Why is this still airing?

Why is this still airing?

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Gotta sell that merch, OP

It’s actually able to sell merch?

Because it costs as little as an episode of Squidbillies to produce.

Very popular in the third world.

so, what was the moral or lesson of the episode?
fat acceptance? you shouldnt change who you are?

I guess it's cheap to make

OTOH, the original PPG creator made this.

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It's really big outside of the US. Same goes for Ben 10 and We Bear Bears

Because Cartoon Network threw everything out the window in the lead up to this show on the management side. Because the management side is in New York and they have shit communication with the creative team in Los Angeles, so they had no way of knowing that this was going to be a hot mess of garbage, or that it was going to end up being panned by basically everyone.

They literally limited licensing on everything else they had just to push this and they threw all their resources into that, and pushed all thier licensees into making merch for this.

Now they are in so deep there is no way out except through.

It’s only got a month or two left, I think.

too bad it isn't good like squidbillies

there's been a lot of fetishes in this reboot

>It's really big outside of the US
[citation needed]

It's still going?!

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this is not really from the show, right?
where are there irides?

oh god, is this show pulling an iCarly?

gee i wonder who wrote this episode

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If proof is ever needed that there is no God, just point in the direction of this.

Does his self insert appear in most episodes?

It airs like once a week. I almost never see PPG on the guide.


Well, they need to stop

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Was it HAFNIM?

Not as much as this piece of shit.

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Thats hot

Does much better internationally than domestically.

More importantly, what was HAFNIM?

Jesus Christ, that's some serious HAFNIM

if still on air yes


So the guy with a crush on blossom has an inflation fetish?


that's a word I haven't heard in a while

Yeah but WBB and Ben 10 actually do what they've set out to do. NuPPG fails on every level to do every thing.

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Where, exactly?
Every single south american I know HATES that iteration of the show, not only for how awful it is, but also because of the change of voice actors.

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>show has a fat joke
We're like them, we cant take a joke

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They don't have anything else to air except Gumball, TTG and Total Drama.

what is this though? i've never it before but it looks interesting.

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No neck joe

Quit your boo-hooing, this reboot is a failure that most people seem to have already forgotten. That's justice.

I bet you think people are angry and offended every time they say "dude hentai tentacles lol" too.

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>someone posted a video where it’s the full episode of Spongebob You Wish That was lost long ago
>Shows 3 endings for Patrick, Squidward and Spongebob
>2 (Patrick and Squidward) of Which has this scene

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>That last frame
Holy fuck I spit out my drink. I've never seen this short before, is that an edit or the real thing?

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No, it isn't retard. Everyone hates it.
Either for shitting all over what the original PPG series used to be, or for being another filler shit that is using too much airing time, just like the TTG shit.

Ayy lmao what the fuck?

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Want some Chickhem

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How does PPG GO compare to seasons 5-6 of PPG compared to Dexter's Lab seasons 3-4?

Because this project originated from the corporate/bean counting side of the company, and they're far more lenient on themselves then they would be on a creator-pitched show. They would never admit failure. Whether it's by spamming the show, cutting budget, or some other form of voodoo accounting shenanigans plus the magic of marketing speak, they can spin this into a success.

It's not enough for this show to suffer. The entire channel has to suffer for there to be change. I'm not advocating this, it's not fair to shows that are good. But this is why we will continue to get shows like nuPPG. The cycle is not going to end with this one show.

funny thing is Musclecup's core premise("one or more of the girls gets self-concious about not having a traditional superhero physique and going overboard in trying to fix it as a result") is one I definitely could have seen the original series doing, but since PPG 2016 is made by incompetents the episode we did get from that premise was an absolute mess even by that show's extremely low standards

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Except it's still going and we're still talking about it.

119 KB JPG

>NuPPG had TWO WG episodes
>but they're so poorly drawn and executed they aren't even worth finding
Fuck this gay earth.

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I know what you mean as a guy with a muscle kink, it's rare that we ever get Muscle Growth focused episodes in animation, and Musclecup was such a disappointment, if the original series had tackled that plot it would have done it so much better I'm sure

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You'd think people would do something about this bullshit so it doesn't keep going on Society needs to be harsher. The government needs to be harsher with companies and entertainment media.

no it's not

kek 10/10 tits

What the fuck Craig? Does Lauren know?

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I'm sure Lauren and Craig have had threesomes and been in orgies

Came here for this term.
Wasn't disappointed.

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reminder that all these spiderman/elsa videos on youtube are primarily watched by people in latin america

Very problematic

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because we live in a clown world

"I was young and needed the money" - Craig, probably

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athf was better

it's EVERYWHERE (at least in my country). tissue, plushie, tote bags, etc. i dont know if it's selling well though since We Bare Bears is a much more popular and beloved cartoons than PPG and it also has a bunch of merch

It's real.


> We Bare Bears is a much more popular and beloved cartoons
I feel so, so sorry for your country if that’s the pinnacle of cartooning where you come from.

is it REALLY that bad? i only like it because im sick of the only 3 cartoons they always air

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Something about the design of the characters in the reboot always bothered the fuck out of me and I could never identify why until right now.
It's not just that the show very clearly has bad key frame artists and a lack of strong model sheets, the characters' eyes are ALWAYS perfect circles regardless of where they are relative to the camera.
It's like their heads aren't actually round, 3 dimension objects, but just flat pictures on a 2D plane.

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That short is 21 years old. Have they even known each other for that long? Not that it actually matters, since they're both old enough to seperate drawings and reality.

If it's everywhere, but you don't actually see anyone wearing the tshirts etc., it means noone is buying it.
Back when this travesty was the hottest new shitposting maymay, an user claimed to work in a walmart or something similar and he said they had shelves loaded to breaking point with merch noone cared about. It was only the old merch that sold.

I unironically like Buttercups cowlick. It's a minute change but it fits the tomboy archetype and is enough to give her a distinctive silhoutte unique to the 2017 shit. Then they went full overkill on the two others to a point where it reeks of change purely for the sake of change.

Any other family members of the Mexican Sugar Dancing family like HAFNIM?

Those are some serious nipples.

Argie here
No its not

>The last frame
I refuse to believe that is real

Modern CN being Modern CN and stretching a dead show by helding last episodes for ransom and re-packaging them as new season? what a shock!

Hello intern, why do you keep page10 bumping a thread dedicated to a show noone cares about? Don't CN have something better you can do, like emptying the trashbins or something?
There's not even (You)farming shitpost threads about it here anymore.

>i-ip counter!
Phoneposting made it irrelevant. It literally takes 2 minutes to get a new IP.

I'm pretty sure she did. Seeing as this was his a student project and they know each other from way back.

This is sad.

What's up with that bow? Is Buttercup inside of it?


are there people who don't think lauren is basically responsible for what made PPG good? it's pretty obvious to me

pretty sure that's literally how it is, just circular flash objects

>DNA productions
More surprising than the nipples, honestly.