's looks spawned so much incest pictures and fanfiction.

giorno would be 34 years old right now


Surprised he didn't get reddish/blonde hair.


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whats this from?

Oh I'm ready
I genuinely don't what to get my mom though

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Oh for fucks sake

People tend to hate something that's unfamiliar.

They dropped it because people got annoyed by it in OG Naruto. They didn't think it was that big a deal. Until this arc came up and it was actually important. So they changed it to y'know so it sounds more like a tick than a catchphrase.


Naruto's acting kind of creepy.

Oh wow.

>It's an anime
>for some strange reason they're making fun of a girl with a hair color that's out of the ordinary.
What the fuck?

Is red hair that exotic to Japan?

It seems like only female Uzumakis can use it.

Strawberry blond maybe?

why is this scottish bitch so sexy?

>dad gave up his last name
Yikes, beta move Naruto's dad

>I'm gonna be the first female Hokage
>Me too

Oh boy, 40 episodes of filler!

>fucking gingers get out reeeeeee
Konoha really didn't like the not-Irish apparently

They were basically dying at the same time right next to their baby.

>I wanna become the first female hokage of the hidden leaf village
>"Me too"
What did Minato mean by this?

There are......10 Tails

Yeah but red hair is sexy.

why was the nine tails sitting so lewdly when Naruto summoned his chains?

went from slightly touching to really stupid really quick

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His dumb golden cloak thing basically does the same shit.

"I wanted to be the hokage but then I settled for being a baby maker"

I know, shut up already.

Is it tomato or tomato?

Red heads are cute

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that seriously sounds annoying when she says the quirk

they even had blue, red hair is fairly normal even if exaggerated


Holy fuck, I don't remember Naruto being like this.

I can't believe Izzy of all people is mocking someone over red hair

Night, ya quitter.

Already know what I'm gonna get her.

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>hating tomatoes

And that's when his father developed the become-a-girl-jutsu

I love Izzy’s voice


Goddamn Izzy

Fuck off, Inari

God I wish that were me

cute i wanna bully her but if she retaliates id cringe

She looks like a lady but she's got the (assumed) heart of a thug.

I was failing at one college and took too long to nut up and transfer. I have a lot of college regrets, actually. I spent my first year taking general courses, math and history and science, not trying out classes to fish for a major, as if my life's career would just... become obvious out of no where.

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Tomato's are pretty tasty. I don't know what the fuck their problem is.

>they all made fun of her as a kid
>as soon as they hit puberty they all probably wanted to bang her

>"I bet dad stepped in to save you."
>"Actually, I beat the shit out of all of those kids."



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He was getting the charka sucked out of his dick.

>Nartuo with a I'm sorry I came early; mommy.

Spanish exists in Naruto?


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They seriously write all women in Naruto this shitty.

The Red Hot Chili Pepper?

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"I'm gonna beat up a little girl. That'll prove what a man I am."

>beating up a girl
>beating up a child
>throwing real knives
based Leaf village genin!

No wonder he was fixated on Sakura, Nacho had a complex!

There's not much of a story, a bunch of my friends in band asked me if I wanted to join their bimonthly orgies. I joined and while fucking a girl one dude started rimming my ass. I came but I wasn't proud of it

>can fight

What more can you want from a woman? Minato picked a good one.

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I don't like tomatoes either but she's cute

>Sending your older brother to beat up a girl who owned your ass for bullying her.
Holy fuck, ow pathetic.

>I made the fancy rank of beginner ninja

Jesus, are these fuckers serious? It's habanero, the ñ only goes in jalapeño. This is some seriously shitty localization.

>>beating up a girl
dont bring that gender shit in here they take what they dish out

>this pink tree scene where the older kid
I cant help but giggle here. that "pussy blocker headband" meme from years ago. this dude was so proud of it

I wish that were me too

The leaf village has a worse problem with bullies than Maine in a Stephen King novel. God damn I hope Kakashi fixed that when he became Hokage.

