Redditpill me on family guy

redditpill me on family guy


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That's reddit all right

Its literally a bunch of stand alone jokes strung together with a basic 'plot', which means some episodes are funny while others less so. Its never reached the high of Simpsons but never dipped into zombie simpsons trash either, its good mindless comedy to kill 30 minutes.

it was a decent show before its first cancellation,then it just got progressively worse.

10/10, good old fashioned values

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...that continue to this day

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yep. nothing like some good family fun

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on which we used to rely?

well, "fun" is relative

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the real lesson here is Seth wants to bone his sister

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I'm ok with the straight stuff.

What episode was this?

I would be if they just got to meg and lois already but noooo

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I think as of now brian has messed around with 2/3 of the family, including himself

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I'll finish here, tune in April 28th for more adventures in incest guy
halloween one

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Eh, I want to bone him instead. Incest can go fuck itself.

It's a shit show. there's nothing to red pill on. They have no charm, try to be edgy as shit and spend every season now hate/shitposting about how they can't get awards or be recognized as a quality product when all they do is produce low tier garbage.

The fact bob's burgers is doing better than them and actually managed to get a movie means they are 10x more favorable in the eyes of corporate over FG and FG is so fucking petty and angry about it that every season they have to say "LOL WERE BETTER THAN U, U GUYS SUK" when they aren't. I wish they would get cancelled again and stay dead, the show is just filled with petty assholes now who try to be edgy for no other reason for the edgelord XDs.

Not going to read this thread but I'm going to assume Yea Forums likes it now because it is widely regarded as shitty.

>imagine being this mad at motherfucking family guy

it's edgy bullshit written by obnoxious right wing 11 year olds

who's mad?