Uses his lightning hands and powers almost all the movie

>uses his lightning hands and powers almost all the movie
>doesn't use them at all in the final fight except for one instance
This bugged the shit out if me more than it should have.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dude just FUCKING turn off yo brain and watch

The scene with the bus is meant to set up the fact that lightning is unwieldy and can harm civilians, Shazam can't handle it very well.
Only sparingly.

And the whole fight is in a city or around people

i also assumed that Siviana was like immune to it or something

>shoot him in the face!

He does "grab" that incoming lightning bolt right after he gets the eye (when the negro wizard attacks him)

All I could think of during that scene was First Thunder

He could've done it against the Sins though.

Because HE is a child

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I mean he used Lightning with Envy but it really didn’t do much aside from have him dissipate for a minute


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Freddy would not think he became a woman since Captain Marvel looks like this now

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dumb cherrypicking incel

I’ve only seen Carol with a 14 year old boy’s haircut look great once, and that was during Civil War 2, sadly, that shit was written by Bendis, so thank fucking god for Carol’s War. Everywhere else she looks like a post op tranny whose surgeon got drunk and stopped paying attention half way through the operation.

dumb casualgate incel doesn't even know that a) Carol has long hair again b) this is a Shazam thread you complete autist

First off, I am aware that carol looks like a woman again, secondly I’m fully aware which thread I’m in. user posting Carol is what is called a derailment, as in, the thread has been derailed, for example, let’s say hypothetically there is a thread discussing Spider-Man’s villains, a few posts in someone mentions Flash’s Rogues, then the thread suddenly becomes about comic book villains fighting each other rather than just spider-man’s villains. Once you’ve hung around this board long enough you’ll start to pick up on these things.

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I lost it

I'd worry that Sivana could absorb his magic through the lightning

I was more bothered by wisdom not coming up even once after he first gets his powers.

Wisdom could have taught him how the staff work, but it does bother me that there's never an explicit moment that shows when his Wisdom kicks in. Though, how would you even present the Wisdom of Solomon as opposed to regular wisdom?

what about the scene where he lures Envy out of Sivana? That was definitely an high IQ tactic

>only $300 million
This movie deserves better bros

To be fair Shazam didn't have much traction beforehand as a character. Besides, it made as much as it needed to, and enough to justify the sequel and Black Adam solo movie.

>be me
>first contact I ever heard with Captain Marvel was when I was a teenager with the JLU cartoon
>since I was in the phase when I started having repulse towards kiddy stuff I find him lame because the concept of a kid turning into a grown man was too kid-friendly for me
>now as an adult I find the concept awesome because it reminds me of a time where I wasn't a depressive nihilistic adult and was still allowed to feel optimism

Is the new 52 Shazam worth reading or should I start with the golden age stuff?

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Start with Golden Age. nu52 Shazam isn't that bad but Sivana is kinda boring and Billy is an edgeshitter at first.

I you really liked the movie and can't stand old school comics, New 52.
Otherwise, the Golden Age stuff is largely public domain, and some madlad storytimed Monster Society of Evil, should still be around in the archives. There's a lot of great stuff between it, though, I'm partial to the Ordway and Jeff Smith runs myself.

I dunno. I guess make him more insightful and have a character comment on it.

That's a good point.

The advertising just wasn't great.

I only went because I felt like seeing a movie and nothing good was showing, and it ended up being my favorite comic movie in years.

Probably wasn't too keen on using the lightning hands as much after the whole bus incident.

next time don't sandwich your release between two MCU movies

Yeah, movie was great and we're getting more, so at this point I don't give a shit about the box office.

A month had passed since CM came out but okay.

this is the first and last time that costume+short hair was ever good

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>Spider-woman, I...

I counted about 3 times it could have useful, but wasn't there Most annoyingly:
>See Sivanna heal from the baterang after absorbing the sins
>Has to be told the sins power him up

To be fair, we don't know if he did have to be told that or pieced it together on his own, just that the others tried to make sure that if he hadn't already guessed it, he knew going into that

The marketing wasn't very good. It's tripled it's budget so it's probably going to get a sequel

He seemed pretty serious about the sins just using Sivana (to what end, who knows) and that they weren't on his side.

Jeff Smith did the newer Monster Society book, right?

I know. It legit breaks my heart. Hopefully Bluray sales and word of mouth will help.

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It's not like it's a flop man

I think it was to give him a more complete arc. He discovers more and more of his powers throughout the movie, and I think he discovers the physical attributed first, so he can screw off with them, and the mental attributes last, discovering the Courage of Achilles to finally face Sivana head on, and the Wisdom of Solomon to finally outsmart him, power up the Shazam Family, and trick Envy out of Sivana.

It still hasn't sold as many tickets domestically as Green Lantern. Or Incredible Hulk. Or fucking Ghost Rider.
Its low budget is the ONLY thing saving it from disaster.

It does, but that's not bad for a low budget film

I love this.
If Captain Marvel had pulled only triple its production budget ($456 million), you'd be on here spamming OHNONONO along with half of Yea Forums (and myself, probably).

Instead I have to listen to you bargain that its doing FINE.

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Looks like they learned that you have to start small and build up a fanbase in most cases

$100 million is only low budget by the bloated standard of the modern stand-alone cape movie.

If it helps, Ghost Rider got a sequel at this level.

