
>“From this hour forward the gates of the city will be barred to my kin. Do not underestimate them. Do not commune with them. Do not give them offerings, or give them bread or Ajash if they visit you disguised. Many of them have a sweet countenance and a honeyed tongue. They will say their wish is to be a teacher of men, to spread messages of peace. In an earlier age, this was true. Now dogs and worse have crept into their ranks. Madness has consumed them. Their only passion now is a lust for blood and power.”

-Proclamation of Au Vam

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Alt word: Desecration

i'm glad the flashback is continuing, i want more lil incubus

The raw disgust on Meti's face in that last panel is palpable.

>all of them have shaved heads
das kinda cute

Au Vam sounds like an all right guy. Also, Incubus in the background looks curious and impressed rather than disgusted.

>incubus still has scars and maya has some very short hairs but meti's head is shaved smooth

unsurprising, considering what he ended up as

what's more interesting is that Maya looks appalled, yet it's currently implied she was a demiurge before Incubus.

i wanna kiss Incubus

That's how she looks all the time

>Au Vam sounds like an all right guy
That's saddening because being an all right guys gets you nowhere in this universe. We know his Yellow City gets destroyed in the end.

Since Intra was definitely active during this time, you think there were some hijinks when he and Meti crossed paths?

desu at this point I'm half expecting for Incubus to have actually gotten his key all on his own, and the rest of the demiurges just don't like him because they know they /could/ have gotten Maya, but they're stuck with the sword goblin instead.

>Meti is the Broken Worlds Master
I hope we meet the rest of the Broken Worlds iconics in the comic.

user is observant

Oh man, wonder who these two asshats were

Also love how Maya and Incubus are clearly learning different lessons here

>Since Intra was definitely active during this time, you think there were some hijinks when he and Meti crossed paths?
Based gigachad Intra is too cool to be bothered by Meti

Attached: 6 Juggernotter Scours The Seabed.gif (300x221, 1.91M)

I imagine it would have been a lot more anticlimactic than what you're thinking right now. Meti doesn't really give a shit and Intra, while not as course as her, seems pretty much the same.

Incubus is a pure boy

>Also, Incubus in the background looks curious and impressed rather than disgusted.
In that first panel he almost looks ready to jump in himself. Look at his hands resting on his sword

“Dread those with the terrible star on their brow, for they are my kin. They trade in flesh, smoke, and star-knowledge. Their reins of power are made of coursing flame, and their chariot wheels trample the world in any direction they wish. When you see them you will know there are many ways to fill a man with death, and the walls of the world will feel thin to you indeed.” -Au Vam, Pankrator of Vesh, ruler of the Yellow City

I fucking love the background lore/quotes that exist in this world.

He looks more apathetic to me, honestly, with his hand on the sword being more symbolism for how much ready he is to engage in violence.

Huh, Incubus has two swords while it looks like Maya isn't wearing a sword at all, just has a staff.

>You are the worst student, here Incubus have ANOTHER sword

Unknown Demiurge

I chuckled.

>gee, incubus! how come master lets you have TWO swords?

I really like the idea that Incubus actually did nothing wrong and his inferiority complex and her desire for revenge on him is completely unwarranted.

He is clearly treated that way by the other demiurges. So even if he's just as competent they don't see that.

what if incubus just has the power to make everyone around him fucking hate his guts and can't turn it off

Then if he wants to be Royalty he needs to remove that power from existence, or not give a fuck it out of existence. Either seems like a good step forward.


Reach heaven through violence, baby.

I totally love that quote though. "Observe how it [the "awesome fires of God"] is used for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock."

nah if you look at the top right two panels she has two swords aswell. whats interesting is both the students seem to have two curved blades, while the master only has a single straight and bigger one. id have to look back but i think the singular sword is the one they had to shave their heads with? hard to tell from just the bottom of the scabbard though.

Meti can cut with her words as well as with anything.

Seriously though, I've chuckled almost every time she's spoken
>"Just look at those beautiful locks"
>This page

Who’s gonna win the fight, blue with red arms or red with blue arms? Place your bets.

user, that's green.

ah, you're right

blue with red arms. he may be injured, but looks to have no slowed down at all despite that. he also actually diversifies his arsenal, showing a preparedness for different scenarios and greater ability to adapt. plus the other girl still has arrows spawned while having no bow and being in melee combat. shows a bad sign of being stuck in thinking to one fighting style, which means she might not do well once she needs to adapt. all the blue with red has to do is keep being able to hold her off til she inevitably give him an opening, which she clearly isnt as prepared for. sometimes being better at lasting and taking hits is in its own right a powerful weapon.

oh, my bad, she does still have a bow, my bad, looked like something else at first glance. still silly to have it in melee though when you can spawn weapons out of magic fire willy nilly.

Suck my ass, it’s aqua, it’s close enough to either to be called blue or green

I don't understand Maya claiming that she and Incubus were once close. She's staring at him suspiciously here in the second panel as if he disgusts her with his affinity for war. Just being students of Meti at the same time does not equal closeness.

Incubus looks alot older than when he first shaved his head in that image though, so depending on just how long has passed they easily could've grown close then grown apart. would need alot more context on the timeframe though to know for sure, though you dont go from scrawny diseased kid to healthy looking disciple teenager/young adult in a day at the very least.

>a fucking sharp rock

Au Vam is one of my favourites that doesnt appear directly on the story. His quotes and the way others refer to him project such power and wisdom

You can be close with someone and still be like ‘oh don’t be a pussy’

>when you have the raw fires of creation upon your brow and can shatter worlds but a drooling retard uses royalty and a sharp rock he pulled out of his ass to bash your skull in

whoever wants to win the most is the one that wins. if you fail then you clearly didn't want it enough. which is why aesma kicked everyone's ass and was able to get so fucking pissed she lifted the entire fucking multiverse and threatened to beat someone to death with it.