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Holy shit she's brutalizing everyone

Why didnt she become hokage

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>just left his bro behind
I woulda beat his ass when he get home

>you kicked my ass but you didn't win

"Im getting my big brother to beat her up, Im even manlier"

>beating up an older man
shes basically mary sue at this point

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>all these anti-tomato fags
Tomatobros WW@

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Man, Minato was pure autistic.

I'm pretty sure Minato is from Ninja germany or something with those aryan genes.

Dumb paddy slag got what was coming for her

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It's okay, soon they'll learn the true Japanese way to attack her, social ostracism and subtle hints to suicide.

When Naruto finally fucking ends, what do you think should fill its spot?

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>straddles his lap to punch him in the face repeatedly

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Leaf Village is populated by the pettiest motherfuckers.

>what happened?
>I saw this really trippy music video

The leaf village sure pumps out some shitty children



>Everyone making fun of Naruto's mom for having red hair when his dad has bright as fuck yellow hair
Why single her out?

This is fucking insufferable. Write one good female character in a Naruto series I fucking dare you you fags.

I guess at that point the standards for genin was pretty low, but dude just lost to a child

>Demarco noise
Glad I got the mute

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Reminder that the village pushed Kakashi's father to suicide for failing a mission.

The village deserved every attack it had.

Why are they playing this shit so late?
Did they air this earlier and I missed it?

SAO season 1

>there was an event that change it
>”well what happened”
>I’ll show you in the form of a phat beat, son

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>Why didnt she become hokage

Because she died?

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>Music video
Holy fuck, why!? I didn't know we had time to fill.


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Saves Toonami.

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>Why didnt she become hokage
Maybe because she's dead

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Imagine if she was black or something. They'd just be running around calling her nigger all day.

He can't be more than four years older at best.

>Red haired Uzumaki died out because Karin never has a kid

What a tragedy


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He probably barely made genin, and since he is a genin he is at most a year or 2 older

Minato has no backstory, no background

You don't fuck with Minato.

I like indie music and hip hop as much as the next guy but Demarco please stop playing your spotify playlist on Toonami

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Have you not noticed this since Naruto's mistreatment? It's kind of really fucked up how everyone tries to protect and save their home because of some of the shit they do. It's no wonder ever-edgy fanfiction writers jumped on making the village even worse to justify people getting fucked over.

Because there's a well established clan of blondes in Konoha

Old CN shit probably SJ or AT. Adult Swim and Toonami will die before Naruto ends and it'll just be 24/7 Cartoon Network.

we talking classic shoe locker and school desk vandalizing?

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Rock Lee r63

It's shit

Dude, she died.


I feel like there's 5 good kids every generation.

he's bulkier, bigger, has real weapons, and seemingly way more training, at those ages a 4 year difference is drastic

>shitty rap music

Attached: 12348678979.png (500x508, 141K)

Blonde is apparently more common that gingers in the Narutoverse.

>more rap
i love hip hop to death but the shit demarco has on this block is always cringe

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vintage meme

Pain had the right idea. Nuke that place and salt the earth.


>she is Naruto's cousin and last living relative

Why does he have to play such shit? There's good material out there and he keeps plugging such horrendous things.

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How can someone like this music?

Is this Laura Bailey voicing the mom?

Typically the blonde haired ones are delinquents who should be feared while any other color besides black or brown are freaks to be bullied.

Doesn't mean much when you're surprised for a few moments and not keeping your guard up.


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It's fucking weird since Kushina's clan are close relatives of the Senju clan (two of them being Hokages) and their village symbol is inspired by the Uzumaki clan symbol.

"oh mom you got bullied because you were different? I got bullied because I was different! We really are related!!!"

>society of numbers

Tsunade is blonde.
Minato is banana yellow.




seriously? people can say shit with jojo but not the music videos?

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bad thoughts please stop

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Society of Numbers - Split

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nice tits shit personality

>extremely cute girl is bullied (by boys) for having exotic red hair
What the fuck was Kishi smoking? In what world would that happen? Pain was right, this fucking village deserves to be wiped out.

i was ganna mock your post but being a loser is inheritable.. telling you because of a friend


Nice joke. Now be serious.

