Meanwhile on rule 63 Yea Forums

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I’m living the no squirt life and it feels gud

wish girls would be into objectifying male bodies as much as guys are into objectifying girls bodies

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>yfw no big dick goth bf.
>yfw never have a dilf to call daddy to pamper you.
>yfw Stacy keep taking all the good men.

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considerably more, actually

They do, just as much as men. They're just classier about it.


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Keep cryin, he's all Beast Girl's

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>Powerboy still has giant tits
>dick literally wraps around his waist
This is hilarious.
Also Bat Trap is still waifu tier.

>Picking worst boy
BSDykes, everybody

>Beast Girl's
Fuck this green bitch and her filthy vagina. It's not fair. I want a bf. I want a bf. FUCK YOU STACY.

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What would Beast Girl actually look like.
Haven’t seen any Rule 63 for Beast Boy yet.


My favorite loli ruined

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Hmm, what kind of freaky animals do you think Raven makes her turn into?

>WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH NORA UNIVERSE? is like the creator, Robert Sugar, actually want to pardon ADOLFETTE HITLER because she said she's sorry!
>Keni Parker is SOOOOOOOO cute!
>DC Super Hero Boys is not the next My Average Horse just because it was created by Larry Faust, shut up!
>Wreck- it Rachel 2 was a mistake

>Keni Parker is SOOOOOOOO cute!
Iota! Iota! Don't lewd shota!

He should stick with his hiddenmode stuff

I want them to be less classy about it.

They are, they're just hypocrites about it.
>They're just classier about it.
It's just as blatent as it is with men the only difference is when women do it it's a "male power fantasy"

>tfw no handsome reverse trap bf

I love the way mode seven does latex. I don't care if it's unrealistic or if it's "over processed" or whatever. Looks hot.

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>be bi
>not really into masculine features but have bulge fetish
It suddenly occurs to me that if super heroes were real, I'd probably turn full blown, dick starved gay.

But they have feminine bodies and long hair on BG. And while I'm not a girl I think they would want to see different body parts emphasized. Dick is okay I guess

The scary thing is that I realize I'm very close to where you're at user. I don't find any men sexy but trap hentai and the like and futa bulges are hot.

Those are some impressive mental gymnastics skills, there.

>t. incel who doesn't understand how testosterone works

We all know how it works, it makes you more aggressive, therefore less classy

More male raven please

Best just to get over it an accept you're bisexual. In my experience the time spent agonizing over it is a waste. The road ends with you blowing a tranny, and it's awesome. Why take the scenic route if the scenery is just fear and self loathing?

In what way would you like to be objectified,user?


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The thing is user, I'm not uncomfortable with my sexuality. I'm actually pretty solidly comfortable saying I find 2d traps and futa hot while 3d men do nothing for me. I don't know or care what that makes me.

because 2d represents perfection
t. bihomo

Well duh.

Gross he's like 14