How Liefeld even become a thing?

How Liefeld even become a thing?
Because of memes or what?

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Image managed to tap into the market of 90s edge right at the ground level

Very influential as an artist and creator in the 90s.

but how?
he creates only shit

Liefeld was the American Dream. Raw talent, no training, and drew splash page after splash page, and got a lot of sales.

He then moved to Image Comics, and became a millionaire, because he owned his creation.

Like him, or hate him, Liefeld is the America Dream come true.

The 90s was a low point for comics.

>Raw talent
There is several teenagers with near no drawing better than him.

Because it was popular at the time and Liefeld created Deadpool and Domino among other characters. He's accomplished a lot for DC, Marvel, and Image and is known as a great guy. He's signed images of his infamous Cap image and did art for The Pouch.

>Raw talent

what the fuck

at least Rob is justified because he had no art training

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What I don't understand is how he came to define an entire period of comic aesthetics. Did comic book readers collectively become retarded during the 90s?

>… I... I... I have more... talent.… more talent then liefeld… why.... why did the universe... choose him?

sorry u fat nerd, but u don't. if u had more talent then the universe would have chosen u

The 90s and 2000s were the height of postmodernism, which meant good=bad and bad=good

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I genuinely enjoyed his New Mutants stuff. After Claremont left the book declined hard and only Magik's arc was worth reading.

Do you really think he was the only factor? Go look at Jim Lee's art, Todd McFarlane's art. His art has errors but it's not far off from what they do. I'd also add Erik Larsen, Whilce Portacio and Marc Silvestri as other artists to look at during Liefeld's heyday.

Seriously some of you need to stop using only Youtube videos as your only source of info, or something.

Yea Forums cares too much about this faggot. He's got no influence, no following, is just kind of a douche rather than a high-level sperg like chris-chan, hell; he's not even that bad at art, just lazy and uncreative

It's the same as DSP and the dude from game grumps for Yea Forums; they're one in a million assholes with nothing of any note about them. Why do you care about them? You shouldn't care about them. Stop caring about them you autists.

Well yeah, McFarlane and Lee are also heavily responsible for the Xtreme aesthetic for the 90s since they all worked in the same circles. Still, Liefeld is by far the worst of them.

Now I realized that Jim Lee drew in the same style as Rob Liefeld but more anatomical correct

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>hattin on based poacher man
Major X soldout user , let it go he has "IT"

Liefield popularized manga layout in the west, without him this website and anime as we know wouldn't exist.

>Raw talent
He hasn't improved one bit since he first started drawing, and younger people like him working nowadays are much superior in skills.

>three posts replying ignoring what user just said to meme on Liefeld's art

absolute seething right now

>Major X soldout user
Not really a big accomplishment when a lot of series are selling out right now. Venom if all things is a top seller, Immortal Hulk sells like hot cakes also.

His art is poorly drawn and even if it wasn't his style is objectively ugly

Why would anyone "seethe"? He's a has-been and not a particularly good one. None of that "influence" wows me because better artists from his time and before (who are still working too) are still better and make great art, both in writing and art department.

I'm surprised you posted those long ones instead of the best clips edited together.

Here you go:

>"incidentally you guys have ruined us, we're going into show business."

He's a geniually chill guy, someone you can have a beer with

>"Hey you draw good wires"
That may be the single most patronizing thing anyone has said to any illustrator in all of human history.

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Can't say the same for Alan Moore though.

He's chill if you want a partner to go raping teenage girls with

Because his style was something new and exciting to the young readers at the time. The new generation, the " MTV generation," of readers didn't want to read John Byrne, George Perez, or anyone from that era.

>"Rob didn't you promise that you would draw and we would do the talking - and when you grow up a little more we'll let you in with the grown ups"
Stan was a fucking savage.

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I don't think Liefeld "invented" anything. If anything, the hatred against him is deeply unjustified when you think all comics used to look like that, and even people like Jim Lee drew in a very similar style. Todd McFarlane's Spiderman kickstarted the emphasis on stylized art which later became known as the "Liefeld style".

The only complaint that's truly appliable about his style is that he never bothered to improve, unlike Jim Lee.

Rob and Todd were hacks who stole and shmoozed their way into the upper ranks of the comics industry and essentially ruined it forever with low-effort edgy garbage and solo-focused workflows.

Being pleasant to work with, showing up on time, and making his deadlines

qualities none of you have

Rob did literally none of those

I was there in the 90's. George Perez actually was still popular in that decade; his problem is that he did very infrequent work, but of the stuff he drew like part of Infinity Gauntlet and Hulk: Future Imperfect, those got a lot of praise. He regained a following with the run on Busiek's Avengers (the book was one of Marvel's highest selling non-X titles in the late 90's while he was on it).

Byrne on the other hand gradually lost popularity over the course of the 90's, partly because of him getting into fights on AOL and later his Spider-Man work.

Yeah, I've always seen Liefeld as a Jim Lee emulator. He's a passable discount version if that.

damn Stan

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Liefield along with the other image founders artwork was something that the readers at the time loved. It was different from what comics looked before while still having some mainstream appeal for the 90's. Liefield also helped create some popular marvel characters like dead-pool, cable, and domino. And then went to make a lot of money during image's prime in the 90's. So a lot of people don't really like how this guy with barely any art training was able to do so much shit with sub-par skills while other better artist and creators don't get nearly as much money or attention. Also some his work being memes helps him get more known. I don't personally hate Liefield and he seems like a cool dude but thinking about how this guy made it this far in comics and is still discussed about today sure is something to ponder.

