How is this not the most generic shit on Earth?

How is this not the most generic shit on Earth?

Oh my God, it's just Batman with guns on him. Someone drew this and they were paid for it. Oh my God. It's the Punisher, but Batman.

Attached: STL112420.jpg (1000x1537, 1.97M)

Batman who laughs is way more retarded though.

Batman shooting the bat that flew in his window and dedicating his life to guns is hilarious I don't know what to tell you. I love it

I want to believe that it's self-aware, I really do. But Jesus Christ.

The best part about his story is Gordon beating him

Reminder this isn’t even the first time DC has done this

Attached: BD1A4985-CBC5-415A-A9AB-D1FD426706BF.png (389x650, 428K)

What a surprise, more fucking Batman. When can we get another Question ongoing DC? How about a Steel mini?

At least he has a duster and a hat, dude. It's half-assed, but it's SOMETHING.

Of course he was paid for it. The art could fall flat if it was another artist, it's how he did it that matters.

If you're so upset about it do better.

I mean the design itself, ya dingus. The Grim Knight is the most half-assed alt-Batman I've ever seen in my life.

Batman used guns all the time before the no kill rule became a thing. It was very common in his golden age era.

The idea is that Batman is autistic about being good at things, so imagine a Batman that was good at guns. It's a novel idea. Specially because this Batman can't fight for shit, but can pull shit that would make Deadshot blush and every elaborate plan of his involves weapons and ammunition.

Oh, got it.

...and yeah, it sucks.

>When can we get another Question ongoing DC? How about a Steel mini?
Reminder that your favorite c-lister can only get books thanks batwalfare since no one actually buys those books

>The idea is that Batman is autistic about being good at things, so imagine a Batman that was good at guns
This guys gets it.

RIP DC, Batmania won't last forever. It's died before and it will die again

It's buoyed by its Jim Gordon being the absolute best motherfucker around.

I liked that there never was a Joker on his world, that made a lot of sense and explained why he’s cool with teaming up with BatJoker.

>Tynion IV
He's still around?

Only when they put an idiot in charge of the batbooks Anyone semi-decent at the job was able to milk it like their personal atm.

Question doesn't sell period. The only reason he had an ongoing was because the BATEDITOR loved the character and wrote the book personally.

>Completely fucking ruins Batman on every front, to the point Bruce can only sit there and cry bitch tears
>Does it all by the book
I maintain that James Gordon is THE best Batman character. There's something really compelling about a guy who doesn't have all the answers but tries his damndest anyway, and on top of that you stack goofy but wise dad/last good cop in town tropes? Fuck giving him a Batsuit of his own just give me Gordon.

Not going to lie, if we had to have a batman shill. I would have preferred grim bats over joker-bat.


>How is this not the most generic shit on Earth?
It isn't
he also has a gun in his penis, not even Punisher went that far

am I the only one who enjoyed dark nights metal like a stupid B-movie?

Attached: batman who is bald.jpg (1024x499, 101K)

Sadly the Batplebs buy this trash and just enable the idiots into a feedback loop of Batwank.

Nothing wrong with Batwank. It's the best kind of wank there is.

doomwank vs batwank
which is better

Doom usually isn't crammed into everyfuckingthing.

I only like batwank when it comes to power levels, because it serves to show how dumb the concept of power level is. When it comes to actually make Batman be awesome as a person in cringe ways is when i turn my nose because i don't like that kind of character work.

Anyone else remember that thread where we were talking about a Jim Gordon series, but he's so by-the-book, good cop, that it would be the most boring thing ever to the point where we would discover that Harvey never brings donuts and doesn't refill the coffee pots, and everyone resents him for that shit.

Whatever happened to the Rookie suit?

I really hope we get Bruce Luthor at some point in the future.

I like to think Jim knows more than he lets on but plausible deniability and all that.

May or may not have been destroyed by Kate's dad when he attacked the Belfry. Prior to then, Rookie was Luke's lab assistant.

>plausible deniability

Jim practices in front of a mirror for five minutes every day, "No, your honor. I had no idea that my daughter was working with Bruce Wayne, the vigilante known as Batman."

“Your honor, I’m as surprised as anyone yadda yadda yadda bat-shaped blind spot...”

"Your honor, I believe you would agree with me that this was all for the greater good. Let us all rally together for a great cause. The Batman MUST rape the Joker! Together, we can make this happen!"