Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime pt 22

Usagi Yojimbo by Stan Sakai.
Last time on Usagi-Bowl Z: Usagi gets a new girlfriend, but leaves her behind. Now she's been captured by an assassin after Usagi. Will it end happily - or all end in tears? Find out

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>Usagi, you fight my clan often. I want you to start taking small doses of this regularly to build up an immunity and so you won't die if I'm not around
>It's also a great party trick

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>All that black colored blood in panel one
That's one of the things that I'm worried for with the coming color editions

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>Chizu Kiss Count: 5*
*1 initiated by Usagi

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>Oh no! A poison needle in his neck! I'll have to... suck out the poison!
>Chizu, I don't think it's poisoned. I feel fine.
>No, I insist! I know these neko venoms, they're sneaky!

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Annnnnd this panel (drawn in 2008 IIRC?) is the last time Tomoe has appeared in the comic in any way, shape, or form. Great, Stan. Thanks, I hate it.

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And on almost Sunday he has risen.

>Potential Kirishitans: 9

Unless you count Chibi Tomoe Adventures.

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>Chizu snowball count: 1

Though probably not. Unless she's deflecting attention.

It's sunday for me

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>Allow me to carry your sword
>That's not my sword

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You didn't have to do this, Dharmanon. You could have left it at the good ending. Instead you went and broke my heart.

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Man I forgot these stories where back to back. No room to breath in this volume.

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I'm noticing a pattern on who Jizo likes.

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Bampus, thanks for posting, Dharmanon

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No problem. Thanks for the bump

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I wanna see a pic of Usagi hiding eggs.

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>Gen will only join the hunt if there's money inside the eggs

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Count all you want, I still say Tomoe is still in the lead. I mean he was literally just dreaming about her.

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Aww it's my boi!

And then there's the tea cermony

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Get Sad

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Double tapped that fucker

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It's sweet how much she cares. Heartless assassin my ass.

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>J fears all Ks
it's like a 6 afraid of 7 scenario.

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All she wanted is him to care for her. And she died knowing he did. Goodnight, sweet princess.

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Ah, good old times.

>I wanna meddle!
>No meddling.
>But I wanna!

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I really want to see this if the animation ever comes about

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Two good women who did not deserve their suffering dying in the same storytime? Must be the miracle of Easter.

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Thanks for reading. Enjoy the holiday!

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>Return of the Black Soul on Easter
Jei-sus Christ

>Mayumi: dead
>Scary Jei origin or whatever
>Inazuma dead

Man this volume didn't fuck around.

He came back to smite all the evil. He kept saying that whenever he appeared, try to pay attention next time, user.

Happy Easter!

>comes from a working class peasant background, so she's both willing and able to pull her weight
>thinks you're the coolest guy around even though you're constantly broke and a meddling wanderer
>willing to endure the hardships of homelessness and poverty just to be with you
>laughs off all your hurtful words, she sees beneath the sting to the guarded care behind them
>not constrained by samurai class honor or ninja blood vendetta
>you let her die anyway because you're too caught up in your own bushidonigger autism
I will never stop being mad. There is a distinct point in this series where I stopped hoping Usagi would catch a break for all the bullshit he's been put through and when I would look forward to the next issue just to see what fresh suffering awaits him and this page is the definitive marker of when.

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In the old TMNT cartoon Usagi actually did have to become the easter bunny. It was a weird show, looking back.

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Speaking of Usagi crossovers, Im late to the party but fucking A the 2012 series one was Kino. I haven't even seen the rest of the show but that was kick ass.

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It honestly were one of the best episodes of that series. TMNT2012 had potential, but quickly went to shit. Even the Usagi crossover, while pretty good, had some problems. My biggest gripe was with Usagi's voice - he sounded way too harsh and strict for a guy who's usually skipping through the forest singing about spring and happily plays with kids.

He does +20% holy damage to demon type enemies
You'll want him on your team.

>he sounded way too harsh and strict for a guy who's usually skipping through the forest singing about spring and happily plays with kids.
Yeah, but he was also in SERIOUS mode throughout most of it. I suppose it was a bit deep but I can Usagi being the guy who only sounds that when serious and damn was he serious.

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B-but the trusty poking stick has never failed before.

Why I don't disagree with your idea of "serious mode", I still think the voice was too deep and raspy. He sounded more like I'd Imagine general Ikeda to sound. On the other hand, TMNT2003 had an almost perfect Usagi with a voice that was neither high pitched nor deep and did work in both playful and serious mode. The only thing I liked more about the 2012 voice was that it belonged to an actual Japanese guy.

