How realistic do you think Calexit is on it's portrayal Yea Forums?

How realistic do you think Calexit is on it's portrayal Yea Forums?

Attached: Calexit2[1].jpg (2340x1080, 1.24M)

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>standard capacity magazines


In that California is shown to have been immediately occupied by the army and the "resistance" gets its shit wrecked in combat outside a few shoot and scoots? Yes.

Are you not aware of Gun Saint Benitez and his Epistle to the Californians?

Nonsense. The comic equivalent of this.

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>TFW I was just like this when I was 16 too
It's strange to think there are some people in there 20s that still think like this.

LOL it doesn't even work out for them in the comic itself.

Salinasfag here and I laugh my ass off about any of these idiots thinking they could unite for long enough over anything and have the ammo to do it. The national guard here are almost exclusively the types who would jump ship the minute something like this would happen, and it would be up to gang members and a few gun-nuts with weapon caches from then-on. The rest of the country would kick our ass so bad the state would probably be divided up afterwards and devolve into pissed off "We wuz vicitms in the Wer of Nerthern ergression" hicks within a decade.

The few around here who want this to happen are the types even radical sjws think are crazy and dangerous.

If I had to pick which of the secessionist-leaning areas of the US would be most likely to successfully break away from America, California would be at the bottom of the list.

I want it to happen because finally Liberals can get a country to themselves where they can do all the stuff they wanted to do and the conservatives can get the US to themselves and do all the shit they wanted to do. It will make everyone happy.

The handful of morons who advocate this are all the types who have big FBI files on them, I guarantee it. Even the most pro-ANTIFA Van Diresen-like professors I had in college reported some of their own students who talked like this.

>The EU trains America to resist Facism
>The EU
>resist Facism
Funny post

That part was hilarious.

Trust me, the bureaucracy around here can't even provide healthy public sanitation by setting up porta-potties for the homeless or non-drivers without it getting ruined by junkies, gang members and homeless overnight. It's the same way in the major areas too like San Francisco, not just a small town thing.

Trust me, if Calexit DID happen and seceded successfully and relatively bloodlessly and formed a nation based on our current economy, it would turn to fascism quicker than if you gave /pol/ a cosmic cube. Sure, they might pass a bunch of progressive laws at first and legalize a bunch of Tumblr memegenders, but once they saw how things weren't going to work out, "undesirables" would get hauled off first fucking thing.

>throw a lit match into a San Francisco street
>sepratists lose an entire stronghold city up in flames as the methane and human feces literally everywhere ignite

heh....... gg califags

I am flabbergasted that anyone can type something like this out and honestly believe it's a good idea.

I can't help but think this is satire, much like that America-occupied Canada comic.

As with all satire, the reality it's mocking is still more ridiculous.
At least California separatists - as a large and active movement - is practically fictional, as opposed to southerners trying to start shit up with the blue states or Britain leaving the EU.

Scandinavian here.
I am 100% pro fascism and national socialism.
I think California should be nuked as it is a hive of degenerate regressiveness and the epicentre of the disease currently poisoning the western world.

Nuke it, and aim the bomb directly at CalArts.

Do you worship Odin?
How is Paganism viewed in Scandinavia?

HA! I'll already be hiding out in my shelter in Nevada, with all the Patrician Yea Forums material taken with me.

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I respect the old beliefs, but all god worship is LARP tier and generally laughed at.

Hows life there user? Easy? Hard?
I don’t wanna migrate but I wanna go there for holidays.

Half of California is incredibly conservative

But I would support California anyway, it's gives out more in tax support than it takes in federal funding

Why is it that the most liberal parts of America (Massachusetts, California, even the liberal cities of Texas) are also the places where the most successful tech companies are started?

>pro fascism and national socialism
>hates 'degenerate regressiveness'
sometimes /pol/tards are good for a laugh, this much irony has to be good for the blood.