Dude he just sat there on the ground with her on top of him wailing at his face. Don't defend this garbage.

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>apex ad

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it's hard to tell who is truly cute in anime since they are all drawn to be uniformly similarly cute.

Kids are dumb and gay and dumb. Then they realize they should've tried to get in the pants a few years later.

Naruto did the same exact shit to Chunins in the first couple episodes of the series. Genin aren't shit compared even compared to Academy students. They're pretty much on the same level unless you're Naruto who was a Genin in name only.

With the "be the first female hokage" thing I assumed it was just a stand in for shitting on a girl.


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>Defending yourself makes you a mary sue

Hugging his estranged cousin doesn't get to the 5th Ninja war

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She punched him in the gut, retard. That'll take the wind out of anyone's sail.

Do they ever even acknowledge they're related?

he was surprised by how much it was turning him on

Fuck you, what's wrong with her?

>She's OW actually FUCK kind of AGH cute SHIT

Attached: TayuyaTF.gif (320x240, 1.39M)

right this is Yea Forums that loves responding like this, nevermind retard

If she answers me with "yes dear" and a smile that's enough personality for me.

Winning made her a Mary Sue.

It also helps if you have some special jutsus. These canon fodder kids and adults literally have nothing but basic skills, so they're going to lose.

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 107 (of 131)
11:30 My Hero Academia 46 (of 64)
12:00 The Promised Neverland 2 (of 13)
12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 11 (of --)
1:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 32 (of 39)
1:30 Black Clover 66 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 28 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 246 (of 500)
3:00 Hunter X Hunter 139 (out of 148)
3:30 Attack On Titan 6 (of 24)
Week 360 of Toonami

>Ratings for 4/14
11:00 DB:Super: 827,000
11:30 My Hero: 619,000
12:00 Promised Neverland: 506,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 515,000
1:00 JoJo: 433,000
1:30 Black Clover: 417,000
2:00 Boruto: 346,000
2:30 Naruto: 316,000
3:00 Hunter: 277,000
3:30 AoT: 232,000

and rape

>running with her arms forward
wow she really hasn't been training to be a ninja for very long

>That crooked as window

Essentially by execution

Her child VA is good at screaming.

Ah, yes. The ninja gang rape squad.
A terrifying foe.


There, I just explained her entire character.

Wow mom. You really burried the lede. You started this story about being bullied and now you're being sold into slavery?

>If she answers me with "yes dear" and a smile
My heart

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So is Killer Bee seeing and hearing this?

and then Eren saved Mikasa

All female VAs scream well, and they all give headaches.

Thanks for proving how big a faggot you are

Her child VA and her adult VA are the same person, Laura Bailey.

Oh shit, we're watching SAO again?


>reee, Mary Sue
Oh look, newfags who don't know what that term means.

Attached: Stop repeating yourself, nigger.jpg (400x345, 110K)

>Cloud tried to kidnap Hinata and Kushina

Fucking nigs

Why the fuck can children beat adults with experience being ninjas?

How strong was Minato anyways


>beating up a shitty, lowest-tier ninja with only one jutsu makes you a Mary Sue

There are about five traits Kushina has I can think of off the top of my head that would make a better argument for that.

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Minato is a mary sue

all naruto girls are only good to fap to, their writing is garbage

I was going to give it a try, but their programmers were lazy and didn't want to add cases for CPUs lacking certain instruction sets. The game won't even start for me despite my processor having more than enough power to run it, just because of its age.

Is this Laura Bailey?

Lol they're dead


>Why are you always ignoring me?
>Because you can take care of yourself

You can have a fucking conversation, at least, asshole.

Have you ever watched any episode of this show besides this one?

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Look at this bitch's red hair. I'm gonna bully her.