It was still better than his 87 voice. I mean I don't want to say racist but Townsend Coleman (Holy crap the Tick) cannot do a Japanese accent.

considering the actual Miyamoto Musashi died after being a hermit in a cave writing a book because he his health deteriorated,
Usagi will probably meet a similar end?

>a cave to call your own
Usagi will be lucky to have hat on his head.

Will anyone paint him stabbing a whale.

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You're right, since 'racist' implies bad intentions (at least it should, since nowadays that term is getting put on everything willy-nilly). 'Ignorant' or 'unskilled' is a more fitting description.

Well of course, he probably had a life dot like every mini-boss.

Stan posted some Tomoe cheesecake so we might be seeing her soon!

So are those statues based on some actual Japanese gods or oni or something or were they just original characters?

Now there's a familiar face i didn't expect to see again.

>this way she'll die!
>and once she's dead, kageramu will be our leader !

I'm beginning to think that Chizu is only liked by 10, maybe 20 somewhat honorable members of her clan and the whole rest is a bunch of assholes. Perhaps the majority of the clan's most loyal ninjas died with Shingen in the Dragon Bellow fights and later during the Grasscutter debacle. When the civil war is over, she'll be barely able to form a basic spy network out of the loyalists and there is no way they'll be enough for an actual fighting force. This is kinda-sorta supported by Senso, where she led a tiny team of neko ninjas who were working for Noriyuki, who'd rather have spies than assassins.

A dream where he penetrated her.
Yup, The right way is the way of Tomoe.

At the rate she and Usagi kill neko ninjas their ranks have to be thinned out badly already.

Personally I really think Stan's decision to make Chizu a perma-renegade is one of his less standout narrative choices even though she's a great character so I see why he did it. The early books were a lot more dynamic in terms of events changing the status quo whereas the death of Inazuma in the current storytime is probably the last of those so far.

I hope Stan returns to the Red Cloud castle from book 25 at some point, and that clan in general. Usagi did those guys a bro, their new lord could hopefully receive him as a friend.

Anyone know how much is left ? I wan't there for last yeras storytime.

This is book 24 of the "regular" series, Return of the Black Soul. The latest to be released is book 32, Mysteries; 33, The Hidden, is due out in book form this summer. There are also the supplemental books Yokai, Senso and Space Usagi.

wait isnt the hidden special mini series?

>you become a master swordsman so you don't have to fight
>body count in the hundreds
Keep it classy, Usagi.

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Nah, AFAIK he just decided to convert the monthly floppy to, like, a sequence of miniseries. I don't know why exactly, and I also don't suppose it matters much since he's moving to IDW now and probably reworking all that stuff again.

They're the seven deadly sins. This is also why Jei keeps associating with lightning

Seven deadly sins in Christian way of thinking or are there some different sins in Japanese folklore?
Also what does lightning have to do with Jei?

I don't actually know the answer to your question. That was just a joke about Shazam


oh thats weird. the whole thing just looked like a mini series, not part of the new book. after hes done they will release the miniseries as a whole book right?

Happy Easter Usagi thread!

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Yes, The Hidden comes out as the next book inthe series this July. It's also the last Usagi thing Dark Horse will publish.

Actually, I believe someone noted his body count is well past 3000, second only to Conan

The dude has a Lone Wolf and Cub level bodycount where it reaches the point where you have to wonder how he can continue to have a rep of "Just One Ronin" when he's sent the equivalent of an army to Lord Enma.

New catfight pic when?

Oh GOD that's adorable.

Did he? Post a link to it.

>Iisuta no Usagi
Hard approve

I've also thought that he ought to be a bit more famous at this point. The real Musashi fought 60 duels in his lifetime according to himself and was famous all over Japan long before his death.

Yeah. Itto rose from being the Shogun's Executioner to "Oh fuck its the baby carriage assassin!" pretty quick and I think Usagi might actually have him beat for kills (no easy feat!)

I hope its soon. I'd like a pic of someone putting someone in a submission hold based on whoever is winning at this point to show how the fight is developing.

That kid ain't right

oh wow, Jei isn't dead, he just hopped bodies again
what a surprise
we haven't done this before
its all good, everyone loves jei
its not like he's a one not character who should have been done with even before grasscutter or anything.
yes, Im very mad

When will he fuck Tomoe?