Scenery, mostly. Corporate mandates for tech companies require a certain "look".

Attached: Siliconvalley.jpg (1200x870, 344K)


>it will make a formerly united country divided and there will be corpses
wew lad

They are started by people who are competent and they employ people of high competence. Red states all have lower average IQ results and more corruption. This isn't controversial, prove me wrong by gambling millions starting up an IT/tech business in the south.

About as much as green lantern is an accurate depiction of space flight and policing.

Violent antifa militias with guns exist. That’s about it.

Your kind will be the first to die.
Hope you can keep laughing as you're thrown into the mass graves and doused with gasoline.

Then I don't get why Americans hate these places so much when they contribute so much to the national GDP

Texas has a significant tech industry. Nasa’s Houston hq? Texas Instruments? Origin systems? Bioware Austin and the other Texas game companies?

People are just looking for reasons to hate.

Based Northenbro.


PS: What’s the Ginger situation there? I want a Sigrun gf! We’ve got enough blondes here, but I want muh gingers.

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>liberal California armed with guns

Attached: if-cali-was-a-person.png (574x707, 1.14M)

>Representative of the entire south
That's basically an American meme. Texas is practically a purple state with how blue its cities are.

It's a Russian tactic to take an existing cultural schism and ramp it up to 11 to get everyone to hate each other, as outlined in the Mueller report.

There’s more to life than gdp. And many of the haters Are from the area they hate. Ask a sf resident about street shitters or nyc about anything in nyc.

>There’s more to life than gdp
California has a higher quality of life too though.
>And many of the haters Are from the area they hate
They anonymously claim to be so they can pass off anecdotes as if they mean anything besides that.

>Americans hate these places
Resentful losers hate anyone doing well, run everything you read on Yea Forums through that filter and remember that most people are busy doing something other than hatin and bantz.

>W-we're not assholes to each other with little grasp of civility! It's a massive conspiracy! Yeah, a conspiracy, see...

Sure, and much of the tech areas of California are republican as fuck. Nixon was from Orange County. Reagan. El segundo aerospace. Silicon Valley has no shortage of rich republican capitalists either.

I’m not sure if you’re a pol smoker or have never met a New Yorker in your life.

>that trigger discipline
>photocopied photos as backgrounds
>people just fucken talktalktalkwordswordswords
it's not real good

>California covered in homeless
>Homeless are covered feces
>Feces is swarming with Typhus
>Typhus has AIDS

And our politicians waste their time banning plastic straws

It's not even a matter of its politics, Calexit was just such a waste of an amazing idea that someone who actually traveled around California could do so much with.

I don't think people actually how massive and diverse California is. If some group managed to get a war going, it would be complete and utter chaotic fuckery.

>thread is made just as an excuse for /pol/fags too scream and shit themselves

No one is doing anything about the long-term environmental problems except California. You think Cali is covered in homeless now, wait until huge swaths of the planet are unlivable and the unwashed masses migrate in an actual crisis.

As a yuropoorian, what is this calexit comic? Is it like brexit, but slightly less comedic?

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And even then banning plastic straws isn't going to do much to reduce plastics in the ocean. It feels like one step forward but two step backs

Someone that gets it. I'm in SoCal and you don't have to look hard to find people here that would be violently AGAINST secession, and that's before heading to more rural areas that have the guns, militias, and a good chunk of the farmland. I almost want it to happen so people would finally stop buying into Sacramento's and the media's bullshit about everything. Hell, maybe the chaos will give militias a reason to start cleaning up the homeless around here too.
>larping is looked down upon
>now excuse me as I march around in my cute little leather outfit
I hope you're at least doing your part in curbstomping some of those refugees, yeah?
Tech companies go where money and influence is, and what do coastal areas/states have in common? Major ports used for international trade. That's literally all it is, geography = trade = money = big influence and population = big fucking cities and industries. Also keep in mind that the South never truly recovered from the Civil War economically relative to the rest of the nation for many reasons, so money and influence there just isn't as big as it could have been if not for the conflict and the damage done.