>actually being upset people think nart girls are written like garbage
you're the newfag

>naruto being told a story of his conception
youd think youd just go back to going back to taming the raging fox awkwardly

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Is it just me or is every female ninja's backstory how they became a ninja because they fell in love?

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Let's be fair though, everybody in Naruto is written like garbage

>I love you.
Fuck I gotta call my mom

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>what is pink

>awkward laughing & smiling

I like how Naruto's been giggling the entire time

Ok this is cute. Seeing how Goofy and happy he is finally meeting his mother. God this is really adorable.

I sorta wanna watch that Road to Ninja movie now where Naruto''s parents are still alive.
And Hinata is super aggressive

You're welcome.

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>n-no u
Good one, kiddo. Really showed me what for.

At least the occasional guy character is tolerable for a moment.

Oh so that’s why he is an orange retard.
Orange hokage bad

nigger finally met mama you incels.

More shonen need adorable parent-child interactions and not just I HATE YOU FOR WORKING TOO MUCH DAD

>"Oh yeah, I should probably do something about the fox sucking out my sou-"
>end credits

no, but most of them seem to be about them getting bullied and/or kidnapped

female role in anime:
giving birth to the MC
the list can go on but i cant becase those are the only two anime i watch

I love how Naruto was acting like a little kid with his awkward giggling there.

The most powerful WMD in the world is going apeshit in Naruto's own body and that's just sort of ignored for awhile.

user, saying that while posting that particular mom is just going to send weird signals.

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The color of Sakura's bush.

that story was real nice and cute

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Rate this episode of Naruto Shippuden.

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>disguising your tardation as actual critique

Like you had a fucking argument.
>you're the newfag if you're so new you dont know this
>"n-no you response!"

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>casual chat with your ghostmom as a nuclear reactor goes critical in the background

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Did he really blow his house up

His parents aren't in it, though

gatta be all the gokus

>not finding beauty in the tale of your conception
You people have hangups.

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Sort of a low gold

Raikage Gold

Don't talk to me like that volcel.

>this revisionism that naurto girls have always been seen as written well
this is your brain on waifufaggotry

It's kind of funny that he's giggling and having this nice time with his mom all while the fox is getting chain raped

Ah shit yeah you're right. This is probably the least sexualized image I have of a mom though

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Do it, it's pretty good

maybe purple

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This was the first episode of anything Naruto I've watched in years.

Keep seething kid. I did have an argument, unlike (You)

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Green for the meme.

Actually it's time to
Give Alluka your Brain

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Probably my favorite Shippuden movie next to Bonds.

You’re really missing out lolol fucking lol buddy boyo


Lean green incest machine


That 2D pussy is somethin else...

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>Father married a feisty red head
>Naruto married a busty doormat
>Bort could realign this
I know people want him with purple traitor but this the better opinion story wise.

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He could make TWO WHOLE rinnegans and the fact that he can do pretty much everything Naruto can all while being the fastest ninja alive.

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Time for Hunter X Hunter!

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I'm just messing, that was mostly innocent. I just like to think lewdly.

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Time for Secure Contain Protect!

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do any of them even have a good backstory or reason to be ninja? If it's not just some family tradition, it's just a generic "I'm gonna be Hokage/Tsunade" statement one time.

What happened in last week's episode aside from explaining the creepy trap's powers?
I slept through the first half.

Toonami General, will you give HxH good ratings?

>They're adding Biscuit to JUMP FORCE
why'd they have to make the game shit? I would have loved to play her. FUCK!

Does his mom ever show up again or does she literally just show up, say "i didnt take shit from boys bullying me", and then never come back

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Time for HxH

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Which Zodiac are you

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I can't tell whether this is the worst family or the best.

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just shut the fuck youll just pull some shit out of your ass.

is this still about politics

yeah, well at least Naruto can become a frog!

He's gonna fuck neither because he'll be too busy being the bad guy at the end of story.