I want to finally buy a usagi book but I cant afford much, so I guess I will wait until this book is out. I loved the hidden story

Jei being exorcised by the priest would be a really good ending I think, with the other priests finally being able to sleep again

but noooo

Right after she whips Chizu's tail in the onsen catfight and shows her who's the top cat.

up to this story I always feel bad for usagi
but then he lets the best girl die

fuck him

Right after she has a fucked-up nightmare, it was a few threads back, we literally just discussed this

Eh, Inazuma felt like a placeholder body anyway. This story finally resolves that plot point and sets up the final (I hope, because Jei is getting way too close to becoming the Joker of this comic) confrontation of Usagi and Jei. Then Usagi will have no real enemy/rival left, since attacking a lord as powerful as Hikiji is pointless suicide and the most Usagi can do is foil some of his schemes. But that may be a good thing.

well what will actually happen is that Ishida will use the power of Christ to exorcise Jei

Inazuma felt like so much wasted potential.

That would be absolutely kino.

She's been leading for awhile now. I think drawanon should just call it and deliver the victory pic.

>Then Usagi will have no real enemy/rival left
Yes, Koroshi and the neko ninja clan are faggots. Totally.

For a guy that's supposed to be FINAL BOSS, Hikiji has been real low-key. I think even Hebi got more screen time.

>Inazuma felt like a placeholder
Funny thing is, Keiko was supposed to be the second vessel, but then Stan got attached and created Inazuma as a substitute

kek xD

that... that is pretty awsome actually

It was a very exciting story

Well we did get the reveal that Ishida is a christian
But yeah, would be nice to get more stories that affect canon overall.

As mentioned previously, Sakai regrets making him a human. And I think someone also pointed out that he was originally meant to be a Sauron-like final boss for Sakai's aborted Nilson Groundthumper comic, which was to be about the rise of humans. Usagi's first appearances were drawn in preparation for him appearing as a side character later in the Nilson comic's plot, but then Sakai decided he liked Usagi much better than his "main" comic, and readers also did, so he discarded that whole thing and went all in on Usagi Yojimbo instead.

I worry that the animated series will cut down on the violence a lot, even as "clean" as it is. Hard to sell a kid's show where the protagonist kills nearly every episode.

Hey! A story I havdn't read yet!


I kinda hope Stan revisits this cave later on. It's pretty fucking creepy. And it could be the perfect place to actually conclude Jei's story

I mean they casually killed a peasant who helped them out. They probably didn't deserve much better than this.

What's the old one?

How far behind are you?

I think it may have been less he got attached to Keiko and more he chickened out as having a little girl get possessed and basically replaced by a murderous demon is pretty fucking dark.

I'm not reading this actually, just curious about the pic

It's several pics. We've reached our image limit in this thread but I'll repost them in the next.

Thank you kind sir I'll keep a lookout

Only because it's the holiday. Thank Jesus or something.

your edit always makes my eyes scream, he has two right hands, what an infamy

>Thank Jesus or something
>praising a condemned nanban criminal
>in literally current 12th year of the Kanei Era
Top jej everyone point and laugh at this kirisitan baka

Looks fine to me. They only have four fingers, so a middle finger gesture will seem off at first glance

Thank ya Jei-sus!

Thank you. Just so I understand the context of this since I don't read this comic - this is fanart of this comic, referencing a scene of it I assume?

References nothing besides the debate of who is the best waifu. No particular scene is referenced.

Why is that a debate? It is obviously Tomoe.

It references nothing, it's just waifu fanart. The comic itself has virtually zero sexual themes to it at all; even kisses are in the single digits across all the stories.

Partially because kissing wasn't a thing in feudal japan technically

Just the top contenders in the waifu wars. Actually in almost 30 years the two have never even met.

Well I wouldn't say ZERO. Stand doesn't shy away from the occasional prostitute making an appearance even if no one is banging her.

I didn't miss anyone, did I?


commit sekkusu

While I'm totally shit at drawing, I can confirm that the thumb is the rightmost finger in the picture and is less visible because it's slightly bent to the inside of the palm (as you may do when flipping the bird). Imagine that the two last fingers on your left hand are one and try doing this in front of a mirror.

That's why I said "virtually"; you still catch a butt wiggle or a side boob every dozen or so stories.

>I didn't miss anyone, did I?
Yes, you obviously did, given that most of the Worst Character complaints in previous threads were about Kitsune. I don't think I've seen anybody complain that Hikiji is a bad character, just that it's a shame that he never appears.

Thanks. I'll fix that

Fixed version

There is the snitch informant guy.

What is the name of the guy who keeps trying to ruin tomoe and make her a housewife, again?

Ninjas employ every weapon at their disposal! I imagine that means they are more open minded to new ideas about how to do things.

Do you mean Lord Horikawa, Noriyuki's shitty advisor, or Lord Itoh, Tomoe's future husband?

Eh the recent TMNT version handled it pretty well. No real blood but pretty obvious about it with the token skulls

