Refuses to kill his friend who's a mass murderer

>Refuses to kill his friend who's a mass murderer
>Killed a lot of people in World War 2 for his country
>Is full of himself thinking hes doing the best for his country
>Leads the avengers yet constantly gets into piss baby fights with Tony
>Lets his friend kill hundreds over the years because "HES STILL GOOD GUIZ"
>Hides the fact that his friend killed his coworkers parents from him to "keep him safe"
>Lets his coworker find out that his friend killed his parents in cold blood on his own
>Breaks criminals out of prison because "muh super rights"
>Is still worthy enough to wield Mjolnir
Is captain america a shit hero or what?

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What the nonsense is?
Tanks did not control itself.
All heroes of World War II killed
At it Bakki killed nobody, moreover, Cap did not allow to kill him to Starck who became a dog of the mode

>Bakki did not control itself.

>baby fights with Tony
It is interesting why Tony cannot execute orders of the Cap without children's disputes, but how the obedient small dog executes orders of the government?

>life is one big chain of crazy adventures with lots of combat mixed in
Sounds pretty asguardian to me

>who became a dog of the mode
Whoa whoa whoa, user let's not say anything we don't mean.

>Refuses to kill his friend who's a mass murderer
Thor refuses to kill Loki, the mass murder and traitor.

>Killed a lot of people in World War 2 for his country
Thor kills thousands of Frost Giants and Dark Elves over eons.

>Is full of himself thinking hes doing the best for his country
Thor thought he was right and planned to eradicate the Frost Giants.

>Leads the avengers yet constantly gets into piss baby fights with Tony
Lead the Asgardians and Sakaar escapees to Asgard to start a piss baby fight with Hela.

>Lets his friend kill hundreds over the years because "HES STILL GOOD GUIZ"
"I swear Loki is on our side this time."

>Hides the fact that his friend killed his coworkers parents from him to "keep him safe"
Forgave Loki for overthrowing Odin and ultimately led to Odin dying.

>Lets his coworker find out that his friend killed his parents in cold blood on his own
The Asgardian army and some of his closest friends died because of his forgiveness for Loki and Loki's eventual actions that followed.

>Breaks criminals out of prison because "muh super rights"
Break Loki out of jail to help with Dark Elves problem.

>Is still worthy enough to wield Mjolnir
Is still worth enough to wield Mjolnir and got an upgrade in Stormbreaker.

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To be fair, he neither planned to eradicate the Frost Giants simply childishly thought he could beat their whole realm into submission. Loki was the one with a true idea of genocide.
And that move literally lost him his Hammer.

Jesus christ, reading this is like i'm having a stroke

Omega stop

Yeah. Turns out its harder to kill your friends. Plus he's brainwashed and not really at fault.

Imagine being that dumb to not even understand movies that are literally made for children.

Hitler was brainwashed, brainwashed by his loyalty to his country to commit his awful deeds. Are you saying that hitler was never truly at fault because he was believing his country and not himself?

This was torture/reprogramming,

Literally the only thing Cap did wrong was not tell Tony. A man deserves to know how his parents really died. If he had told Tony in a calm setting the entirety of Civil War could have been avoided

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门


>Refuses to kill his friend
the fiend

well his friend is also a mass murdering psychopath. So he's literally letting innocent people die everytime his almonds get activated because "HES JUST BRAINWASHED, HES A GOOD BOY, THAT SCHOOL NEEDED TO BE DEMOLISHED ANYWAYS"

I think it's just safer to say that being "Worthy" enough to wield Mjolnir isn't much of an accomplishment. Hell, the ancient Nords did all kinds of wild shit that they genuinely thought was okay. Honor changes from culture to culture.

>the entirety of Civil War could have been avoided
If there had been better writers, we would have all been spared this atrocity. They were really on a roll with First Avenger and Winter Soldier. What happened? Can we really blame it all on RDJ? But that wouldn't explain why Avengers: Jolly Rancher Glove was such shit. Is it just an inherent problem with trying to jam too many characters into a movie?

Doing God’s work


Most western countried don't have a death penalty, even those that do require a fair trial and proof of both the guilt and control over ones actions. He didn't get a fair trial and his ability to control those actions was at least questionable which was apparent to everyone even if they didn't have a solid proof. Killing someone because you think they're guilty is murder. Even if you think that revenge killing is justified you can't possibly argue that killing someone who did those actions against his own will on behalf of someone else instead of going after the person who controlled those actions is justified.

He's better than Tony, who created Ultron, then accepted he needed to be controlled by government, and tried to force other heroes who have done nothing but clean up after him to agree to the same controls.

So, the avengers should go to jail because in the new movie they kill Thanos and he was simply a good boy going to church, who wanted the universe to be balanced

HOLY FUCK LOL. i just had a stroke reading this

Is this a previously dormant AI starting to emerge to shitpost?

