Uh oh

Uh oh.

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Wolverine has been possessed by demons before and Kreuger is basically made of demons so...

>rap battle not death battle
Wolverine's Canadian


These are still going on?

This wasn't bad. It was good.

Now that someone has posted ERB here, does Yea Forums have any favorites that are Yea Forums related?

>you're a pedophile from the midwest, least R. Kelly could sing

Ok that was decent

i dont care how bad their music is. ERB is still one of the few channels that actually put effort.

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I find funny that every dc hero who has appeared in a erb video gets beaten up

That's a pretty good costume design for Freddy. It almost looks like Robert Englund played this.

Boba Fett vs Deadpool & Stan Lee vs Jim Henson

The Disney verse is unironcally fantastic.

Epic Rap Battles of History are for white dudes who dislike hip-hop buuuut they obsess over Epic Rap Battles of History and sing their songs all the time

it was okay when it was actually history based, now it's just garbage

Post ERB ideas that could work. How's this for one?:

Ed, Edd,n Eddy vs The Three Stooges

Courage the Cowardly Dog vs. Scooby Doo

ERB is pretty based. There's a lot more good than bad. The only shit ones are the ones that are obviously one sided, like the Artists vs Turtles one where the artists literally have twice the number of lines for no fucking reason. Even those are good for entertainment but not so much for the "battle aspect"

Jefferson vs Douglass and Bruce vs Bruce had strong starts before they fell apart in their second verses for no fucking reason. Nobody watches this shit to learn how to act. Clint Eastwood's entire rap was calling Bruce Lee a chinky chinky chink chink but Thomas Jefferson spends half his time apologizing for slavery?

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Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs has the best beat and some of the best lyrics.

>steve: why’d you name your company after your dick?

EEnE isn't even that fucking popular. Fuck this dumbass suggestion. If you want to do comedians vs comedians then pick a real fucking comedian. Even the fictional character ones are trillions of times more popular than fucking EEnE.

your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd

no one even posted it

>I consider a woman who brings a child every two years as more profitable than the best man of the farm.
>What she produces is an addition to the capital, while his labors disappear in mere consumption.

Jefferson had the right idea.

>I'll be in your bed tonight
>unlike Jean Grey
When was the last time a battle was won with one(1) line?

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They did the costume pretty well, unfortunately the voice wasn't as close, though that's obviously harder to replicate.

They do that shit all the time
>Oprah to Ellen: You follow my lead, 'cause I paved the road for ya. You drive behind me in a secondhand Portia.

>Thomas Jefferson spends half his time apologizing for slavery?
thomas jefferson is a known coward that would sink away from confrontation

>EEnE isn't even that fucking popular.
Lol ok.

>If you want to do comedians vs comedians then pick a real fucking comedian.

If they can do cartoon turtles vs real life artists. then they can do cartoon characters vs real life comedians.

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Honestly, I like these. As another user pointed out, there's certainly more good than bad. If nothing else, it's clear they put a lot of actual effort and time into these.

>Thomas Jefferson spends half his time apologizing for slavery.
He wouldn't let his slave sister in-law go along with their children despite releasing all the others he owned.

that's something for douglass to attack him with, not something for him to spend his entire second verse defending, which doesn't even make sense since he didn't feel bad enough about it to fucking free his slaves

John Adams is a true nigger's ally.


please don't do this dude

It was never history based. Ever. the first one was John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly. Darth Vader vs Hitler happened 3 times. Most of the characters are fictional or very modern. There was only really 3 that could ever be considered "history" in a real way.

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They’ll never top the TMNT vs artists rap, those beats and verses unironcally fucking ruled

>I’m an MC shredder but I get the feeling I should pass it up to my man on the ceiling

Name one (1) thing wrong with disliking hip-hop.