No because company war shitposting is retarded. If tripling your budget isn't profitable the MCU has 3 flops which we know it does not

It's about break-even, which isn't a disaster but isn't FINE.

Be that as it may, it certainly could've done better.

And it still has more money to come. It's not some Fant4stic disaster

I thought it was like 80-85 million.

Yeah it could have. The marketing wasn't very good and those Endgame tickets going on sale couldn't have helped

$100 million officially.

Piggy backing off what this user said, at the very end he uses the little moments to gain the upper hand.
>remembers bad guy boast about only magic being able to hurt magic and that batrang is replica and really fucking sharp. Uses it as a conductor for his lightning magic and stabs badgiy.
>remembers the sons and what they look like disputes never seeing them or knowing anything outside their names. Uses this to work out final plan, also remembers snide remarks badguy has made to speak to his sin encouraging it to come out.
>bad guy has bad guy moments where he’s theatrical. Grabs staff at the exact moment senpai is free and bad guy is still in his moment. Including a flashback that was the same scene playing again where he repeats what old wiz guy said.

I am really stoned right now and just saw the movie for the first time. I am going to go type out a rant/paper about the specific uses of the 3 flashbacks and how not only the placements in the story but also how each showcases using a flashback to tell the story and not to explain to the audience what previously happened asa reminder or a reveal. (Technically that’s what the 2nd one is but if the movie was a 1:1 comic you can bet your ass the panels as she’s describing what happened would be flashback panels.) might post, most likely will delete it.

Does anyone have that golden age panel where Sivana is plotting to just break into Billy’s home and stab him in the middle of the night?

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Thanks user, I was looking everywhere for this.

Movie is retarded. It's to be expected.

But all those movies were critical failures that everyone hated. Meanwhile, Shazam is well liked critically from across the board and is an okay success at the box office. Being released so close to Endgame is what hampered it as everyone is saving up time and money to see that instead.

What I'm trying to imply from this is that Shazam has legs and has built up good will, whereas Green Lantern, Hulk, and Ghost Rider were critical and general public flops.

I was more annoyed by Sivana having powers that matched Caps due to Cereal Lord stupidity. It would have been better if his powers had some relationship to the sins.

He did and it is great.

They also did an ongoing series set after it, but without Smith's involvement.
"Billy Batson and the Magic of SHAZAM!"
It's fine

>Breaking and entering
Sivana was hardcore. I can see why Supermans arch was inspired by him.

He also doesn't do any mad scientist shit.

Not even regular scientist shit, really.

It's in the same boat as First Class both critically and financially. That film got a sequel despite costing 60mil more. Besides WB does things a lot differently to Disney. They're more low risk, low reward orientated while Disney swings for the fences almost every time. Unless I'm missing something WB only has two movies with a budget over 100mil this year while Disney has nothing under 100mil

Did he? I went to watch the movie but the theatre was so empty that i got sad and left during the trailers.

Anyone else glad that Billy, Freddie and Eugene aren't weeb to do/suggest a Naruto reference?

So you just wasted your money?

Yes, that is his totally true story. It is sad that HE was sad enough to waste his money and walk out. How sad, like him. I mean, like how he was.

>"Hee hee haw haw haw!"

Yes, definitely.

I mean we'll never see Not Lex again, but at least EIsenlex did some mad science shit in BvS - but we need more of that in superhero movies.

Some of the Hydra stuff done by Zola definitely constitutes mad science but they didn't really play it as much as they could save for the scene where the Red Skull kills off the visiting generals and a few other very small moments. Also, they wasted Zola as a man-machine in TWS, especially since they killed him off.

>especially since they killed him off.
>implying he didn't use the same connection that alerted the bomber to transfer his consciousness to the cloud

It should do fine and will probably end up sliding in the top 25 domestically of origin films.

Relax - by Monday morning, it will have grossed more than both Ghost Rider and Green Lantern and Billy's film has already done better than both of those films and both of the bombs that were Hulk's origin movies.

Although since you did specific 'sold as many tickets' and you have to adjust those for inflation, Cereal Lord's masterpiece still has another $30-60M in ticket sales or so, which it should also make by the end of its run.

I'm sure since Red Skull survived, that Zola can be brought back, but they probably won't bother.

The Bucky/Sam Disney+ show will probably try to set up one (or more likely both) of them as the future Captain America, but I presume they will just recast the role in about 6-10 years, once Carol is fully played out and whomever else they add, possibly longer if the X-Men and FF under Feige end up paying out

That kinda bothered me when he flew straight through one of them and didn't think right away about trying lightning.
Also can he do that in the comics? Been wanting to read the Monster Society of Evil but haven't gotten to it yet.

>once Carol is fully played out
I mean they could start shooting right away

I wish Shazam had released a year or so earlier and they actually called the character Captain Marvel by the end of the film.

So its crushing defeat by the real Captain Marvel could be even more embarrassing for them?

No, so the character could actually be called Captain Marvel without WB suits' fears of confusion. Please shove your company wars up your butthole, thanks.

I don’t get it. Despite only having 1 live action TV series Shazam is pretty iconic as a character. There was a Shazam reference in 2002 Spider-Man. Yet Ant-Man made more.


Yup, didn't asked my money back since the owner was pretty mad on how he had to play that movie even though no one showed up to watch it.
Pretty sad.

You want shazam released after Justice League's stink?