Any comics about this fuck right here?

Any comics about this fuck right here?

Attached: PROD-Adolf-Hitler-whrend-einer-Rede.jpg (615x409, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The New Adventures of Hitler?

enough that you should find them without needing a thread if you even bothered in the first place, but of course this isn't what this thread is about
gotta compliment the thematic doubles tho

Soon as I saw them doubles, I knew this would be a great thread.

You just shit on fan artists.

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Happy Birthday uncle Adolf!

>Talkin' shit about a man on his birthday
I thought you were better than this Yea Forums

Any with Cyclops in it.

Who ia this?

listen to this user right herebut other suggestions?
Amazing Hitler 61-127
Hitler's pal Hinrich Himmler (full run)
The Atsonishing Adolf (anything from the 1940s)
The Savage Sword of Hitler (1-100 ish)
Hitler vs Stalin (original miniseries)
Hitler comics (301-329 was the best run)
Adolf Hitler: King of the Frozen Wastes (1-9)
The Haunt of Hitler (full run)

You uncultured swine! Don't you recognize Charlie Chaplin!?


the Turtles Adventures comics by Archie featured him. His brain was one of the components necessary to achieve immortality.

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Why are the turtles bullying Adolph?

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>Hitler vs Stalin (original miniseries)
good taste.

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Did the Nazis ever produce a propaganda comic about Hitler's life like those ones people produced for US politicians like Obama and Romney? Or perhaps a coloring book like Ted Cruz got?

why is he so cute?

Retard, it's Laurel Hardy.

>Or perhaps a coloring book like Ted Cruz got?
Ted Cruz got a coloring book?

There's a shit ton of funny mangas out there of him, if you're willing to cross over.

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Yes. And despite appearances, it wasn't a joke.

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I don't know of any comics made in Nazi Germany. Cartoons on the other hand were rather unpolitical.

I think officially Hitler was only on stamps. No money or monuments to him personally.

what was this manga called?

I've been searching for a decade.

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>Ted loses and arm-wrestling contest with his wife

Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku / The Legend of Koizumi.

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Color according to the numbers, DAAAHNALD

Don't know about many comics where he is portrayed like a goddamn human instead of the devil incarnate. But there's this movie, which I highly recommend. Not because it shows him in a different light, but because it sucks you in exactly the same way germany did in the 1930s. You won't even realize until the ending, but you will be considering him the hero of the story.
Only for the epilogue to roll in, making you realize what is happening, how simple it was for him to get there, and how ripe the time is for history to repeat itself.

It's a great comedy with an ending more terrifying than the scariest horror movie: it makes you root for the monster.

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Maybe he was the hero we wanted, but not the hero we deserved.

You could read a book about him. I enjoyed Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs".

Reminds me about this interesting old Educational film about the same idea of Facism being easy to do in a society

>Cartoons on the other hand were rather unpolitical
I remember years ago seeing a Nazi propaganda animation where a Jewish Rhino encourages all the animals to race-mix, I found it more funny than anything probably because I knew Yea Forums would just find it hot but I've not been able to find it again. All that comes up is "Der Storenfried" and it's not that one.

I'm not convinced that film works as well as it thinks it does. I agree it's a highly enjoyable film but honestly, by the end you're pretty much on Hitler's side and almost willing to overlook the bad stuff. I don't think the bit with him shooting the dog helped, it's well known Hitler loved dogs and it's so out of character it just comes across as farcical rather than threatening.

>by the end you're pretty much on Hitler's side and almost willing to overlook the bad stuff

Yeah, no. I agree that you are siding with him by the end, but the movie keeps pointing out that you are siding with a monster. Like the grandma who remembers him, or his bodyguards ordering people like he owns the place. Then the epilogue rolls in, and it wipes off the smile you have on your face.

That's the real strength of it IMO. It shows just how terribly easy it is for him to get on the side of people in general. How easily it happened 100 years ago (Hitler was an expert rhetoric and public speaker), how easily it could happen today in politics, and how easily it just happened right here and now, with you who were watching this movie. THAT'S what makes it truly blood chilling.

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>implying I wasnt rooting for him already

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That movie is so kino, that even the poster says it's kino near the date.

Yeah i watched it, i really liked the parts of the movie where he was being filmed talking to other germans about things such as immigration and whatnot, still can't tell if those were actually real people. and i also liked his speech about modern television.

History has shown that Hitler was right, though.

Still the best one.

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Never watched it. All German movies have the stain of the GEZ on them.

>i really liked the parts of the movie where he was being filmed talking to other germans about things such as immigration and whatnot, still can't tell if those were actually real people. and i also liked his speech about modern television.

That speech he did in the talk show at the first time is pure gold. He simultaneously points it out that they are trying to use him as a clown ("that man over there is holding a sign, on it is a joke about immigrants I'm supposed to read"), that there are actual, real problems in Germany that the politicians are suppressing, while making it sound like a joke and have people laugh at it. It's extremely thought provoking and yet delivered in a way so you consider it a stand-up comedy.

Whoever wrote that, did his/her job perfect. That's exactly how Hitler came into power. Just maybe with less jokes (since, at that time, the germans main concern was not being able to afford food every day).