She probably got it for valiant and heroic reasons before abandoning it out of either apathy or guilt. Pre-key Maya has consistently shown a "I'll show them! I'll be different!" attitude with regards to the power and corruption rule.

>still silly to have it in melee though
Not if you can knock pull and fire multiple arrows in a fraction of a second

If he can do that, it's a clear sign you've become too complacent to wield that amount of power effectively. Being at the top of the rock doesn't mean you can finally quit.

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion, after all. But still, isn't it tiresome to never stop? I'd rather take the Hansa route.

Err... are you angry?

hansa is dead, user.

Like death ever stopped Hansa. Until the gods killed themselves, Hansa ignored the whole death thing.

>the sharp rock is optional

Not even death can keep a grumpy old man from berating his child.

In the second panel Maya looks pretty annoyed with Inc

Why? is she just dick eating?

>implying a proper student of the art of cutting even needs a sword
Go shave your head user, you still got a lot to learn

She could just be salty at first that after years of begging her master accepted a literal hobo she just met over her.

the more this comic goes on the more I think we'll see that Maya is literally retarded

you should be wary of anyone who holds a sword like that

Thats just how older Maya looks all the time though

>Fortnite: Retard Divinity Edition.

Isn't that how it always goes?

Think of a pantheon, real or fictional?
what exactly happened to the original creator god/ess?
Where they killed by their children? yeah, probably.

Justice-is sometimes blind. But ALWAYS carries a sword.

What is the purpose of government? Consolidation of power to defend the borders from invasion.
To consolidate power to enforce rule of law.

Even a farmer, prunes plants to yield greater harvest and more healthy growth.

The top 5% of Fortnite players are probably Royalty candidates. Mainly the never having been truly happy/being total idiots happy with dumb things part.

they also have to be continually playing to keep themselves in those upper ranks, a continuous cutting motion.

my god.

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thats what royalty is isn't it? striving to be the best fortnite player not for your own happiness but because its who you are

Meti's not fucking around. Her hardest lessons are in the philosophy of the sword.

Incubus is a little shit and it's impossible Meti hasn't seen this. Look at the fucker, he's fascinated. Has Meti just gone along with teaching a psycho like that sword law? Or did she actually mean to raise someone who'd be able to kill her?

>ncubus is a little shit and it's impossible Meti hasn't seen this. Look at the fucker, he's fascinated. Has Meti just gone along with teaching a psycho like that sword law? Or did she actually mean to raise someone who'd be able to kill her?
Meti teaches those who just want to learn user, that's all. The student's character doesn't matter.

>Meti teaches those who just want to learn
Is that from one of the extra texts? Either way, I think that's fair.

>Is that from one of the extra texts?
No, it's not. That's the vibe I get from her. Meti doesn't give a fuck about anything except the art of cutting, and as long as a student is learning that art, I don't think she'd care about who or what that student is.

I like your interpretation, user.

To be fair, if one can pass her bar for entry she can be assured that they'll be an apt student, if only because she won't take in anyone that is not totally devoted to the art of cutting.

If you even have a moment of hesitation she'll tell you to eat shit, go home, and be a family man.

She looks a lot like Mottom.

I don't think she cares much for the art of cutting. Certainly not about the swordarts.

She liked noodles. She might like having people listen to her grumbling.

Inc was never going to get around to marry, have kids and grow fat, so becoming a legendary swordmaster wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him. Maya still had a chance to be worth something good.

that's called Teal you dumb ass.

That's not what Meti cares about. Meti wants one thing, and it's pretty much the same thing Zoss wants, which is to escape the constraints of power. To have your cake and eat it too.

Which ties into the endless decay of K6BD. YISUN splits himself. YIS and UN mate and have the gods. The gods create things from the flames and commit suicide. Zoss breaks into heaven and is joined by his peers, but the demiurges eventually weaken to the point where the Seven are pretty much all low tier demiurges who managed to survive, etc. Everything is degrading even if you manage to be super strong and that's what Zoss/Meti/maybe Intra are wondering how to escape.

So it seems that being near royalty affords the same mastery over liver spots that it does over nipples.

she cut 'em

She cares utmost for the art of cutting, but she has no illusions about what it creates.
From the Sword Manual, the 18 Precepts:
10. A man who finds pleasure in the result of cutting is the most hateful, crawling creature there is. A man who finds pleasure in the act of cutting is an artisan.

I believe it's YISUN/Zoss/Meti found that being at the top is BORING and stagnant, and that's why they all welcome death and change.

I think that's why 2 Michael's and Metatron's plan to kill everything and rule through the Successor will ultimately fail. Not because of the genocide, but because the universes will never be stagnant by nature and what they are proposing is infinite stagnation.

YISUN could have existed forever but not without being bored.

Zoss could keep his kingdom intact forever because he's so ridiculously strong that he could have ended the Universal War effectively with his entrance. Same with Meti. But then he will ALWAYS be intervening.

Solomon's masters even told him this. He likes his Empire, right? But even if he could leave, it would immediately begin to falter without him. So he would lose his Empire or be caged by his own power.

The of K6BD is not decay, it's change. YISUN's suicide is a positive, Gods die because they're inspired by mortals, each iteration starts off better than the last ended. Things only decay when they stay in one form for too long, and when that happens they must be shaken out of their stupor to move forward. That's what Zoss is hoping to bring about - The breaking of the circle.

>The of K6BD is not decay, it's change
I think you a word

What a ridiculously badass panel.

You might right there.

The word was 'theme'

Red one

none they both will lose.