I want to. But the soul crushing depression of that it literally fucking ends very soon with zero chance of continuation due to the authors habit of loooooong hiatuses and Madhouse not a fan of


wow thats someone I didn't think would get in that trainwreck

What did the fat fuck wish for? I didn't hear him.

well if the internet has taught me ant thing this will end in hijinks and shenanigans

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Calm down, it's normal for not everyone to like your waifu.

>Alluka x and x Something
even the episode titles have given up

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This person's proportions terrify me.

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She explains what happened the night the Nine-Tails attacked.


So now Alluka is a boy.

I'm staying up for it even though I got shit to do in the morning, probably just gonna tap out after it. Not much I can do more than that

Naruto didn't have many options. Every girl around him hated his guts, abused him constantly and/or flooded their panties over his gay friend right in front of him. It all worked out though, Hinata is just the right balance between feisty and submissive now. Kushina and Sarada are just bitches.

It was just Killua going "let me see her" and his dad going "no, she's evil"

For a second I thought it was the schedule guy being a joker.

Okay you got me but I should get more cute images of moms.

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>Killua calls Alluka "she" while the rest of the family says "he"
FUCK yes they did it correctly! Good job dub.

"I wish for you to kill the guy I'm supposed to kill but that I'm too lazy to."

Minato knows sage mode as well.

How big is Alluka's dick?

oh they are calling Aluka he. Neat.

damn they got fucking JUICED

Couldve sworn that was always the case

I really didn't need to be reminded of wish demon loli

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>this is PG violence

Why is HxH horrifying me more most horror shows do?

Cute moms are a wonderful thing.

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Answer your fucking phone.

I'm upset they removed most of my mains from J-Stars

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something comfy about Hisoka and Illumi being total bros and sharing a drink at a bar

>Love and hate are two sides of the same coin
And you would know, wouldn't you, you fucking pedophile?

Last week they called her a girl.

Killua calls Alluka a she

love between butters

It varies depending on who's speaking.
Killua calls Alluka a girl. Everyone else says boy.

why not just kill the girl if she is THAT big of a threat to the family empire

I suppose fate would not be kind enough that both of her forms are being added?

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We got an hour left, make with the new thread.

For those that don't know, Alluka is a tranny child.

Well, yes and no. Killua preferred the person as a female but the fat guy said that's his brother. Welcome to the English Language.

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because sympathy shes a cute girl and its not her fault etc


>expecting any anime game that isn't dragonball to be good

It's like you want to be disappointed every time. You either just not play any of them or learn to have lower expectations.

Aren't pronouns kinda non existent in Japanese?


I still dont get these fucking rules

I know, but last episode the dad called her she so...

what if they plug their ears and dont hear the request

>There's the rub


Exactly. that why the dub is weird for people like Alluka.

lol that was cute

Incorrect. Killua uses words like “she” and “younger sister” in Japanese.

>Only Dragon Ball has good games

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Fuck my sides have exploded

Hisoka concerned about his boy toys...

Attached: Hisoka Sees Gon Ripen Hunter X Hunter.jpg (275x275, 21K)

didn't the dad keep calling her "it" and "that thing"?

It's easy to see how gay they are.

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>HunterxHunter is on

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stop making tom sell out

>nervous sweating intensifies

Attached: down with the clown.png (1006x570, 420K)

A good Pedo is A dead one

Because the power to grant anything you want or need is pretty damn useful. Might as well lock it away for special occasions or until you find a workaround

I love this cunt

Couldn't they have used the kid in the last arc?

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Couldn't you just wish something like "I wish there was no penalty"?

is john wick 3 a comedy

>Illumi gets assblasted when Hisoka points out his little brother is a flaming homosexual

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>When you realize you might get divine retribution for your years of molestation

I want to drink her bathwater.

The parasite would call you a faggot

Who's they?
The only people who knew anything about the Ants were the people on NGL.

only in the present. Not the flashback.

the kid hasn't been written yet

Her ability is too volatile, the future costs could've nullified their victory anyway.

Attached: Ora.jpg (850x850, 85K)

this fucking gel commercial and that dumb woman every week

Are you willing to risk lives to test out that theory?