Imagine if the eu tried to keep Brittan in with guns. And it was Tankies shooting at the eu military.

Half the tread is leftypol. You crazy user.

Ironically the interviews at the end of every issue are the best parts.

Calexit is a meme put forward by some far leftist and even (small time) politicians to secede from the United States. Unlike Brexit they won't be leaving an economic union but rather the nation itself, and the last time that was tried we had a civil war.

Hopefully california and all sanctuary cities can leave the states, so they can get war declared on, and shot.
US needs closed borders, and trump doesn't fulfill promises

The most critical environmental problem is population. California’s running full speed the wrong way there.

>California has a huge drug and homeless problem guys

Attached: drugs.png (709x470, 44K)

I’m not sure what you see but I wouldn’t believe those people exist if not for the interviews

>California has a higher quality of life too though.
California has the WORST quality of life if you're not a billionaire.
Even the people that make a million dollars a year are just scraping by there, because the prices on everything are jacked up.

Life sucks here my dude, there's a reason people are leaving this shithole in droves.

Why do Australians wish to see the earth burn?

>even the people that make a million dollars a year are just scraping by here
you know you can literally just move a city away and this is just not true right? I live in Eastvale, CA and I just bought a decently sized three bedroom, two story house for 350k in SoCal

I’m not sure what you’re trying to show, but I’m pretty sure it belongs in pol.

So they can feel at home wherever they go.

They are adapted to a hot hellhole. For Australians to thrive and to spread out, they need more of the world to be hot hellholes, user.

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Did you actually read your article, Google kids?
>The rankings and report are based on an index created by consulting firm McKinsey & Company, which surveyed more than 30,000 people.
Those people have fucked up your country bad enough. Stop trusting corporations who try to rob you.

Some of them are hilarious, but some of them are genuinely interesting. The interview with the community organizer was a pretty great and concise look at ground level political organizing.

to remove leaf

>Decriminalised knowingly infecting people with AIDS

I'm sure America would really miss California

exactly like real life: silly imagination

It's disputing the /pol/ meme that California is more drug filled than red states like Kentucky, dumb faggot.

the land compels humans to survive

It's still a crime.
>wah wah wah but i need it to be a felony not a misdemeanor!!!
What difference does it make, you're putting children in concentration camps when crossing the border (twice, but not once, without seeking asylum) is a misdemeanor too.

I thought it was actually found to be started by a far right dude who was false flagging

>>wah wah wah but i need it to be a felony not a misdemeanor!!!

Yes you fucking retarded Californian piece of shit.

tht list is like 50:50 red:blue except the drugs on the east coast are locally produced, that kentucky tennesse weed is the goddamned shit and your not supporting no fucking cartels fuckboui

>and the last time that was tried we had a civil war.
i fugured that was a mistake we learned from but nooooo force people to be apart of your country that's sure fucking demoscratoc

No, it turned out that one of the main guys behind it was basically a Russian shill.

I almost moved to Eastvale, did you know the same house you bought can be had for less than 100k in Tennessee? Quality of life is shit throughout the state, don't pretend it isn't just because you aren't on the largest pile.

PS enjoy the radiation from all the nuke test sites by Chino, or did you not know why your land was so "affordable?"

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It’s a little more complicated. People who believed the fema camp thing were afraid of the feds. Those guys were serious. At least by wingnut standards. Much of the actual funding came from Russia. See also the Jefferson split proposal.

This 100%, the problems of the present are a gentle test run, 2 million on the move due to Syria and associated bloodshed? Baby numbers, 100 million will be looking for new homes in the next 20 years. October last year i was in Vanuatu and they have some serious news about islands disappearing.
Correct, the south is a low-powered set of useless luggage, but blaming the Civil War is dumb. You don't score low on IQ tests because of a war over 150 years ago.
>The most critical environmental problem is population
The US alone discards enough to feed the world every two years, scarcity has been artificial since WWII. Whoever fed you this idea of too many people is trying to kill you by making you try to kill others.

