Real talk. How did someone that was so mentally unstable manage to write so many good books?

Real talk. How did someone that was so mentally unstable manage to write so many good books?

Attached: Mark-Waid[1].png (450x300, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He wasn't as unhinged back then.

Low standards. He's a mediocre at best writer.

He was. Mark Waid was yelling at Telephones as early as the 2000nds. He was full on nuts while writing Kingdom Come.

Not true.
Definitely better than anything DC has today.

Attached: Flash_v.2_62[1].jpg (400x610, 59K)

But Waid's best work was in the mid to late 90's.

Didn't Ross do KC and Waid merely edited?

Anyone know what he was diagnosed with?

You answered your own question.

If being crazy = good writing then King should be DC's best writer and Didio a close 2nd.

>Anyone know what he was diagnosed with?
OCD and Asperger

Aren't most great artist insane?

This thread again cool, fuck Mark cuck Waid.

>fixes Doctor Strange from Aaron and Cates' dumb fuckery
>architect of No Surrender and No Road Home, two of the best Avengers stories of the century
based Waid,

What's this guy's deal? Why was he so invested that he personally went out of his way to prevent some random online comic reviewer from Youtube from his mediocre comic published from some no-one-cares comic publisher that no one read? Why does he care? He works for DC and once worked for Marvel, the Big Two of the comic industry world. That Youtuber isn't competition.

>Best known for a conservative hero that doesn't give a shit about Social Justice
>Is a complete SJW himself

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It's a SJW thing.

Waid has to be one of the dumbest professionals that works in the comic industry today. He could have just let this go, and people would not have cared that some Youtuber wrote a third-rate comic named after a candy. Even if he wins the lawsuit, Waid still has to pay for all the legal fees, not to mention wasting days fighting the legal case. While this Meyer guy gets to play victim and has tons of free publicity, claiming that some big shot from DC doesn't want his comic to be published because they deemed it a threat.

It would have been better to do literally nothing. And Waid couldn't even do that.

Hobos are usually insane too, but they're shit artists.

Superman is a SJW

Art vs artist, man. Waid is a complete piece of human shit, just like most of these NPC's that have infested the comic industry. Hopefully he gets financially molested by Ya Boi Zach.

I don't think Superman is obsessed with censorship over the pettiest amount of wrongthink, unless we're talking Injustice.

Morrison's GL, Wonder Twins, Prieststroke, Dreaming and Lucifer are better than this mediocre schlocky run.

99% of everything that happens happens because of networking, not skill.

>So many good books
Like what?

King has written more good books than Johns.


>Lucifer, Morrison GL, Priest
>Better than Born to run
I wish Wally's Waid run was currently running, the amount of Hype would be unmatched. Wally's 90s run is literally the Gurren Lagann of comic books.

Literally all good comic writers are insane in one way or another

Same for writers in general, actually

Superman fights for universally agreed upon morals, SJWs are crazy totaliarian fuckers.


The border between madness and genius is very narrow.

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lmao DC today has Morrison.

An even greater hack

>implying that Waid did any of that shit
The comicgater is just peddling some bullshit conspiracy theory, and the judge will dismiss the case for lack of evidence.

lmao whatever you say waidtard

lmao no

>implying Superman wouldn't support the gays / whatever the boogieman is now

Tell your daddy to get off green lantern, Hal isn’t a fucking order-following murderer

>it's a "casualgaters pretend that Waid was responsible for comic book stores realising they didn't want to stock books made by a MAGApede" episode

>known for a conservative hero that doesn't give a shit about Social Justice
Wanna know how I know you haven't read very much Wally?
Him being a conservative was never a huge part of his character

>Dreaming and Lucifer, Wonder Twins
you are correct. The last couple issues of The Dreaming and Lucifer have been fucking amazing. But Yea Forums doesn't read anything but low bar capeshit

>Morrison’s GL
Stopped reading here

Mental instability often serves as the mark of a good artist.

Yes it was. Just because he wasn't in your face about doesn't meant it wasn't apart of his character. Him being pro death penalty and pro blue collar is why he spent most of his time in Central City and why he was ok with "Killing" his villains.

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>air force pilot
>not an order-following murderer

You go down that road you get technical pacifist Hal non-lethally shooting down Migs in the Korean War.