Thanos has been sanctioned to be killed by multiple governments, is a constant threat and is fully aware of his actions. It's an immediate defense from an agressor who has control of his own actions. You're either the most obnoxious troll I've seen in at least a week or you're too stupid to breathe if you cannot grasp the very simple and well defined difference between those two characters. Both commited crimes and both are dangerous but only one of them cannot and doesn't want to be controlled and has full responsibility for those crimes while being far too dangerous to be kept alive.

I would expect this shit from Yea Forums but Yea Forums is infected by normies too? damn...

That´s not how civil war went down. For Yea Forums Civil War is not about Captain america fighting Tony because he wanted Bucky´s dick.
The real plot was about a legislation that forced every masked crussader to work for the government. Tony was pushing it because he, as business man, believed heroes should be trained, payed and held accountable for their actions. Tony also thought that those that would not submit should be considered as dangerous as super villains and be arrested.
The captain was against it because he understood that people with powers should not become political tools. Suposedly the government would guarantee their secret identities and the safety of their families but the captain knew better, he knew information would be leaked or sold or that the heroes could be deployed on wars so he stood for them, he stood for their rights. He said no... and they tried to take him down for it before he could become a symbol. That´s civil war for Yea Forums. Not the shitty plot of the movie.

What the fuck am I reading? We have story times of Civil War solely to laugh at how awful it is.

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>this entire thread

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Yuo see, Ivan

and thor got his dick punched in for ALL of these ideas shut the fuck up

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you forgot
>attempts to kill a 14 year old in a costume

Funniest thing I've read all week.

>It is interesting why Tony cannot execute orders of the Cap without children's disputes, but how the obedient small dog executes orders of the government?
This comes second though.

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>Refuses to kill his friend who's a mass murderer
He is a super-hero, not a killer
>Killed a lot of people in World War 2 for his country
He served as a soldier, that's in the job description
>Is full of himself thinking hes doing the best for his country
The country and SHIELD almost cucked themselves with those Helicarriers so I wouldn't trust it one bit
>Leads the avengers yet constantly gets into piss baby fights with Tony
Tony has a huge ass ego boosted by his own insecurities and daddy-issues, so he's the bigger problem
>Lets his friend kill hundreds over the years because "HES STILL GOOD GUIZ"
The Winter Soldier's last mission was going after Cap and he reformed after that thanks to Cap
>Hides the fact that his friend killed his coworkers parents from him to "keep him safe"
He knew it would tear the Avengers apart and it did
>Lets his coworker find out that his friend killed his parents in cold blood on his own
Now you're just contradicting your previous peeve
>Breaks criminals out of prison because "muh super rights"
>See point 3
>Is still worthy enough to wield Mjolnir
Going on a limb with this one, but I think it's due to Cap's ever-lasting internal conflict as a soldier out of time. I assume he gets over it over the course of Endgame when shit needs to be done
>Is captain america a shit hero or what?
He's unironically the best MCU hero. Eat shit, op

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He didn't know how old Peter was, he wasn't trying to kill him either. Tony is the only villain in that scenario, bringing a completely unrelated, teenage boy to a grown up fight.

I'd like to mention he's also a bad friend in fact all the avengers are horrible people. In avengers 2 everyone but hawkeye got mindbroken and at hawkys house they all had a chance to talk it out (thor went to the science guy from thor) but Tony had to go through all that trauma on his own scarlet witch inadvertently showed all his friends dead. Tony freaked the fuck out the guy was dealing with PTSD from avengers and at the end of iron man 3 when he was talking to Bruce (who also told him to fuck off) Tony starts to explain how the death of his parents was a heavy burden that he's carried his whole life after going through the wormhole seeing the power of Thanos's army AND seeing his friends killed by that same army AND dealing with ptsd AND feeling guilt over his parents death AND being tricked by Scarlet Witch tony is clearly not in the right state of mind Now knowing all of this in civil war Tony simply states its high time they get their shit together and accept responsibility for their actions Tony still sees Steve as a good friend and understands why he'd want to protect bucky so Tony being the logical person he is pulls some strings to help Bucky get exonerated if he isn't actually responsible for the explosion but what does Steve do he freaks out about the police going after his super soldier buddy with a bullet proof arm and goes to help him escape EVEN though Bucky literally tries to kill cops. Now after the airport fight tony starts to see that some shit is funky with what is happening and actually tries to help Steve and then all of a sudden Tony sees his parents get killed by the guy standing right next to him and he sees his friend protecting him and hiding that fact from him Steve was friends with Tony's dad naturally after going through intense psychological trauma Tony snaps. Tony didn't attack because bucky killed his parents it was because he literally had a mental breakdown Steve's a massive asshole.

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to be fair, avengers was already torn apart thanks to the sokovia accords

This thread is weird af.

