Could they work as a couple?

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Kamala is for Billy.

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No, but Kamala would be good friends with Clark's daughter.

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I assume you meant crime-fighting duo, and the answer is yes! It needs to be in only occasional doses but Superman mentoring a young and excitable hero is a fun dynamic.

Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way. You heard that. Keyword the AMERICAN way. Not truth,justice and the islam way. If Kamala renounced the evils of islam and converted to Christianity then maybe.

Superman can't work with any character that is known for its niceness and kindness, because no other character is allowed to be as nice and kind as Superman. So Miss Marvel would have to gain some edge for the story.

Maybe Carol would be a better choice, since she's a huge asshole.

I wish DC and Marvel were a single universe so cute crossovers like this could happen.

Would they work as a couple?

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no ship is better than friend-ship

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popuko would end up rage killing morty before they even got to the romance stage of the relationship

Hey fag, pic related.

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I mean, it wouldn't be the first time Clark was wanted by the FBI.


He'd prefer a more wholesome Marvel girl.

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>Kamala and Billy swap universes

What happens.

>superman scared of Mary marvel trying to jailbait him

God, imagine what the rest of the Daily Planet would think when they found Clark Kent is under arrest for sex with a 16 year old

Only women that are completely secure on themselves could ever date superman.
Lois Lane and Wonder Woman could date him because they didn't saw themselves as superman's girlfriends, because they are ACTUAL strong women®
The Marvels gals that would be able to date superman that I can think of are She-Hulk, Susan and Hercules

Superchad is too good for that

Could they work as a couple?

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At first glance, maybe. Wonder would be disgusted by Marvel after knowing her better


I hope Mary crushes hard on him in the Shazam sequels.

Clark no!

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There's a follow up page where Kara flirts with Billy but I can't find it.

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eh. Carol is an asshole of epic levels. WW might want to make it work and give up almost immediately but would still want to have carol as a fuck buddy.

No. Diana would find a woman like Carol to be utterly disgusting.

unless we're talking about injustice wondy, no
injustice wondy is even worse than regular Carol

He's happily married and she's a dyke

>but Superman mentoring a young and excitable hero is a fun dynamic.

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But user, she's a child

Kamala is pure and heterosexual! She will marry a Muslim boy who will give her many children!

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>Happily married
Not for long

You can't keep shipping kamala with literally everyone

Way to completely miss the point of America AND Superman

that's fine in Islam

Is this bait?

>Alien cradle robbers
Lex was right

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If you're going to keep your species going you should start as soon as possible.

Says who?

You mean Jon right. Clark would never go out with a girl younger than him

He'd make out with one though!

Would they work as a couple?

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I'd actually like to see something like that, an inverted femme fetale where the man tempts the good girl to go evil.

What is 'every fantasy romance on the bookshelves' for 500 points?

Is there a story where the opposite happens? An introverted male hero changes sides because of the female villian

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If we go with her non basterized characterization then Diana would not tolerate Carols shit and if she learns of the Cival War 2 she caused she'd wouldn't show her any form of respect or a shred of kindness. Carol is more of a villain than a hero

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Hmmmm, I’m relatively sure that’s a thing in a lot of animes, I’d start in that area.



Nah, I've seen lot of anime that has the good male protagonist make the female villian change side but never the opposite.

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She's hetero, but open to experimenting.
