How op will they be if they were trained by Roshi?

How op will they be if they were trained by Roshi?

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As OP as Yamcha

Yamcha does have potential to be a decent fighter, but fucks everything up due to his cockiness

Attached: yamchad.jpg (664x1160, 247K)

Cept Yamcha and Chichi were never a thing. Even when he tried to seduce her she was just flattered but already hopelessly lusting for the Gocock.

yeah it's more like "my dad's hair is in an impossible style that never changes, I live out in the fucking woods and see almost no other males, and of those, very few have hair, this is my only hairstyle role model"

Gohan got all of Chichi's genetics.

Happy to be that guy, but it's also that Toriyama is just bad about reusing character designs.

I mean Yamcha is still the third strongest human being on the planet. It took a kamikaze alien with the same power level as Raditz to kill him the first time and after his training with King Kai he was able to hold his own against the ginyu force. It sucks that power level became so crucial that no one could keep up anymore.

they dont get so strong individualy since they fight as one unit, but as a team nearly Ginyu Force level

I remember the Broly/Trunks one, also, Toriyama gave Goku's hair to Goten to avoid cuck jokes, right?