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>The 90s was a low point for comics.
Unlike now?

The 90s and the 10s have been bad for comics, but for different reasons. I'd say the damage done in the 90s was worse than the damage done now, especially in terms of the value given to the medium. At least in the 90s people had some faith or gave some credence to comics in general. Now you wonder why do they even bother anymore.

This is the best clip. "Let's tighten up those feet a bit", and then he goes and inks the same basic lines.

I unironically liked Rob's early work.

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>Why would anyone "seethe"?
still seething lol

Emphasis on "raw".

Right, no arguments You sound like a Yea Forums company warrior. Last (You) from me; and go check the clip posted above, might give you some perspective.

>raw talent
>the American Dream
You are making an entire county look awful.

stop using words whose meaning you don't know.
Postmodern comics would be shit like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Morrison's DP, are you seriously suggesting that these books are A) bad and B) similar in any way whatsoever to Liefeld's work?

Don't bother, he's one of these idiots who think post-modernism means moral relativism and deconstruction or some shit, the ones who legit don't understand art movements and pretend Duchamp was posing toilets for money.

what the fuck are you talking about you spastic piece of shit, by the point Liefeld started working, manga was already well known in the comic circles.
From the top of my head, I can think of 3 works published in the US before Liefeld even got hired by Marvel and I'm not even american, but Akira, Lone Wolf and Cub and (maybe) Crying Freeman were already translated, not to mention how guys like Frank Miller and Walt Simonson were already taking inspiration from manga layouts for a while at that point.
Sorry my dude, that crowd drove me away from Yea Forums to here, and while I kept things under control, the avalanches of shit after Kermit vs Le Sniffman started giving me PTSD

all of the Image founders are fucking awesome besides Valentino lol he's lame

still seething

Akira literately started getting published by Epic while Liefeld was already doing comics and it didn't gain a following/popularity for a few years unlike Rob

He could drew like that!?
That's actually pretty good
Did he just started to draw shit to become more famous because of "muh style" meme?

Unless you provide a source, I won't consider this an actual work by Liefeld. It's very unlike him.

It was probably softed up by whoever inked this, but it's still kinda shabby, the perspective is all over the place, no feet (per usual), not to mention that for a man who draws so many fucking guns, Rob clearly doesn't know how to not make a messed up barrell

Inked by Karl Kesel. Pencils by Liefeld.

no wonder Mcfarlane was asshurt about Stan for 20 years

He had a dynamic style and a unique sense of character design. Both ended up being very influential and made him very popular. Like the other hot artists of the time (mainly the Image guys) his layouts were wild and pushed the envelope.

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I always thought this video sums up the good aspects and bad aspects of Rob so perfectly. He is just there drawing a character and the only thing he asks himself is how much cool shit he can throw on him, nothing else matters. It shows how unpolished and mindless his work is but also his youthful energy and excitement for drawing.

>Man lightly laughing at a magazine with a cover of a dog wearing a hat.webm

Arin ( the dude from the game grumps i believe you're referring to) was a well liked figure at Yea Forums in the past, he even held an AMA there once, but over the years he moved away from the stuff people there liked about him to become just another let's player, so that's why they have such a hatred for him.

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this image makes me think:
Ignoring the outspoken guys (Moore, Morrison, Milligan, Ellis et. al), how many cartoonists are into actual drugs? Because I've heard an interview with Evan Dorkin a while ago and he says he and his buddies were shocked when they met the Deadline guys and they were all on acid or coke or whatever.

Pretty much everyone was drawing comics in the traditional “house” styles until Liefeld showed up with a sketch quick style that he would finish the issues he was working on quicker than his peers at the time. In comics the turn around and completion of a book is more important than things looking good.

Short pencil strokes, a sketchy style he shared with Liefeld, Valentino, Portacio, and Silvesteri. Larsen was a dynamic Ditko style, while McFarlane used a more cartoony style with graphic design elements in his paneling.

The inker was a better artist, if you ever read any story about Keven Knowlan (not inker of pic) when he was an inked on projects he would always fix things that just were too inexcusable to print.

Remember. No Feet!

You can tell it's still Liefeld because he hid the feet and he still doesn't know how hand work when holding a gun.

>Did he just started to draw shit to become more famous because of "muh style" meme?
Aside from working with inkers with less skill and experience than the one on Hawk and Dove, Rob had to work much faster to pump out comic pages on a regular schedule while maintaining his mandatory required number of pouches-per-panel.
Sacrifices had to be made.

>In comics the turn around and completion of a book is more important than things looking good.
as long as it sells...

I dunno, he seems like a nice guy.

>Rob had to work much faster to pump out comic pages on a regular schedule while maintaining his mandatory required number of pouches-per-panel.
did going to image ruin his productivity? he was infamous for being late as fuck as an image founder.

having more money than he knew what to do with ruined everybody at Image's productivity, allegedly.
cocaine is a hell of a drug.

the mental image of one of the valiant editors camping in his house till he finishes his deathmate issue is sad and hilarious.

>I don't think Liefeld "invented" anything
of course he didn't, he ripped off and stole so many designs off other creators it's not even funny

literally WHO?

>In comics the turn around and completion of a book is more important than things looking good.
then why did Liefeld get work? He was constantly late and his work would regularly get finished by other artists (sometimes not even credited)

Goddamn, Stan just mercilessly savaged them. What did Liefeld and McMarlane do to make him so angry at them?