If outside pressure is what gets you moving then your country is nothing but bitch boys. also global blabber has never done anything, in the end they all stand with their interests. Why is it that even in their fantasy they can't take care of their own shit? The whole thing reads like dumb shit murica tried in Iraq and other shitholes. I mean do you have 0 pride? all of US becomes just a proxy war for EU and Russia and EU wins because muh memes.
>all the major cities
all those cities need food.
>kept 80% of armed forces but still needed civs trained by EU
is this a joke post?

>eucalypts need fire to reproduce
being really, really sure you know what you're doing gets people killed. Eucalypts were introduced to Cali because not much else can grow there unless it's some scrubby little shrub that can live on 5 minutes of rain a year.

Has this faggot seriously never used a calculator?

defeat the right in 1860? Does he know that the Union were republicans?

>What difference does it make
level of punishment. Its a crime up there with murder

Do you guys have to talk about some twitter post, instead of the comic?

I have only seen 1 page from that comic, which is the one op posted.I liked "defend each other" line so I looked at the other shirt, thats when I knew I would never read this comic. on the second look Art style makes it looks like 2deep for you indie stuff, I noticed she had a leg missing but its not a cool prosthetic so no fun there. background is lazy.

Scarcity hasn't been the issue for decades, it's been distribution. Then you've got the economic issues to deal with.


>Scarcity hasn't been the issue for decades
distribution is part of scarcity. availability is not lack of scarcity

The comic is poorly written talking point bait, the art is consistent but meh. Considering the subject matter are you surprised the thread is going to devolve into this level of chimping shit flinging?

thsat thy equate anything anout US culture with that of today is laughabe

these people also think "they" were the same herores thatt stormed omaha beavhr to liberate the poor jews says the same thing

>supply/demand retardation runs economic policy
>scarcity isn't the issue, it's logistics

As long as you talk about why the situation in real life won't ever be like in the comic, or how the comic is right about this and that, or how it's stupid, it's fine.
Just don't keep talking about some twitter post.

The comic and the Twitter post are the same. Both are wild fantasies that really on a gross misunderstanding of current political realities and a paradoxical belief that the rights current California suppresses won't bite them in the ass should there be a time to fight. Case in point, the Barrett .50 cal rifle is illegal in CA but is seen in use by "resistance" members in the comic, who I can only assume voted to ban such weaponry in the first place, and the only people trained on such weapons would be people in the vastly conservative armed forces or civilians that wouldn't vote Democrat if you paid them $1000 a month.

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It's even better. She's actually a raging psychopath who makes things worse and managed to get an entire neighborhood of people killed due to her failure.

Logistics is a major issue. Supply/demand in this situation comes from the disruptive influence of donations on local economies.

How about you don't tell me what I should talk about it? you know how in a boring movie people start talking about tons of unrelated shit? its like that

Some people never grow up.

If only there weren't any peaceful, low-crime, prosperous parts of the world where people didn't think about owning a .50 cal anything and regard people who do as mentally unstable.

Careful you're going to get people memeing about Europe being overrun by Muslims.


>She's actually a raging psychopath who makes things worse and managed to get an entire neighborhood of people killed due to her failure.
I common thing for a YA female protagonist. The whole "failing makes her seem deep" thinking

growing up is a necessiyt of devdloping cpunttroeds

Maybe, but only the fear-crazed dopes who've never left the state they were born in.

Nigger go lie down

IF only. unfortunately such levels of peace are media propaganda.

are you having a stroke?
yep im sure they just imagined those pictures with burning cars

Those parts of the world without readily civilian access to 50 cals are sorely lacking in freedom, and are ripe for a government to roll in and oppress them.