>bastardisation of carey and gaiman
If only I read low bar capeshit exclusively, I wouldn’t be actually mad otherwise

>some random Teen Titans panel that is used every single time someone brings that uo
>and why he was ok with "Killing" his villains.
Yeah, like I said you clearly haven't read very much Wally and are just talking out of your ass

Real talk. How did someone that was so mentally unstable manage to write so many good comics?

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Hal was anti-murder when he became a green lantern, doofus. If only Morrison understood that

I have. Have you read his Johns run which starts with Wally talking about how much he loves his city and how he doesn't spend his time making speeches or trying to change the world because that's not him. Or how it was hard for him to accept Pide Piper being gay or his speech about how both him and Barry are ok with The Death Penalty.

get off your holy cow of Gaiman, even he wrote characters others invented there is nothing wrong with that. How do you even function in reading comics of you can't get past new creators taking over characters? Gaiman even hand picked these writers and curated the line.

Lucifer is the best book DC is publishing right now

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None of that is particularly conservative or limited to them aside from maybe the death penalty thing, user.
Plus the fact that he had a gay friend at all shows that he obviously wasn't some kind of mindless conservative stereotype.

So he's a hypocrite as well as a retard who tried to murder the universe?

Do people only like Hal because he's retard moe?

News flash:
Most talented artist have some form of mental disorder

>Do people only like Hal because he's retard moe?

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It's been a while, Hal Hater!

Being blue Collar is a midwestern conservative stereotype. It is definitely apart of his characters.

because productivity has nothing to do with health most people are falling apart and still manage to make a living and reach success.

>Being blue Collar is a midwestern conservative stereotype
Wow user, I didn't know that every single blue collar out there was a hardcore conservative with zero exceptions ever!

Never said that. I said that him being a conservative has effected him in multiple ways including that.

I am fine with creators taking over characters in concept, but not when the creator
>makes Mervyn part of an actual lynch mob
>more or less cripple Lucien, making him a mess
>create preachy annoying OC character that shits on previous characters
I dropped that fucking shit like a hot potato. Gaiman chose wrong

Lucifer ended perfectly. The mere existence of a follow-up at all is an insult. And then the first issue started with Lucifer being depowered and senile and I couldn’t take it anymore

Not really? Your examples have been pretty piss poor so far or just generic things that don't lend themselves to his character beyond some broad stereotype like 'if they're from the midwest then they're conversations!'

>Pro Death Penalty
>Took him a while to accept gay people
>Pro Blue Collar
>Pro Small government
>Anti Russian and Anti Commie
>Says he is a conservative
>Doesn't like California
But go on a say it has nothing to do with his personality.

>muh characters can't go through turmoil
cry more, the stories themselves have been fantastic

Merv was well characterized though.

More like
>muh characters shouldn’t have their personalities taken to the extreme or otherwise act OOC
>muh characters shouldn’t be brought back just to make a quick buck when the previous story ended perfectly and the ambiguity is part of its appeal
Fuck yes I’m gonna whine more

yeah, I don't think DC/Marvel is for you. Characters always go through multiple interpretations. And it's not like both the Sandman and Lucifer haven't been written before (and far worse)

Look i'm just going to stop both of you here. Wally is an 80s/90s conservative which is very very different then a modern day one.
He was a conservative back when where ever you aligned didn't define 65% of your personality. (not counting everyone's favorite hyper liberal Green Arrow) If you took a look at his modern day beliefs then he'd likely be socially liberal even if government wise and in terms of things like the death penalty he'd still vote conversation.

None of those really effect his personality, user.
Do you know what a personality is?

>so mentally unstable
Here's your answer

Are you that cuck from yesterday arguing law isn't objective?

>Spends his time protecting a specific small city because he likes it (reasons given above)
>Is more realistic and less idealistic than the other JL heroes

Not a personality trait
lmao is that really all it means to be conversation to you?

like when he renounced his citizenship

>Realistic and less idealistic
>Not a personality trait
>Cares about his local city more than the entire world
>Not a personality trait

Don't you ever get tired of getting blown the fuck out?

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Some laws aren’t objective, especially those that have ambiguous wording

He was always a crummy writer.

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Wait, does someone actually believe that laws are 100% objective?

>Cares about his local city more than the entire world
This isn't a thing? What are you even talking about? Show me a time where he allowed the rest of the world to burn to protect his home terf
>Realistic and less idealistic
It is but it's such a minor one that has literally nothing to really do with being a conversation

What’s the issue with this page

>Allowed the rest of the world to burn
He didn't but he has always shown favoritism for his specific city. Even in Kingdom Come Wally spent his time patronizing every inch of the city to make sure it was safe. He has shown favoritism for his city and a care for it above other cities multiple times.

