How is this not the most generic shit on Earth?
Oh my God, it's just Batman with guns on him. Someone drew this and they were paid for it. Oh my God. It's the Punisher, but Batman.
How is this not the most generic shit on Earth?
Oh my God, it's just Batman with guns on him. Someone drew this and they were paid for it. Oh my God. It's the Punisher, but Batman.
Batman who laughs is way more retarded though.
Batman shooting the bat that flew in his window and dedicating his life to guns is hilarious I don't know what to tell you. I love it
I want to believe that it's self-aware, I really do. But Jesus Christ.
The best part about his story is Gordon beating him
Reminder this isn’t even the first time DC has done this
What a surprise, more fucking Batman. When can we get another Question ongoing DC? How about a Steel mini?
At least he has a duster and a hat, dude. It's half-assed, but it's SOMETHING.
Of course he was paid for it. The art could fall flat if it was another artist, it's how he did it that matters.
If you're so upset about it do better.
I mean the design itself, ya dingus. The Grim Knight is the most half-assed alt-Batman I've ever seen in my life.