Wow that scene of confusion really.. messed with me
>shapeshifter guy started ALL of this because he was worried about his mortality
>gay clown thought Gon was the other
>shapeshifter guy confused because he thought gayclown was the other
Also can anyone tell me if I got the little girls powers wrong?

>wish #1 was small
>so the demands from the girl for wish#2 will be small and if not met, consequences will be small, but
>wish#2 was huge
>so wish#3 demands and consequences will be huge for wish#4

>kill the king and all the ants


>the human race then ceased to be

use her for what?

The blowback for that wish would have exterminated all of humanity.

What, and ruin the plot?


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15 more minutes of Toonami!

I can't believe Killua is fucking dead

Attached: I can't beleieve Killua is fucking dead.webm (640x360, 66K)

Now show me a more recent one. They ain't interested in making decent anime games anymore, man.

FighterZ was like the last anime game that had genuine passion and effort put into, or atleast looked like it.

Illumi thinks he's the person Killua loves the most when Hisoka knows it's obviously Gon because he's been beta orbitting him the whole series

Okay, that scene made me chuckle because his head vanished.



>Illumi I don't see how this is gonna stop Killua and Alluka

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>these floating faces


Welp, that's our show! Killua's dead! Goodnight, everyone!


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>See you, Nen Hunter...

those subs were all wavy lol

So is Aluka able to control her power? If she asks "can you pass me that pen" and you say no is that it or will she always ramp it up?

Lup-bean the Thiiiird!

Attached: Hunter x Hunter - s03e03.mp4_snapshot_10.20_[2019.04.21_02.14.27].jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>Pariston appearance

Attached: __cheadle_yorkshire_and_pariston_hill_hunter_x_hunter__sample-33ac4a3619e9a929fad683158a45ed99.jpg (850x554, 101K)

The Ninja Storm games where pretty good for what they where and I've hear the recent Fist of the North Star game was solid as well

Attached: Fist_of_the_North_Star_Lost_Paradise_cover.png (250x308, 159K)

monkey punch dead

The KLK game looks pretty promising

Why would they give up their license?



I’ll provide the milk.

If they don't have bare boobs whats the point.

Pariston is such a douche

Attached: Hunter x Hunter - s03e03.mp4_snapshot_13.55_[2019.04.21_02.17.33].jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I keep waiting for the moment that someone calls Pariston a rat bastard.

Bet you they wish Gene was there now.

So who drew a box on the lens and rubbed vaseline outside of the box, and why?
not as big as pic related, on the grounds that it wouldn't be possible to be bigger.
That's not exactly true.
Wait a second, why are they floating faces?
Why does Rattrap have bishie sparkles?
Why though?

Attached: Scusi?.jpg (512x384, 27K)

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aw that was cute

why cant hunter x hunter just be cute stuff like that for a bit


Attached: Hunter x Hunter - s03e03.mp4_snapshot_14.55_[2019.04.21_02.19.29].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Tfw no tranny loli to pet

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We have come to a cross roads. 45 minutes until the block ends, and 15 minutes

Terms of this agreement:
we conserve images
or yw

fuck it i tried to RP in the hxh world but i made a new thread anyways

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It would almost be heartwarming if not for the context.

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It depends on the wish, thats why the after the money wish it asked him for stuff like hearts and a liver while other times it was simply pick me up

get that head up just a bit higher please

>power explanation AGAIN

>that PC was too easy
His brother wishes Kil would have died

Why would you do this?!

this game is real good. I still need to beat it.

Because we have shown restraint and being good in the past. The thread will die tomorrow morning, or early afternoon.

I say this because I know this has happened in the past, and this has happened in post-rating threads news that have happened and died before saturday.

Be cool.

Tonight's theme: moms!

>You're such a fucking hunter, I love it
>I'mma a good hunt, I'd fuck a nice cunt

There good but i dont know why cc2 removes features and even combos for seemingly no reason

Oh shit, she can do IF statements

I am down with this

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most likely power up form or transformation super.