Donny Cates

Where were you when this man singlehandedly saved Venom, Guardians of the Galaxy, and eventually Silver Surfer?

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Weak bait but here's your (You)

Why do people hate the idea of Knull?

Edgy eldritch monster man makes symbiotes as a weapon to fight other cosmic stuff and they turn on him and now he's found a way out and can operate via avatars. It's not high art but its hardly offensive.

Only a colossal retard would think the Symbiotes should be cosmic god killing monsters.

I was right here, watching Yea Forums love him while I was telling Yea Forums that eventually they are going to hate him.
Because being benevolent NOT lantern rings was soooooo much better.

havnt read any of his other stuff but his gotg is trash

Symbiotes bond with EVERYTHING, Cates at least explains how that is possible to begin with.
How can a purely biological being affect Ghost Rider, Thor, Silver Surfer or Galactus? It never made any fucking sense.

At least at base level we know now its because of having an innate cosmic ability to do so.

Also Grendel is cool even if Knull is dull im design. So its an even trade-off.

Not a fan of the rape stuff but i like how hes attempting to tell a dark story while silmutanously having whack shit like venom dog and venom in vietnam


They aren't though? Individual symbiotes are nothing Knull made the species as a whole as fodder for fighting ither cosmic entities. His avatars and personal armaments are the things meant to actually harm celestials and it plainly didn't work and he just ended up terrorrizing aliens.

His GotG feels like he wants to write about the Dark Guardians much more, and the actual Guardians themselves are afterthoughts

Same way Starro did it. You don't need another downgraded Oblivion clone to do it.

thor is just an alien with a thick, veiny, uncircumsized dick. why shouldn't symbiotes be able to bond with him?

I mean I'm glad he's getting the Bendis push since he can handle the workload much better. But I feel like he's going into the same trappings of Bendis in where "He's fantastic at doing X, but he's doing Y, Z, and A, and moonlighting B"

Shitposting for the sake of shitposting.

>proving that he doesn't know batshit about the argoument he is talking about.

And this is what happens when you take shitposting seriusly. What gave you the idea symbiotes are gods, you fucking retard?

God country and redneck vol1 are both really good.
Venom needs to stop with the fucking retcons and get to the story.
CGR is genuinely bad.
His GOTG is SOP worthy.
MK20 was a disappointment with strong characterization.

>every thread this dumb idiot and his "clone" argoument

At least change some words.

When has Starro taken over Doc Fate or Orion?

You mean the same guy who can shower in electricity and stand 10 feet away from our sun, can be possessed by pudding?
I dunno dude, looks fishy.

I was sleeping.

Shit except Beta Ray Bill, but I hope he doesn't fuck him up
pretty good
>Dr Strange
his best book, until it went into Damnation

Sorry about that, here's your classic "Kyntar" origin back

I'm not a fan of his. It is admireable that he is trying to retcon horrible retcons done by other writers, but he's falling into the same trappings as those other writers, forgetting their orginal history. And knull is a horrible name. Might as well be a windows os that keeps crashing with that name.

Also it's not very original. We already have Oblivion and Mikaboshi. We don't need a third oblivion god trying to destroy creation for the sake of a future crossover.



You forgot Griever at the End of All Things/Entropy

>Shit except Beta Ray Bill, but I hope he doesn't fuck him up
So far, he's jobbed to Gamora, Gladiator, and the Black Order. Although, everyone at Thanos' funeral jobbed the Black Order.
I think Bill and Nova are only there to job.

Even his creator owned books are completely bland. At least other writers like Snyder, Lemire, Aaron, Rucka have written good creator owned comics, no matter how bad their big two work is. Cates doesn't even have that to him.

Is that the one that Slott introduced in his FF?

and Nyx

Redneck is quite endearing imo. Although I haven’t read the entire thing yet.

>thor is just an alien
Read a comic

Hey man, Earth X was pretty good

Dumb. Anyone belonging to a foreign country is an alien. Its not exclusive to space aliens like Superman and Greys.

thor is an alien, retard. you read a comic

he is a fucking god you MCU idiot

from alien planet, you gay homo queer

pocket dimensions you tranny faggot mustache

I like the idea of connecting symbiotes to the greater Marvel Universe though. I just think Knull kinda sucks. The Grendel design is rad though.

Movies are neat!

>I like the idea of connecting symbiotes to the greater Marvel Universe though
That's a terrible idea. Its reasons like this that we get incidents and claims of Carnage's capabilities of killing the universe by infecting the Microverse.

alien pocket dimension, you stupid retarded idiot
i'll call you a stutardiot for short

pfft, say that again when I hit you with my punch pocket dimension, you coat lint waffle. clit-waffle