All mentally unstable

The OP of this thread hasn't even heard of Sim, let alone read him.

Almost every hero with a home city does that. Are you going to tell me that Superman doesn't show favoritism to Metropolis or Batman doesn't do the same to Gotham? Hell Green Arrow mostly chills in Star City and you can't be retarded enough to consider him conservative, can you?

The fact that the victim is shown as being black and it wasn't portrayed as a good thing that he died

They're assholes, maybe, Waid is just a sperglord. And if you're trying to imply he's even half as talented, well.... you're hopeless then.

sorry, it's not good to make fun of the mentally disabled but I had to post it

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Nigga all of them are spergs, especially Sim

Law is codified logic passed in to legislation, law does not discriminate based on personal circumstances, social systems may do but then again social systems must to function.

>They’re assholes, maybe
No user they’re pretty much insane

Just Sim.

>"Amazingly, he changes gender identity every time you refer to her by a different pronoun! Just watch him! You go, girl!"
This sounds hilarious, though.

So people are just posting these threads because of the court case, right? Is that still ongoing? Why is Mike Meyers suing Mark Waid instead of Antarctic Press? Didn't he eventually publish his comic? I'm pretty sure that was storytimed here.

Millar and Moore are sperglords too. The more sane one there is Dikto, and even that is arguable

Apart from the horrible slang it's "WHITE MAN BAD, BLACK MAN INNOCENT"

This is what happens when you unironically OD on /pol/ and Fox news

Gustav Dore being named as an artist on the book is absolutely killing me.

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No they aren't.

...that’s not what the page says. Are you ok, user? Not everything is a personal attack

No its not, they never bring up race and you could swap the races of everyone there and it would play out the same.

They're mad at Dick because a choice he made in the spur of the moment led to something he didn't expect happening and that one guy being shot. It has nothing to do with anyone being white or black

>law does not discriminate based on personal circumstances
sure it does. You don't know that laws are made that have ranges of punishment or that judges can choose to just let someone off without any punishment if the circumstance is something they deem should allow it? There is extreme allowance for judges (and less so for jurys) to come to decisions on the circumstances of what they see

>aw does not discriminate based on personal circumstances
How retarded and out of touch do you have to be to actually believe this

>Why is Mike Meyers suing Mark Waid instead of Antarctic Press?
more free press on Yea Forums
Ditko wasn't a sperge but holy shit was he stark mad

He must be underage, that’s the only explaination. That or he’s a multi billionaire

The guy Dick let escape was white.


He didn't say it was a personal attack. I think the other user just possesses the incredibly basic human ability of "pattern recognition".

>judges can choose
You're almost there but not quite.
What laws can you cite that discriminate against a person that are dependent on the individual? Note I'm not talking about rulings I'm referring to laws as written, so no changing the question to make your answer about something the question isn't.

>Why is Mike Meyers suing Mark Waid
Because he doesn't want to do the Cat in the Hat 2?

So in other wards there's nothing wrong with that page but you folks want to get triggered so you will because of a perceived potential attack


Yeah i’d say looking at that and somehow thinking its bashing while makes is beyond pattern recognition. Schizophrenia, maybe?

Criminalising gay sex

When did Yea Forums became a parody of SJWs? 2015-16?

Ehhh 2012 was the start. It got really bad in 2016

Not a personal attack, just bad writing.

He didn't.
His books are shit.

I frankly don’t see it. There’s nothing bad nor good about the pages

It's not even bad writing, really. I think you could do a pretty good story based on a hero fucking up because a split second choice he made turning out wrong. Shows that Dick isn't some kinda completely infallible mary sue.
I haven't read the issue though so idk where it goes.

>King has written more good books (0) than Johns (0)
What did he mean by this?

Being contrarian doesn’t make you cool, user

Vision was good

>Criminalising gay sex
Nope the law where indeed this law exists applies to all gays.

I'm not sure why you think I would be triggered.
It's not like it's somehow unexpected that "SJW writer writes dumb SJW shit."
That's like showing up to a nazi rally and being offended that people are flying swastika flags.

Yea Forums only seems to have gotten particularly bad in the last 2-3 years.
We've spent almost a decade shitting on Bendis and his garbage OCs, and only recently some trannies came out of nowhere to start screaming "UHM NO SWEATY THEY'RE GREAT INCEL INCEL INCEL"

>all these buzzwords
>not triggered
Okay user...

