So,did this movie change animation forever? I'm tired of 3D animated films,I'm a 2D animation guy myself and when I saw Spiderverse's new hybrid style I fell in love with it,did it chage aimation forever? Are we gonna see more movies done in this style? Is Spideverse considered 2D or 3D by many or both?
Anyone? I feel 2D will never make a comeback on the big screen but this new style could be a better replacement with more SOUL than usual 3D
I hope Hasbro will bring more animated films in the future now that they own BoulderMedia. 2D for the win.
Spiderverse is not 2D for sure. Like objectively, it has 3D models and all. It’s a 3D film with a lot of 2D elements and techniques. Still pretty cool and I hope Disney and other studios follows because it looks a lot better than glass dolls. Well, maybe not follow too much because too much of a good thing isn’t very good either.
No because
1. Spider-Verse didn't make a borjillion dollars
2. the amount of talent and effort put into Spider-Verse is beyond most
It wasn't even the first CGI movie made with a 2D flair.
It wasn't even the first CGI movie made with a 2D flair in fucking 2018.
>Are we gonna see more movies done in this style?
Yes but as with anything innovative, they’re going to abuse it without taking into consideration what made it work the first time.
Post those films then