For a theoretical example of how this might play out, refer to the 2107 comic "Calexit" published by Black Mask Studios

Primary ownership of those rifles is military and law enforcement.

They want to repeat of the massive fires that turned Australia into the desert shithole it is today except in global scale

If there was ever another American Civil War, i always thought it would be something like this

>U.S military splits to siding the government or insurgence
>Battles will not be fought like the first civil war
>Fighting will be like Syria with emphasis on urban and guerrilla warfare
>Factions splinter in church militias, university militia, etc
>Insurgency commits acts of terrorism to force U.S government to overreact
>Insurgency threaten families of government workers and bombing and shit
>Government overreacts by being tyrannical and placing martial law
>Normal people are now forced to pick between two sides
>Now the south can no longer sell their onions to the north, ultimately causing farms in the south to close down
>Basedboys becomes more masculine from lack of onions and fight the MAGA militia

Attached: Disappointment.jpg (1080x1120, 293K)

is it fucjing illegsl to drink-ahnf post now as??holes

you think itelligemces surfaces when you're sober? you got to lett it out bitch

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You're alright user

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>U.S military splits to siding the government or insurgence
am I the only one who thinks majority of them would lockstep with whomever is officially in charge? unless their was split caused by succession issue they would go with whomever is president.
>Fighting will be like Syria
feel like protecting the infrastructure would be one of the key points.
>Government overreacts by being tyrannical and placing martial law
martial law is not tyrannical and would be implemented in early stages, not as an overreaction.
>Basedboys becomes more masculine from lack of onions and fight the MAGA militia
that does not happen overnight. maybe their grandkids will
>farms in the south to close down
or they start farming war relevant shit.

escapism is not the prerogaticve of substances, rather the mind itself using it as an excuse

if your brain uses substances to reveal itself you are merely weak, but at least you are true

I disrespectful disagree, you cunt.

if you have some great legacy tworad the ideloggy you espouse let me know bitch niga other wise you are dofg barjing at nothing

either way seeeking my respect or contempt only confirms you are as nothing as the rest of us worthless empty nothingness

You’re flat out anti science. A massive migration to high carbon footprint countries will result in a massive increase in overall carbon footprint. Using food as a metric is Fox News levels of propaganda.

I seek neither your respect nor your contempt. all I seek are are (you)s and you have already given them

(you) are iinfinitevand\ therefore worthless, you are less than streetcorner doomsayers in your social neediness and i would call you friend

I’m actually curious how many Barrett owners are even mainstream democrats, much less antifa. It’s probably in the single digits.

Alright. I can respect a man who knows what he wants out of life. Even if it’s gay as fuck.

it matters not who owns the weapms rather wjo has the fortiude to use them

The guy who got out and got one likely has more fortitude to use it then someone just dreaming about it.

>you're putting children in concentration camps
All these advertising slogans are tedious.

pull the trigger then cuckboy. this clucking grows tiiresome and i regret that i may not see the rebalance in my lifetime

Based nordbro, the end of the century will see the right ascend into total power.

the right will die allowing the rest to suffer the world they have wrought ffor themselves

most likely this. its death or retarded extremism

our plqcein the world is always temporary and an imbalance, always better in hostory no matter who writes it..

It’s fun shooting that shit though. You ever shot 3 watermelons at once with one?

No, because im not rich

neither are peoplle who get tatto molon labe and their last three girlfrieds but they find a way faggot

I said im not rich, I did not say im retarded. If I get 3 watermelons Im going to eat them and if I get money for tattoos im going to pay my electric bill.

Can't you grow Cactus in Cali?

>not much can grow in Cali
>is the literal cornucopia of the West,
Dude not everything is desert here bro.

You have an internet connection and some device capable of accessing 4channel. You clearly allocate a budget for your entertainment. Some people prefer shooting watermelons for their fun user, and can stay in budget like you

Large chunks of its primary agricultural areas are naturally desert though.