Fuck Yea Forumsmblr
Fuck Mark Waid supporters
But most of all...
Fuck Carol fags


rent free

Attached: Carol Hawkeye.gif (500x247, 957K)


The most unstable people are usually the most creative.

Where the fuck do you live?

Waid is not creative.

>Fuck Carol fags
I'm pretty sure they're just trolling.

I thought so too until you realize they have been making the exact same thread with the exact same post for 4 years now. It's not even fun trolling either since they get maybe one angry response for every 100 generic posts in a carol thread. It has to be shilling.

>it is okey for Morrison to butcher a character because he is my cult leader and he can't do wrong.

Morrisonfags shouldn't be allowed to talk.

The Carol Corps? Something would be missing without them. I occasionally enjoy threads making false claims such as the horrendous lie that Carol Danvers is Yea Forums's favorite character.

I'll give you a secret user, Carol always had fans here. But when the hate kept getting ramped up, it caused the fans to double down.

Attached: carol old costume.jpg (865x923, 107K)

There's a big difference between Peter Sellers, Van Gogh, Frank Zappa and this guy.

No you don't.

Yeah no. Carol had fans back before she was Captain Marvel and they were a minority. After becoming CM the actual Carolfans didn't like it since they dyked her up.

>It's a "aging shitposter switches to old Anti-Morrison persona" episode

Yawn, get back to role-playing as Damian fans or Steph fans or Tim fans or whatever then accusing people of being you again

Clearly the superior of the two.

Waid's best is still a commercial product, you could legit use CWC's worst work in an exhibit on outsider art and autism and argue it's a commentary on blah blah blah and get someone to pay thousands for it.

Attached: TruestArt.jpg (770x1050, 150K)

>I thought so too until you realize they have been making the exact same thread with the exact same post for 4 years now.
Yeah, but before it was literally just one guy shitposting and everyone else laughing at him. It was only sometime around the movie come out that people discovered it was easy to get (You)s by pretending to like her.

user, plenty of characters go through rough patches. Look how many Pymfags there are on this board and that should tell you something. I didn't like KSD and enjoyed SOME parts of Stohl, CWII was a trainwreck for everything involved. But the current Kelly Thompson books is great

lol true.

>But the current Kelly Thompson books is great
It might legitimately be the worst Carol run ever, and Carol as Captain Marvel has never even had a good run.

Attached: 78543hgf.png (192x193, 44K)

Not true. Carol threads happened as soon as Carol was announced as Captain Marvel and the amount of IPs in Carol threads hasn't really increased. It's the same 5 shills making the same exact posts. I would call them bots but they have to beat Captcha.

fuck that, Thompson knows how to write her and while the villain is lame, she knows how to write Rogue as well. So their showdown was a great way to reestablished their shared consciousness.

Creatively-inclined people are often a bit nutty, regardless of the medium.

>uh, let's change the subject!


When it comes to writing anything, Thompson is practically illiterate.

lol you haven't even read that "mediocre shlocky run".
And your list is shit.

So what's Waid's excuse?

A lot of great artists mental illness were either played up or just something most people only knew about from them
The Van Gogh animated documentary-ish showed that while Van did have problems he was getting better and living a somewhat normal life.
But then you cut your ear off from what was likely a nervous breakdown and then everyone says you’re crazy forever

>He works for DC
He hasn't worked there for years, and has bragged about being banned at the offices (for throwing a chair allegedly)

The Henry Darger of the 21st Century

>role-playing as Damian fans or Steph fans or Tim
why would anyone do this? they are all shit.
oh wait, are you implying there are no Hal fans on Yea Forums? Morrisonfag you are mental, you shouldn't do acids like your favorite hack writer do.

>uh, he's right about my personas, I'll accuse him of changing the subject!

Typical. You gonna post an anime reaction face or pretend to be a Jon Kent fan or Jon Kent hater next? Or complain about King or Johns?

>why would anyone do this? they are all shit.

Yeah, why would you do it? You've been doing it for years.

>Morrisonfag you are mental, you shouldn't do acids like your favorite hack writer do.

Hey, maybe you can make an anti-Morrison post that doesn't rely on the words "hack", "drug", "acid", "fag", or "cock" for once. But I think that's too much to expect from you.