Shaka Zulu vs Caesar
Theodore Roosevelt vs Winston Churchill
Philosophers East vs West
Mario Bros vs Wright Bros

The most ironic thing about that statement is people didn’t really have the dislike of hip hop they do now until blacks got uppity and started making rules if you were white and listened to it like some hall monitor ass niggas

With a healing factor would you even need to sleep in the first place?


Walt steals the show, well, owns it.

Tara Strong VS. Grey Delisle

Star Butterfly vs Jackie Lynn Thomas with Ludo breaking in at the end

Honestly felt like Krueger had next to no good lines.
Wolverine absolutely slayed him. And was actually played by a short, overcompensating asshole.
It was perfect.

>you belong to Disney
>which means you stay busy
>cranking out magic and assembly line whimsy
Still one of the best lines. Though that one does sound best at 1.25x speed.


Honestly I find most of their videos pretty cingey, but this one was decent. Couldn't even name a winner, they were both good.

Freddy has no right shaming manlets after the remake though.

Andrew Dobson vs Tim Buckley

Statler and Wladorf vs Siskel and Ebert

Tony Stark vs Samus Aran
Matt Murdock vs Phoenix Wright

>Dobson, your inflated ego will be easy to pop
>Since when you answer your critics you never know when to stop
>Every comic you make is about what gets you mad
>Oh, that or lesbians, my bad
>When Zelda got upset you just couldn't ignore her
>'cause even your fursona wears a fucking fedora
>You dreamed of working for Disney back in college
>It's a shame you never took in any artistic knowledge
>Now shitposting on twitter's all you got Andrew
>I don't mean to get Catty, but it sucks to BU

>Buckley, I could start with your comic's designs
>But to bury you all I need is seven lines
>I'm sorry for your loss, of humor in your comic
>But it's so long since I've laughed I fear it may be chronic
>So I'm guilty of tracing and yeah, I use a Mac
>But at least I can draw more than one expression you hack
>You're not an artist you're a collector
>Of vectors
>There's been a miscarriage of justice when
>A successful artist can't remember how to pick up a pen

Ok, that actually sounds good.

tmnt vs artists

Ben Matlock (Matlock) vs Perry Mason (Perry Mason)
Dave Strider (Homestuck) vs Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Brian Jacques (Redwall) vs Anne McCaffrey (Dragonriders of Pern)
Jenny (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Robotboy (Robotboy)
J.P (Redline) vs Eva (Oban: Star Racers)

I lived the partially whited-out eyes with the black make-up for Wolverine.
Really looked fucking cool.

Could Freddy kill Wolverine?

>Stan Lee vs Jim Henson
That's probably my favorite one too.

You can't beat the classics

The Nostalgia Critic vs. Angry Video Game Nerd

> Clint Eastwood's entire rap was calling Bruce Lee a chinky chinky chink chink
So perfectly in character then

Boba Fett vs Deadpool was legitimately great

Jontron is in no place to call anything shit.

Nothing beats Jim Henson vs Stan Lee. movie directors, and ivan the terrible vs various greats(except the ending) were really great too though.

Why not? His videos are great.

>Remember folks, Yea Forumsmblr is real. Do your part and report any and all refugee infiltration to your local Jannie today!

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>Sucks to BU

>Ooh what's that? A missile backpack? Well I guess you'll be alright if a fucking bird attacks!
That line always gets me.

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George Lucas v Gene Roddenberry

So I honestly didn't know why I did it, but I did it.

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>make intentionally skewed election battle
>nicepeter and epiclloyd are shocked that people called them out
>claim they were scared and don't do episodes for two years
At least they tried making Obama v Romney even

It'd be nice if they started off the season with some actual historical characters. This is fine too I guess. I don't see any similarity between them besides claw hand.


more importantly,
>make it intentionally skewed in favor of the one you like
>the one you don't like is still better

Is this OC? This is gold



Too bad most of /pol/ thinks American individualism is cultural marxism lmao

>I didn't buy you for billions so you could stand around debating!