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>He knew it would tear the Avengers apart and it did
no it didn't Steve letting himself go on this wild goose chase to protect a guy everyone sees as a criminal dening multiply truce's and even a chance to clear Bucky of charges and then at the last second after letting Tony see that Bucky killed his parents go "Oh yeah of course I knew :D" how the fuck would anyone react at seeing their friend protect the murderer of their parents and to top it all that was zemo's plan from the start steve is a fucking idiot if he actually captured bucky brought him in the real interviewer would've made it in zemo would've been in an empty hotel with his dick in his hand Bucky would be a free man and the avengers would still be together

>tony is clearly not in the right state of mind
And the only one he tells that is Fury. It could help,you know talk to your team about it or some trustworthy shrink.
>its high time they get their shit together and accept responsibility for their actions
Most of these probrems were created by Tony in the first place also:The guy who's been dodging the law all the time tries to enforce this? Seriously?
> he freaks out about the police going after his super soldier buddy with a bullet proof arm and goes to help him escape EVEN though Bucky literally tries to kill cops.
Because the cops were ordered to shoot on sight, Sharon tells him that in the bar scene. Also:
>"that's smart,good strategy"
Bucky was going to let himself got killed. He started attacking the cops in order to protect Cap
>Now after the airport fight tony starts to see that some shit is funky with what is happening and actually tries to help Steve
Cap actually tried to talk to him about Zemo and his plan, what Tony does? Tells him to shut up
>Tony sees his parents get killed by the guy standing right next to him and he sees his friend protecting him.
Which Zemo told to his face that he lured both him and Cap and what he was going to see is what going to tear the avengers apart. to top it,even knowing this isn't able to control himself
>Tony didn't attack because bucky killed his parents it was because he literally had a mental breakdown
>"I don't care, killed my mom"
Nice headcanon you have there

The only thing Cap did wrong is not telling him the truth, but that could be worked with with enough time
Conclusion: Tony is spoiled manchild that that causes severe problems every time he has a tantrum or thinks he's smarter than anyone and you're either retarded or outright baiting.

tony, more like balogna

>For Yea Forums Civil War is not about Captain america fighting Tony because he wanted Bucky´s dick.
The comic had an interesting post-9/11 "privacy vs. security" premise, but shitty implementation. The movie was well-constructed in pretty much all aspects except for the entire reason everything was happening, which was butt stupid.

You can kind of accept the shitty comic, because most events are shit as a result of having to come up with something that has never been done before in 60 years of stories, which usually means violating some core aspect of the comic for shock value. Which probably means pissing on the very thing that made the comic popular and/or something so incredibly stupid that you can't suspend disbelief.

The movie didn't have to deal with decades of baggage and could have been a fresh take on any number of things, and of course some kind of reflection on current events. But since the writers couldn't piss off 50% of their (American) target audience, it had to be a big fight about nothing, so it became Steve protecting his buddy and Tony boo-hoo'ing again about his parents.

tl;dr both sucked, for different reasons, maybe because the premise of heroes fighting heroes is fundamentally flawed in the capeshit realm, maybe just shitty writing all-around

Get back to keeping Chowder from eating all the food in the kitchen, Mung.

Winter Soldier is ‘bad guy’, but he is not ‘BAD’ ‘guy’.

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What the fuck are all you talking about? Isn't it explicitly clarified that Bucky had been brainwashed? Doesn't that completely change everything? How the fuck is everyone in the thread overlooking this?

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Did you read the thread? There are plenty of posts talking about the brainwashing.

Ctrl+f brings up one user mentioning it and two posts dismissing the idea.

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Brainwashing doesnt stop you from being an awful human being. Like, you say some trigger words and hes instantly a killing machine who kills thousands. He's a fucking WMD if put into the wrong hands. He's dangerous and needs to be killed

>Like, you say some trigger words and hes instantly a killing machine who kills thousands. He's a fucking WMD if put into the wrong hands.
Tony was the same thing when Wanda mindfucked him and yet you spergs jump to defend him each time

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You are pretty stupid, OP.

>brainwashed by his loyalty
Not really the same thing as what Bucky was going through user

How many fucking times is this board gonna have this same discussion?

Bucky was brainwashed. Not real life 'brainwashing' or Reddit tier subliminal suggestion but literal Saturday morning cartoon style brainwashing. He had no more control over his actions than a gun does over when and where it's fired. Those deaths are squarely on Hyrda and in any civilized country Bucky wouldn't be held legally accountable for them.

>Killed a lot of people in World War 2 for his country
Except not, fuck that noise and fuck you

He just liberated ppls who were not dangerous and were illegally emprissoned.

What the fuck am i reading?

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Well Buckey wass cofrolled but he indwe de fuwa bums Irolma no be savd de culfumt hw paremp si dorembh wa and that is no excufem as ef if kema hulmnh hkm ppp

The plot of this movie was really dumb and even if I think Zemo was based his plan had too many plotholes.

Loki led them to Asgard, not Thor

Fuck off Tony, you manlet

>winter soldier was brainwashed and cannot be held accountable for his actions
>ppg would still beat the shit out of him and send him to prison


he's captain America bitch

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Thats how Tonystans roll. Everyone but Tony is a shit and if they're not sucking Tony's dick they're satan.

Fact: Literally the ONLY basis they had to make the Sokovia accords was Tony and Bruce making Ultron. Otherwise, the rest of the shit was either uncontrollable, or out of their hands. Such as Crossbones, Loki, and Shield