Alan Moore is just a grumpy northerner wizard

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If I'm not wrong, I think he just scripted it.
The concept and plot was all Ross.

Oh i get it, you have autism and think everyone who disagree with you is actually one person!
Sorry, i only thought you had bad tastes in comics, now i understand you are also a retard and like all morrisonfags, you have no argoument about your master's shitty writing.
Surprises me that you didn't brought up the "Johns was overrated!" strawman. But i'm sure you'll have the chance.
Although i won't be there to enjoy the show since i have better things to do, stay mad cuck.

>i'm telling ya, i've got him on the ropes this time!

lol this is ridiculous, you really should give it a rest to that drugs thing Morrisonfag, they really took a toll on you.

Yeah, who can ever forget her hit classics like "West Coast Avengers"?

what was wrong with that book? It was a hell of a lot of fun

>awful cast of characters
>awful plot
>awful dialogue
>the humor wasn't funny
>the romance wasn't romantic
>the drama wasn't dramatic
Thompson didn't do a single thing right. The only thing about the book I would even call "passable" is the art. It's definitely one of the worst things Marvel has ever published, either right above or right below America depending on how you look at it.

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>>awful cast of characters
Hawkeye, Tigra, Noh-Varr, America, Quire, Gwenpool. sure 2 OCs that didn't get much a chance but oh well
>>awful plot
not at all, first arc was getting together a group and not all those are great but this was fun enough. Then it became about Kate's family
>>awful dialogue
what was aweful about it?
>>the humor wasn't funny
I laughed, Quire was done at a perfect balance of humor and asshole
>>the romance wasn't romantic
I'll agree about Kate and her boyfriend, that's pretty lame. But Gwenpool and Quire were a fun romcom
>>the drama wasn't dramatic
no, cause it was a comedy book
so you hated X-Statics too?
meh, I didn't care about that either, but it was literally 2 pages

There's a certain point where ironic shit posting just becomes legit shit posting

user, it was a modern tumblr fanfic, but actually published.

it appealed to folks who don't buy floppies. i.e., me.

Yeah, the start.

>so many

Flash and Kingdom Come are his only GREAT comics. A few others were in the "not bad" range. THAT'S IT.

all big two is fanfic, by definition


He was actually.

Someone post the story of him having a meltdown in the 80s.

Most people don't like Impulse but I do

His DD was bordering on great for the first volume, and then it became unreadable once the characters moved to San Francisco.

The true Yea Forums redpill.

You know what I meant. The narratives, attitudes, situations, etc are similar to what fanfics the tumblrcrowd write, as opposed to the good comics of days past.

People were expecting it to be America tier then lost their shit when it was just another mediocre book.

>West Coast Avengers is just as good as X-Statix

never compared their quality, just an example of how your argument fails

No, because that's like responding to a criticism of America as
>"What, so you hate X-men as well?"
West Coast Avenger's backdrop of "LOL REALITY TV" was pure cringe, not fun.

I'll agree that that part of the book was a bit weaker than the rest, it had fun bits but not enough. But to say that trope is inherently bad you'd have to be bashing a ton of books, hell even DnA GoTG used it and actually used that part worse than WCA

>morrison on dreaming
O really? Fuck, mite have to check it out, too bad that new Dream doesn't look as rad as old Dream

No idea is inherently bad, it all comes down to execution and the execution in this particular comic was dogshit.

It's done well when it's decent human beings acknowledging that reality TV is legitimately complete garbage and not worth watching under any circumstances.
Thompson just comes off as "LOL, reality TV amirite? I can't stop watching it!"
It's like how Gabby treats university; the idiotic leftists and "elective" "professors" who are about as intelligent as a toddler are by far the worst parts of university, not "cool" and "deep".

then you weren't reading it well, cause some of the plot progressions and character developments happened through the reality tv parts

>It's done well when it's decent human beings acknowledging that reality TV is legitimately complete garbage and not worth watching under any circumstances.


>through the reality tv parts
The exact same thing can be said of Jersey Shore, which means you don't actually know why reality TV is trash.

reality tv is garbage, lol

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Will he ever answer for his offensive political cartoons?

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And just as many do art with shit!

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Carlos... no.

>But during the stone age...!

"But during the stone age...", people were stupid, so you WOULD have had to tell him twice, because he would have been stupid if he were like a stone age person.
The implication being that he is smart enough to know to run, because he is not a stone age person.
Please be patient, I have autism.