Heathcliff saves the day

Heathcliff saves the day.

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Truly an avant-garde masterpiece.


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What? I usually get what Gallagher is going for in his strips, but I can't help but feel I'm missing something here.


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>that kitty corner pinup

Egghead is a egg-themed villain character created for the '60s Batman TV series played by Vincent Price.

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The joke is that cats typically don't use balloons to run their errands.

They don't smoke pipes either.

what the fuck, an actual reference?

>that sexy Jane Villuga

So does this mean Heathcliff takes place in the DC universe?

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>heathcliff lore

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Looks like a new artist for the Kitty Korner.

>an actual reference
Heathcliff is like 1/3rd references to outside media and 1/3rd references to past strips.

>1/3rd references to outside media
I've never noticed this before

That is pretty cool

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Oops, ignore

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this is actually kinda funny

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Well, I suppose less references and more just blatant copyright infringement.

Heathcliff is secretly top tier humor. I'm not even joking, I'm pretty sure you only "get it" if you've consumed copious amounts of comedy.

>mfw too dumb to understand Heathcliff

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Heathcliff. The humour is extremely su

the girl in the corner has banging titties

>tfw Heathcliff thread

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See, here's why Heathcliff is funny while looking like it doesn't have a joke. It has layers of absurdity.
Heathcliff orders food like he's a person. Also he orders a garbage omelette, something that only an animal would order, but the waitress still has to ask who ordered it, like it's a normal thing. Basically the joke is that everyone treats Heathcliff's weirdness like it's normalcy, but what makes it funny is the layers of weirdness.

Layers of absurdity
Cats wearing sweaters, cats wearing sweaters with a message, that message only works if they're all together, they fucking mean it. That message is their prey, and their prey knows it's a bad sign but again treat it mundanely.

Woman might have asked shopkeeper who that orange cat who ordered a lot of ham before her is, in a "what the hell" sense. The butcher doesn't remark that this is an incredibly smart orange cat who runs his own errands. He doesn't remark that there was a balloon parked outside when she asked. He's their best customer and it's mundane,

Repairman comes and finds Heathcliff dressed as a magician trying to repair. He doesn't remark on a cat trying to repair the boiler, or on magic being the key, he remarks that's it's just the wrong wand, and if a cat was using the right wand then you don't need a repairman.

Here literally nothing is happening and that's all the text has to say. The giraffe is ignored in universe because the absurdity is mundane. It's comfy.


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gallagher knows what's up

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