Why does Marvel hate Asians?

Why does Marvel hate Asians?

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Best girl is played by an asian actress, and Jimmy Wu was fuckin adorable

the chinese are a bugmen hivemind commanded by their secret queen wu zetian who dwells deep under Beijing laying more chinaman eggs

>Can't use India, Pakistanis will kick up
>Can't use Pakistan, Indians will kick up
>Can't mention Tibet, China will unironically REEEEEE
>China sorely dislikes Japan, so no portrayal of anything that could inspire 'glorious nippon'
>The entire Korea situation is so pathetic and disheartening it's not even funny
>SEA is now a thing

That's why there's a lack of countries being represented, mostly due to money. As for actual actors and actresses themselves, you can't put that down to several simple reasons

>lack of WELL KNOWN talent pool
>struggle to not type cast
>struggle to select actors and actresses not taken
>lots of roles have already been filmed, need new projects to cast new actors and actresses, which carry a higher risk, and thus are played ever more safe, yada yada yada.

That being said, people give Tilda Swinton a lot of shit for playing the ancient one, despite the fact that not only was she not only very good in the role, there wasn't a balloon's chance in a pin factory any insinuation of Tibet was going into Dr Strange.

Besides, to list, so far we have

>Helen Cho

Isn't a bad start.

*not only was she very good in the role

They don't get any diversity points for casting them because Asians don't whine about not being included

holy shit i never realized she was asian, at least she doesnt look like it to me when i watched the movie

I would like to see Ziyi Zhang or Michelle Yeoh

Well we're apparently getting a Shang Chi movie, one that's going to lean more on superhero than martial arts so... look forward to that I guess

>see why don't you be more like Asians, they don't complain about everything
>treat Asian women as submissive and Asian men as betas
I'm glad Asians are starting to get uppity

You see user, white people often hold different opinions unlike Asians

the funny part is asian male white female is becoming a growing trend in society soon all white women will be slaves to the rice cock

Two of the lead actresses in agents of shield are Asian.

Asian Americans will never be accepted as Asians in Asia.

soon all white women won't want white men. It's getting annoying. Asian women don't like to date out of race cause famiry. No one likes black women. Latina/Hispanic women are dangerous. And Indian women have been fucked by their own incestuous families to the point no one wants to touch them.

Didn't China absolutely hate Rose in TLJ?

Y'up. Good looking people only please. If I wanted to see normal people I'd just look around me or at a mirror.

But they're already slaves to BBC?

No idea, I remember liking Wong better than Strange in DS and IW.

>Can't use India, Pakistanis will kick up
why does anyone give a fuck about Pakistan? It's a tiny market and India is gigantic.

Mouth breather.

Kamala though will come soon

Most people hated her user.

Hell, Finn was the ONLY new character I liked in Force Awakens, and that bitch blew that to shit the moment they met in Last Jedi.

The actor for Finn is a franchise killer. Any establish franchise that he stars in is bounded to be doom.

Gemma Chan got really famous from Crazy Rich Asians. I get the feeling that Marvel found out midway/post filming that they sudden promoted her as a big presence in the film.
Like, she's posing with Brie and interviewing with Brie and Samuel Jackson, and she has her own poster and even individual character credit. It's really funny, cause you can tell Marvel didn't realize who they had til too late.

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I'm gonna need a link to a dodgy conspiracy website that looks like it's from the 90's before I believe this.

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China doesn't care about Star Wars.

Anyone else hope that Jimmy Woo will spin off into an Agents of Atlas tv show.

everyone forgets SEA

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>JLo painted as JLaw

That's a little harsh, Pacific Rim 2 was destined to bomb from the very beginning whether he was attached to it or not, That Watership down remake just looked down right horrible with it's shitty CGI, and lets be honest after 9 years of 24 people were just bored of Jack Bauer, so lets not go calling him the black Summer Glau.

>cast Japanese woman in Blockbuster
>Japanese are upset she didn't go through the JAV process
>finally cast an Indian in a Hollywood blockbuster
>Indians through a fit because she's the wrong color Indian
Fucking hell Asians need to shut up.

Her whole face looks shiny like there's a thick layer of paint on it. Who hired those makeup artists?

all women shall be RICED

ah yes the mexicans of asia
>huge drug problem in home country
>2nd world almost 3rd world hell hole in some areas
>many women marry american men for that green card
too many similiarities

I knew her from Humans first.

The super hero with the most screen time in the MCU is an Asian-American.

They even have spic sounding names, it's weird.

Cute Asian girls are ok but male Asians are insects.

What about Bruce Lee

He was this autistic manlet that screeched animal noises while doing kung fakery. He never got it with a woman and the only reason he had some cojones was because he had some white ancestry.

SE Asia is amazing. A lot of us in /his/ think it’s sorely overlooked compared to overrated chunks and Japs. Thais are legit harasses thanks to Muay Thai and Malaysia/Indonesia is aesthetic as fuck.

there was that Korean lady on age of Ultron.

Asian leads in Hollywood were basically disregarded entirely for years because in the late '90s and early '00s, several studios spent a king's ransom trying to break Chow Yun-Fat (then Asia's biggest star) into the US to no avail.

they're ugly

I hope your joking

he's not, it's true

Why would big corps care about what people think or feel ?

The logical step for any film producer in the future would be to include china and india
Since they have a large demography which watches foreign movies
The number movie goers in China and india outnumber the people of japan or pakistan
So it is logical for them to favour pajeets or chinks in the end

/pol/ is gonna be screaming at you soon, I just know.

I honestly think that they don't hate them, accidental racism I'm sure.

because theyre not people

>Indians get upset because of wrong coloured cast

Obviously Most westerner's might not know the difference but over there it's a huge thing

For example you can't have a dark punjabi guy it just doesn't work like that

Indians, being the thirstiest people on the earth bar none, eat up any old shit just as long as it has a halfway attractive white woman as the protagonist.

Asians in Asia watch American movies to see Hollywood movie stars.
Frankly I prefer it when most of my capeshit is just Americans with some more Americans of the African variety because most "ethnic" superheros are boring as fuck and revolve around being ethnic as fuck.

They are making an asian super hero literally nobody knows just so they can say they are the most diverse superhero company, even though dc already has the flash (ezra miller) who is asian

>China sorely dislikes Japan, so no portrayal of anything that could inspire 'glorious nippon'
China AND Korea sorely dislikes Japan

Ezra Miller is Jewish with some German and Dutch not Asian.

>muh /pol/ bogeyman

China(Along with most Asian groups) are extremely racist and like their own kind. Marvel(Disney) wants China Money, so Asian characters that aren't Chinese normally get shat on while Chinese Characters are seen has the "Good Guys".


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I know Eternals is getting that guy with a pregnant wife rom Train to Busan

>Japanese are upset she didn't go through the JAV process
Do all their actresses have to do porn first?

You talking Agents of SHIELD, aren't you?

If Marvel hated Asians, Asian Ned Leeds wouldn’t be a thing and Marvel wouldn’t have brought god tier gay chubby fap fuel for all the fatfags

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Marvel is Jewish
Jews love niggers
Asians hate niggers
Jews hate Asians

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